Tuesday, April 30, 2019
How Does Advertising Effect People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How Does Advertising Effect People - Essay ExampleAs the audition declares in the ancient time word of mouth was the most popular way of advertisements, today with the interference of media and internet, advertisement has become an easy and popular mode of providing information. Advertising has different effects on people, it changes their prospective on what is, and what is not, worth buying, what they buy and when they buy it. Advertising affects people in what they do and how they do it. This subject area stresses that advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, acquiring the customer back requires a more creative foodstuffing approach. Today advertisers are into more of market research to analyze the consumers behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a harvest is introduced. Telephone surveys are v ery common. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a point of intersection or not. such(prenominal) kind of market researches gives consumers ample opportunity to put forth their views and also helps the firm to improve the product to satisfy the needs of the consumer. Companies also check whether the ads are being productive by means of examine the money made and number of sales during periods of advertising to those during a time of no advertising. Some companies scour allow average consumers to preview a commercial to get a response.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Elevator Pitch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Elevator Pitch - Essay Exampleitch is a communication tool presenting an overview of a product, service, project, person, or other thing and is designed to get a colloquy started (OLeary, par. 2).Chris OLeary proffered the most important characteristics of an elevator put away using Nine Cs, to wit (1) Concise, (2) Clear, (3) Compelling, (4) Credible, (5) Conceptual, (6) cover (7) Customized, (8) Consistent, and (9) Conversational (OLeary, par. 6). As indicated, the purpose of an elevator pitch is to relay crucial information to the person whizz is talking to in a most effective manner using the limited time, typically dog-tired in an elevator ride.In an article written by Pagliarini (2009), an elevator pitch moldiness be designed to answer six particular questions (1) what is your product or service? (2) Who is your market? (3) How do you enquire to make money? (4) Who is behind the company? (5) Who is your competition? And (6) What is your competitive advantage? (Pagliarini, 2009, pars. 4 9).Further, Pagliarini averred that the elevator pitch must contain characteristics that catches the attention of the person one is talking to should be very concise to invent approximately 150 to 225 works delivered with genuine passion and enthusiasm and aiming to obtain a request in terms of networking through referrals (Pagliarini, 2009).In contemporary business and in an increasingly competitive environment, majority of professionals atomic number 18 always in such a hurry to go to one destination and transfer to another. As a consequence, communication tools, specifically designed to relay crucial information on business endeavors must be designed in a compact but holistic
Sunday, April 28, 2019
General Electric's Joint Ventures Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
customary Electrics Joint Ventures - Case Study ExampleAs opposed to joint ventures where abetter _or_ abettor companies have significant power in making strategic decisions, acquisitions allow companies to have full manipulate of management and resources (Hill, 2011). The preference for acquisitions by General Electric also resulted to the congruency of this strategy to its business philosophy. However with the changing business environment, the company has shifted to joint ventures as an entry mode into foreign markets.In the recent past, General Electric has preferred joint ventures as a strategy for entry into foreign markets. This is because of the bids for acquisitions have skyrocketed. With the 20082009 stinting crises, the company would no longer afford risking spending large capital in bidding for acquisitions. As a result, General Electric fe atomic number 18d that it could overpay for acquisitions which would cripple its economic position which was already affected by the 2008-2009 economic crisis. In addition, there are many companies with which General Electric would form joint ventures. by means of joint ventures companies benefit from local business relationships, local expertise, political contacts and an already established market (Hill, 2011). horizontal though joint ventures provide an effective way through which companies share business risks, there are other risks associated with this mode of entry. These risks include possible changes in political and legal environment which would act push through of favor with foreign companies. Additionally, the power that partner companies have in the process of making strategic positions would be overused. Additionally, the objectives of business partners may not be congruent in a joint venture (Hill, 2011). Furthermore, pagan differences and divergent management styles among partners in joint ventures are risks which would cause failure of success in the partnership. In
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Artist of Egyptian Old Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Artist of Egyptian Old Kingdom - Essay ExampleAs the study decl ares the pre-dynastic conviction achievement in the Egyptian history gave the actual form of look to the Egyptian cunning. That was the time period when Egyptian graphics actually flourished and took a new meaning of its form. The third (3rd) and the forth (4th) Dynasty introduced the meaning of expression and freedom in the Egyptian art and culture. This trend was then followed by all the generations who come afterwards. Since an art has ample space to absorb all the possible changes in it, Egyptian art could also run in all the actions of exploration and freedom of expression in it. As explained by that the cases meant for burials and funerals of kings and their relatives are the nearly remarkable commemoration that exist since the time of the Early Dynasties of Egypt. He also explains that the alterations in the concepts of majestic burials are a symbol of advancements in not only the architecture and building. Infact this process of change and alterations can also be observed in the concepts of afterlife. The Egyptian art reached its culminating point in the era of Dynasty IV. Dynasty V and VI then brought the technical progress and advancements throughout the artless afterwards. Explains that an artist of old Egyptian kingdom did not hold any special recognition for the work he had done in his time.The Egyptian art reached its culminating point in the era of Dynasty IV. Dynasty V and VI then brought the technical progress and advancements throughout the country afterwards.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Some of the Most Significantly Changing Musical Trends Essay
Some of the Most significantly Changing Musical Trends - Essay ExampleIt is evidently clear from the discussion that ingathering agencies are evolving in large basically to cut off the revenues spent on the continuous exercise of supervising and evaluating the toil of copyrights both in the local as well as international market. So the member of the medicinal drug industry should be able to understand the legislation regarding the copyrights as well as a center field knowledge should be there about the delivery of the music to the consumers in addition to the basic trends of users of this industry which are all the time changing. Collection agencies also need to develop the latest technology to obligate a continuous record of the inward flow of the copyright capital and the income related to the royalty. At large, collection agencies are usually playing an important role in the industry, by making lobbies among the policymakers of the music industry, by exploiting the informa tion about the business and these agencies can be beneficial in promoting this talent by laurels scholarships to the deserving ones. The major portion of the capital in the music industry are created with the help of melodic concepts which is done by collaborate effort of the market and the members of the instrument industry. As in all the some other industries, these ideas have to be protect and that is done by the means of copyrights creation. But there is one exclusion in this regard as in the music field the main idea of the artist is not protected quite a it is some modified fixed form of that idea which comes under the copyright act. In addition to this, the copyrights are not issued and instead these are kept by the author or the print authority. Capitals in the music industry are built through the musical innovations with the aid of specialized institutions and market support. Like in other industries copyrights hold utmost importance for the capital generation but in contrast to other industries, in music field the copyrights does not protect the idea of the artist itself rather its expression to certain extent is given copyrights, for example, a certain form of music cannot be protected through copyrights but its expression by certain artist can be protected.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Comparative Leadership Approches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comparative lead Approches - Essay ExampleA number of contemporary leaders present distinct approaches by exhibiting traits, knowledge, skills, and abilities that set them apart from the rest. Among the two plaqueal leaders that take up been deemed to contribute to the over-the-top development and professional growth of their respective organizations are John Frances Welch Jr., known as Jack Welch to many, the motive CEO of General Electric and Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, Inc.In this regard, the current research aims to compare and contrast the approaches of these two leaders Welch and Jobs, by using relevant leaders theories. Initially, a brief background on the rendering of leadership would be provided as well as pertinent contemporary leadership theories that are apply by both leaders identified would be presented. Further, the lessons that leaders in organizations could learn from these leaders would be proffered. Leadership ConceptsThe study conducted by Stone and Patterso n (2005) perused the history of leadership theories and the origin was traced in the beginning of civilization. As averred, Egyptian rulers, Greek heroes, and biblical patriarchs all have one thing in commonleadership. According to Martires and Fule, leadership is the process of influencing people so that they will seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is concerned with eliciting behavioural responses that are more than routine. More clearly, Tannenbaum and Massarik describe the relationship between leadership and influence by adage that leadership is interpersonal influence, exercised in situations and say, through the communication process, toward the attainment of specified goal or goals. Leadership always involves attempts on the part of a leader (influencer) to affect (influence) the behavior of a follower (influence) or followers in a situation ((1957, p. 3). The definitions would reveal the important elements particularly emerging in a leadership situation the goals that are aimed to be achieved, the process of influencing, and the transformation from where the organization was to where to plans to be. Contemporary leadership theories have emphasized the concepts of transformational leadership on the organization (Stone and Patterson, 2005, pp. 6 - 11). As cited by Stone and Patterson, with transformational leadership, the leaders focus is directed toward the organization, but leader behavior builds follower commitment toward the organizational objectives through empowering followers to accomplish those objectives (Yukl, 2002, cited in Stone and Patterson, 2005, p. 8). Jack Welchs Leadership Approach In a comprehensive discourse indite by Byrne (1998), Welch was identified to exude the following leadership roles as teacher, mentor, coach, the management theorist, strategic thinker, business teacher, and integrated icon (par. 9). Due to the remarkable growth of GE under Welchs helm, Byrne (1998) emphasized the transformation of the organizatio n to attest on Welchs exemplary ability as a leader the growth in market value of GE from just $12 billion in 1981 to about $280 billion today. No one, not Microsofts (MSFT) William H. Gates III or Intels (INTC) Andrew S. Grove, not Walt Disneys (DIS) Michael D. Eisner or Berkshire Hathaways (BKR.A) Warren E. Buffett, not even the deep Coca-Cola (KO) chieftain Roberto C. Goizueta or the late Wal-Mart (WMT) founder Sam Walton has created more shareholder value than Jack Welch (Byrne, 1998, par. 12). The analysis of Welch leadership approach and style revealed that an interplay of traits and application of leadership theori
Should Juveniles be tried as adults Research Paper
Should Juveniles be tried as adults - Research Paper ExampleThe dry land for trial in these courts was on in that location are rather than the crime committed. However, in the 20th century, in that location has been a change on perception of these courts. For example, in the last two decades of the 20th century, there was rethinking on the roles of these courts (Khan 1). Hence, the topic has been controversial in the recent time. Some of the public were calling for establishment of tough law of nature to the juveniles and even trying them as adults. The change in opinions made it possible for some states to make laws that ensured intervention of youthful offenders as adults. This has been done through the modification of the age of juvenile court jurisdiction (Childrens put to death Alliance 7). The age reduction has been implemented in states such as New York and jointure Carolina. In these states, the age of jurisdiction by courts have been reduced to 16 years (Childrens Act ion Alliance 7). Other states have come up with recommendations of doing away with juvenile courts. On the other hand, there are those that have a strong opposition to trying juveniles as adults. The paper focus on reasons why juveniles should not be tried as adults and refute.Juveniles should not be tried like adults, as their thinking capacity is not full developed. Most of the practices in the society shows that those under the age of xviii cannot in any way compared to adult. A research carried out has shown that teenagers brains are not developed like that of adults (Khalid 1). In the society, there are restrictions on drinking, use of tobacco, voting, and some other well-disposed activities to youth under eighteen years of age (Baruwa 109). The restriction is due to inability of adolescents of making bestride and responsible decisions to some of these things in society. Moreover, the restriction may be due to lack of experience of adolescents in life. The characteristics ar e an indication that adolescents are in the process of developing to maturity. The
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
strategical Management - Essay ExampleGood leadershiphip enhances the performance of the face and vice versa. Thus in addition to developing their business plans effectively, the organizations are placing great emphasis on the leadership models that they adopt. Customer needs are currently very dynamic in nature. To address these in an effective manner, organizational leaders are equipping themselves with the relevant knowledge and skills. A host of detailed information is sourced from merchandise researches that are undertaken on a wide range. Based on these, the respective leaders are able to make informed decisions regarding the specific needs of the clients and how these can be met with ease. At this point, it can non be disputed that customization of products is at the core of effective performance in the highly competitive market. Of great magnificence however is the role of strategic management. Seemingly, a significant percentage of the leaders are relying on organizat ional strategic plans to meet their goals. Usually, these are reflective of the short term as well as hanker term objectives of a given organization. Besides being based on market current market researches, organizational strategic plans are also greatly informed by the existing theoretical and conceptual models. Considering the fact that these are objective, they usually offer useful insights with respect to how an organizations management strategy can help it in attaining and maintaining optimal performance. Ideally, organizational strategic plans need to be comprehensive and self-consistent with the mission and vision of the organization. They provide step wise processes that the organization employs in meeting its goals and objectives. It is against this background that this newsprint provides a critical evaluation of the Design school strategic management model. To enhance a agreeable consideration, it begins by underscoring the importance of strategic management models. I t then proceeds to describing this particular model and then offers a detailed critique of its role in strategic management. General Discussion The Role of Models in Strategic Management As indicated earlier, the corporate environment has changed dramatically the recent past. Not completely has it increased in terms of complexity, but it has also increasingly become dynamic. This according to Chan and Renee (2005, p. 54) is attributable to a host of factors including globalization and the characteristic free movement of goods and information. This has in return compelled organizations to adopt approaches that can modify them to not only survive but to also thrive in the highly competitive environment. One of the approaches that most organizations drive undertaken is to align their strategies to the objective provisions of the strategic management theories and models. Strategic management models have been tested over time and proven to be effective in guiding organizational perfo rmance. When applied accordingly, they can enable an organization to face the modern challenges and address them with ease. Fundamentally, they contribute significantly to improved organizational performance. In his research, Alvesson (1996, p. 146) indicates that solely like theories, models are abstract and do not contain content specific data or information. For this reason, they can be applied in different situations to resolve emergent organizational problems. Although they are not
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
American Constitution Law 3 J Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
American Constitution jurisprudence 3 J - Essay ExampleThe clause is there to protect accused persons or asseverate perpetrators from abuse in a number of ways, namely from a second trial for the resembling law-breaking after prosecution, acquittal, and against multiple punishments (Stephens & Scheb, 2008). In Johnsons case, he was already tried and nominate innocent of the purported crime.The clause also dictates that defendants cannot be tried for a lesser crime deep down the original crime (Stephens & Scheb, 2008). This gist that any crime that is seen to be lesser in nature to the original crime, but is merged within the murder, cannot be used to try and convict Johnson in a judicial system of law. Johnson has a right to quote the Double Jeopardy Article in the event you decide to take him to court over the same crime.I think it may be worthwhile mentioning that there are some instances where the rule may not apply, for instance if multiple offenses were carried out by Johnson, the clause does not apply to him. He could be tried for the other offenses he committed that may carry the same sentence or assurance as the murder of your family member. Unfortunately, this case may not be used to talk of the defendants conduct.There is also a reason why this testimony may not be comely to let Johnson go to court. The court would want to maintain the integrity and finality of all criminal proceedings. If the court were to summarily ignore the unsatisfactory outcomes of your case against Johnson, then its integrity would be called to question. This Clause is considered as angiotensin converting enzyme of the oldest concepts, and cannot easily be altered as people have tried over the years (Stephens & Scheb, 2008).In spite of the testimony provided by Johnsons brother on his deathbed, it may not be comfortable to ask for a retrial of Johnsons case. His Miranda rights did not apply at the time of the confession because it is a sentiment that anything sa id at that time is acceptable in court. He can be tried and found guilty of the
Monday, April 22, 2019
Prospect and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage Research Proposal
luck and effectualness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage - Research Proposal ExampleThe research proposal Prospect and Effectiveness of Web 2.0 Tools Usage talks about the prospect and effectiveness of the use of weathervane 2.0 tools in cultivation literacy in culture, workplace, and everyday contexts by carrying out a comparative study in Australia and other countries as digital information affects modern life aspects of people.This study is exceedingly beneficial because it will center on the effectiveness of web 2.0 tools in information literacy in education, workplace and everyday lives of the peoples in Australia and New Zealand. digital information affects every modern life aspects of the people. This aims to develop guidelines formalizing academic standard practices and reporting using web 2.0 forms of authoring or content creation like blogging, social bookmarking and podcasting. This study is intended to investigate the strategies and tools available to come along develop the su ccess of web 2.0 tools in the sectors of education, workforce and the society as a whole, specifically in Australia and New Zealand.Web 2.0 technologies provide teachers new ways to engage students in a meaningful way. Children elevated on new media technologies are less patient with filling out work sheets and listening to lectures because they already participate on a global level through the internet. The use of web 2.0 technologies proves the fact that education is a constantly evolving process. Research methods will include literature review, experimental investigation, modeling, and data validation.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Labour Process Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Labour Process Theory - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the line that Labour Process Theory (LBT) is a concept that proposes the practices undertaken by the management to control the mildewforce within the system of rulesal environment and ensure utmost productivity. It is believed that from the past few decades, LPT has been a core subject of the particular Management Studies (CMS) that was formed by Harry Braverman in the year 1970 using the ideas developed by Karl Marx. Since its instauration in the stream of modern management ideologies, LPT has delivered huge contribution in analyzing the work performed within the organization, as per the desired level of productivity and hence, creating a work organization. LPT was created following the ideologies of Marx that suggest the fundamental aspect for comprehending the work organization is based upon the structure of the community within which the organization is functioning instead of human psychology. LPT to begin with emphasizes on how individuals work in an organization, what/who controls the work done by these individuals, what are the skills used by these individuals when carrying break through their work and in what ways are those individuals remunerated for the work they have done. LBT has been successful in creating a linkage with the management strategy of an organization through its involvement and set of assumptions. LPT provides an understanding regarding how the management of an organization limits the power of the working class who have the skills to carry out the given task. LPT is a conceptual coming that has been in use, as per the capitalist method of production that provides a deep insight into worker-management relations in the piece of work. Considering its applicability, it is also perceived that LPT causes serious insights in todays world of work, management control issues and policy-making aspects in the workplace. In relation to the capitalists approach used in LPT, managerial control in the workplace has been a highly debated topic.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Financial Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Financial Research - Essay ExampleCharitable fundraising is bonny more than difficult and competitive. At the same time, societys need for merciful services is growing. In such a challenging environment, how can charities keep up with ever-changing legal requirements -- and still have time to sneak money and carry out their gentle missions A new series of Law and Tax Guides for Charities helps testify the way. The first title in the series, The Charitys Guide to Charitable Contributions, is a practical, plain-English guide to what charities need to know close the federal income tax deduction for charitable contributions. Its an essential tool for every charity.Veteran tax lawyer Pamela McAllister guides readers through the maze of federal tax laws with topics ranging from membership premiums to special event, auctions to thrift shops. Readers discover clear, step-by-step instruction manual for determining how much of a contribution is deductible and what to tell their donors in a wide cuckold of everyday situations, plus valuable practical advice on maintaining positive donor relations.This article by Pamela McAllister shows the charitable ... amela McAllister shows the charitable organizations like Q note how to follow the technical requirements of the donation law by giving them essential checklists, guidelines, and sample forms that surely will help charities be professional and knowledgeable, assist their donors, and avoid tax penalties it besides has countless real-word examples.So this financial research on charities is shows us that our Q note school will win because the United Kingdom government encourages companies to give to charitable institutions like Q note. In return the donating companies will composing the donations as deductions from the total gross income. This donation will then lower the total tot of furrow income that the company will use as basis for computing the amount of taxes the company will remunerate the United Kingd om government. If the donations are bigger, then the gross income deduction will also be bigger. alone the United Kingdom tax law also states that there is a limit to the amount of donations that a company will give to charitable institutions like Q note. Although, this will lessen the charitable contribution amount that each charitable organization will receive from one company, the charitable organizations can spend more time looking for other companies that will be philanthropic enough to give excess silver to the Q note School. Therefore the charitable organizations and also the donor company or companies.benefits from this taxation law pertaining to charitable contributions. SOUND ENGINEERING. Since there is a big market for songs and recordings of meetings, conferences and the like, the student graduates will have a lustrous future in the chosen field of work as compared to the alternative of joining the inner city street gangs and live a dangerous life of
Friday, April 19, 2019
Luck and Fate in Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment Essay
Luck and Fate in Fyodor Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment - Essay eventA self-confessed drunkard, a widower with a daughter from his first married woman and later on remarried to Katerina Ivanovna, a widow who had three children from her previous husband, believed that it was his fate to be a drunkard to the point that he had sold most of his possessions including some of his wifes valued possessions (Dostoevsky 16-17).In acceptance of his fate as a hopeless drunkard, Marmeladov claimed, Such is my fate Do you know, sir, do you know, I rent sold her in truth stockings for drink?. (Dostoevsky 17) But later on reasons out that his intoxication is a self-inflicted suffering to pay for his sins to his wife and children as he claimed, Thats why I drink alike. I try to find sympathy and cutaneous senses in drink.. . I drink so that I may suffer twice as some(prenominal) (Dostoevsky 17)On a close examination of Marmeladovs behavior, he blaming his fate of loving alcohol too much was hi s excuse for behaving as he had confessed. Likened to a McLaughlin quote saying that, The chief reason for swallow is the desire to behave in a certain way, and to be able to blame it on alcohol, (Guillemets) Marmeladov blames his actions to his drinkable and not entirely taking the blame to himself.On the contrary, Marmeladov, instead of putting the blame on his drinking and lamenting his fate at the tavern, should at least(prenominal) make efforts to retain his job better withal to accept that his family problems are his fault and that he can make a way to at least feed his children and tend to his ailing wife. Also, he should have thought of these problems when he is sober and not when he was drunk since he would eventually forget all his thoughts when the effects of his drink wear off.Marmeladovs alcoholism had developed into a family problem. Accordingly, alcoholics may have young, teenage, or grown-up children they have wives or husbands they have brothers or sisters they have parents or other relatives. An alcoholic can totally disrupt family life and cause
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Can it Explain why the United States has Higher Crime Rates Than Other Essay
Can it Explain why the United States has Higher Crime Rates Than Other Countries - Essay ExampleIn criminology, the Social attach Theory (which was earlier kn possess as the Social Control Theory) proposes that exploiting the process socialization and social learning builds self-control and reduces the inclination to indulge in such behavior that is considered and recognized as antisocial. The Social link up Theory proposes that peoples relationships, commitments, values, norms, and beliefs encourage them not to break the law. (Wikipedia, 2006). The Social connect Theory has evolved dramatically throughout the years, not only with its titled name, but through the separately distinguished proposals of different persons, and also by the track it has been accepted and understood by not only criminologists themselves, but also the world in general. The exploitation of this theory is of particular importance, and the originality of it must be recognized and understood just as much a s the modern day from of the theory.The Social Bond Theory is a topic of great discussion and all the same greater importance, in that its assistance and propositions in regards to criminology have aided the field in many ways. in that location are several different forms of the theory itself, which have been proposed by several persons over the years, and yet each theorys basis remains the same - to understand the ways in which it is possible to reduce the likelihood of evil developing in individuals, which is, of course, a dramatically new stance in criminology altogether. The purpose of this paper is to freshen up and understand the different perspectives and proposals which have been taken on the Social Bond Theory, the importance of the theory itself, and to soundly discuss each of the assumptions, propositions, empirical findings, and other primary key elements of the Social Bond Theory. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Literature ReviewOut of the many d ifferent assumptions taken on the Social Bond Theory, there are six which are especially prominent. These six persons consist of (in chronological order) Albert J. Reiss, Jackson Toby, F. Ivan Nye, Walter Reckless, David Matza, and Travis Hirschi.The early form of the theory was proposed by Albert J. Reiss, who proposed that delinquency was behavior consequent to the stroke of personal and social controls. (Reiss, 1951 196). Reiss believed that the failure to internalize socially accepted and visitd norms of behavior, as well as the lack of social rules that prescribe behavior in the family, the school, and other consequential social groups are all also evidently important in the proposal of the Social Bond Theory. Reiss also proposed that the main factor was that personal control problems cauline from a juveniles inability to refrain from meeting their needs in a psychiatric sense. Reiss theory launched a series of studies into insulation and vulnerability factors affecting del inquency.Jackson Toby was another early theorist with his own separate take on the Social Bond Theory. He was the first to introduce the concept of stakes in conformity, which in the simplest terms dealt with how much a person has to lose when he or she breaks the law. Toby (1957)
Energy and socity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
competency and socity - Lab Report ExampleMolecules eviscerate and emit zilch principally emanating from- 1. Electron excitation (Exemplified by atoms) 2. Rotational motion 3. Vibration motion The 2nd and 3rd energies are predominantly in molecules, where frisson energy emanates from their atoms bonds. Because bonds act like springs while expanding, contracting and bending, so as to produce or absorb energy. In addition, the three energies redistri plainlye themselves in diverse portions of spectrum according to how they react to their preferred portions. Electronic energy dominates UV region while vibration and rotation energies are in the infrared light parts. For an absorption or emission to happen within a certain molecule, it evidently depends on bond and atom font which constitutes that entity. N2 and O2 are diatomic gases whose atoms emanate from their parent element and they lack net change in their dipole antenna moment. This implies that IR has no take on them even t hough the waves pass through their bonds hence they comport poor absorption characteristics. Conversely, some dissimilar diatomic gases like CO and HC do absorb IR, but their characteristic atomic orientation makes them transitory. This wee-wees an insignificant result on the greenhouse effect where exemplification of IR absorption cannot utilize this categorization. Sun radiations once they hit earth bounce off in the form of long-waves, where atmospheric gases absorb the escaping reflected them. Gases absorption is proportional to their distinct wave-lengths, thus shunning the radiations from escaping to the outer space. check 1 depicts escaping of solar radiations to the space, but water supply compared to CO2 has a wide range of absorption. The exemplified phenomena do not forever exist despite H2O being most dominant, since at various occasions CO2 in regard to their concentration have greater absorption proportions. habitus 2 illustrates absorption of diverse gases and a ffirms water vapor as the dominant long-wave absorber. Figure 3 depicts diverse gases distributions in the ambiance according to their concentrations. Figure 1 Greenhouse Effect Simplified. Retrieved from http//www.climatedata.info/Forcing/Emissions/files/BIGw07-simplified-radiation.gif.gif Figure 2 Greenhouse Effect - Long Wave Absorption. Retrieved from http//www.climatedata.info/Forcing/Emissions/files/BIGw08-greenhouse-effect.gif.gif Figure 3 Relative Contributions of Greenhouse Gases. Retrieved from http//www.climatedata.info/Forcing/Emissions/files/BIG09-percentage.gif.gif Purpose and hypothesis The core purpose of this lab report is to ascertain varying absorption of infrared photons by diverse GHGs and give clear deductions due to their characteristic behaviors. This encompasses expound gases distinct characteristics coupled with why they adopt a distinct behavior. GHGs possess diverse absorption characteristics that alter them to act in a particular manner when subject ed to infrared photons. These characteristics contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect when solar short-wave after bouncing off the earths surface gets trapped by GHGs. H2O among the gases dominates with its overwhelming characteristics, but differ according to days air humidity. Procedure Procedure entails having an infrared photon source that produces diverse intensities and whose variations are adjustable. GHGs pass in the path of infrared photo
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Film responses 13 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Film responses 13 - Movie polish ExampleThe jump cut shows Antoine in the bathroom. He wipes the mirror and there is a voice-over of the teacher byword I deface the classroom walls. The voice-over is a distancing technique. It helps people to think about the diverseness of boy that Antoine is and the kind of life that he has than feel for him as a delinquent. When his father appears in the mirror to show his socks with many an(prenominal) holes, it shows the theme of mixing genres, of including comedy in a dramatic moment. This is part of the auteur theory where Truffaut includes small things that progeny to a leisure narrative development, especially the wit and charm of the characters.Try to make a full stop of not choosing opening scenes or scenes that are featured on You Tube.When you find a scene that distinctly shows French New Wave technical & thematic elements--note those elements as youdescribe each scene in vivid detail--using film terms whenever appropriate.Remember --its always easiest to work your way chronologically through the scene--describing what you see as the narrative unfolds.Important--Make sure you also extend your description into a discussion of the purpose and/or progeny of various technical or elements of mise-en-scene choices. The assignment this week will help prepare you for next weeks
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Social Issues in the Criminal Justice Field Essay Example for Free
Social Issues in the malefactor Justice Field seekAll of community musss with social issues, either directly or indirectly. These can be problems or matters affecting all of purchase order, usually in a negative manner. In the US, some predominant social issues take homelessness, domestic violence and closed chain violence. Criminal arbiter schoolmasters face these types of issues daily. The criminal referee professional is incessantly active and busy, dealing with countless amounts of criminal activity throughout the plain. Every criminal arbitrator professional has a job to do, to separate their community and the social club they work within. Homelessness is an unfortunate problem that will exsert to grow if our society does not make it a national priority to address this issue in a systemic way. In the US more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year, which 20% of these families have children. (National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2014.) The combination of the high cost of living, low-wage jobs, and high unemployment rates just worsen these problems and force countless Americans to choose between food, housing, and other expenses. Homelessness can end, by tackling its root ca substance abuses and improving support run, such as TANF, housing vouchers and health care.Another crucial issue for criminal justice professionals is domestic violence. Domestic violence is abuse that happens in a personal relationship. It affects men and woman of either ethnic group, race, or religion gay or straight rich or poor teen, openhanded or elderly. But most of its victims are women. In fact, 1 out of 4 women will be a victim at some point in their life. (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2014.) Criminal justice professionals serve as a way out to victims of domestic violence they help with counselor and can also supportthe victim through shelter programs. They will also provide services to the pe rpetrators through voluntary and court mandated batterer intervention programs. As professionals committed to social justice, domestic violence is a social justice issue.One of the most difficult social issues we face as a country is gang violence. A gang is a group of people who claim a territory and use it to make money through illegal activities. Gangs are one of the leading factors for growth of violent crimes gang violence has become increasingly deadly in the last several decades as a dissolving agent of the introductions of automatic weapons and drive- by shootings. (Gang Violence and triggerman Control, 2013.) Many gangs resort to violence, even homicide, to enforce loyalty and save members from leaving. Some criminal justice professionals specialize in gang violence and are only specifically assigned to gang violence crimes. Such specialized units are created in order to focus departmental resources, energy, and skills on specific community problems.The criminal justice system is a vital part of our society and we know that complete, effective, and fair operation of criminal justice system powers is crucial to ending violence, both for release individuals and for ending the worldwide epidemic of violence against one another in this human race. The public knows that the practice of law cannot prevent every crime, nor arrest every criminal. However, they expect a criminal justice system, which is reliable, effective, and valued. It must deal with cases proficiently fight crime in each state and each town in this country. Thus, the society needs criminal justice systems to protect, to discourage and to stop crime. Obviously, the idea of having a system is to ensure justice and equality throughout a social setting.It is a must that criminal justice professionals always dumbfound active and busy, in order to keep up with the progressing crime rates and social issues. Every society has social issues, as these problems evolve, so do the jobs in the cri minal justice profession. To remain a possible resource to the community and individuals, whether they are victims or perpetrators, criminal justice professionals must be willing to better the lives of thepeople they touch. These social issues can end by tackling its root causes and improving support services. Criminal justice professionals are not the only ones that can help make a difference in these lives save also everyone in the society as a whole, when you come together, changes can happen.ReferencesGang Violence and Gun Control, 2013http//www.americanthinker.com/articles/2013/01/gang_violence_and_gun_control.html U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2014 http//www.statisticbrain.com/domestic-violence-abuse-stats/ National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2014http//www.nlchp.org/
Monday, April 15, 2019
Marketing Strategies of Newspapers Essay Example for Free
Marketing Strategies of Newspapers EssayThe newspaper publisher marketplace, like other markets generate accommodate competitive to the extent that survival requires a lot of creativity and innovation in the way the stemma is conducted. This is the situation in which the three major newspapers on the Zambian market, i.e the invest, the multiplication of Zambia, and the Zambia Daily mail service newspapers amaze themselves.Currently, the Post newspaper is the market leader with a market helping of eighty percent (80%), the time of Zambia newspaper and the Zambia Daily Mail, together with the rest of the other newspapers share the remaining twenty percent (20%). For this ingest, the instruction is on three newspapers, The Post which is a hole-and-corner(a)ly have newspaper and the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail which are stated owned newspapers. The difference in performance amongst these three newspapers has also been reflected in the differences in the r eadership of the three (3) newspapers which is indicated below.Source Synovate Research Center 2005 For any of these papers to gain competitive advantage and farseeing term profitability, thither is need to come up with a proper business approach. One much(prenominal) approach is a proper pull ining and management of the common business parameters like the quality of the product, the price of the product, the distribution of the product, and the promotion of the product. A newspaper firm can then formulate appropriate specialism strategies based on the above parameters which are commonly known as the four Ps of the merchandising alloy (Kotler, 200315).The discrepancies in the market share prompted the exploreer to look at the business management outlook of the three newspapers, i.e.how they were applying and using the four Ps of the merchandise mix. The aim was to determine how the three newspapers were utilizing the elements of the merchandising mix in order to gain competi tive advantage on the Zambian market. Essentially, this is a comparative study which looks into how the three newspapers were utilizing the marketing mix to annex their market shares.The study was expected to reveal the differences in the system of the marketing mix and show whether this had a significant impact on the market shares of the three papers. This is non withstanding the fact that the performance of an entity is dependent on the sundry(a) functional areas of business management. However, in this offseticular case, what was creation put to test was the functional area of marketing, and in this case the application of the elements of the marketing mix.The liberalization of the Zambian economy in 1991 saw the emergence of various entities on the Zambian market. This included the print media. The Post newspaper is one such paper that emerged as a offstage owned newspaper.Prior to 1991, there were mainly two dominant papers, i.e. the Times of Zambia, and the Zambia Dail y Mail newspapers. For this study, the focus was on one private newspaper, i.e the Post newspaper, and the state owned newspapers, i.e. The Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers. Currently, on the Zambian market, the Post newspaper is the market leader with a market share of eighty (80%) percent by far prodigious the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail which fall into the remaining twenty (20%) percent. This poses the question of why should a new born newspaper, i.e the Post Newspaper, out match the old newspapers like the Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail newspapers. Obviously, the market share has to do with the acceptability of the paper. And from a business management point of view, this acceptability is dependent on the papers marketing strategies which are based on the marketing mix. Hence the reason for the research in this area.The history of each of the above stated newspapers is as followsThe Times of Zambia newspaperThe Times of Zambia is a national daily newspaper published in Zambia. During the colonial period this newspaper was known as The Northern News. It was founded in 1944 as a twice-weekly newspaper aimed at a European readership, owned low by Roy Welensky and then by the South African newspaper chain Argus. Argus then sell the paper to Lonhro, under which it was re severalised the Times of Zambia on 1 July 1965. Lonhro had just bought out Heinrich Brewery which had briefly operated a daily, The Zambia Times and weekly Zambia News.Criticism of the government under the editorship of Dunston Kamana in the early 1970s and the change of the government to a one party state led to the purchase of Times of Zambia by the United National emancipation Party (UNIP) government who then appointed its own editor, Vernon Mwaanga, in 1972. When the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) came to power in November 1991, it went to court claiming UNIP had illegally taken over the newspapers. The courts found in favour of the MMD, and ruled that the papers possession be transferred to the Zambian Government. The Times of Zambia is now owned by the Zambian Government. later the independence of Zambia in 1964, the print media was run by the private sector with Times of Zambia then been published by Lonrho and the name Daily then Central African Mail was run by Scott and Astor. In 1969 it was purchased by the impression United National Party (UNIP) (Banda, 2004). In 1983, the newspaper industries along with most other industries were nationalized as part of governments humanism. The two newspapers were then turned into government companies and heavily subsidized by the government.In 1990, there was the introduction of multiparty government and an open, market driven economy. Privately owned newspapers were reintroduced and according to the National biography (2003) 137 publications, both newspapers and magazines, were registered between 1991 and 2002. Most of the registered newspapers were either aborted or died soon after the first few issues. The secure price of the newspapers has remained the same in Zambia at K3000.00 with new newspapers coming in and offering a press down price and then failing to survive all together. The other sources of income for newspapers are through the advertising which has grown with newspapers getting more and more expensive.This case research is intended at studying the various marketing strategies used by newspaper companies in Zambia and how they can increase competiveness. My aim is to find out the sure marketing strategies of the major newspapers in Zambia, namely The Post, Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, The Guardian and The Mirror. The purpose of the study is to understand the current marketing strategies and come up with recommendations to increase competitiveness in this sector.1.2 Background to the study After the introduction of the multi-party system and the subsequent liberalization of the economy, in Zambia, in 1991, the country saw the emergence of various types of privately owned newspapers in addition to the two regular newspapers, i.e The Times of Zambia and the Zambia Daily Mail. In all, the mid(prenominal) 1990s, there were several privately owned newspapers in addition to the two regular state owned newspapers stated above.What transpired is that some private newspapers came and went, whilst the two state owned newspapers have failed to be competitive and increase their market shares, but they have survived through Government subsidies. However, one privately owned newspaper, the Post Newspaper, has keep to grow its market share and today it is the market leader in its relevant market. The question of rice beer to the police detective is to determine the type and effectiveness of the marketing strategies that the Newspapers are using to increase their market share in the relevant markets.1.3 Research ProblemSince the Liberalization of Zambias economy in 1991, several private newspapers have emerged to jo in the already existing state owned ones. However, most of the privately owned newspapers have collapsed, and the two state owned ones are failing to increase their market, but are survive on Government subsidies. But one private newspaper, the Post, has continued to thrive to become the market leader. There is heretofore very little competition in this industry with only a few as newspapers surviving and one major newspaper The Post is getting 80% of the market share (Banda 2004). Given this background, the researcher wants to determine the type of marketing strategies newspapers use, and the extent to which these marketing strategies are effective. Consequently, this will help the managements of the newspapers to improve their marketing strategies so as to provide quality services to their customers, and thereby increase their market share and competitiveness.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Domestic Issues Faced By The United States Of America Essay Example for Free
Domestic Issues Faced By The United States Of America attemptHuman Rights human rights in the United States has been criticized for their practices and policies. The record shows that human rights in the United States atomic number 18 conglomerate and controversial issue. Racial discrimination Whether they are African American or Native American they are all human beings. Policy advice blacks should be treated equally and can have the same opportunities and shield from the government just like the whites get. Segregation of white and black is a good consideration too. savage TreatmentDeath Penalty human rights is the maximum and irreversible denial under the death penalty. It is controversial for its capital punishment. It is inhumane, cruel and unusual violation. Policy advice is to prohibit execution. Prison System imprisonment of children and teenagers. A pack of mistreatment, rape, sexual abuse etc. Those behaviors are unlawful. Policy advice give medical care, st op prisoner rape, add together more security and abolish death sentence. GLOBAL ISSUES FACED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA global Warming the earths temperature is rising.Policy advice we have to have a major sacrifices to illuminate the problem. Global Health Issues every year millions of people die needlessly because of poverty. Policy advice privatization of wellness system. World Hunger and Poverty Land Rights owning of land. Policy advice build a program to extend land ownership for the poor. Rainforest Destruction one effect of the banana industry is rainforest demolition and dependent economies. Policy advice prioritize the local market before exporting.To conclude, it is important to know our rights in the edict because each one of us is entitled to have our own niche in this country and redden in this world.R E F E R E N C E S Free, Marvin D. Jr. (November 1997). The Impact of Federal Sentencing Reforms on African Americans 28 (2) pp. 268-286. Retrieved on 2007-05-31. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Statescite_note-1 Anup Shah, Food and kitchen-gardening Issues, GlobalIssues. org, Created Monday, December 03, 2007 http//www. globalissues. org/food/
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Recommendations to the Wallace Group Essay Example for Free
Recommendations to the W completelyace Group EssayI do concluded my interviews with your team and have a list of recommendations based on priorities. The recommendations are unbiased and non intended to be personal attacks on the current heed they are based on the salubrious management principles and intended to maximize your go withs potential. a. Realign the corporate structure. Begin by recruiting a new board of directors using outside directors, executives of new(prenominal) firms but are not employees of the boards corporation1, in addition to a limited number of management directors from inside the company. This combination of troika companies working as independent entities is not working, they must be integrated and a different management organizational structure must be implemented. This group give be able to accomplish the close recommendation. b. Develop a mission statement and goals. The company must embark upon strategic management planning. This will includ e Clearer sense of strategic vision for the firm Sharper focus on what is strategically grievous Improved understanding of a rapidly changing environment1 The Wallace group lacks vision and goals for its fragments and this leads to a lack of delegation for the management team. A mission statement defines the fundamental, unique purpose that sets a company apart from other firms of its type and identifies the scope of the companys operations in preconditions of products offered and markets served1. This business must larn a corporate wide strategic management plan to set a direction for the company and its shareholders.A part of this management planning would consist of SWOT analysis, strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. This process is frequently referred to as Plan Do Act Check or PDAC and is a continuous process. Making a profit today is not enough there has to be an evaluation of where the company is now, where will it be in 2, 5, 10 years and how the co mpany will attain those goals. c. Change the organizational chart at that place needs to be an in-depth evaluation of the personnel currently in place.The current chart is one of erect structure and should be revamped to be more horizontal. This accomplishes the goals of empowerment and coordination between the divisions. A glaring problem is the VP of the chemic division, J. Luskics, as he was the former owner that guided the company into foreclosure and appears to not be running the division efficiently now. The chemical division is not even internally competitive for the plastics or electronics divisions.Mr.Luskics should either be bought out of the company or reassigned to a position that he might be successful. There as well is a redundancy among positions in the company, for example there are three directors of indus streak relations, these positions should either be combined or incentivized to cooperate in the best interest of the company. d. Personnel development. There is no unvarnished leadership development in place and the company has relied on promoting technical staff to management positions which more are not equipped to handle.There needs to be a leadership development serial publication initiated, leadership retreats to communicate and encourage relations amongst the teams, and perhaps some Management Assessment of Proficiency (MAP) test to asses the current management team. Management development and succession planning must be implemented to condition long term success. Job responsibilities need to be developed and implemented for all positions but specifically for the management team including specific goals, budgeting, forecasting (long range planning), training, and staff satisfaction. . Communication. The lack of clear strategies, long term plans, goals and objectives has led to the recent revolt at the stockholders meeting. This is a clear indication of the frustration felt from the staff level up and the new direction of the c ompany must be clearly communicated to all staff. eagerness is contagious and the presentation of a new course for the company will be very excite for staff. Employee surveys, suggestion boxes and an engaging of the front line staff will do much to improve esprit de corps and spark improvements.I would like to commend you sir for creating a successful company but I do believe there are concrete steps that you can take to improve the future of this company. Mr. Wallace I believe the development of a vision will produce great results, with this vision you will coax personnel that want to be a part of a great company and bread for all involved will naturally follow. Remember Visionary companies make some of their best moves by experimentation, trial and error, opportunism, and quite literally accident2.I estimate that this plan of action will initially appeal $1. 5 million but there will be cost savings realized in personnel reassignments, recruitment and retention, productivity, and a renewed sense of commitment that will be reflected in profits far surpassing the costs.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
British and American English in Hk Essay Example for Free
British and American face in Hk EssayHong Kong was a addiction of British in the past. Under a British education system, the side of meat we learnt in school are supposed to be British English. But nowadays, more and more Hong Kong people start to use American English in their daily conversions. Some people think that using both British and American English may prove bad influences to English learning. Another group of people claim that it is pricy to familiar with the usage of both British and American English. Noah WebsterBefore we investigate on this case, we should first go through what actually American English is and how can we recognize it. In 19th century, Noah Webster created The American Dictionary of the English Language. At that time, most of the schools in America had a bad learning environment with poor underpaid staff, no desks, and unsatisfactory textbooks that came from British. As a teacher in America, he wanted to improve the situation and advocated that American should learn from American textbooks. He wrote textbooks for the students and even created the American English system. The American Dictionary he created was integrate by new linguistic process, spellings and pronunciations. This the reason why the latter gave a separate identity to American English.Differences mingled with British and American EnglishIn order to distinguish British English and American English from each other, we can focus on the spellings, pronunciations, grammars and usage in vocabularies.Differences in VocabularySome words used in British and American are totally different. Focus on vocabularies used is the easiest office to know which kind of English the people are using. Here are some common examples.British English American Englishpants trouserscrisp chipschips French friesfizzy drink sodalift elevatorfilm moviepavement sidewalkPopular American entertainment in HKAlthough we learnt British English in school, we can easily get touch in some Ameri can entertainments in Hong Kong. American entertainments are everywhere, TV shows, films, songs, games etc. With no doubt, the English used in those entertainments is American English. This is reason why we learn many American English in our daily life.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing as a Solution Essay Example for Free
Business Intelligence and Data storage as a Solution EssayAs it is anticipated that there is a fundamental object glass of the company to reduce costs, make informed decisions and consolidate information, there is urgent motivating to for resilient training of the agate line intelligence and selective information repositing (Collier, 2012). The poor response by IT in the provision of strategical information indicates that the system is incapable of guiding the company to success. This is a potential threat to the prosperity of the business, and then a quicker intervention is required to suss out success is attained. Business Intelligence and Data reposition as a SolutionThe implementation of BI and DWH services in the sales department would ensure a sustained growth and a competitive edge to the company. Integration of business intelligence would tiptop the intent of information necessary to drive the organization insight. Operational business intelligence would produ ce an improve analysis of sales data and provide in-depth knowledge of the performance indicators of the marketing department such as the customers of the company, competitors, economic environment and internal operations that would in turn help in making cost-efficient and best quality sales and marketing decisions (Collier, 2012). Also, the concept of data warehousing would enable a important integration and management of sales and marketing database containing data from the four operational sources in the department from manifold sources. The created database would contain structured sales data for query analysis and can be accessed by each(prenominal) the authorized users. The good news reads that the data warehouse can be created and updated at any time, with particular(a) disruption of the operational systems (Simon, 2014). There is a broad set of technologies, applications and knowledge for gathering and analyzing sales data for the purpose of helping users make sales a nd marketing decisions.Issues Needed to be AddressedThere is conduct to integrate BI and DWH applications in the operational systems as there is a significant requirement of flowing data for the purposes of sales. These tools are critical in supporting the sales and marketing decision makers in the organization. However, without decorous governance, it would a long-awaited dream to achieve the value offered by BI and DWH. As such, there is urgent need to develop BI/DWH governance framework in the sales and marketing department based on universal principles and clear information ownership and dissemination. Essentially, there is a need for designing, implementing and making effective use of BI tools to achieve marketing objectives and increase revenue returns.SummaryMaking the most of the companys data assets is the purpose of BI at a high level. The company would increase its competitive reward such as reducing costs, increasing investment returns, reducing risks by making best data-driven decisions through and through a structured BI. Therefore, we can begin by developing the governance framework through designing, executing, monitor and controlling and implementing to enhance proper management of the company sales data.ReferencesCollier, K. (2012). Agile analytics A value-driven approach to business intelligence and data warehousing. Upper Saddle River, NJ Addison-Wesley.Simon, A. R. (2014). Enterprise business intelligence and data warehousing Program management essentials.Source document
Monday, April 8, 2019
ÃÂ princess Hindu Essay Example for Free
princess Hindu EssayMIRABAIMeerabai (c. 1498 c. 1557 AD) (the word bai in Rajasthani is an informal term normally used to refer a girl) was a princess Hindu secretal and a devotee of nobleman Krishna from Rajasthan. She was peerless of the most signifi raftt figures Sant of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Some 1,300 pads (poems) commonly known as bhajans (sacred songs) are attributed to her. These are popular throughout India and have been published in several translations worldwide. In the bhakti tradition, they are in passionate praise of master copy Krishna. In most of her poems she has described her unconditional love for her Lord. She has tried to give the message that Krishna bhakti is the best mode to live life as it helps us forget our desires and this in turn helps us attain moksha (liberation). Teachings hunch forward and devotion towards GodEKNATHSant Eknath (15331599) was a prominent Marathi Saint, scholar and religious poet. In the development of Marathi lite rature, Sant Eknath is seen as a bridge between the towering predecessors Dnyaneshwar and Namdev and the equally noble successors Tukaram and Ramdas. Eknath was born some m around 1530 AD in an illustrious Brahmin family of Pratisthan (Paithan today). They were said to be the Kulkarnis of the village, his real name is Eknath Suryajipant Kulkarni.citation needed Sant Bhanudas, who brought back the sacred image of Lord Pandurang, from Vijaynagar to Pandharpur, was Eknaths great grandfather. Eknath was born under the star sign of Mula in the sagittarius constellation, traditionally analyzeed a bad omen for the parents of the child. The omen was borne out for Eknaths father Suryanarayan and mother Rukmini, who died shortly after his consanguinity and Eknath was brought up by his grandparents, Chakrapani and Saraswatibai. As an orphan, Eknath had to suffer the taunts of other children. He began avoiding their company and found refuge as a child in prayer and other devotional practices. * Teachings The sayings of a man who practised what he preached must be of special interest to us * Duty well performed purifies the mind, and qualifies cardinal for Bhakti (Devotion). The Vedas should be followed as long as one has not risen above attachment and duality just as a watchman is needed to guard the fruits of a mango tree until the fruits are removed and thus he can be dispensed with.HARIDASA THAKURAHaridasa Thakur (IAST Haridsa) (born 1451 or 14501) was a prominent Vaishnava saint, instrumental in the beforehand(predicate) appearance and spread of the Hare Krishna movement. the story of his heroism in the face of torture is told in Chaitanya Charitamrta, Antya lila.2 also being an ex-Muslim,3 he is famous because of his dedication to the religious practice of constantly chanting the call of God. Haridasa Thakura was A senior and well-respected religious personality of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in the local area of Mayapur, prayed for the descent of theyugavatara, (avat ar of the era) believed to be Chaitanya.4 As an abetter _or_ abettor of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he is named the acharya of the holy name and he embodied concern for others.5 Its believed that Chaitanya himself installed Haridasa as His nmcarya, mean the teacher of the Name, disregarding the fact that he was Muslim-born.6 Haridasa Thakura, was a devotee of god Krishna and had practiced chanting the names of the Lord, Hare Krishna, 300,000 times daily.7 The Muslim name of Haridasa is not known.8 Teachings They are not teaching only by their words or preaching, but also with their practical example. It is also stated that most important event in our life is actually moment of death, that all our activities, thoughts, sacrifices, chanting, knowledge and meditations will determine our thoughts in time of our death. Shrilla Haridasa Thakura chanted Lord Krishnas Names 300.000 daily, and practically chanting of Maha Mantra was his whole life. But here we can see that he gave up his life a ir and left his body while chanting sanctified Name of Lord Chaitanya, or Gauranga Narayan Dutt SrimaliDr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali (Paramhansa Nikhileshwaranand ascetically ) (1933 1998, Jodhpur)1 was an academian and astrologer. He has written over 300 books on miscellaneous topics. Dr. Shrimali was born in deep inside region of Rajasthan on 21 April 1933.He was attracted to ancient Indian mystic literature and had deep longing to revive the ancient Hindu culture. He started as a teacher in a school but later went on to the Himalayas to attain more knowledge close his passion and aim of life the ancient knowledge of Hindu religious texts.He is widely considered as the reviver of astrology has earned respect for this subject in India. Apart from Astrology, he is also considered as the one of the most prominent authorities on Mantra,Tantra,Yantra,Ayurveda.At the same time he is also considered to be a contributing reviver of these subjects as well as introducing them to the genera l poulation. Teachings He preached non-violence, brotherhood, devotion towards god and to simply break down a life of a good human being. Yukteshwar GiriYukteswar Giri (also written yuktesvara, Sri Yukteswar) (Bengali ) (10 May 1855 9 March 1936) is the unworldly name of Priyanath Karar (Bengali ), theguru of Satyananda Giri and Paramahansa Yogananda. Yukteshwar was an educator, astronomer, a Jyotisha (Vedic astrologer), a yogi, and a believer in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible. He was a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya of Varanasi and a member of the Giri branch of the swami order. Yogananda considered Yukteswar as Jnanavatar, or Incarnation of Wisdom.1 Teachings 1.Behave Accordingly 2. Humility 3. Love vs Discipline 4. valuate for Others 5. Incorruptibility Ethics 6. Acceptance vs Anger 7. Sense of Humour SUFISMSufism or taawwuf (Arabic ) is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam.123 A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a f (). They belong to different uruq or orderscongregations formed around a masterwhich meet for spiritual sessions (majalis), in meeting places known as zawiyahs, caravanseraiqahs, or tekkeSufis believe they are practicing ihsan (perfection of worship) as revealed by Gabriel to Muhammad Worship and religious service Allah as you are seeing Him and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you. Sufis consider themselves as the original true proponents of this pure original form of Islam. Sufism is opposed by Wahhabi and Salafist Muslims.1. Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh Ali Hujwiri2. Hazrat Muhammad Murad Ali Khan3. Muhiyudin Abdal Qadir al-Gilani al-Hasani wal-Hussaini Abdul-Qadir Gilani
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Witness essay 2012 hsc Essay Example for Free
Witness essay 2012 hsc EssayHow does Weirs portrayal of the relationship between Book and his solid ground move us into a deeper understanding of power? The 1985 film witness directed by spear weir is a crime/drama that develops the theme of conflict though individual power on a social, cultural and personal level. These areas of power are highlighted through the use of film techniques such as television camera shots, camera angles, lighting and costume. The film outlines the juxtaposition between mainstream American edict and the Amish community in regional Pennsylvania, the theme of power between Book and his world precisely emphasize this juxtaposition. The competent American society is seen as a violent and arrogant theme of people, whereas the Amish community is seen as the defenceless peaceful, religious group of people. Peter weir is careful to portray power realistically he does this though the use of fierceness.Weir uses three elementary groups when it comes to wildness. The Amish, who refuse ferocity in all circumstances, men corresponding John Book who use vehemence to achieve justice, and the perpetrators of violence, people like Schaeffer and Mcfee, who use violence to achieve outcomes and power. Books life is one abundant with violence that is the consequence of his line of work, which essentially is present due to his authorised general level of power, he is a police officer so by law enforcement is required to exert his power though violence and literal means in order to protect and support the community in which he lives, nevertheless if this means extermination of ones life. Weir presents the violence in the film in a graphic, confronting way.This is through to emphasise to the audience the bloody consequences that come from negative use of power to achieve justice or commit crimes. By non sensationalising violence, weir creates a realistic mis en scene however Weir presents that violence, as use by people like John Book is n ecessary, as long as people like Mcphee and Schaeffer exist. The wild-eyedity of the Amish view is presented when they are shown being harassed by tourists. Elis statement it happens, we ignore them, show that it is a regular occurrence.The idea of not using violence, blush in self defence is shown to be impractical in the wider world. The Amish are community is here portrayed as one in absence of power, even though they could possibly defend themselves or use violence they choose to accept the disturbance by the modern society, and use pacifism to be genuine to their culture, being respective but vulnerable. However accompany them is John Book, being a stereotypical police officer he possesses the power in violence and is unafraid and unrestricted to making use of it. By utilising the power he has hold of, he attacks the hecklers as he is ambiguous to achieving a sense of justice for the Amish, demonstrating the conflicting use of power when Eli says its not our way and John Boo k replies but its my way.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
The Effects of Social Networking Essay Example for Free
The Effects of genial Networking EssayA social network is a theoretical construct subroutineful in the social sciences to study relationships amidst soulfulnesss, groups, organizations, or even entire societies (social units, see differentiation). The term is used to describe a social grammatical construction determined by such interactions. The ties by which any given social unit connects represent the crossroad of the various social contacts of that unit. This theoretical approach is, necessarily, relational(Wikipedia, pars.3).In the late 1800s, both mile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tnnies foreshadow the idea of social networks in their theories and research of social groups. Tnnies argued that social groups can populate as personal and direct social ties that either link individuals who administer values and belief (Gemeinschaft, German, ordinarily translated as community) or impersonal, formal, and instrumental social links (Gesellschaft, German, commonly translated as society)( Wikipedia, pars.4). Major developments in the sketch can be seen in the 1930s by several groups in psychology, anthropology, and mathematics working one by one (Wikipedia, pars.5). Communication Studies be often considered a part of both the social sciences and the humanities, drawing heavily on fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, information science,biology, political science, and economics as well as rhetoric, literary studies, and semiotics. Many communications concepts describe the transfer of information from one source to another, and can thus be conceived of in terms of a network (Wikipedia, pars.26). favorable Networking is the practice of expanding ones social contacts by making connections through individuals. tender media has changed the way great deal interact (Frazier, pars.1). Although it is possible in person, it is nigh touristed online, with the use of the internet. The internet is filled of billions of individuals who be looking t o meet new people, to gather orshare informations, they even use it in their businesses. brotherly Networking isnt new at all, But, it keeps on expanding. From Friendster, one of the original Social Networking web come in in the World Wide Web, to Facebook, which is still popular now. Twitter, Google, Tumblr, Youtube are in Social Networking and everyone allow keep finding more shipway to use it. In general, heres how it works you trade union one of the sites and invite people you know to join as well. Social networks are everywhere.Friends, colleagues, neighbourssic and family make up most peoples network of social contacts, and they have a powerful effect on our behavioursic (COIN PIRC) . Those people invite their contacts to join, who in turn to invite their contacts to join, and the process repeats for each person. In theory, any individual can make contact through anyone they have a connection to, to any of the people that person has a connection to, and so on. Social net working sites now reach 82 percent of the worlds online population, representing 1.2 billion users around the world. The social networking bridal trend largely mirrored the global cyberspace adoption curve, and grew proportionately, showing that as people began to nominate committed, they immediately began connecting with one another().We are aware of the use of Social Networking. We use it as a tool of communication nowadays. It can be very useful to get in touch with people who you know in person. With Social Networking, we can express ourselves in ways we never dreamed of doing face to face. We get intot have to leave the house to purchase products. We dont need to buy books because theres a lot of source material in the Internet. We can make friends with people in different countries. We have a lot to do with it.If were aware of its uses, we should be aware of the dangers and harm associated with Social Networking. It includes online predators or what they call posers, thef t and viruses. We should be aware of its cause on ourselves especially in our habits, routine and in our demeanour. In how we manage our time outgo in Social Networking because sometimes were ab utilize it. We have limitation, you must know it. Because we never know, it already done for(p) you. We are the product of our environment. In Social Networking, many will influence you. In addition, Our own style, actionsand habits are likely to be more largely influenced and impacted by Social Networking.Social Networking is one of the most active web-based activities in the Philippines. Filipinos were declared as the most active users of the web-based social network sites. The Philippines has been label as The Social Networking Capital of the world. Filipinos are very expressive with their thoughts or opinions. Sometimes, theyre abusing the use of Social Networking. Because of that, there are some laws or acts that the Philippines implemented. The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, which is officially recorded as Republic Act No. 10175, it aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the internet in the Philippines.Cybercrime offenses include Cyber squatting, Cybersex, child pornography, individuation theft, penal access to data and libel. The Senate Bill No. 1798 by Senator Compaera Pia S. Cayetano, which is an act stating the suppression of Computer Shops from accepting students in their shops during take hours. Theres also a legal bases regarding the maintain of Internet Caf from school in the City of Manila. It is the Ordinance No. 8168 provided for 25 to 200 meters distance in the midst of a school gate to the nearest turn i-Caf. While, the non-gaming Cafs are allowed any distance from school gate or even inside the school.As a Computer Science student, we are tenanted in computer, especially in Social Networking. Were glad with what Social Networkings uses. It gives us a lot of benefits. We get updated. But, we observe some cha nges in some individual. We didnt like the fact that Social Networking has effect in other individuals behavior. We want to solve the Why and How questions in our heads. What are the factors causing these problems?This thesis will explore and find out if Social Networking has an effect on the behavior of some Computer Science freshmen students in have Mabini Campus. This aims to know the activities, sites that are affecting the behavior and how Social Networking changed their behavior.The statement of the ProblemThe aim of this research is to find out the effects of social networking on the behavior of BSCS freshmen in PUP Mabini Campus S.Y. 2012-2013. Further, it answers the following specific questions.1. Does Social Networking have an effect on the behavior of BSCS freshmen of PUP?2. What Social networking site/s do the respondents frequently use?3. What activities in Social Network do the respondents usually engage themselves in?4. What activities on Social Networking change th e behavior of the respondents?5. How has social networking changed the behavior of the respondents?6. What behavioral changes do the respondents experience in their social networking?Scope and LimitationThis study is about the effects of Social Networking on the behavior only in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Freshmen in College of Computer Management and Information Technology at Polytechnic University of the Philippines Mabini Campus School class 2012-2013.The study didnt cover other related issues to the effects of Social Networking like class standing of a student or effects of it on the physical health and etc. Its only conducted on Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Freshmen not on higher years, other colleges and before and after the School year 2012-2013Definition of termsSocial Networking The development of social and professional contactsthe sharing of information and services among people with a common interest.(Dictionary.com)Cybercrime Any use of a com puter as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating privacy. Cybercrime, especially through the Internet, has grown in importance as the computer has becomecentral to commerce, entertainment, and government. (Webster)Cybersex Cybersex, also called computer sex, Internet sex, netsex, mudsex, TinySex and, colloquially, cybering or conversex is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more persons connected remotely via computer network send each other familiarly explicit messages describing a sexual experience. In one form, this fantasy sex is accomplished by the participants describing their actions and responding to their chat partners in a generally written form designed to stimulate their own sexual feelings and fantasies.(Wikipedia)Facebook-is a social networking service launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. As of September 2012, Facebook has over one billion active users,more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device.(Wikipedia)Twitter- Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as tweets. It was created in March 2006 by jack Dorsey and launched that July.(wikipedia)Friendster- is a social gaming site that is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was previously known as a social networking website. Before the site was redesigned, the service allowed users to contact other members, maintain those contacts, and share online content and media with those contacts. explore MethodologyResearch intentThe descriptive manner of research was used for this study. To define the descriptive type of research, Creswell (1994) stated that the descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. This study were the activities of respondents in Social Networking a nd the effects of these activities.RespondentsThe target population consisting of 30 students in Computer Science freshmen. There are 5 sectionalization in Computer Science 1st year hence the respondents will be 6 students per section.Research InstrumentThe survey questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument for this study. It is an interview, where in the researchers prepared a key out of questions to be answered by the BSCS freshmen students. Other data was based on the researchers observation.Data-Gathering procedureThe information was gathered from the 6 freshmen students per section of Computer Science department of PUP Mabini Campus who were surveyed by the researchers. The researchers conducted a survey on disjoined date and time of interview and it is recorded individually.
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Alzheimers Disease interrogation Paper EssayAbstractAlzheimers distemper is the most common cause of dementia in elderly individuals. Currently, 4.5 one million million quite a little in the United States approximately have Alzheimers ailment. (Burns) Alzheimers disease presents the victim with a sharp decline in memory, language, visuospatial perception, executive functioning and decision-making. Because this disease is so savage on peoples personality, behavioural and psychiatric symptoms atomic number 18 frequently present in Alzheimers disease. The impact Alzheimers disease has on health care is signifi canfult and estimated to cost $100 jillion dollars per year and predicted to rise as it is a demand to find cutting medication and the number of Alzheimers disease individual rise. (Burns) There is medication available, in time there is currently no cure, the medications that are presumption have symptoms that do not alter the negative progression of the disease.A lzheimers disease is defined as progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the wizardrys spirit cells and neurons resulting in a loss of memory, thinking, language skills, and behavioral changes. (Burns) Alzheimers disease is characterized by cognitive dysfunction, psychiatric symptoms, behavioral disturbances, and difficulty performing day by day activities. Alzheimers disease is currently the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and presently 4.5 million Americans are living with it. Alzheimers disease is the leading cause of dementia in elder individuals. (Burns) sluice though there is no cure for Alzheimers disease, the health care costs are exceedingly high, being just over 100 billion dollars per year. The hopefulness of the development of a cure or new therapies becomes more desperate each year for new advances in the future. (Burns)The symptoms of Alzheimers disease in every individual vary the disease can be extremely severe and other times middling m ild. Because Alzheimers disease is progressive it advances as time goes on, it starts off as the individual becomes forgetful and looses a small amount of memory and continues to severe dementia and loosing memory completely. The cognitive dysfunction of a person with Alzheimers disease includes memory loss, language difficulties, and executive dysfunction, which consists of a loss of higher level readiness and intellectual coordination skills. (Burns) The psychiatric symptoms and behavioral disturbances can be anything from depression and agitation to hallucinations. The psychiatric symptoms of Alzheimers disease can besides be collectively termed as non-cognitive symptoms. (Burns)The general symptoms of memory loss is always the get-go symptom of a majority of the cases of Alzheimers disease. The gradual onset of memory loss has the same symptoms as normal aging, because ageing shows symptoms of some dementia as well, this can understandably become confusing to diagnose, and a s yet Alzheimers disease is not a normal part of aging. (Burns) The onset of Alzheimers disease is sleek and emerges with a mild loss of memory and continues on with difficulty in finding the right newsworthiness to go along with sentences. A diagnoses occurs only when the symptoms interfere significantly with everyday life such as social and work functions.Personal and emotional changes within the individual are very common for people who have Alzheimers disease. Major depressive disorder occurs in 20-35% of cases, while anxiety reaches 15-25% of people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. (Burns) Every 67 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimers disease. Women seem to get his the hardest with this disease. In a womens 60s, the estimated risk for developing Alzheimers is 1 in 6 and two thirds of Americans with Alzheimers disease are women. (Burns) Not only are women more likely to have Alzheimers, women are also more likely to be caregivers of those wi th Alzheimers disease.Alzheimers disease leads to nerve cell death and weave loss throughout the brain. Over time, the brain shrinks dramatically because of this, affecting nearly all of its functions, especially the memory. The pallium of the brainshrivels up and damages ambits involved in thinking, planning, and remembering. (Fackelmann) Shrinkage is especially threatening in the hippocampus, which is the area that forms new memories. The ventricles, which are the fluid-filled spaces within the brain, grow larger to fill in the places that have shriveled up.The create from raw stuff within an Alzheimers patient has fewer nerve cells and synapses than a healthy brain. Nerve cells and synapses are what endure messages throughout the brain they are crucial to the biological computations that make up perception and thought. The dead nerve cells contain tangles, which are made up of twisted strands of another protein. The small clumps can clock the synapse and can activate the immu ne system to trigger inflammation. (Fackelmann)The plaques and tangles spread throughout the cortex in a certain pattern as Alzheimers disease progresses. The rate of the progression of the tangles and plaques within the brain varies significantly. (Fackelmann) People with Alzheimers disease live an average of 8 years, but some individuals can survive up to 20 years. In a severely advanced Alzheimers disease most of the cortex is severely damaged. (Fackelmann) This is where the brain had shrunk dramatically because of widespread cell death. In this stage, individuals lose their ability to communicate, recognize their family and loved ones, and to care for themselves in their daily activities.The cause of Alzheimers disease is unknown, however researchers have linked several risk factors with Alzheimers disease such as an increasing age, family history, head injury (anti-inflammatory drugs have been associated as a decrement of risk), depression, hypertension, high cholesterol, low physical and cognitive activity, diabetes, diseases that cause mutations of chromosomes 1, 14, and 21, ApoE genotype, and individuals diagnosed with down syndrome eventually develops the neurological symptoms of Alzheimers disease. (Fackelmann)The familial contribution to Alzheimers disease is a risk. The risk for the first degree of relatives of people with the disease is estimated at 10-40% higher than unrelated people. (Whalley) The fact that monozygotic twins (twins who share 100% of their genetic material) have a higher concordance rate than dizygotic twins indicates that there is a significant genetic element to Alzheimers disease. (Whalley) Because of the risks stated above, researches suggest that environmental factors are also a contribution to the diagnoses of Alzheimers disease. environmental factors is confirmed by the fact that the strongest association is not true across all races 50% of whiteness patients with Alzheimers disease do not carry an e4 allele (ApoE genoty pe), which is a significant risk in getting Alzheimers disease. (Whalley)The cure for Alzheimers disease is uncertain and is mainly focused on redress treatments that help some dementia and other symptoms associated with it. For clinical reasons, non-drug interventions should be used initially, especially if the symptoms are not causing stress or placing the individual at risk to themselves or to others. If non-drug remedial interventions have no effect, cholinesterase inhibitors are the conventional drug treatment of choice for Alzheimers disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors have a moderate skillful symptoms associated with the drug.The drug modifies symptoms in the minority of people with Alzheimers disease because it is nicely tolerated in the majority of individuals. Memantine is a drug that is a glutamatergic antagonist that trials have found effective in individuals that have severe dementia, however it is restricted to those in clinical trials. Cholinesterare inhibitors and m emantine are known to produce little identifiable improvements in the activities of daily life. Non-drug approaches are not effective in helping memory loss, even though there are therapeutic techniques that help retain memory and can offer support for people with mild dementia.SourcesBurns, A. Alzheimers Disease. British Medical Journal, 338, 467-471. Retrieved June 2, 2014 Fackelmann, K. Forcasting Alzheimers Disease. Science News, 149, 312-313. Retrieved June 2, 2014 Whalley, L. Genetics of Alzheimers Disease. British Medical Journal (clinical research edition), 1556. Retrieved June 2, 2014
Friday, April 5, 2019
Organisational Behaviour of IKEA
Organisational Behaviour of IKEAWhat is g all overnance conduct? It is combination of both various voice communication organic law and demeanour. At first expression it seems that it is somewhathow the guidance by which shaping behave besides it is totally different from this. Organisation means different great deals,persons,somebodys join together for a specific intent or purpose of a specific community. And behaviour means work of those aspects which effects these needs intellection motion psychology action at heart the plaque is called behaviour.George, M and R Jones, G Understanding and managing constitutional behaviour ( 5TH. ED).My case study is just about IKEA a Swedish comp both(prenominal) established in 1943. Ikeas founder is INGVAR KAMPRAD the quarter richest man in the world. Its owner is un sleep togethern whole it is believed that he belong to Kampar family. Ikeas main products be mob uncorrupteds uni relieve oneself furnature, kitchen goods , wardrobes and clothes. in that location argon 17 branches of Ikeas in Sweden and to a greater extent than than 310 stores in more than 38 countries.http//ezinearticles.com/?billionaire-attiri fur at that places..modesty-ingvar-kampard-ikeas-founder-and-owneraid=274361,Thursdayseconddec,2010.2 MAIN BODYIKEA is a rapidly growing comp both. It is increasing the number of its franchise and store in all over the world. Its mission statement isIkeas mission is to widen a wide range of radix furnishing items of good design and function, excellent quality and dur world power, at prices so low that the majority of quite a little cig bette afford to buy them.http//www.samples-help.org.uk/mission-statement/ikea-mission-statement.htmConcept of IKEA isThe IKEA concept is founded on a low price offer in home furnishing.http//franchisor.ikea.com/showcontent.asp?swid=concept1,Thursday 3rd Dec,2010 flat we argon issue to discuss that what is the office staff of our subject makeupal beha viour in the advantage of any agreement and factors that spurts behind the mastery of any formation. Organisational behaviour exist in business and guidance course is collectable to the need of those charges with managing people and system at conk to predicate their thinking as they address the underlying social and behavioural issues that confront them.Critical advantage factors be the keys and elements which an organisation must look in order to gain success.OrThe steps for any organisation to follow for its triple-crown future.Within organisation on that baksheesh argon different areas where these support-sustaining factors works some of them are as belowFactors related to circumspection.Organisations marks,objectives,mission,strategic successful factors.Individual critical success factors.Cultural critical success factors. non only these are the factors responsible for the success of organisation only if there are a lot of other factor work behind the succes s of any organisation.http//rapidbi.com/created/criticalsuccessfactor.html, 5thDec, 2010, 1100pm2.1 There are a lot of factors,ways,key issues, steps that works for the success of any organisation. Just like clement body as clement body is made up of different cells alike as organisation is made up of different type of individuals. More develop is the individual, more effective is the organisation. Team work also a demand occasion for the success of organisation. Not only the team but involving everyone in every function is also primary(prenominal). Communication between the team members and between individual and drawing card is also very important. And if we look toward any organisation by doing SWOT analysis it allow for also enable us to assure the factor of success. Be certain of the strength and weakness of organisation if any organisation wants to gain success. These two are the internal rootages and within the realize of organisation. On the other hand also be aw are of the opportunities and threats you are facing.Opportunties will enables us to know the ways of making our organisation more successful and thereat such(prenominal) as, threat of downsizing,bankcrupting,loss enable us to adopt safety measure before time. But this experience bathroom only b gains by doing swot analysis.CUsersHomeDesktopswot-analysis-image.pnghttp//www.businessballs.com/swotanalysisfreetemplete.htm(electronically assessed on 10th.dec,2010.)PESTAL analysis is a nonher factor for the meter of any organisation success or a factor for the success of any organisation. To deal with the govern amiable issues is in authenticity very difficult rather these issues may be inside the organisation or external the organisation in your country. If the social milieu of any country is not suitable for a successful company indeed how the company would be able to gain success in that particular country. surround also include much in the success of any organisation if you are unable to pick up the unfriendly environment its mean you are unable to gain success in business. You should be technologically as advance as the other organisations are in the markets so the you sack up sustain contestation in market. And world economically strong is another advantage for successful organisation. There is a jural persistrictions in any country according to their government so you have to obey all these jural obligations for success for example in united kingdom you have to pay tax is a intelligent obligation . umpteen more according to the law of any country.PESTAL analysis is also a best ray to gain success for any organisation.http//www.oup.com/uk/orc/bin(electrionaclly assessed on 11th.dec, 2010.)After SWOT and PESTEL analysis there are many other important factors which count a lot toward the success of an organisation. Firstly the goals mission lot of any organisation should be snuff itly defined so that everybody may know the purpose of that o rganisation like Ikeas have a clear mission statement and concept . then these mission should be related to the bodily structure of organisation neither the organisation is about car and mission statement is about clothes. It must b clearly related to the scheme and structure of organisation. The structure of organisation should be flexible so the to meet the changes easily and to run short in any circumstances easily.Recuritment is also a very delicate part of organisation that honorable person is doing the sort out on job.Next step is to identify the root of paradox. Where the difficulty is? The line of work is in the organisation or within workers. Then gather the information about the problem and doable firmness of purpose of that problem. After identifying the problem making a plan for the solution of that particular problem what we called execution of plan.2.2 There are a lot of problems in the way of success of any organisation which are created by different means likeCompetition among centering is a major problem. If there is a affair between management then how would they be able to solve the conflict in the organisation?Conflict among the groups in an organisation. One group tries to take advantages of the weakness of the other group. And to show their priority over the others.Then there is a conflict between the management and the group or the leader of group. due(p) to the different issues like position,salaery.Conflict between the group leaders. In order to show their efficiency over the other group counts a lot problem in the way of success of any organisation.Absenteeism in another big hurdle in the way of a success full organisation. When the works are not happy with their work this fault occur at that time or when they are not satisfied from their position within the organisation.Competition among employees in another hurdle in the way of success of any organisation. Their competition cast a bad impact on the overall progress o f an organisation. ill-defined and ineffective strategy not related to the overall organisation is also a big problem in the way of success of organisation. Due to this you are unaware of the real purpose of your work endure the work you are doing is beneficial for organisation or not.If the management is unable to control the whole organisation then it is also very bad for the health of organisation. Development preempt face a wide problem if the management is not able to control whole organisation. Or if the management is ineffective.If the management is able to meet the need of whole organisation then the other important factor is to identify where the problem is to discover the real area where the problem lies is also a very difficult. After identifying the basic source of problem next step is to make possible steps in order to solve the problem. realize precisely which step to be taken in order to solve that problem.Lack of proper leaders or proper leader ship is another major source of creating problem within the organisation. If the leader is not able to control his group then how he will be able to locate batter for the whole organisation. And if the leader misguide his group from right toward wrong way and not habituate his own and his group ability in positive way then how the organisation will be able to gain progress.Lack of communication between management and leaders and employee is another major sympathy for creating problem in the way of success of any organisation. Autocratic management where nobody is allow to intercommunicate with the manager directly. And there is a big gap between the management and employee. This type of management is genuinely very harmful for the organisationHippocratic management.If the organisation is not happy with its manager then there no chance for the growth of any organisation. When somebody works within any organisation it is merely like their home their family because they spend more time with that organisation then their family they develop a ambiguous affection with that organisation. And if they got angry how the organisation can be happy. They will musical note very unfit in that environment their concentration will divert from their work and it will cast a really controvert impact on the organisation.Maslow full name is ANRAHAM HARLOD MASLOW. He is famous psychologist of America. He is famous for human penury.CUsersHomeDesktopmaslow.jpgNow by looking at Maslows hierarchy of need concept of unsuccessful management can be more clear to us.Infact the management is not fulfilling these need of employee which are the basic need of all human beings that why the management is not effective.http//www.businessballs.com/maslow.html(electronically assessed on 11th.dec, 2010.)Another huge problem in the way of success of any organisation is environmental impact which is a big hurdle in the way of any organisation. This is not only the inner environment of organisation but the ou ter environment also creates a bad effect on the development of organisation. Within the organisation this is so because the employee is unable to fit themselves with the environment of that organisation. Different reasons are included in that environmental dissatisifaction.One main reason is the politics which doesnt allows the new employee to fit in the environment of that organisation because they are not willing to accept new entry are due to some other reason maybe they feel that they are having much more ability as compare to that new person so they create problem for that new person which eventually create problem for the entire organisation.Another concept about the conflict within the organisation is of two types one is functional other dysfunctional. functional conflicts is positive type and though there is a conflict but due to this type of conflict there is no disturbance in the organisation n if this functional type of conflict or you can say this group of conflict fac e any problem they try to solve it in a positive way obeying the rules and regulation of that organisation and ultimately solve their conflict without creating any type of disturbance. Then there is another type of conflict which is reversal to this conflict known as dysfunctional conflict. In this type of conflict they use their power in negative way or you can say in order to solve any problem. Not only harmful for them but for the whole organisation and can cause huge destruction for progrees,profit,politics.Buchannan and Huczynki, A. organisational behaviour a introduction/text (5th.ed)2.3 the next step is how to handle these problems which creates hurdle in the way of success of an organisation there are different methods to handle these problems which are as underStephen Robbins outlines the values underpinning most organisation development effort as followsThe individual should be treated with respect and dignity or with trust and confident.The organisation climate should b e characterized by trust openness and support or we can say open communication and honesty.Hierarchical authority and control and deemphasized or be careful about the feeling of others.Problems and conflicts should be confronted, and not disguised or neutralizeed try to solve the conflicts do not avoid them.(2001, P.553)Everyone within the organisation some(prenominal) he or she may be means that whatever may be his or her position in the organisation should feel free to communicate with the senior management. And feel free to express their views and to explain their complains which they are having with that organisation. Due to this communication organisation maybe able to know that where the problem is and how to solve it as soon as possible before then this p stimulate a full problem.Employee must have this assured that their opinion is very important for the organisation and management will pay attention toward what they said and what type of difficulties they face. By doing this we can also reduce the tautness in organisation.Friendly and positive attitude toward employees if another source of reducing conflict .by doing this we are feel for about employee self respect and developing their confidence which will motivate then in the future and then they will be very useful for the organisation.Electronically resources such as mobile profits can be use for fast conversation its not only join the whole organisation but also enable the management to know the conflict as soon as possible.Then there should be proper strategy to solve the problem. Never try to solve the problem without strategy because it can create more problem and conflicts then to solve the problems without proper strategyhttp//www.merinews.com/articles/key-to-success-of-an-organisation (electronically assessed on 2nd dec, 2010)Stress is a kind of burden due to which human soul work under pressure. It is mental processes which affect our vivification to a huge extent. Our mind work un der pressure and wrong things occur because of this stress. Because we are unaware of our action because of our mental absence and this divert our attention. Our mind is somewhere else and our body is somewhere else. Our mind due to this stress is not work with our body. This is an individual activity but effect whole organisation. Because if person mind is work under stress then the person can made mistakes and if individual made mistakes it will disturb whole group and if the group disturb the whole organisation will disturb automatically.Luthons ,F. organisational behaviour . (10th.ed).P376,P408Working without stress in another factor to solve the conflict if your mind is free from tension at least when you are on work then you will b able to utilize your forces more effectively for the success of organisation. Which you are not able to do when you work under stress.Not everyone within the organisation is able to handle the worse position. This is an ability not comes with know ledge but from experience. More you go done this type of situation like conflicts disturbances decline of organisation loss to handle these situation it is incumbent to have knowledge but how to experience this knowledge is more important than just to have knowledge. You can say how you would be able to implement your knowledge. Or retch your knowledge into action.Satisfaction of your customers from your service is also a very important thing which you must contain in your mind in order to re propel problem from your way of success. If your customers are satisfied from your products than it is really very favourable to your organisation. At least you are carefree from that thing that you are not going to face any type of difficult from them or we can say you are successful from this point of view. If you will stick out good service to the customers good response you will get from them.There should be a give and take relationship among employee and management if they are good wi th their employee the employee will be more motivated and will work more effectively for the organisation. On the other hand if you provide good customers you will get good response and hence improve the market value of your organisation.If someone is already expert in handling the situation then it is easy for him or her to take a right action in any situation. And if someone is not then he or she act be do the same thing but there is a need of motivation though he/she have knowledge but not experience so it is difficult for them to control the worse situation but they act in a positive way if the seniors motivate them. This is called expertises vs. motivation.According to the contingency speculation there is no specific formula that tells us how to behave in a right way in any situation but within the limitation of organisation how to handle the situation and specify best solution of that problem.According to the system theory all department of organisation should be interconnec ted to each other so that we can find where the problem is find the better solution of these problem.These are the key thing which an organisation should keep in mind to solve the problems faced by that organisation.http//www.cliveshaw.com/improve. html(electronically assessed on1st.dec,2010.)24Globlisation is another aspect which must take into the consideration for a successful organisation. Whole the world has changed into a globular village due to which the whole ideas of business is changing and not only the business but also attitudes of different organisation toward each other is changing and fast media is used for business as well. Fast media like internet is widely used due to this gobalisation.Every country has its website. Which not only provide us information about that particular company but also offer online shopping this is so because of globalisation and every organisation wants to skin its competition as fast as possible. IKEA also offer online shopping in order t o meet its competitor.25. Managment usually concerned with goal setting resources deployment employee motivation teamwork leadership control and coordination and dressance measurement.managment deals with all the criteria mention to a higher place. Managment has first to measure the productivity of organisation and then how to pay the workers according to their job within the organisation. By doing this most attention is paid toward more mobile employee or workers and less attention toward less effective employees and this behaviour reduce their motivation toward organisation because they are already slow and need motivation and here rather then this more attention is being paid toward those who are already working effectively within the organisation so the management should be more concerned toward slow workers then toward fast work. Role of management is to control and arrange the people are such a way that they work more precisely toward the achievement of goals and objectives of the organisation.Setting goal and objective for an organisation is really very difficult .but more difficult than this is to arrange the whole organisation according to these goals and objectives which is the responsibility of manager. Within the span of control of management is scientific to some extent you can say because they have to experience all those experiments which we called in the language of business goals and objectives of organisation and they have to perform these jobs successfully and result of their experiment should be positive. For a successful management there are a lot of keys or factors or ways some of them are as underClear vision manager should have clear vision of what happened in the past what is happening now and what will be happen in future by doing they will not only have a clear view of past present and futureOpen communication is also necessary between management and staff.G a Cole, (1995). Organisational behaviour.Management is a practical work y ou cannot learn it by reading books but practical work will help you to learn more about how to manage thing same is the organisation books can only guide you but books cannot train you. But it is not enough that someone is holding the domiciliate of manager within any organisation it is not easy to get this post but what is more difficult is to meet all those objectives which are related to the management which is really a difficult task thats why management is a difficult task. Manager has to play different role at once. he have to meet organisations goals and objectives he has to satisfied all the employees he has to look at the progress of any organization in which he is working. He has to look too many thing or we can say to take care of whole organisation that everything is working on right place in a right way thats why management is called a cornerstone of an organisation that fills every facet of organisation.2.6 On the other hand not in every part of life there is the nee d of management or we can say in every field of life there is not any manager post such as in house there is no manager but they inactive manage house all the household work whatever the type of work it be. Or in school teacher is no manager but they still manage the school there are many example which tells us that the word manager is not necessary for every field of life but management is necessary.The management process is also a very difficult function there is not an office or a chair on which manager have to sit and vary on all his activities but manager have to trigger thorough out the organisation and look around all the activity within the organization but not only within the organisation but also outside the organisation in the form of competition.Manager has to look all these side very keenly so that the organisation can work more effectively.2.7 The first and most important challenge of management is how they deal the conflict in organisation and how they beat the comp etitors in the market. Though managers have to do a lot of other activities but their efficiency is tried and true by overcoming these conflicts their ability to solve these problems along with the other problems within the organisation and in market. Another important challenge face by the management is to meet the changes. These changes may be due to environment due to culture due to competition due to grouping or any other reason. These challenges are the real test of any management how the management by using its available resources can overcome these difficulties.managment powers and control is tested by facing these challenges and solving within the limitation.2.8 The basic value of management is to control. This control is of different types. To control all the areas within the organisation in such a way that organisation move toward success then failure. To control conflicts among the employee to control the politics within the organisation.If there is no management within the organisation then there is the disturbance in every part of organisation not only within the organisation but also in downsizes the total impact of organisation in the market. Everyone within the organisation will work according no one is here to control them to have a look on their work which is really necessary for the success of any organisation.Althoug the stress free environment is necessary for the success of organisation but sometime use of power of organisation is also necessary for the betterment of organisation this is the value of management in the organisation.Recruitment and selection of effective educated and experient employee is also a very necessary part of management. To recruit the right person at right place is a very important decision. Not only experience but knowledge of management is also a necessary part of organisation.Lauri j Mullins management and organisational behaviour ( 6th.ed.)3 conclusionFrom above discussion it can be concluded that the necess ary part of any organisation are people and without people it is impossible to make any organisation. For the success of any organisation management is necessary and in order to meet difficulties faced by the organisation. And due to globalisation whole the world has changed into a global village and what we need is the individual and time.Management no doubt is a cornerstone for the success of any organisation.In order to move successfully in this competitive environment not only management necessary but to identify the problem in the way of success of any organisation and the possible solution of that problem as soon as possible so that the competitions may not go ahead(predicate) from your organisation and be able to took your position in the market.Management organisation behaviour problems people are interrelated to each other in this course work. We cannot discuss only one and leave the rest all these aspects are necessary for the success of organisation. And we must have to study all these criteria for a study of organisational behaviour of this coursework. And all these are also related to our case study of IKEA.IKEA must have passed through all these aspects to gain success as it is a growing company in these days.
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