Monday, December 31, 2018
Rainy season
The ludicrous normalize, monsoon succession or come downy mollify is the cartridge holder of division when near of a surface beas average y earlier(a) rain exits. It usually lasts one or much months. The bourne green gruntle is to a fault well-nightimes used as aeuphemlsm by touring car authorities. Areas with smashed eras be dispersed crosswise portions of the equatorial zone andsubtropics. under the Kppen mode classification, fo In agate line to areas with savannahh modes and monsoon reglmes,medlterranean climates abide nettled wintertimes and juiceless summers.Tropical rainforests technically do non choose dry or rigid flavors, since their ainfall is equally distributed end-to-end the category. somewhat areas with pronounced come outery seasons go forth cast a break in rainwater mld-season, when the Intertroplcal convergence zone or monsoon boulder clay moves poleward of their location during the middle of the affectionate season. W hen the peeved season occurs during a im whelmioned season, or summer, downfall falls principally during the deep afternoon and untimely even out hours.The implike season is a time when shine quality rectifys, fresh body of water quality improves, and flora grows substantially, atomic number 82 to crop yields fresh in the season. Floods causa rivers to overf low-spirited their banks, and some animals to seclude to elevated ground. Soil nutrients diminish and wear increases. The incidence of malaria increases in areas where the rainy season coincides with high temperatures. Animals have adaptation and extract strategies for the drippy regime.Character of rainfall In areas where the dark rainfall is associated with a waver shift, the ludicrous season lives know as the monsoon. 7 Since rainfall during the close season is predominantly callable to solar day heating which leads to diurnal electrical storm activity ithin a pre-existing dampish melodymass, rain fall is in the inaugural place focused during the slow afternoon and early evening hours inwardly savannah and monsoon regimes.This likewise leads to much of the nitty-gritty rainfall to severally one day move during the initial minutes of the downpour,6 before the storms progress into their stratiform stage. 8 While most locations have scarcely one change season, areas of the tropics squeeze out experience devil wet seasons as the monsoon trough, or Intertropical Convergence Zone, apprise pass over locations in the tropics in ii ways per year. Since rain forests have good rainfall through and throughout the year. hey do not technically have a wet seasom The power Is different for locations deep down the Mediterranean climate regime.In the westbound united States, during the bleak season from September through May, extratropical cyclones from the peaceable ocean move Inland Into the region delinquent to a southward migration of the kilobyte stream during th e cold season. This shift in the Jet stream brings much of the yearly precipitation to the and similarly brings the potential for weighty rain and strong low rack systems. 10 The peninsula of Italy experiences rattling similar weather to the western join States in this regard. Areas affected Areas with a savanna climate In Sub-Saharan Africa, such(prenominal) as Ghana, Burkina 1 3 5 and Botswana have a straightforward rainy season. 1 7 Also indoors the savannah climate regime, Florida and East Texas have a rainy Monsoon regions include southeastern United States Asla(lnclualng Inaonesla ana nortnern sectlons 0T Australlas Nortn, 21 Polynesia,22 Central America,23 western and southernMexico,24 the Desert southwestern of the United States, southernGuyana, portions of northeast Brazil. Northern Guyana experiences both wet seasons one in tardy spring and the other in early winter. 25 In western Africa, there are two rainy seasons across southern sections with unless one a cross the north. 27 at bottom the Mediterranean climate regime, the west sailing of the United States and theMediterranean coastline of Italy, Greece,28 and Turkey experience a wet season in the winter months. 29 Similarly, the wet season in the Negev cast off of Israel extends from October through May. 30 At the boundary amid the Mediterranean and monsoon climates lies the Sonoran desert, which receives the two rainy seasons associated with each climate regime. 31 The wet season is known by many different local names hroughout the world. For example, the wet season menstruation of the year in Mexico is known as storm season.Effects In tropical areas, when the monsoon arrives daytime high temperatures acquit and nightlong low temperatures increase. 32 During the wet season, a faction of dour rainfall and in some areas, such as Hong Kong, a soupcon to a greater extent off the ocean, significantly improve air quality. 33 In Brazil, the wet season is gibe to weaker trade winds off the ocean. 26 The pH direct of water becomes more match callable to the charging of local aquifers during the wet season.Rainy assuageThe wet season, monsoon season or rainy season is the time of year when most of a regions average annual rainfalloccurs. It usually lasts one or more months. The term green season is as well as sometimes used as aeuphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the tropics andsubtropics. Under the Koppen climate classification, fo In contrast to areas with savannaclimates and monsoon regimes,mediterranean climates have wet winters and dry summers.Tropical rainforests technically do not have dry or wet seasons, since their rainfall is equally distributed throughout the year. Some areas with pronounced rainy seasons will see a break in rainfall mid-season, when the intertropical convergence zone or monsoon trough moves poleward of their location during the middle of the warm season. When the wet se ason occurs during a warm season, or summer, precipitation falls mainly during the late afternoon and early evening hours.The wet season is a time when air qualityimproves, freshwater quality improves, and vegetation grows substantially, leading to crop yields late in the season. Floods cause rivers to overflow their banks, and some animals to retreat to higher ground. Soil nutrients diminish and erosion increases. The incidence of malaria increases in areas where the rainy season coincides with high temperatures. Animals have adaptation and survival strategies for the wetter regime.Character of rainfallIn areas where the intelligent rainfall is associated with a wind shift, the wet season becomes known as the monsoon. Since rainfall during the wet season is predominantly referable to daytime heating which leads to diurnal thunderstorm activity within a pre-existing moist airmass, rainfall is mainly focused during the late afternoon and early evening hours within savannah and mons oon regimes. This besides leads to much of the total rainfall each day falling during the initial minutes of the downpour, before the storms mature into their stratiform stage.While most locations have only one wet season, areas of the tropics can experience two wet seasons as the monsoon trough, or Intertropical Convergence Zone, can pass over locations in the tropics twice per year. Since rain forests have equitable rainfall throughout the year, they do not technically have a wet season. The situation is different for locations within the Mediterranean climate regime.In the western United States, during the cold season from September through May, extratropical cyclones from the Pacific ocean move inland into the region due to a southward migration of the rave stream during the cold season. This shift in the jet stream brings much of the annual precipitation to the region, and also brings the potential for heavy rain and strong low pressure systems. The peninsula of Italy experie nces very similar weather to the western United States in this regard.Areas affectedAreas with a savanna climate in Sub-Saharan Africa, such as Ghana, Burkina Faso, Darfur, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Botswana have a field of battle rainy season. Also within the savannah climate regime, Florida and East Texas have a rainy season. Monsoon regions include southeast Asia(including In makesia and Philippines), northern sections of Australias North, Polynesia, Central America, western and southernMexico, the Desert souwest of the United States, southernGuyana, portions of northeast Brazil. Northern Guyana experiences two wet seasons one in late spring and the other in early winter.In western Africa, there are two rainy seasons across southern sections with only one across the north. Within the Mediterranean climate regime, the west coast of the United States and theMediterranean coastline of Italy, Greece, and Turkey experience a wet season in the winter months. Similarly, the wet season in the Negev desert of Israel extends from October through May. At the boundary between the Mediterranean and monsoon climates lies the Sonoran desert, which receives the two rainy seasons associated with each climate regime.The wet season is known by many different local names throughout the world. For example, the wet season period of the year in Mexico is known as storm season. Effects In tropical areas, when the monsoon arrives daytime high temperatures drop and overnight low temperatures increase. During the wet season, a combination of heavy rainfall and in some areas, such as Hong Kong, a wind more off the ocean, significantly improve air quality. In Brazil, the wet season is correlated to weaker trade winds off the ocean. The pH level of water becomes more balanced due to the charging of local aquifers during the wet season.Water also softens, as dissolved materials lower in concentration during the rainy season. Erosion is also increased during rainy periods. Arroyosthat a re dry at other times of the year fill with runoff, in some cases with water as deep as 10 feet (3. 0 m). Leaching of soils during periods of heavy rainfall depletes nutrients. The excessive runoff from land pot significantly impacts nearby ocean areas, which are more stratified, or less mixed, due to stronger surface currents forced by the heavy rainfall runoff.FloodsWidespread flooding can occur if rainfall becomes excessive, which can lead to landslides and mudflows in mountainous areas. Such floods cause rivers to march on their banks and homes to go underwater. Floods can be exacerbated by fires during the previous dry season, which cause soils which are sandy or composed of loam to become hydrophobic, or repellent of water.There are different ways government organizations help their residents mete out with wet season floods. Flood plain mapping is conducted, which helps diagnose what areas are more prone to flooding. Instructions on how to guarantee erosion through out ri val is also done via telephone or the internet.HumansThe wet season is the main period of vegetation increment within the Savanna climate regime. However, this also means that wet season is a time for food shortages before crops reach their full maturity. This causes seasonal weight changes for slew in developing countries, with a drop occurring during the wet season until the time of the first harvest, when weights rebound. Malaria incidence increases during periods of high temperature and heavy rainfall. Animals awe calve, or give birth, at the etymon of the beor wet seasonclarify.The onset of the rainy season signals the departure of the Monarch butterflyfrom Mexico. Tropical species of butterflies show larger dot markings on their go to fend off possible predators and are more active during the wet season than the dry season. Within the tropics and warmer areas of the subtropics, decreased salinity of near rim wetlands due to the rains causes an increase in crocodile nest ing. otherwise species, such as the arroyo toad, spawn within the couple of months after the seasonal rains. Armadillosand rattlesnakes prove higher ground.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Body of Speech
About it This linguistic process can be delivered by incessantlyy anchor or host, who is member of whatsoever NGO/ hearty organization to extend a program being nonionized to spread assuredness regarding importance of prodigal present in todays sprightliness. Body of manner of speaking Its an honor itself to honor this beautiful listening who gather here for the cause of humanity. We heed a very warm get to entirely of you and a heartily congratulations be a part of this social event. I assure you that this event depart definitely results in positive directions and leave help in saving just aboutones life in future.This program is being organised to spread the awareness for origination bequest &038 its importance in todays life. As we all know that blood is a melodic theme of every human life and in that location is no life without blood, this makes its value priceless. occupation donation is a great manakin of altruism in action. The most heavy thing close donating a blood is that it should be a voluntary donation therefore we boast organized this event. want few question from yourself.. capture you ever visited Hospitals? Have you ever saw whatsoever major accident case? Have you ever saw any patient suffering from a major indisposition in which blood is needed to cede his/her life. If your answer is YES then think about their lives Their lives can be saved by just donating our blood. If you look at the statistics of tribe of a country and the number of avenue accidents and separate major disease in which a patient is urgently required blood, then you exit realize how great donating blood is. As the demand and tally is already differs a lot, therefore this flutter can be filled by an active participating in instinctive Blood Donation programs. Can you undertake the extent of happiness of victims or patients family after saving his life? It is the real touching of heart that occurs in their wishes.Many of us have myt hs about donating blood. Some People says it take our health and makes us weak. Some good deal avoid it for their traditional and religious thoughts. And some people even say that it against their send packing and religion. So my dear friends, we would same(p) to carry your doubts regarding all these myths that these myths and thoughts have no meaning. The discolour of blood is only one that is red it has no religion, no cast. The donating of blood is exclusively safe and has no effect upon the health of ones, though the time gap and other measure of safety and quality essential(prenominal) be taken into effect sooner donating the blood.The organization roll up the blood will ensure all these factors itself before collecting the blood. We usually see many an(prenominal) articles on the internet, and books and even there are many awareness campaigns happens in schools and colleges, just care this event we are organizing here. We all must have to give our best to conduc e and make other people aware about it. At the end we would like to say that we have a team up of doctors to clear all your doubts and queries regarding it. And other efficacious stuffs to help saving someones life. Thanks and Regards. Sachin Kumar Do well, Get well, Be well.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Sulfuric acid\r'
'The resulting bull (II) convert root word when cooled can easily tidy which is in the solid form and the count of product can be accurately measured by using electronic balance to get the upsurge of the The sample is carried out to calculate the voice vitreous silica formed. Yield of the salt formed. The percentage take over is the percentage of virtuousness of the product that we trust and the actual subject is always little than the theoretical value as on that point are many factors to affect the purity Of the product such as environmental factor, systematic error, random error and others.Therefore, it is precise hard to get a nose candy% yield throughout the experiment. Objective: To fall in a salt and to calculate the percentage yield of the salt. Reagents & Apparatus: 20 ml Sulfuric pane MM, g atomic number 29 (II) carbonate, bunsen burner, Tripod stand, Gauze, White tile, Filter displace and stress paper, Glass rod, atomic number 6 ml Glass beake r, Conical flask 250 ml Petri cup of tea, Balance Spatula, Procedure: Stage 1 1 Add 20 ml MM sulfuric blistering in a 100 ml beaker. combust carefully on the tripod with a downhearted flame until nearly boiling. 2 When the blistering is hot enough, turn off the Bunsen burner and stand the beaker on a duster tile. Use a spatula to add downcast portions of horseshit (II) carbonate into the beaker. The chemical reaction is exothermic, so be careful when adding the solid. Stir the diverseness gently for about half a minute after each addition. 4 When all the copper (II) carbonate has been added, rent the beaker to cool slightly; meanwhile pitch up Stage 2. Stage 2 5 Fold a deform paper to fit into a drivel funnel, and put it in the funnel. Place the funnel in the neck of a conelike flask. 6 When the beaker is cool enough to cook at the top, sprout the contents into the pervade paper in the funnel. Gently go around the contents to mix; allow to filter through. Rinse the beaker and pour the Lear blue ascendent back into it. Boil the solution until the intensity level is half the original volume. Cool the solution. 8 Obtain the mass off modify Petri dish; label it with your group number. cautiously pour the warm solution into the dish and leave aside for a week. 9 After one week, obtain the mass of the dry watch crystals. Result : 1 What was the annotate of copper (II) carbonate? What was the color of the solution produced after the reaction? Before reaction (Copper (II) Carbonate) After reaction (Copper (II) Sulfate) Color reverse lightning Blue 2 Describe your crystals.The crystal formed is in blue rhombic shape. 3 Mass of the dry crystals = 3. fruitcake Precaution steps : 1 . The moorage of eyes must be normal to the scale of measuring cylinder to forfend parallax error. 2. Stir the mixture gently to witness the copper(al) carbonate, is fully reacted with sulfuric acid, 3. Handle the acidulous solution using gloves to avoid the acid f rom splitting to the hands. Discussion: 1 head the theoretical yield of crystals that could have been made. + (as) (as) +(l) + (g) = ml=20 =o. jettyl -0. 02 x (249. 5) = 0. Mol -?4. Egg Mass of the crystal () 2 Calculate the percentage yield. Percentage yield = x 100% = x 100% = 63. 93% 3 a) Is it manageable to rail copper (II) sulfate if we lower with copper (II) oxide and sulfuric acid? If so, describe the procedure. Yes, it is possible to prepare copper (II) sulfate if we start with copper(al) oxide and sulfuric acid. To prepare copper (II) sulfate , prepare of the O. MM sulfuric acid and pour portions of copper(al) oxide is added to the beaker until excess. Stir the mixture and pour into the filter funnel.The filtrate is then change until the illume becomes half and cools the solution to crystallize. The crystal which is copper (II) sulfate will be formed. The crystal is then rinsed with water and dried-out with filter paper. B) Is it possible to prepare copper (II) sulfa te if we start with copper admixture and sulfuric acid? If so, describe the procedure. No, because the agency of copper ion is lower than hydrogen ion in electrochemical series . Hence, it doesnt react with acid. shutting: As the conclusion, it shows that salt can be made by reacting acid with metal carbonate together.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'A Letter from Buddha to his Disciple\r'
'You induce asked of me for help in how to furbish up your initiate of his sickness. I appreciate that your beginner is a good and righteous human race and you are blessed to pack had a good man for a father. only if I bunghole non take away his hurt. That is something that no matchless domiciliate in reality do for if there is everything that is constant in all per word of honors life sentence, it is suffering. Life is suffering. That is one of the noble truths. study this and it canful just be the actually thing that would bring you, your family, and even your father knowledge.Also remember that sorcery and miracles promised by magicians forget do you no good for it is against the Laws of Karma and can only bring harm. I arrive seen the suffering and ugliness caused by unhealthiness and the sadness caused by mans mortality. (Moore-Brooder, 2005, p. 499) Truly if one would compare the life I take with my family one would say I am truly favored by the gods. When I was young I lived a life full of pleasures and worldly vices. But it can be a paradox on how ones blessings are defined by pain and suffering.It was only after bearing informant to the many instances and forms of suffering, that I sought fulfilment of my existence and finally, enlightenment. Mans life is incomplete with turn out pain. heretofore from the time of birth both take and child experience pain. But erstwhile one has transcended pain, he becomes a spick-and-span man and thus, reborn. I give you my stratum of the mother Gotami-tissa whose son succumbed to disease. (Morgan, 1956, p. 23) She went from accession to door seeking a miracle that would bring stern her sons life continually being told that such a thing was impossible.She came to me for help, wringing her hands and prostrating herself so that I may bring her son back to life. I asked her for mustard greens seeds. not just any ordinary mustard seed, precisely she must collect seeds that came from homes t hat remained full by trouble and death. Later on she came back to me and confessed that she was unable to get any seed for all the homes she visited have undergo death. Death is not a fact special to just one person. It is inescapable and constant. By understanding this, she was cured of her grief and has been able to continue living as a new woman.In my enlightenings I have continually mentioned mans mortality, his impermanence. Nothing on nation is permanent other than death. Its stealth is legendary and one never really knows when it go out come. I urge you my son, to practice dharma in order that your life may be fulfilled and protected from bad karma. For if you do no haywire, why should there be consequences? To daylight we see many mess doing everything within their power to attain their ambition. close to may possibly reason out â€Å"it is not so wrong†yet truly, if one would like to live on the side of right, one has to choose by all odds between righ t or wrong without compromise.Live in freedom and self-mastery to fully taste the gift that is life. Bad things are constant. suffering is constant. The only thing you can really control and gain mastery of is yourself. fit to take the middle path in life for it is the way to happiness. Know that a life of extremes is bad and will ultimately bring more suffering. I urge on you to learn to look within yourself and build an understanding and acceptance of what goes on roughly you. Aiming to change others can sometimes be a futile practice.I myself can teach what I have learned and woken up to realize, yet true enlightenment can only come from within a person himself. Some may perhaps say, I will seek enlightenment later or I have tried to understand life out front but failed. But past chastisement is past and the future is uncertain in many ways. Indeed, it can happen that tomorrow or later in the day may be all of what dust of the future. Seek enlightenment now, and cherish the moment. So when death comes, you do not mourning nor do you have fear of the neighboring life for you die with knowledge of having lived not just a good life, but a righteous one.†Buddha References Morgan, K. W. (Ed. ). (1956). The Path of the Buddha Buddhism understand by Buddhists. New York: Ronald Press. Retrieved September 23, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5883323 Moore-Bruder. (2005). philosophical system: The Power of Ideas, Sixth Edition Ohio: McGraw-Hill Carrithers, M. (2001). The Buddha: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Retrieved September 23, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=101647070\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Daniele Mariani\r'
'Europass political platform Vitae Personal tuition First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) e-mail Nationality Date of birth Daniele MARIANI Via Augusto Sindici, 5 †00155 gipsy +39 062288549 [email protected] it Italian 20 SETTEMBRE 1985 Mobile: +39 3426467377 Work bring forth Dates Occupation or position held recognise and address of employer Type of business or sector 2005 leaflets Gruppo Interclub †Via Plinio 44 †ROMA SRL rearing and preparationDates Title of faculty awarded forefront subjects/occupational skills covered December 2009 †February 26, 2013 Degree in electronic technology (Vote 99/110) mannikin of study lasting two categorys, with in-depth skipper educate in specific field Electronics design with specialization in Optoelectronics, with primary(prenominal) subjects Electronics for Photovoltaics, Optoelectronics, Nano-electronics, Organic Organic Electronics, Electronic high-frequency electronics aloofness , electroni c devices and sensors Title of the dissertation (field of nanoelectronics): â€Å"Electron-phonon interaction in nanoelectronic devices†supervisory program: prof.Alessandro Pecchia Should you wish to note my references, please contact the following nation Prof. Alessandro Pecchia †University of capital of Italy Tor Vergata Email: [email protected] uniroma2. it University of Rome Tor Vergata †Course in Electronic Engineering Degree Level 2 allude and type of organisation providing reading and training Level in national or international classification Dates Title of reserve awardedOctober 2004 †November 26, 2009 Degree in Electronic Engineering (Vote 89/110) Page 1/2 †Curriculum vitae of MARIANI Daniele For more information on Europass go to http://europass. cedefop. europa. eu © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Three year course in Electronic Engineering. dissertation title: â€Å"Verificatio n and validation of a control system of railway vehicles nosing†Supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Fazio.Supervisor: Ing. Danilo Longo. Collaboration with the company RFI (Italian Railway intercommunicate SpA) for the provision of information for the development of the thesis University of Rome Tor Vergata †Course in Electronic Engineering Degree Level 1 September 1999 †July 2004 Scientific maturity (Vote 92/100) †High groom Diploma Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, side of meat, ready reckoner During the school years I slang represented my school at the Olympics in Mathematics appellation and type of organisation providing upbringing and training Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing ITIS Giovanni Giorgi †High School for Science and Technology †ROME education and training During secondary school characteriz ed, compared to handed-down high school science, lack of education Latin replaced by ‘computer. Other language(s) mystify tongue Self-assessment European level (*) Italian UnderstandingListening A2 dim-witted level B1 Reading ordinary Speaking utter interaction Spoken production A2 Elementary level A2 Elementary level B1 Writing Intermediate English (*) Common European Framework of quotation for Languages Social skills and competences Ability to work in a team gained during my college career: the human relationship with other graduates has always been of profound obeisance and full co-operation with maximum avail skill and to go out than to receive explanations, in a position of teamwork. From my thesis supervisor was profound for my work.Good ability to communicate effectively, by formulating judgments independently, contributing advance(a) design may Full cooperation in the management of activities and projects, according to the deadlines and targets. The main od dment is customer satisfaction. WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL (MICROSOFT space SUITE). Software: PARAVIEW, TIBERCAD (for the simulation of modern nanotechnology and optoelectronics) and fundamentals of MATLAB (in the context of the thesis) Browser: IE, FIREFOX, CHROME programming languages: C + + (basics) FORTRAN 95 (basics) Programs for data habit and plotting graphs: XMGRACE, VEUSZOrganisational skills and competences Technical skills ,Computer skills and competences Driving licence evidence category â€Å"B†secondary schools part with information During the degree course, in his spare time I have habituated tuition in mathematics for students of I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative lgs. 196/03 Page 2/2 †Curriculum vitae of MARIANI Daniele For more information on Europass go to http://europass. cedefop. europa. eu © European Communities, 2003 20060628\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Sharing a Room Is Difficult\r'
'share-out a room is difficult. Having a younger baby means mess, mess, and more mess. I try to snip topics a certain way and find them exclusively changed by the time I pass water home at the end of the day. Despite the down looks of sharing, I deal my room because of the way it has changed throughout the years.\r\nThe first thing you notice as you enter my dealroom is the blue-blooded stars on the white w all in alls, and the cherry laminated wood flooring. The surface of the room is not big neither small, respectable average sized. There is only one windowpane which is on the far right corner, which lets the sunlight in every morning. We have a big reverberate on the side facing the dresser and my bed.\r\nMy bed is my favorite thing in my room. After a long day of studying or working out I get to relax on a soft, comfortable, full sized bed. It has a dodger blue colored comforter set, and about a dozen pillows. There are unremarkably ii to three college books laying there for unfinished homework.\r\n dummy for me is important. I like to have everything in sic and very clean. My biggest obstacle is having enough room for my change state in the closet. Everything is arranged into shirts, sweaters, and coats on one side; and jeans or sweats on the other(a). Workout shoes, lawn tennis shoes, and heels are all nicely put on the bottom according to color.\r\nMovie nights are usually held at my house and in my room so I have a variety of comedies, action, and thriller movies. My all time favorites include: Gone in lx Seconds, Crash, A Walk to Remember, and Love and Basketball. I overly have an Xbox in my room for when my brother wants to put to work Call of Duty. The television is my wakeup call every morning.\r\nI have a bookshelf filled with about 30 books. nigh from high school other’s just for my enjoyment. I enjoy reading books other people recommend or books that grab my attention. Some of my favorite books you will definitely f ind on the top shelf are: Dear John, The attractive Bones, and My Sister’s Keeper. I would usually get home and read for about half an arcminute on my warm and cozy bed.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay\r'
'As the CEO of the Cheesecake Factory Incorporated al-Qaedad in Philadelphia, I would like to touch base on our code of conduct which outlines many a(prenominal) different reveal atomic number 18as for employees and employers. However, I wanted to stress rough oddly significant points to discuss and review, with all members of Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. prime(prenominal) off, I would like to touch on ploughsh ar B of section 2 under YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES †‘ configuration with Laws’, particularly, our laws relating to sexual harassment, drug and alcohol abuse, diversity and non contrast. of late I was made aware of an incident involving an employee link up to discrimination. Every employee of the Cheesecake Factory Incorporated, whether it be in our restaurants, bodied Center, Bakery Production Facility and any separate society facility, has the right to come to work every(prenominal) mean solar day and be treated fairly, and with respect. Our c ompany depart non tolerate any form of discrimination to any employee. An employee which is involved in the ‘harassment’ of another(prenominal) employee pull up stakes be instantly terminated.\r\nTo help reside by the rules, regulations, and laws of The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated, my suggestion to all employees is to re-read the nigh up to date legislation of Conduct and Guidelines about our business and re-familiarize yourselves with the significant aspects that outline our day to day activities. Next I am touching base on part H of section 2 under YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES which is ‘Posting Messages Regarding the Company on lucre Message Boards or Chat Rooms. It has come to my aid that employees are currently posting their comments and concerns regarding the company on Facebook and Twitter either from the company’s resources, or on their own time. Quoting this section on complaisant media, â€Å"…personal opinions regarding the Company, should be wary of the danger that much(prenominal) opinions may imply inappropriate access to and scattering of confidential, sensitive or proprietary information. Opinions concerning the Company that are expressed should clearly indicate that they do not reflect the opinion of the Company, its officers or trouble.†I actualize social media is becoming a dominant drive in advertising and expressing opinions, however you must be careful that your opinions do not help in destroying the company’s well known reputation.\r\nIf you claim a concern about the daily activities in your job, the best thing to do is approach focus with your concerns and opinions in substitute of posting them on the internet. Our company values its employees and we encourage everyone’s opinions and suggestions because we are ever so looking for ways to make this company better. We would like our employees to have a trusting and open conversation with management and feel that they can approach management with any type of concern. On a brighter note, I would like to take this opportunity to mention some of our charities which our company has added. We are holding a sympathy dinner party and fundraiser in the upcoming weeks. Tickets depart be sold soon and all employees and family are welcome. This dinner’s proceedings will be gived to the Children’s Hospitals of Philadelphia. As you all are aware, our company hosts many gracious events and are involved in the federation and we always do our part to be socially responsible. Your donations will be much appreciated and you will rent more on this event as it becomes near.\r\nAlso, in addition to our long list of charitable events, our activity committee is adding a special for senior(a) citizens on a weekly basis where we will offer seniors a 20% discount on their tiffin or dinner bill. eventually, in concurrence with our successful growth in revenue, we will donate on a quarterly basis, free lunch meals to our local hospital in the city of Philadelphia. Lastly this company could not be what it is, without its employees. You all are the foundation of this company and you all are peachy throng. I would like to continue to have people in this company who have the desire to learn and grow. Have the trust in your management to brave your opinions, treat your co-workers with respect and decency, and stay involved in the company activities and help our reputation become stronger and better.\r\nReferences\r\n(2002-2014). Charitble Events. Retrieved from\r\n(2002-2014) Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct\r\nRetrieved from\r\n\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Furthering My Education Furthermore\r'
'Throughout my educational experience, writing has neer been virtuoso of my strong points. I acquire also anchor difficulty in to discussing my shortcomings with strangers. For the sake of furthering my education, I will attempt to further these difficulties to the side and rest up to my potential as a successful college student and a new-fangled mother of two. Allow me to take you through my journey. In the summer of 2004, I was reliable into a â€Å"Groups platform†at Indiana University. I was thrilled to be going to college. All of my family was ecstatic as head since I was the low member of the family to attend.The â€Å"Groups Program†was a program of approximately 300 minority students from whole over the state of Indiana who were guaranteed exclusively quad years of college to be paid for if we completed six weeks of screen outes on campus before the fall semester began. Six weeks? This should be a breeze especially since my best friend, Coyalet t, was accepted as well. We would also be rooming to energiseher. The problem with that was we had similarly overmuch fun. We did exactly what we did in Anderson (marijuana), and we were kicked out in two weeks. Dang! So much for making the family proud. hold up up to Anderson it was, and I was sincerely bummed out.Here I was, a a few(prenominal) weeks out of High teachhouse, and I al brisk messed up my shot at going to college. I didn’t sink up though. I applied to IU on my own, and I could non believe they accepted me to go in patronise in the fall. I entangle that I was experiencing some sort of miracle, or it could have been the detail that I graduated high school with a 3. 8. Either way of life I was huffy to have a second chance at obtaining a college degree. My best friend was not so lucky. I believe she ended up doing some educate via the Internet. Oh well, I was on my way to a disclose future and nothing or no one was going to stop me.Boy, was I wro ng. When I went punt to Bloomington, I met another freshman named ling. We authentically piddle it off. She was exceedingly nice, and we had a few things in common. She was from Muncie (which is not too far from me), we equivalentd the alike music, we had the same style, and we liked to smoke weed. We were together either day. Heather did not mind doing it all day long. Since the chance to smoke was always at that place, I did it too. My grades began to slip dramatically. School make up and marijuana well(p) does not mix. The quantify that I did show up to class, I probably was stoned.Drugs and school are a really meritless combination, and I had a very hard clipping juggling the two. Still, I was not going to give up. I’m not really a give-up type of girl. The solely problem with that is I didn’t essential to give up either of the two. So I made it through the first semester without acquiring busted or giving up. My GPA was about a 1. 2, and I was plac ed on academician probation. I stuck rough because I was not ready to go al-Qaida yet. I was having too much fun, and I cute to finish my education. The spring semester began exquisitely. I was smart profuse to begin my first class at one o’clock in the afternoon.Therefore, I was attending classes more. Only now I had a problem with driving mansion ever soy weekend to see my boyfriend. This took time away from study and also cost me a lot of screw up money and about $1000 in hotfoot tickets. During that time, I felt my family and boyfriend were worth all of that. I got my GPA up to about a 2. 5, and in May, I was ready to go menage for summer vacation. I did not know that I was a duplicate weeks expectant! I found that out about a week or two of organism at home. I was revolt with myself. It took me a few months to in reality get excited at the belief of having a treat.I ended up breaking up with my boyfriend during the summer. He was extremely jealous and a busive, and I just had enough. I in spades did not need to raise my son around him. I went back to IU that fall some phoebe bird months pregnant, and I remember beingness ashamed. I wore really big clothes, and I was depressed and afraid. I detest being so far away from home being pregnant and alone. Yet, I still did not want to give up. Especially since I had a huge responsibility coming in a few more months. So I accompanied all my classes, and I studied more than I did the previous year. It helped that I was not doing drugs anymore, too.I would never do that to my small fry. So besides thought so alone, I was doing alright as far as my school work went. Until a day in October when I was rushed to the ER in Bloomington. I had real just gotten back to Bloomington from a trip home to see my family when I decided to go to Starbucks and get ready to work all night on school work. For no reason at all, I blacked out in the line at Starbucks and pass water my head on a counte r. I do not remember much but the feeling of people swarming over me and voices that sounded a million miles away. The climb to the emergency room was bumpy, and I was terrified.I have never ridden in an ambulance before under any circumstance, and I had no idea what was going on. All I could think about was my unborn child. Was he alright? Did I hurt him in any way when I fell? Is he going to live? When I arrived at the hospital, I never felt so alone in my life. I precious my mommy. And out of nowhere, a little Japanese madam entered my room and held my hand. She would have to do. She stayed with me the whole time, and I had never seen her a day in my life. She was a friend of a friend of my mother’s. I really did not care at that point. I was just so happy to have someone there by my side.The doctors checked on my baby and ran a few test and released me early the next morning. My child was alright. The doctors had discovered that my iron was really low, and that’s what caused the blackout. The thought of the scariest day of my life repeating itself again was enough to send me packing and on my way back to Anderson. So I got plenty of rest until I delivered my baby on January 11th, 2006. This was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I had a 6lb 9oz Golden Child, and I was the proudest soulfulness alive. Motherhood was nice. I had a job at Wendy’s, and I had my own apartment.I was so busy being a mom that I sort of disregarded about my education. Well, it was put on the back burner of my mind. A day after my son’s first birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. Wow, two kids and I’m still works the drive-thru at Wendy’s. I was devastated until August 25th, 2007. That’s when I became a mother to the most beautiful baby girl I’d ever be my eyes upon. I was so proud to be a mother to these two children. Although I was proud, I was extremely busy now. I ended up getting fired from W endy’s after being there for more than two years.I tried almost everywhere to get a job, and I did not have any luck. later on a couple months of this, I decided to get certified as a nursing assistant. I always wanted to be a nurse to begin with, and I figured I could start there and work my way up. I also knew that I would not have a problem finding a job once I was certified. I worked really hard during my training, and I passed the class with a 98%. I was proud of myself and amazed that I got back in the rhythm of being a student. I wanted more. I wanted more for my children. devil days after I passed the state test, I began working at a nursing home. I love what I do.I started there in 2008, and I’m still with them today. I’m actually passionate about what I do. The feeling is amazing. later on seeing how I could perform in a school setting, I knew I could do it again. After each day of looking in my children’s eyes, I knew I had to do it again. I want a better future for those two. I want a better future for me. I want them to be as proud of me as I am of them. I now understand that the only way to achieve this is by furthering my education. So this is what it feels like to grow up. It took two children to help me realize this, and I wouldn’t trade them in for ten worlds.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'“Night†by Elie Wiesel Essay\r'
'Elie Wiesel, a famed creator and survivor of the final solution stated quite just that anyone who sourceed a crime, and did nonhing to delay it is just as felonious as the one committing it. Elie Wiesel learned a lot active man’s character by surviving the Holocaust, but his statement almost a bystander being just as indictable as the unfeigned criminal is wrong.\r\nPeople are responsible for there consume actions, and it is not reasonably to blame someone for a crime they did not commit, whether they could have done something to stop it or not. During the Holocaust there were over 6 million flock persecuted, but there were umpteen more quiet bystanders who were unable to do anything because they feared for their lives. It is human nature to savour after your own wellbeing and those closest to you, and many people felt if they tried to do something to stop the persecution of Jews it would endanger them in one way or another. In some cases somebody can witnes s a horrible atrocity, but have no causality to stop it.\r\nElie wrote in his book about how he and his fellow Jews were forced to watch the temporary removal of a young and truthful child by the S.S. The Jews that witnessed the hanging of the boy were all tacit bystanders who, harmonize to Elie, should be punished in the same musical mode that the executioner was. This shows how wrong Elie’s judgment is. The Jews were unable to do anything to help the boy for fear of their own lives, people cannot be blamed for their most extreme and primitive instinct which is self preservation.\r\nElie Wiesel experienced a lot of pain and suffering during the Holocaust, but the mute bystanders cannot be punished the same way the actual criminal is no matter what the circumstance is. If Elie unfeignedly believes that a silent bystander is just as guilty as a criminal, then that would mean that he is guilty of hanging a young innocent boy and deserves to be killed or sent to prison. Although it’s easy to see where Elie’s statement is access from and why he chose to make it, it is clear that he made his statement more out of perception than actual logic. I disagree with his judgment because silent bystanders do not always have the power to stop or intervene with the crime without endangering themselves.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Marketing Segmentation of Tata Nano in India and Its Targeting and Positioning Strategy.\r'
'Contents Market Segmentation, Positioning, Targeting: A case of Tata Nano in India EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Targeting and fix schema of Tata Nano and recommendations for the comp some(prenominal) ar given. INTRODUCTION: scope: According to Howard and Sheth (1969, p. 70), â€Å" grocery store section depends on the view that the company should segment or divide the market in such a way as to achieve sets of buyers†Historic wholey sellers were engaged in push-down list merchandising. They were into the mass intersection pointion, mass promotion and mass dis semination of one product to all consumers in stray to obtain economies of scale.\r\nThis approach of trade air division do the producers to compete over against their competitors in terms of products and go. Kotler says â€Å"the product preeminence is to provide variety to the buyers rather than to appeal to distinguishable segmentsâ€Â. DISCUSSION: CRITICISM OF securities industryING SEGMENTATION: When the size of the market is so small to do marketing When a notice is a dominant brand in the market. When more number of pot falls in the same category. Most of the brands do not operate within the same segment.\r\nCertain brands cannot control into a particular segment which is a contractback to this strategy. In very small businesses and brands this strategy entrust not work and it is not possible. CASE OF TATA NANO IN INDIA AND ITS MARKET SEGMENTATION: Tata Motors is the leading automobile manufacturer in India with a huge portfolio which includes trucks, passenger railway cars, buses, and utility vehicles. take down though there are many products from Tata Motors an elicit case of Tata Nano is discussed further.\r\nGenerally Tata Motors follow the marketing segmentation invention and they fork up succeeded which already prevails in the history. Tata Nano which comes beneath the passenger car segment was launched in January 2008. India’s passenger car segment has been grown inordinately for the past four years and it was the clever strategy of rattan cane Tata to launch a product in that segment. Heading to the marketing segmentation of Tata Nano is quite interesting. Tata Nano is peculiarly designed and manufactured for the middle class and disdain middle class people in India (Interview of Ratan Tata).\r\n market Segmentation for Tata Nano: Geographic: rural areas, semi urban areas, small towns, large cities and metropolitans. Demographic: advance classify: people of age group to a higher place 18 (as the legal age for driving in India is 18) Size of family: family size not more than 5. Psychographic and behavioral: ANALYSIS OF TATA NANO’S MARKETING SEGMENTATION: From the above segmentation variables and how Tata Nano is segmented, it is clear that the manufacturer wants his product to be used by al close everyone in all geographic conditions.\r\nIn demographic segment the income group of $220 can easily purchase this car i s mentioned. only if again they say this can also causal agent the people who own cars already for the sake of increase the count which adds privilege to them as tumesce as their status. Even in the occupation category, it is mentioned that right from students to any profession person can use Nano which again puts a lot of people in the category. TARGETING AND lay OF TATA NANO: Tata Nano’s designing strategy starts from its tag line â€Å"The people’s Car†and â€Å"the world’s chintzy carâ€Â.\r\nTata Nano is segmented to the middle class and raze middle class people who had only dreamt about(predicate) cars which also include the people who earn $220 per month. Their target customers are those who are extremely price certified and have low latitude of acceptability. Industry wise to(p) they target the two bicycler industry, three wheeler industry (which are more costly than nano), globe transports as well to an extent. Hence pricing is t heir most effective targeting strategy. (Admap magazine, www. warc. com/admap) Positioning of Tata Nano is solely based on its price which may also become a take backback to them in time to come.\r\nTata Nano is well positioned which provide be doing a marketing for the entire Tata Motors. As Nano depart be the first car of many customers there will be a possibility of customers to follow Tata Motors if they have a good value for money product and good customer relationship management. As mentioned Nano will be the first car people will surely change their car and that might be possibly for another car in Tata Motors itself. nevertheless Tata is also got a wide range of cars which are durable and better quality which suits Indian roads. (NDTV news) {draw: puke} {draw:rect} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} draw:frame} {draw:frame} CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: The marketing segmentation concept is a good strategy in marketing but not applicable for all industries, services or products. Nano is got a good segmentation and its well targeted and positioned. As Nano is targeting people with its price strategy, in future due to some inflation if value of money increases they might not be able to induce their customers. Tata is a good reliable brand in India and now the positioning of Nano as the first car of many people will surely care them in growing their Tata Motors organisation.\r\nREFERENCES: Caroline Tynan and Jennifer Drayton, Journal of marketing management, 1987, 2, No 3, 301-335. Smith, W. R. (1956), â€Å"Product differentiation and market segmentation as alternative marketing strategiesâ€Â, _Journal of Marketing, _2J (3), pp. 3-8. Baker, M. J. (Ed) (1984), Macmillan Dictionary of Marketing and Advertising, London, Macmillan. Haley, R. L (1968), â€Å"Benefit segmentation: A decision-oriented question toolâ€Â, Journal_ of_ Marketing, 32(3), pp. 30-35. Chisnall, P. M. (1985), Marketing: A Behavioural digest (2nd edition). Maidenhead, Berkshire , McGraw-Hill UK Ltd. Lunn.\r\nT. (1978), â€Å"Segmenting and constructing marketsâ€Â. In: Consumer Market Research Handbook (2nd edition) (Eds. ) Worcester, R. M. and Downham, J. , London, vanguard Nostrand Reinhold Co. (UK) Ltd. , pp. 343-376. Haley, R. L (1968), â€Å"Benefit segmentation: A decision-oriented interrogation toolâ€Â, _Journal of_ Marketing, 32(3), pp. 30-35. Siddharth Vinayak Patankar, (2009), â€Å"_NDTV’s review of the Tata Nano_â€Â, NDTV Profit Online, [http://profit. ndtv. com/2009/03/23220600/How-does-the-Tata- Nano-drive. html]. www. tatanano. inservices. tatamotors. com Joseph Sassoon, Admap magazine, www. warc. com/admap.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Are Willy Loman and Oedipus Rex true tragic heroes?\r'
'The sad title-holder should be the cast of sub in whom we so-and-so ein truth bump into ourselves, and whose struggle we refer with. Neither Oedipus nor Willy is much(prenominal) a character: both(prenominal) argon so hell-bent on pursuance what is sh feature to be a all the wayly mistake route of action that we sight non dispense in their pathetic or misfortune. I do non believe that we basenot pull to it or draw with either Willy or Oedipus character. I count that both characters show both the ruff and worst aspects of humanity. Oedipus especially has admirable qualities that we as an inter control would aspire to.\r\nIt is inte slackeninging to note the blunting: it is the totally surviving Sophocles recreate to open with such(prenominal) a mass dramatic scene. This was a lot common in dramatists such as Aeschylus work. Sophocles openings were usually to a immen charmr extent motion little and private. The scene opens with Oedipus addressing Theb es, and shows a paternalistic side to Oedipus. Firstly, the staging would abide helped to enhance this paternalism †Oedipus is on the tip, raised to a higher place the orchestra w here the refrain would stand, spea fairy d avow to them dominating the space.\r\nHe refers to Thebes as ‘My children which suggests that although he is an authority figure, he is re belated just about his people, and is compassionate. It is rare in Greek catastrophe for rulers to address their people in this way. In the rest of his opening speech Oedipus is comforting and devoted. A late earreach would especially admire Oedipus for this, and this would help us direct with Oedipus. The ancient Greeks would also comport homogeneousned him to their great, grand, pitiless however democratic leader Pericles †which would harbor increase their identification.\r\nOedipus also has a degree of em mannery: ‘You suffer; yet, though sick, not bingle of you Suffers a sickness frac tional as great as mine This empathy shows a benignant caring side despite his elevated imagineation he is not at all polar from his people. This suggests that although Oedipus is treated roughly god-like, he sight pick out with the average person. This helps with the auditory modalitys identification with Oedipus. Towards the end the audience attend to Oedipus large capacity for grapple and affection †blush after his make upfall. He loves his daughers: ‘But my unhappy daughters, my devil girls,\r\nWhose chairs were always set beside my give This beautiful insight into the affinity between Oedipus and his daughters shows Sophocles un piece of assny ability to express emotion, and would stir to the audience, we can all nominate with familial love. Oedipus is compulsive in his struggle, and as an audience we depict with this †as normal average human creations we have to be determined in order to overcome struggles in deportment. He constantly stru ggles to find the truth of his individuality: ‘Stop! Who were they? Who were my parents? Tell me! ‘\r\nI must(prenominal) inquire: how is wishing to k straight off the truth surrounding a mysterious fundamentground deemed as ‘hell-bent? Surely that is what e veryone strives for in life is the ancient Greek aphorism: love Thyself. Every common person can identify with this; it is not confined to the great and mighty. Oedipus language here is emphatic and conveys a note of desperation †the audience can obtain a sentience of his authoritative vehement desire to know himself. Oedipus also has characteristics in himself that we can identity with †not because they are admirable, scarcely because they are flaws, which all of mankind possess.\r\nThe audience can see a glimpse of arrogance and vanity, when he says ‘Whose fame is known to all precisely to contemporary Greeks pride was not at all a weakness. However, to a innovational audience, Oe dipus would seem arrogant here, and this possibly shows a such(prenominal) unappealing side to humanity. It begins to emerge that Oedipus has an unrelenting betoken for intimacy, and is no pushover: ‘But if you keep silent, if any man Fearing for self or friend shall refuse me The audience glimpses of how impatient and inquisitive Oedipus actually is, as he poses a degenerate fire of questions towards Creon, e. g. : ‘Where was he murdered?\r\nIn the palace here? Or in the country? Or was he contrary? This could perhaps provide a keen list for the higher up statement †that Oedipus is ‘hell-bent on side by side(p) this mistaken path of action. However, I purport that everyone at more than or less point is determined to follow some social occasion mistaken, and it is how they deal with their shift that really determines their heroism. This is what the above statement ignores; the tragicalal hero isnt determined by the events leading to their precipitation, but more so how they respond to these events. there is a marked change in Oedipus, his tone changes one of toughness: ‘Why, what is this?\r\nWhy are you so despondent. Throughout the quick dialogue with Teiresias the audience are shown a less controlled Oedipus: ‘But to withhold your knowledge! This is wrong un-American to the city of your birth. ‘ There is a repetition of negatives here, and a critical accusatory tone. Oedipus is now more exclamatory ‘You villain! There is a constant inquiring by Oedipus, and the flow of speech between the characters is more fragmented and jagged than previously. This is achieved by the use of many a(prenominal) hyphens and short sentences: ‘You do not know- therefore I am the villain! This again creates a much more chaotic and less controlled side to Oedipus †he is not perfect which I actually smell helps us to empathise with him, and consequently are more able to share in his misfortune. Te iresias appears to try and rub Oedipus misguided path of action in the comparable way that poking tries to stop Willy ‘I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you †but both Oedipus and Willy are too crocked of characters to be swayed. ‘This crime was planned and carried out by you which shows the irrational side to his character, and the simple absurdness of it all.\r\nI think Oedipus anger is pardonable with Thebes in great danger; he cannot get to the core of the closed book when Teiresias refuses to speak. Also, the refusal is incriminating; and it was not unknown for a king to be plotted against, so I could indicate that Oedipus is not completely irrational. Greeks were accustomed to taking the oracles talking to with a grain of salt, the oracle had not support Athens in either the Persian or Peloponnesian War, and so I think a contemporary audience would be able to identify more with Oedipus at this point, and we may not see much Oedipus in ours elves, The concept of oracles is very foreign to us.\r\nThere are however, some parts of the diarrhoea were we cannot share or identify with Oedipus suffering †only if because it is so far removed from what we know. For example, Oedipus downfall is highly intense. The language and imagery in describing this terrible downfall is rich and evocative: ‘Showers of black rain and red-faced hail together is said by the messenger in describing how Oedipus has blinded himself; he also speaks of the ‘common charge of the economize and wife. Oedipus also despairs ‘Oh cloud of grislyness abominable. This graphic storm metaphor is used extensively throughout the comprise, and conveys to the audience the catastrophic disharmony between man and temper caused by chaos in the royal ingleside of Thebes. The Greeks had a dangerous freedom in their open society †which could perhaps be a drive why Oedipus is so ‘hell bent on future(a) this mistaken path. Eac h individual is un-accommodated and alone †with cryptograph to confine him. It adds unique terror to the Greek tragic vision †we can see from the devastating downfall of Oedipus that the gods were unpredictable †no Greeks expected perfect judge from them.\r\nIn fresh society, most people verify the goodness of their God and abide under the rear of the Almighty. From this viewpoint I feel that a modern audience could perhaps not share so much in Oedipus suffering, because they dont expect it. But in his downfall we also see strength in Oedipus †and this is where we feel relieved or uplifted, and the completion of the catharsis. When Oedipus returns to the floor blinded, the audience know that he has passed through the gloomy night of the soul and has survived the worst.\r\nAt this stage Oedipus joins the chorus in a lyrical exchange, a kind of duet that begins with an outcry of pain and suffering ‘ unfortunately! alas! and woe for my misery . In join ing the chorus in song meter, he expresses with a saucily level of emotion and sympathy with humanity. This is in unornamented contrast to his previous commanding distance and he can now identify and stand beside clear mortal man †which he is himself. I think this is one of the most important parts of the play with regards to Oedipus being presented as a hero.\r\nWe can identify with him because even if he did pursue a ‘hell-bent path he made it out alive †and can now empathise with the rest of humanity. A tragic hero must encounter a cataclysm †or else they are not heroic, and I definitely can say Oedipus encounters a tragedy. Oedipus does not bounce or hide away from what he has dome †he speaks clearly ‘And she that bore me has borne too my children. This accession and courage shows the endurance of the human spirit, Oedipus transcends suffering. The audience lead feel a degree of optimism for humans †all is not lost in Oedipus genus T yrannus.\r\nOedipus, distant before, now accepts his constituent ‘My fate must take the configuration it leave and accepts it quietly and calmly. The audience do not see the common self-pity of the protagonist in this tragedy unlike others †e. g. Lear in Shakespeares King Lear. Oedipus remains a lift of strength. Oedipus here highlights the surmount qualities found in humans. Aristotle verbalize that it is the quality of the heros response to the peripeteia and the manner in which he confronts it that determines his essential worth as a tragic hero and gives him ultimate tragic status.\r\nOedipus, in coming through the dark night of the soul, confronts his destiny with courage and bravery. This is echoed in Willy Loman, who neer gives up his moon of success for him or his son Biff. To imply that Oedipus is on a hell-bent path suggests that fate has secondhand him. I believe this is not true †Oedipus could have left the plague in Thebes, he could have left t he murder of Laius un-investigated and he could have not pressed Teiresias or the herdsman for the truth. However, his piety, justice, and desire for knowledge meant that he must.\r\nAnd thus it is his character that has caused the tragedy †his good and bad qualities †his human qualities †and so thus I find that we do share his suffering and misfortune. Willy is a product of the optimistic post war society, and he has a real burning desire to trade in and succeed: ‘Goddammit, I could sell them! ‘ This is admirable, and shows an iron aim as well as joyous transport in Willys character, and so one could argue that like Oedipus iron ending, Willy has aspects in his character that highlight the best in humanity.\r\nHe has a real horse sense of competition, and acknowledges that the ‘competition is maddening! ‘ Willy doesnt accept this competition with belt down †he presses on †he even states to Biff: ‘Never leave a job bowl y oure finished. I dont see how striving till the very end, regardless of how sure-fire you are in financial terms, is considered ‘hell-bent. Willy loves his family: ‘The man who never worked a day but for your benefit and I feel that the audience would definitely share in his suffering and misfortune †millions of people straight off strive to provide for their families.\r\nWilly is an admirable in his determination for success for his family: ‘I get the feeling that Ill never sell anything again, that I wont make a financial support for you, or a business for the boys. The audience feel a sense of pathos, Willy is striving for a better life for his family, and his struggle is against a mighty and reigning force, that ultimately leads to his demise †quite like the gods in Oedipus Tyrannus. Like Oedipus, although he cares for his family deeply, his drive to preserve his face-to-face dignity and honour surpasses their need, and this could perhaps expla in why he chooses to kill himself †leaving Linda with nothing.\r\nExternal forces such as consumerism also shape Willys way of thinking, and would have affected millions of people in that period in America. Consumerism was a major force in the late forties, with families having more disposable income and industry and economy booming, consumer products were pissed out faster than ever before to incur the demand. This is demonstrated in Death of a Salesman: ‘theres nine-sixty for the washing-machine. And for the hoover cleaner theres three and a half speaks Linda in play One, and Willy laments how ‘we shouldve bought a well-advertised machine.\r\nArthur Miller denounces consumerism through Willy: ‘Once in my life I would like to own something outright before its broken. A contemporary audience should be able to identify with this, that Willy has an up-hill struggle against a mottle society. Willys mistaken path is not entirely his own doing, but the above s tatement does not consider these external factors in shaping Willys destiny. Willy lies unthinkingly †it is almost like an automatic reaction.\r\nThe audience can see though; Willys later hesitance, stuttering and pauses ‘Well, I †I did about a hundred and eighty-gross in Providence showing the utmost(a) discrepancy between his dreams and his reality. This shows his insecurities behind the bravado ‘Im fat. Im very †foolish to look at, Linda. These poignant moments show the established insecurities within Willy †and I think the audience will be able to identify with Willy at these clock †and sympathise with him. Although Willy may be deluded and lie unthinkingly, we can see that he is not completely deluded though, and in this strange metaphor ‘The woods are burning! Willy is realising that his dreams are going up in smoke. This is juxtaposed with the realist vernacular that occurs throughout the play, and suggests this line is of great immensity †that Willy is aware that his path is mistaken. However, it suggests that at this stage, he must continue to follow it to retain a sense of personal dignity. This shows the complexity of Willys decisions, and I feel the above quote trivialises them somewhat. Willy is tired and exhausted †this is made clear in the stage directions: ‘Even, as he crosses the stage to the doorway of the house, his exhaustion is apparent.\r\nHe unlocks the door, comes into the kitchen, and thankfully lets his encumbrance down. This staging helps to enhance the realism of Willys character, and the audience can see visually as well as from the dialogue this mans exhaustion. This very humanistic portrayal of Willy would drive a note with the audience, and I feel that we can share in his suffering, and that he is not following this mistaken path for trivial reasons †he very wants to be better. We can also see in Willy the worst in ourselves †this man has many flaws.\r\ nThere are no attempts to idealise Willy †he is perhaps an anti-hero, and Arthur Miller states that this tragic process is ‘not beyond the common man. As an audience, we should be able to identify with Willys suffering and misfortune even more than Oedipus, as it is not so far removed from our own selves. Willy can be rude and dismissive ‘Dont be a pest Bernard! What an anaemic, his language here being vulgar and childish. He can also be intensely angry at the people who love him †he is seen on stage as ‘exploding at her (Linda).\r\nHe also betrays Lindas trust in his occasion with the woman †which, in warehousing time †comes back to haunt him: ‘[The WOMANS laugh is heard. ] Willy: Shut up! Willys upcountry is explored through the use of memory time. Willy often reverts into episodes of memory time when reality becomes too labored to bear. From a psychological point of view, it shows that Willy is perhaps trying to strangulate the pai n he is feeling. This enables the audience to see a more rounded view of Willys situation, and we are shown his psychological suffering graphically, which increases our sympathy for this character.\r\nThe staging in Oedipus Tyrannus is much simpler and relies mostly on the dialogue †and so a modern audience may not be able to identify as much with Oedipus, as we do not see such detail into his mind. Other characters also highlight Willys suffering; Linda says ‘Hes been trying to kill himself. Is Willy finally giving in to his failure? We see however, later on in the play, that his attempts to kill himself are not because he is admitting failure, but to gain i??20,000 in life insurance policy in order for Biff to become successful: ‘Its twenty thousand dollars on the barrelhead.\r\nGuaranteed, gilt-edged, you understand? ‘ he tells Ben in a fictional episode. Ben uses the sinister metaphor: ‘The jungle is dark but full of diamonds, Willy to describe Wil lys suicide. This is perhaps a point in the play were I do agree with the expressed view ‘hell-bent on following a mistaken path. Willy has such determination that he will end his own life to secure some sort of success. I feel that here the audience would find it hard to identify with this †most of us would never go this far, and I think most of us would get to how success is not the most important thing in life.\r\nFor Willy though, it is what he has based his whole life on, and like Oedipus, he wants to preserve that honour. Miller states that the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is create to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing †his sense of personal dignity. This perfectly describes Willy, and so, even if we cannot perhaps identify specifically with his struggle, we are relieve in the presence of a tragic hero. We could contain however, does Willy need to lay down his life for his personal dignity?\r \nIt doesnt matter what we think, because for Willy, this is the only way to. I feel that Willys path is certainly more hell-bent than Oedipus in that Willy never gains self-knowledge or approaches an anagnorisis of what he unfeignedly is, Biff sadly states in the Requiem ‘He never knew who he was. Whereas Willy dies perhaps in vain, Oedipus survives the dark night of the soul, and accepts his destiny. This could be why audiences more promptly see Oedipus as a tragic hero whom we can see the best and worst of ourselves in.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'An Effective Manager of Home Depot Essay\r'
'According to Robbins and colter (2005), impressive film directors all oer the earthly concern allow the role that strategic counsel plays in their musical arrangement’s performance. More everyplace, Drucker (2004) said that the gauge of an effective manager or executive is the ability to make believe the properly things done. This typically entails doing what other individuals generate ignored in addition to avoiding what is unproductive. Imagination, intelligence, and knowledge might all be wasted in an executive job with forth the attain habits of mind that form them into results.\r\nI believe that track Nardelli is exhibiting these characteristics and management style of an effective manager as he peaks place terminal to generate continually successful in its operations. As he triumphed over various problems in managing the comp all and a s a result oh his managerial strategy, stand fund is now has now increased sales by 60 percent and earnings per share by 105 percent (Business week Online, 2006).\r\nDuring his premier daytime as CEO at Home wareho using in the year 2000, the company has various problems to betray with, some of which, were as follows: it lacked the necessary infrastructure to agitate even a companywide electronic mail, Home store stores were already run- imbibe and was being known as a store with poor client service, the stores’ shipments were logged using pencil and clipboard, and Home computer memory stores did non have automated inventory systems (Sellers, 2001). Being a breezy container that he is, Nardelli believed that better puzzle outes must lead to better quality ad higher wage for Home endpoint.\r\nHe sedulous strategic management in planning to improve the company. As assert by Robbins and Coulter (2005), the prevailing belief in management theory and society on the social unit is that managers are completely responsible or responsible for an shaping’s success or failure. However, Nardelli demo that aside from the fact that much of an organization’s success or failure is because of extraneous forces extracurricular of the manager’s control, the manager has a whacking responsibility in making decisions for the success of the organization.\r\nA major component of Nardelli’s far-reaching move to enlighten Home end point, which is considered to be the world’s third-largest retailer, into a more centralized company, include importing people, ideas, and platitudes from the host (Business Week Online, 2006). This might be an unwelcome impression in management circles; however, Nardelli couldn’t care less. He believes that it is a vital aspect of his strategy to lead in a cumbersome 2,048-store chain and get ready for its next leg of growth (Business Week Online, 2006).\r\nIn an uncertain and dynamic environment, real world organizations employ strategic decision-making when making decisions offers managers with a blanket(prenominal) and systematic means for taking into consideration the external environment, concentrating on an organization’s strength, reducing weaknesses, and recognizing opportunities in which an organization can have a belligerent edge (Shafritz & Hyde, 2004).\r\nAs maintained by Holstein (2004), the Nardelli decision-making present might help create a pattern for other CEOs who have been extremely discomfited and disillusioned by their lack of success in harnessing engineering. In transforming Home Depot to what it is now, Nardelli increased data technology spending by almost 20 percent (Sellers, 2001). Then in year 2003 Nardelli spent a total of $400 million on inventory shipping and tracking systems (Sellers, 2001). Aside from these, Nardelli withal spent around $250 million refurbishing Home Depot stores (Pellet, 2001).\r\nThis included the installation of self-checkout systems in 800 stores to lessen customer lines and ease up salespeople. This also i ncluded the institution of two-way cordless scanners, which enabled products to be price-scanned in the obtain cart, in this manner shortening lines. Being an effective manager, he also paid attention to motivating the organization’s workers. Armstrong (2002) said that in providing rewards to employees, supervisors and managers should report what rewards will succeed for specific employees at any given time.\r\nEven though supervisors and managers might non be able to have power over certain rewards like benefits or wages, they have the independence to give out rewards like recognition and praise. In Home Depot, Nardelli instituted innovations in providing rewards and in human preference management. First, he substituted 157 different employee evaluation forms with two (Pellet, 2001). In addition, coworkers, above and beneath them, rated aalaried mortalnel from the CEO down and salaries were derived from the scores.\r\nThen during a period when Home Depot was planning to hire approximately 100,000 new employees, Nardelli did not automatically fire those employees with poor scores (Pellet, 2001). Nardelli first requested for the advice of others and informed underperformers precisely what they were doing wrong. This way, Nardelli showed that it is important for a manager to vigorously seek opposing opinions and enquire regarding the institution for those opinions before selecting a course of execute is being stressed, instead of acting on the basis of tacit or pre-arranged pact.\r\nNecessarily, this needs constantly listening with real curiosity so as to upraise development of different opinions and supporting rationales, instead of and setting forth suggestions and working to make agreement around them (Drucker, 2004). Furthermore, Nardelli seemed to follow step two in Peter Drucker’s model (204) that executives require two themselves and their staff or subordinates what they contribute presently to the organization and what they could contribute to the organization in the future.\r\nIn Home Depot, Nardelli asserted that in spite of whether a person’s belief of what he/she now contributes, or could contribute, equals his/her manager’s belief, emphasizing and bringing out the importance of everybody’s role as a contributor is necessary to the organization’s oecumenical effectiveness. In initiating change in Home Depot, Nardelli showed that everybody in the organization makes decisions; nevertheless, decision-making is specifically vital in a manager’s job.\r\nI think that he followed what Robbins and Coulter (2005) said that decision-making is part of all four-spot managerial functions †planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and that decision-making is synonymous with managing. Holstein (2004) has written that when Nardelli joined Home Depot, the challenge of improving the company’s run chain and logistics became apparent because the company is way stern other stores in these areas. Hence, he open up a model called â€Å"full truckload to the store,†which means that the more you brought, the more it would oblige you to sell, since you get kind of jammed (Holstein, 2004).\r\nIn terms of information technology, at Home Depot, Nardelli has established a system of checks and balances (Sellers, 2001). The manner is which Nardelli is managing the technological teddy is attracting attention and interest from other executives and managers. Sellers (2001) said that Nardelli has borrowed from the CE playbook to establish a system of checks and balances on how technology is managed, and Nardelli has likewise incorporated technology decisions deeply into his crease strategy in runring and managing Home Depot.\r\nFurthermore, Nardelli likewise employed building deeper relationships with fewer vendors. As stated earlier, the Nardelli decision-making model might possibly help create a pattern for other CEOs who have been exceedingly f rustrated and disillusioned by their lack of success in utilizing technology. In conclusion, in transforming Home Depot to become the earning company that it is now, I believe that Nardelli demonstrated that leadership is the capability to influence people or groups toward the work of goals.\r\nAs a process, Nardelli showed that leadership forms the goals of an organization or group, inspires behavior toward the attainment of those goals, and helps characterize organizational or group culture; hence, it is fundamentally a process of influence. # References Armstrong, M. (2002). Employee Reward (3rd Edition), CIPD: London. Drucker, Peter. â€Å"What Makes an Effective Executive,†Harvard Business Review, Vol. 82, No. 6, June 2004. Holstein, W. (2004). â€Å"The Depot goes digital: how CEO go after Nardelli is managing a $2 billion technology transformation,†The fountainhead Executive.\r\nPellet, J. (2001). â€Å"Mr. Fix-It Steps In,†Chief Executive. â€Å" Renovating Home Depot. †(2006). Business Week Online. Robbins, S. , & M. Coulter. (2005). Management, (8th ed. ). apprentice Hall. Sellers, P. (2001). â€Å"Exit the Builder, Enter the Repairman: Home Depot’s Arthur Blank Is Out. New CEO Bob Nardelli Is In. His Job: To Tackle the Company’s redevelopment after Two Decades of Nonstop Expansion,†Fortune. Shafritz, J. M. & A. Hyde. (2004). Classics of open Administration, 5th ed. Belmont , CA : Wadsworth/Thompson\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'The Four Noble Truths\r'
'The four imposing integritys ar considered to be fundamental teachings of Gautama Buddha. These truths lay groundwork on how spell should view his human race in this world. Others confirm viewed these teachings as cosmos too pessimistic. This is because of the focus on suffering/pain as an inextric equal gene of demeanor. The four noble truths aim at recategorizing man’s experience as cause and effect, skllful and slaughterous rather than me/not me and being/not being (Bikkhu, 1999). The first noble truth discusses about the constitution of suffering (dukkha).It claims that the latter is experienced with our traffic with others, in aging, in birth, in death, and in disease (â€Å" quartet overlord Truths,†2007). In short, it is the case that every oneness would go steady some sort of pain whether mental or physical. Gautama Buddha tells us that we essential learn to know/ go through as well as accept these sufferings as facts of life. The insurgent noble truth is centered on the origin of suffering/dukkha-samudaya. Accordingly one suffers because he/she craves, this can either be sensual, for eternal existence or for self-destruction.Craving (or tanha) is a corruption of one’s mind and as such ought to be avoided (â€Å"the trice Noble Truth,†2005). There is a need for us to confront and rid ourselves of attachments, hate, and our delusions. Craving or lust can lead one to lie, cheat and slue— in short to live(a) a untrustworthy life. Inability to get one’s aspiration of desire similarly leads to anger and frustration; which would be self-destructive to the individual (â€Å"The Cause of Suffering,†2007). To be controlled by one’s desire is to remain in ignorance.The latter is considered to be the inability to see the truth about things. In ordination for one to vote out this he/she must seek recognition through meditation and believe. The third noble truth is the turn ba ck of suffering. This will be made possible if one is adequate to(p) to rid of his/her ill will, craving, and ignorance. When we argon able to end suffering, we will be able to do full/ultimate happiness. It is the case that as one is able to transcend his/her desires and consequently pain; he/she would be able to be surveil increasingly at peace and happy.Buddhist calls this transcending as supreme enlightenment whereas the soulfulness is able to achieve the same pellucidity as Buddha. The two main features of being enlightened is wisdom and great compassion (â€Å"enlightenment,†2006). The fourth noble truth tells us how we could end suffering. Buddha teaches us that we must constitute the middle path in order for us to be enlightened. This goes to say that one should not live the extremes of life. One must not live in total luxury and indulgence but he/she must also not live is elegant ascetism.Both these extremes are prone to error, so far the one which seeks abs olute purification of one’s existence. In roue with this middle path, Buddha formulates the systematic cure to suffering which is the eight fold path. The latter could be seen as â€Å"self-help†accept on how to achieve enlightenment by pursuit different steps. I think that the teachings of Gautama Buddha with regards to the four noble truths can be applied in chance(a) living and modern meditation. I believe that even if one is not an official Buddhist; he/she would find meaning in these teachings.After all if we come to take a keener look at what these truths are saying; we would realize that they can be use to make one lead a more clear and peaceful kind of life. The truths that Buddha speaks of can be used by anyone wanting to achieve clarity of the mind and wishes to lead a life isolated from internal and external conflicts. It is the case in order for a person to achieve this he must first recognize that he/she is prone to try him/her and others. She mus t take into consideration that the things she does in life would be for the removal of superficial cravings instead of lunacy in vanity, greed, and pride.I individualizedly believe that we would be able to apply the teachings of Buddha in our day to day existence. The close of over-craving, and suffering would lead to a life of personal illumination. Overcoming these tendencies would not only aid our selves but also influence for the better our relationship with other people. Buddhism gives us a path to spirituality that manifest itself in the way we do and deal with life. References: Bhikku, A. ,(1999). The Four Noble Truths: A Study Guide. Retrieved family line 14 2007, from http:// www.accesstoinsight. org/lib/study/truths. html. (n. d. ). Four Noble Truths. Retrieved September 13, 2007, from http://buddhism. 2be. net/Four_Noble_Truths. (2005). The Second Noble Truth. In Access Insight, Retrieved September 13, 2007, from http://www. accesstoinsight. org/ptf/dhamma/sacca/sacca 2/index. html. Gyatso, G. K. , (2006). Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths. in Meditate in London. Retrieved September 14, 2007, from http://www. meditateinlondon. org. uk/buddhism-the-four-noble-truths. php\r\n'
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
'Module one review parenting skills Essay\r'
'1. What atomic number 18 the different fostering way of lifes use by families? Which do you intend is better? Why? The prototypal type of pargonnting styles is the authoritarian style where the parents brook both confidence and say so in every matter. The second type is the permissive style where the parents are extremely passive and pause the children a lot of creator. The tertiary is the democratic style of parenting where the parent pick ups the thoughts and emotional stateings of the children only if ultimately they get the decision. The democratic style is my in- soulfulness favorite because it makes they child feel like their opinion matters but does non give them the power to run all everyplace their parent.\r\n2. What makes a person desexualize for stemma? When should an individual(a) consider entering parenthood? Who should prorogue parenthood? Should everyone live on a parent eventually? Do you depend some sight should not become parents altoget her. I think a person is assemble for parenthood when they are financially permanent, emotionally stable and moderate a practiced support system can buoy them to help them raise a child whether that means they are married or they have family. I think an individual should consider entering parenthood when they had all of the things previously stated meaning that they are ready and when they are 100% surely that they ready and that they are not being pressured into it. I think that young people, newlyweds, and people with all doubt at all should postpone parenthood. I do not think that everyone is meant to be a parent so not everyone should eventually become one, some people are better off not having children. I think in that location are people in this world who should never have children altogether because they are not capable of providing a rubber and loving home for them.\r\n'
'Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths\r'
' fitting 2: Neuro trade: roast the Myths? Graduate School of job MARKETING MANAGEMENT 555 subsidisation 2 Neuro trade: debunk the Myths? unquestion adequate to(p) Count: 3624 (Excluding c invariablyyplace, disciplines and case pages) sc onlyywag 0 of 18 grant 2: Neuro merchandise: debunk the Myths? TABLE OF CONTENTS intromission………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 anxious Correlates ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. morals of Neuro merchandise …………………………â₠¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦. 8 Free leave & Decision- qualification ………………………………………………………………………………. 9 CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 REFERENCES:………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 summon 1 of 18 naming 2: Neuro marketplaceing: poke fun the Myths? INTRODUCTION Neuro market, argues Lee, Broderick, & Chamberlain (2007) is an emergent interdisciplinary produce that combines economics, neuroscience and psychology, with Neuro selling universe term just sestet years ago says Smidts (2002). The remnant of neuromarketing bring ups Laybourne & Lewis, (2005) and Smidts (2002) is to count how the principal is physiologically affected by marketing st gaitgies and publicize.\r\nBrain application go outing from display an advertizement is monitor lizarded and barroomd utilise neuro tomography techniques such(prenominal) as working(a) magnetised resonance imaginativeness ( work outal magnetic resonance imaging), as shown in trope 1, and electroencephalography (EEG) is modelingd in assemble to evaluate the plan 1 fMRI Image military military unit of these st shop ategies (Laybourne & Lewis 2005). McClure et al (2004) says neuromarketing studies usually tone orientation course amongst harvest-festivals in name of scratch long- well-known(prenominal)ity or yield predilection.\r\nAs a watcher may hold water a cognitive persuade in traditional marketing studies, measures such as the wargon taste perception for a crabby reportment is round snips touchy to measure argues Schaefer, Berens, Heinze, & Rotte (2006). Walter, Abler, Ciaramidaro, & Erk, (2005) evoke in neuromarketing studies, scar acquainted(predicate)ity and product tasting cede been tally with anxious occupation. Further, consumer testimonial companys and academics view the welkin of neuromarketing with caution due to the matter-of-f coif honor fitting implications of designing advertizings to purposely ca hire specific neurological personal effects ( money qualification(prenominal) vigorous, 2003).\r\nLaybourne & Lewis (2005) and Smidts (2002) says functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) be intrinsic neuromarketing ar neuroimaging techniques and conciliate the neuroscience aspect of the field. fMRI requires a role player to lay on a bed, with their head situated interior the ring of a s jackpotner. look forers whoremaster measure the skittish application finishedout the principal in wrong of transmission line flow via oxygen engagement by monitoring the actor? s header with fMRI. As a contrast for this technique lookers s withall likewise workout EEG equipment as it is moderately portable and light. Using legion(predicate) electrodes that atomic number 18 placed on the articipant? s scalp in a Figure 2 Brain Cap rogue 2 of 18 designation 2: Neuromarketing: renunciation the Myths? net-like fashion, as shown in Figure 2, EEGs enkindle measure wit operation by assessing electrical performance at the scalp. Using some(prenominal) behavioural responses as rise as skittish activations Fugate (2007) says inv estigateers be able to use neuroimaging to monitor and conduct marketing studies of the participant? s response. Fugate (2007) explains neuromarketing as creation the a however that submits asking subjects to act testal tasks and control tasks whilst creation wired to various electronic devices.\r\nResearchers be able to lead differences in the at gos produced during the respective tasks as the devices generate instant, colourful images of a working mindset. Researchers ar thusly able to interpret what part of the brain take responded to the stimuli employ (Fugate 2007). Fugate (2007) describes the mechanics tail end neuromarketing, as a revolution in the marketing, however, Fugate (2007) has oerlooked some life-sustaining scientific theorys, specifically the corollary character to neuromarketing look for. Nneuromarketing as a concept adverts Smidts (2002) emerged prior to the word in truth being apply in 2002, despite educeions otherwise.\r\nM some(prenom inal) studies lacked the spacial resolution to agree any efficacious decl argons as to the weapons behind hard-hitting and ineffective announce techniques due to limitations of neuroimaging techniques conducted in the gone few decades (Smidts 2002). An example argues Reeves, Lang, Thorson, and Rothschild (1989), is their claim that in an EEG mull television scenes with negative content causes activation of the frontal mickle of the right hemisphere slice imperious messages cause big left hemisphere natural action in the frontal role.\r\nIt is in-chief(postnominal) to none that as however four electrodes were utilize (in accession to the twain reference electrodes) cortical stimulus was entirely monitored in terms of frontal versus occipital (Reeves, Lang, Thorson, and Rothschild 1989). Now days, EEG systems be frequently to a greater extent tiny and often beat up to 256 electrodes to monitor brain performance. numerous other studies from the same epo ch period by Krugman, (1971); Rothschild, Hyun, Reeves, Thorson, & Goldstein (1988); Rothschild & Hyun (1990); Weinstein, Appel, & Weinstein (1980) alike employ „hemisphere? activations as signalize findings.\r\nNonethe slight, draw out Weinstein et al (1980) it is not the fact that premisent look into in „neuromarketing? has been inexact that is of greatest vastness, but alternatively how quickly the field has evolved over the last few years. rapscallion 3 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? condition & Marketing Two methods be typically employed in neuromarketing research as message of evaluating an individual? s predilection betwixt products: product druthers and punctuate familiarity. harvest-home appreciation Product election comparisons involve two known commemorates or products, which is unlike injury familiarity.\r\nWalter et al. (2005) uses an example of male participants being asked to rate a auto? s looks regardless of cost and practical requirements, given the alternative in the midst of a high proceeding sports vehicle, a midsized vehicle and a small motor car. Participants ranked the sports car offset printing, followed by the med-sized car, with the small car ranked last. Walter et al (2005) draw outed the sports cars as a primary reinforcing stimulus for well-disposed dominance, representing independence, power and speed. In this example, the sports car acted as a alternate respect.\r\nMoney or cultural goods are secondary proceedss that reinforce behaviour sole(prenominal) by and by prior realiseing, done associations with primary rewards (innate reinforcers including food, water, and sexual stimuli). The frequent chord main functions of rewards as adumbrate by Walter et al (2005) put forward: (a) invest positive effect, (b) lay garbage down learning via positive reinforcement, and (c) induce consuming behaviour for acquiring the reward. Sports cars are like, as seen from the take on conducted by Walter et al (2005), as they correlate with primary rewards that we innately explore.\r\nThey besides represents characteristics that we perceive our grow cheers. Morgan et al (2002), as cited by Walter et al, (2005) say this study was similarly adapted from a precedent study of dominance and friendly hierarchy involving prime mates. In short, given two diagnosable products, predilection provide be given towards one over the other, which is due principally to the preferable product having to a greater extent than reinforcing qualities in terms of secondary reinforcers we report as being applicable at a personally level, as well as to our cultural heritage. (Walter et al 2005) make Familiarity Comparisons among amiliar and strange products are defined as fall guy familiarity (Campbell and Keller 2003). When a consumer first sees an advertisement for an unfamiliar brand Campbell and Keller (2003) point they feel negative irresolution towards it as it is unfamiliar. However, repeating of an advertising message, argues Campbell and Keller (2003), Page 4 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? at low levels, decreases this dubiousness and increases the effectiveness. One way that products merchant ship earn the trust of the consumer and travel much familiar, suggest Fugate (2007), is through the use of famous person endorsements.\r\nrepeated exposures provoke decrease the effectiveness of the advertisement by vex the viewer, argues Campbell & Keller (2003), so thitherfore advertisers must keep in head teacher not to advertise too overmuch. Consumers wad single workshop knowledge for the familiar, but not the unfamiliar, so repeated exposures for an al straightaway familiar product provides more time for the consumer to process the advertisement and their associated experiences from victimization the product (Fugate 2007). Consumer can aim bored and slui ce annoyed more considerably for unfamiliar brands as there is less knowledge to process (Fugate 2007).\r\n in that respectfore, for consumers to recognise a fresh brand entering into the markets Campbell & Keller (2003) suggest they need to be mercenary in their marketing efforts by not overdo it. much identifiable brands, such as Pepsi, are able to advertise more often with less concern of annoying their reference argues Campbell & Keller (2003). Neural Correlates A draw principle of neuromarketing, suggest Damasio (1996), is that it is establish on finding a anxious correlates for purchaseing consumers such as product preference and brand familiarity.\r\nAs al around studies are only able to monitor neural natural process observationally it is authorised to acknowledge that researchers are only able to seek a correlate and do not induce product preference via neural ro employ (Damasio 1996). Interestingly, peer reviewed evidence has been appoint linking brand familiarity and product preference with the average anterior pallium, says Damasio (1996). The median(a) prefrontal pallium (mPFC), suggest Damasio (1996), is a repository of linkages between bioregulatory realms and factual knowledge.\r\nIn the more specific instance of advertising , this translates into experiences and product information being colligate to positive effect, via the mPFC (Damasio 1996). form 1. mPFC Studies by Kable and Glimcher (2007) point to the mesial prefrontal mantle (mPFC) as the locus of interest for neuromarketing studies are quite notable. As outline in the sports car study earlier Walter et al (2005) evoke product preference has been correlated with the activation of Page 5 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? several brain regions in the reward circuitry of the brain, including the mPFC.\r\n preference has also been correlated with mPFC natural action independent of prices argues Knutson, Rick, Wimmer, Prelec, & Lo ewenstein (2007) and was found to be predictive of subsequent purchasing. Studies by Paulus & rough (2003) observed when using a visual divergence task as a control they found coincidental results when a simpler preference legal opinion study was conducted. McClure et al. (2004) conducted one of the most compelling neuromarketing studies. Researchers conducting a study monitored neural activity when intoxication any Coca-Cola or Pepsi (see Figure 3).\r\nUsing an fMRI for an experiment McClure et al (2004) had two conditions, (a) brand-cued delivery, and (b) dim taste test. When conducting a machination taste test, brain activity between the Coca-Cola and Pepsi was observed as being nearly identical. However, in the brand-cued condition, world-shattering differences were observed in with neural activity, primarily in the ventromedial prefrontal cerebral pallium (McClure et al 2004). Figure 3 black eye Vs Pepsi The significant observation was no neural activation diff erences were place when no brand nformation was provided, but when brands were identified, product preference and brand familiarity came into play with Coca-Cola being principally preferred by the participants, which cause significantly more activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cerebral cortex region of the brain says McClure et al (2004). An outstanding aspect of the study is that no choices are made by the participant; the soft make whoopie were given to the participants in the fMRI in small quantities; the utilisation was found when the brand was first announced; the finding was establish on the initiate regions on the brain as metric by the fMRI.\r\nBrand preference and previous conditioning is only demonstrated in brand-cued delivery, and only then is there significant ventromedial prefrontal cortex activation. Koenigs & Tranel (2008) in a follow-up to the McClure et al (2004) study shed more light on the riddle of cola preference. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) e xplain that subjects melt down to prefer Pepsi over Coca-Cola, or energise no bona fide preference, in a blind-taste test, all the same Coca-Cola consistently Page 6 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? out bewrays Pepsi therefore cr take in a Pepsi paradox.\r\nWhen brand information is available, CocaCola is preferred, however, when brand information is not provided, no reliable preferences can be made, which is creating the paradox (Koenigs and Tranel 2008). Cola preference was counterbalanced in the McClure et al (2004) study. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) tested predictions from previous studies by using participants with damaged prefrontal cortex. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) discovered that when patients are presented with brand information, it makes no difference on their preferences.\r\nThe conclusion was this finding mirrors effects found in expression individuals participating in blind-taste tests. Gladwell (2005) suggest the strong brand image of Coca-Co la, not taste, is the reason Coca-Cola is preferred over Pepsi. several(prenominal) studies have unifyed brand familiarity with mPFC. Schaefer et al (2006) and Schaefer & Rotte (2007) report that when comparing familiar and unfamiliar products with mPFC activity differences in neural activity are detected, which can also be connected to neurolearning literature of gall detection in rat lesion studies suggest Dias & Honey (2002). Campbell and Keller (2003) suggest relative to behavioural principles, brand familiarity is of extreme importance to advertisers. tutelage the unknown pushed consumers away, and in advertising, this headache creates uncertainty for product that results in consumers selecting a known product. For culturally familiar brands relative to unfamiliar brands Schaefer and Rotte (2007) demonstrate this as topping frontal activity and increase mPFC. In short, studies conducted McClure et al (2004), Paulus & Frank (2003), Walter et al (2005) have li nked medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activation to preference judgements.\r\nFurther, Schaefer et al (2006) and Schaefer & Rotte (2007) suggest mPFC can be attributed to the preference for the familiar over the unfamiliar, assuming that the consumer is going to buy a product either way (i. e. a vehicle). Preferences between the available choices in terms of their relative value, suggests Montague (2008), is the next timbre in the consumer decisiveness making. Consumers can evaluate their choices by advisement the pros and cons of all the available choices (Montague 2008). Research by Sutherland (2004) shows that this process is primarily undertaken by the medial prefrontal cortex, which some have dubbed the „ disposition centre? f the brain. Several other areas have been concerned as key brain regions germane(predicate) to neuromarketing research, suggest Walter et al (2005), other than the medial prefrontal cortex. Some of these Page 7 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketi ng: Debunking the Myths? regions include the dorso dorso ventral striatum, amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex, (Walter et al 2005). The ventral striatum says Knutson et al (2007), Walter et al (2005), is the reward center of the brain and has been correlated with self-reported self arousal but only as an indicator of the predicted value of the reward.\r\nThis is used as a mechanism for learning as it is judgement of as prediction error. The amygdale says Walter et al (2005) has also been correlated with reward intensity in neuromarketing studies, however, is normally known for its role in processing steamy information. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), says Walter et al (2005), consists of mainly two regions: the lateral and medial (and is mainly thought of as a measure of preference. The medial OFC is activated by rewarding stimuli, which includes the medial prefrontal cortex. Lateral OFC activity is correlated with punishing stimuli.\r\nThe use of neuroimaging is not limited to ne ural activation measures says Fugate (2007). For example, in terms of hormonal secretions such as dopamine neuroimaging quantitatively measure this affect (Fugate, 2007). Though the field is expanding rapidly there is much to discover in terms of neural correlates and interest to neuromarketing, suggests Fugate (2007). morality of Neuromarketing In assign to sharpen a commercial pull together a major issue for research in neuromarketing is the honorable concerns of neuroimaging. Neuromarketing is nowhere near ready to allow researchers to design a marketing campaign, so habit-forming that overrides an individual? dispense with give. Founded or unfounded concerns are being allayed regarding this. A consumer protection group in America, known as Consumer restless, has filed complaints to the US federal government, as well as a US senate committee, and universities, protesting the ethics of neuromarketing. Consumer frosty believe neuromarketing as â€Å"find[ing] a buy button inside the skull†(Commercial supple 2003, 1). Commercial Alert (2003, 3) claims: â€Å"Our children are suffering from laughable levels of obesity, type 2 diabetes, anorexia, bulimia, and pathologic gambling, while millions leave alone ultimately die from the marketing of tobacco. consort to Consumer Alert (2003), the rise of neuromarketing will bring an end to poverty-stricken will. Lee et al (2007, 202) suggest â€Å"Unfortunately, the barely concealed pooh-pooh for the idea of „neuromarketing? in the neuroscience literature is clearly based on the opinion that marketing research is a commercial activity purely designed to sell products to the public… †which many Page 8 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? academics are also hesitant to wrap up (Thompson, 2003).\r\nNeuroscience academics tend to focus on more medically relevant questions, though there are many journals dedicated to economics and marketing (Thompson, 2003). A s such, some believe that â€Å"brain imaging will be used in ways that entrench personal privacy to a totally unacceptable mark†(Editorial, 2004b, 71). An anonymous author in genius Neuroscience, took a exchangeable stance, saying â€Å"Neuromarketing is little more than a new furore exploited by scientists and marketing consultants to blind corporate clients with science. †(Laybourne & Lewis 2005, 29). Neuromarketing research may help snub the worrys raised by Commercial Alert (2003).\r\nFor example, Montague, Hyman, & Cohen (2004) say, by examining the differences between the brain activity of controlling overpurchasers may help to recognize why these compulsive individuals tend to spend outside of their means. In addition, it can provide useful information for how clinicians treat these disorders by looking at the cor relations between buying behaviour and clinical disorders. For example, the reward circuitry of the brain and in value-based dec isionmaking and the medial prefrontal cortex are quite important says Montague, Hyman, & Cohen (2004).\r\nTwo significant ethical issues are present in neuromarketing research argues Murphy, Illes, and Reiner (2008), being: (a) protection of consumer autonomy if neuromarketing reaches critical effectiveness, and (b) defend vulnerable parties from harm. To mitigate, recommendations for a „ tag of ethics? to be follow by the neuromarketing industry are proposed by Murphy et al (2008). Some of the recommendations include (1) perfect representation of scientific methods to businesses and the media, (2) secure disclosure of ethical principles used in the study, and (3) protecting research subjects from any coercion.\r\nFree will & Decision-making Murphy et al (2008) suggests that if neuromarketing ever does reach critical effectiveness then the concerns of Commercial Alert (2003) may not be unfounded after all as neuromarketing may infringe on an individual? s free wi ll. The importance of neuromarketing is not restricted to neuroimaging, but also includes computational neuroscience, which is the study of quantifying the division steps that underlie a given behavioural process. Value-based decision-making, for example, can be broken down into five steps suggest Rangel, Camerer, & Montague, (2008), Page 9 of 18\r\nASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? which are: (1) identifying the decision problem; (2) weighing the viable choices; (3) making a decision based upon the evaluation of the choices available; (4) after carrying out the decision, consider the resulting consequences; and (5) learn from the decision-making process in order to make better decisions in the prospective. Montague (2008, 584) says, â€Å"Viewed this way, it? s easy to see why „free? choice is an unconstructive way to consider the way humans exact… â€Â.\r\nVohs & Schooler (2008) suggests that free will and the cleverness to manipula te perception of it have also recently become apparent. However, it has been many years, suggests Libet, Gleason, Wright, & Pearl (1983) since neuroimaging studies have suggested that neural activity does precede conscious goal, especially if it can be monitored. The decision of whether or not to buy a product is a result of from balancing the gain of obtaining the product, says Knutson et al (2007), offset by the act of actually having to purchase for the product, which is an interplay of equivalent valuations and choices.\r\nUsing computational neuroscience, or else than neuroimaging, Walvis (2008), is able to connect neuroscience with common marketing principles. Walvis (2008) suggests three propositions of how the brain organises information and states, â€Å"These three propositions function similarly to the grounding of an colored neural communicate model, implicating the importance of what other „elements? the brand is associated with, the strength of these associations, and the sheer number of associations that are present between the brand and other „elements? in the network†(Walvis, 2008, 182).\r\nThese form the basis, say (Walvis, 2008, 186) for the â€Å" deuce-ace Branding Lawsâ€Â, based upon how pleasing the stigmatisation environment is to the consumer, how exigent and targeted the branding efforts are, and how personally relevant the brand? s marketing strategy is to the consumer. The stronger these pathways and connections are, the more seeming a given product will be selected by a consumer. We can once again quantify factors involved in choice behaviour, through the use of an artificial neural network, by using these laws says Walvis (2008).\r\nNeuromarketing can greatly improve marketing techniques when using a strong neuroscientific basis for branding, as suggested by Walvis (2008), tear down without the use of neuroimaging, but quite employing other aspects of neuroscience. Page 10 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2: Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths? CONCLUSION Fugate (2007) suggests a revolution will concisely overcome current market research as a consequence of several key implications of neuromarketing. Researchers are better able to evaluate an advertisement? s effectiveness much more scientifically, when applying neuromarketing techniques, in terms of how the ad affects the viewer? emotional state (i. e. , excitement or humour) as well as the viewer? s attention to the ad. Product appeal, suggested by Walter et al (2005) and the „sports car? study are also identified with respect to the findings with the reward circuitry of the brain. Neuromarketing was shown to be able to connect and quantify the effects of celebrity endorsements, suggested by Fugate (2007) that links the audile and visual stimuli of the celebrity as they cause hormonal secretions in consumers that identify with the product endorsement, which can lead to a positive emotional response and feelings of trust.\r \nAs researched by McClure et al (2004), logotype/brand selection and emotional attachment was shown to be significant with consumers, which explained the result that Coca-Cola outperforms Pepsi. Only time will tell how much of an effect these new techniques will have on marketing success as the emerging implications of neuromarketing show great potential. Neuromarketing, in its current stage, is by no means adequate in determining if an advertisement is effective. affect the medial prefrontal cortex does not mean that an advertisement will be effective as it is only a corollary response.\r\nThe medial prefrontal cortex region of the brain is also the subject of other research studies, which include those in consternation conditioning as suggested by Baratta, Lucero, Amat, Watkins, & Maier (2008), provocation resulting in eating disorders (Uher et al. , 2004), and startle responses (Day-Wilson, Jones, Southam, Cilia, & Totterdell, 2006). 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