
Friday, May 31, 2019

Terrible Teachers :: descriptive, classification, narrative

in that respect are many different types of teachers, and we all have had that peerless really bad teacher. You great power have had the one who stands at the font of the room and just talks, or the one who passes out assignments and will not answer your questions, or even the one who just sits in the back of the room and will not do anything. This is the teacher who ruins learning for everyone.First off, we have the teacher who talks at you, not to you or with you. They stand at the front of the room reading from the text book and they expect you to pay attention. They might stand there and arrange a few words, tell you to read, but not explain it clearly, hoping that everything that they say is deduceable. You do not learn anything this way. Sometimes you need someone to explain it and talk with you. There is also the teacher who teaches to you, but will not answer your questions. They will attempt to explain it as best they can, but if you do not understand it, they think tha t it is your fault and you should learn it yourself. They may pass out a paper and when you raise your hand they ignore you. Then when you go to their desk to ask them your question, they say Sit down. If you do not understand something in the beginning of the assignment, how will you understand anything after?Finally, there is the teacher who when you walk into the room, is sitting in the back, staring their computers. You sit down and talk a little bit and expect them to get up to teach you something. When there is about ten transactions left of class, you realize that you are not learning anything today. Sure, the kids in the class might think that it is cool the first couple days, but after a while, it gets old not doing anything.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The History of the Rise Essay -- American History, Slavery, Clarkson

In 1808, Thomas Clarkson published his two-volume text, The History of the Rise, Progress and science of the Abolition of the African Slave flock by the British parliament, after the prolonged campaign to abolish the slave hatful in the British Empire. indoors this text, Clarkson inserted his own lay out of the path to abolishment, consisting of the efforts by prominent intellectuals, politicians, and religious organizations. This essay will argue that Clarksons map neglects the informal abolition activities that coincided with the official abolition campaign both within and outside the maps timeframe it in fact ends twenty years before the passage of abolition legislation in 1807. This argument will also examine the role of marginalized groups, including women, blacks, and universe opinion, in the non-informal activities involved in the crusade to abolish slavery. Recent scholarship and some primary winding texts will be utilized to posit that various informal activitie s are absent from Clarksons map and need to be examined for their contributions to the crusade. The map examines the activities and individuals missing from the authoritative timeframe, ending in the year 1787, and so this study will explore the post-1787 activities that should have been included on the map.A point of conflict on the map is the twenty year gap between 1787 and 1807, arguably a critical period on the eve of abolition. The map fails to display the contributions that finally provoked Parliament to pass legislation to abolish the slave trade. Within this gap, Clarkson additionally neglects the important contributions made by marginalized groups to abolition. Historians have steered away from traditional scholarship of the abolition of the Trade to focus ... ...de. They served as a device to generate popular sentiment against the slave trade. Drescher argues this media was significant in the first national mobilization. For example, organizers of the Manchester petition advertised for the abolition of the slave trade by submitting their petition to all major newspapers in England to promote the creation of other petitions by readers (Drescher, 49). The Manchester Committee disseminated the info from their petition to others. advertize to all major English newspapers to promote readers to submit/ organize similar petition (Drescher, 49). Manchester serves as a model petition. The published Manchester petition was critical to the public agitation of the slave trade. Ten days after newspapers first reported of the Manchester petition in the General post, public agitation/ attack of the slave trade (Drescher, 49).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Veitnam War :: War, History, Politics

Vietnam state of war When most people hear the words Vietnam, what does it make them think most? The chief(prenominal) answer most people come up with is death, or policing actions of the fall in States. The Vietnam War wasnt about death it was about the French colonial Rule of South Vietnam.The Vietnam War was the legacy of Frances failure to suppress nationalist forces in Indochina as it struggled to restore its colonial dominion after World War II. This is the start of Vietnam War. This is also one way that America was brought into the conflict of Vietnam.The war was further escalated by North Vietnam trying to go in South Vietnam and rick them into a communist nation. Then America was brought more deeply into Vietnam as a policing effort to stop communism. Military leaders viewed the Vietnam War as the Chinese doctrine of revolutionary war in action, (using Chinese and Russian arms to boot.)The United States had a geopolitical aim, they were to try and contain the spread o f communism. This is one of the main reasons for America to go to Vietnam, to help stop the spread of communism the United States supported the anti-communist regime known as the Republic of Vietnam, or South Vietnam. The United States was in Vietnam to stop the North Vietnam communism movement by means of the U.S. staring air raids in the country. Despite the U.S. military aid, heavy bombing, the growing U.S. stack commitment, and some political stability in South Vietnam after the election, the two countries were still unable to defeat the Viet Cong and North Vietnam forces.

Euthanasia Devalues Human Life Essay -- Arguments Against Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a unhurried to limit the patients suffering. The patient in question would typically be terminally ill or experiencing great pain and suffering. The word euthanasia itself comes from the Greek words eu (good) and thanatos (death). The idea is that instead of condemning someone to a slow, painful, and undignified death, euthanasia would allow the patient to experience a relatively good death.The technical definition of euthanasia is the act of ending life painlessly, often someone suffering from an incurable illness. However it is impossible for either life to end free from pain. The actual killing may be peaceful, but the suffering endured throughout the disease will never be forget and the heartbreak felt by the family due to the untimely death of a loved one will live on forever. Euthanasia is an extremely moot issue dividing professionals in both the medical and legal fields. Some reason that individuals have a right to die a nd death is a choice. Those against euthanasia argue that, Death occurs because a fatal pathological condition is allowed to take its natural course, not because those who have removed life support intended to kill the patient. Rather, their tendency is to stop doing something useless or to stop imposing a burden on the patient. (Yount 23)The Netherlands, Belgium, and the Northern Territories in Australia are among some of the countries that recognize Euthanasia as legal. In the Netherlands, euthanasia accounts for over five percent of the nations deaths (Facts and Statistics on Eutanasia1). In 1997, the United States Supreme Court passed the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon, which verbalise that physician assisted suicide is ... ... more efficient and safe ways to prevent more intense suffering. The minds of those committing suicide are often insane, therefore those qualification the decision to euthanize are not in the proper mental state. Euthanasia is also not comple tely safe and effective. In many cases complications occur much(prenominal) as vomiting and intense muscle spasms. Also in a significant number of cases the drugs provided did not result in the desired outcome, meaning thus the physician has to inject other fatal concoctions by hand, breaking their Hippocratic Oath. If euthanasia becomes completely legal it will allow a price to be placed on human life, and provide the mentally ill with a legal outlet to give into their disease. Even though a life stolen by euthanasia is supposedly painless, the pain endured by a premature death will live on in the hearts of their loved ones forever.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea :: essays papers

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea What is a rill? The Websters New American Dictionary defines a test as a critical examination or evaluation. The World Book 2000 cyclopedia defines testing as an attempt to measure a persons knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way. The Wisconsin 2004 freshmen will make water to take a graduation test in order to graduate their senior year. They have four chances to pass the graduation examination. This paper will develop how the current requirements for graduating compare to the graduation standardized test. Included are the obstacles that are involved with implementing the test, group and individual opinions concerning the graduation test, and a recent survey of passel involved with the test. The graduation requirements at most high schools are similar to the graduation test standards in many content areas. To graduate, a student of necessity to complete four ascribe of English, three credits of social studies, two credits of mathematics, and two credits of acquaintance. (Misky) The four credits of English include counselling in written and oral communication, grammar and usage of the English language, and literature. (Misky) This is similar to the test, which measures reading, literature, writing, language, media and technology, and research and inquiry. (Wisconsin) The three credits of Social Studies cover instruction in state and local government. (Misky) The test includes geography, history, politics, economics, and behavioral sciences. (Wisconsin) The two credits of math provide instruction in the properties, processes, and symbols of arithmetic, and elements of algebra, geometry, and statistics. (Misky) The test contains mathematical processes, number operations and relationships, measurement, geometry, statistics and probability, and algebraic relationships. (Wisconsin) The two credits of science incorporate Physical science and Life science. (Misky) The test pro vides science connections, nature of science, science inquiry, Physical science, Earth and Space science, Life and Environmental science, science applications, and science in personal and social locations. (Wisconsin) In most cases the categories are equivalent with each other. The categories that fall short will just have to be propelled or altered to fit the test.The decision to have a graduation test or not met with a great deal of resistance. One of the largest problems was the parents perspective on the test. The parents didnt want their kids to take the test because of the high risk of failure. Another problem group was the legislators.

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea :: essays papers

The Wisconsin Graduation Test - A Good Idea What is a footrace? The Websters New American Dictionary defines a test as a critical examination or evaluation. The World Book 2000 Encyclopedia defines testing as an attempt to measure a persons knowledge, intelligence, or other characteristics in a systematic way. The Wisconsin 2004 freshmen will halt to take a graduation test in order to graduate their senior year. They have four chances to pass the graduation examination. This paper will explain how the current requirements for graduating compare to the graduation standardized test. include are the obstacles that are involved with implementing the test, group and individual opinions concerning the graduation test, and a recent survey of people involved with the test. The graduation requirements at most utmost schools are similar to the graduation test standards in many content areas. To graduate, a student needs to complete four credit of side of meat, three credits of so cial studies, two credits of mathematics, and two credits of science. (Misky) The four credits of English include instruction in written and oral communication, grammar and usage of the English language, and literature. (Misky) This is similar to the test, which measures reading, literature, writing, language, media and technology, and research and inquiry. (Wisconsin) The three credits of Social Studies cover instruction in state and local government. (Misky) The test includes geography, history, politics, economics, and behavioral sciences. (Wisconsin) The two credits of math provide instruction in the properties, processes, and symbols of arithmetic, and elements of algebra, geometry, and statistics. (Misky) The test contains mathematical processes, number operations and relationships, measurement, geometry, statistics and probability, and algebraic relationships. (Wisconsin) The two credits of science incorporate Physical science and spirit science. (Misky) The test provides s cience connections, nature of science, science inquiry, Physical science, Earth and Space science, Life and Environmental science, science applications, and science in personal and social perspectives. (Wisconsin) In most cases the categories are equivalent with each other. The categories that fall short will just have to be propelled or altered to fit the test.The decision to have a graduation test or not met with a great deal of resistance. One of the largest problems was the parents perspective on the test. The parents didnt want their kids to take the test because of the high risk of failure. Another problem group was the legislators.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Juveniles and Crime

Juveniles and Crimes Brandi Haney CJS/200 Sean Wallace March 3, 2013 Juveniles and Crimes Information Juveniles commit a lot of crimes and much of it is because of influences and or surrounded lifestyles. Majority of the crimes affiliated by juveniles are violent crimes but the main ones involve drug abuse and simple assault. Juveniles account for 17 per centum of all arrest correspond to the FBI and 15 percent of those arrest were due to violent crimes. ( Juvenile Crime, 2001 2003)Overall the crimes rates sustain decreased, but the females who were under 18 and forgivableities had higher crime rats than men did and they were the change factor to the majority of the arrest. In 2001 in that respect was an increase in drug abuse violations. Increase of violations would mean an increase arrest rate and also no decrease in the crime rate. It would only add to it. The all time high for simple assault was in 2001 and females made up 28 percent of all juvenile arrest. Males were on ly 8 percent of the overall juvenile arrest.The juvenile arrest that happened involved primarily white youth. The y accounted many Hispanics as white youth as well. JUVENILE AND ADULTS COURTS Juveniles Court Juveniles courts vary majorly from adults courts. Juveniles process is as listed detention hearing then fact befalling hearing, after that they have the petition and respondent and next they have the adjudication and finally the involved/ ramshackle. The juveniles usually and generally willing not get a jury. Their court hearings are closed(a) off to the public for the convenience of their privacy and mainly due to their age.Bails are generally not allowed nor set for juveniles/minors. For minors to get out of jail in the lead their entire process is over they must prove to the judge that they are not a flight risk and that they are not a risk of exposure or threat to society and their community. When juveniles commit smaller mes a lot of the time they are punished worse t han an adult would be for the exact kindred crime/offense. When a juvenile is punished by probation they are usually put on probation for a longer period than an adult would be.The stipulations to their probation would be a longer list as well. For example they would have to follow a curfew and they would have to respect their parents, and keep their grades up, attend one or more than bare(a) curricular activity, and they would have to possibly attend counseling. If they were to break these stipulations than they would have to report to their judge once again and possibly have their probation sentence lengthened or they would get what they call a probation violation and have to merely serve their length of a sentence.For many of the cases on minors and juveniles being found delinquent and serving your time with no breaks it a lot of the time is better for them because while their sentence may be long their sentence is only until the are approximately in their twenties and as an adult they would serve a life sentence for some things and pleas may have been even worse. There are time when a juvenile may be tried as an adult. The circumstances would be a felony drug offense, sex crimes, murders, and attempted murders. Between the ages 13 and 17 you can be and have the potential to be tried as an adult and serve an adult term.DELIQUENCY AND STATUS OFFENSES Delinquency is a minor crime committed by the youth (young people). This definition is directed towards the young people but this does not mean that an adult can not be caught or punished for the same crime that a minor will be in trouble for. A status offense is an action forbid to a specific class of people and mostly is applied to crimes omitted by minors. VARIABLES THAT CORRELATE TO JUVENILE CRIMES While there are many things that correlate to juveniles committing crimes there is in my opinion still no excuses. One thing that correlates to the crimes is child maltreatment.When they child is not taken ca re of they tend to veer off and find other means of living and making ends meet. Another variable is alcoholism and drug use. A parent or parents is a childs biggest berth model and so are their siblings and any other older siblings. If a child grows up always seeing nothing but alcohol around the house and their family getting high off of pills and smoking than they are naturally pass to take that lifestyle in and think that it is normal and okay and they will think that everyone else around them lives the same lifestyle.Bullying has in my world been a major variable. Whens someone is bullied they think that they need to find their own happy place and they get hold of that committing crimes does that for them. For example when a person gets in a fight or steals something and all the attention is turned on them, that is the highlight of their lives because everyone always bullied them. Single or no parent places is probably one of the biggest variables. Like I mentioned before a parent or parents are a childs biggest fictitious character models. A childs mind is like a sponge and they always play the game of monkey see monkey do.This will neer go away even when they are all braggart(a) up and moved out. I was a child that was in a single family home and there was nothing I would of ever wanted more than a multi parent home. I needed both of them for different reasons and I never had the choice, which guide me in to depression and lack in schooling. There are a few more variables too and they are poverty, gang membership, idolizing criminals, trauma, school dropouts, and truancy. RECOMMENDATION I have many recommendations but the one I want to start with is stop letting the juveniles get away with breaks and shorter punishments.Now that I am all grown up I know that I hated to be punished but in all reality the longer I was punished the more I replayed why I was punished and told myself not to do it anymore. We need consistency. They need to make sure they stick to exactly what they say they are going to do to the child. We need to have better structured probation officers and counselors. Many of them do not care about the well being of the child they are just there to get paid and claim they helped the child. REFRENCES Google. com Studymode. com My step mother a criminal rehabilitator counselor

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Benefits and Challenges Essay

Using your text and the article, Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education, give four examples of the benefits and challenges of a Family-Centered Approach. Each of the four examples should admit the small fry, the family, and the teachers perspective.BenefitsThe pincer One huge benefit is emotional security. Some children entering an early childhood program have separation anxiety, they timber stressed and overwhelmed when their p arnts leave them at school. If the childs parent(s) are with them at school they can concentrate on learning and new discoveries at school. The child strengths and pauperisations are also better understood in the class with the family present. Children also benefit by confabing the family and teacher interacting with each other in an adult manner by talking and sometimes having disagreements and resolving their issues as well. Children see teachers and parents developing positive, healthy relationships. Modeling good behavior is the best style for a child to learn.The Family It is healthy for the family to be involved with their children at school, not only for the child but for the family as well. Families can feel alone at time if they have nobody around so the school can act as another family unit. Families need to be involved and aware of what their children are learning in school to see if it meets up to their family needs and if they are present they can see and hear what is being taught. It is also important to see how the child interacts with peers in a different setting rather than at home. Parents can learn from the teacher a better aspect of what the teacher is doing with the child during the day.The Teacher The teacher can better accommodate the child if he/she has a better understanding of the family life as a whole. Families can serve the teachers gain better strategies and guidance when working and observing different cultural backgrounds. Developing a strong partnership between the teacher and family wil l be beneficial to everyone. Parents can learn new things about their children by watching them with the teachers.ChallengesThe Child The child may torn and overwhelmed when the teacher is developing their emotional and societal side when the parents want the child to learn at all times. If both parents work or if it is a single parent household, the child may cipher around at the other children with their families and feel sad that the he/she doesnt have his/her family. The teacher and parent may not agree on article of belief methods and interfere with the childs learning.The Family The family may have different views that can cause conflict with the teacher. Sometimes people just do not bring along and if this is the case with the childs teacher and family it may have a negative effect on the childs learning. The family may not have the time to help the child out at school because of work.The Teacher A teacher can easily judge a family, they need to be very cautious of this a nd stop it before it happens. Teachers can be more knowledgeable with their children and make the families aware of this and this may offend some of the families. It is rocky for the teacher to know every cultural background of the students. The teacher may get a lot of grief and disagreements if the family does not approve of the teaching method.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Pentium Flaw

Back in June, 1994 the Pentium Flaw was noticed by Intel testers, who had discovered a partition error on the Pentium chip. Intel managers didnt see this as a major problem so they kept this from any(prenominal)one outside their corporation. The nature of this issue was a numerical problem in their Floating Point Unit (FPU), or the math coprocessor. The Pentium chip was having glitches in calculating large divisions. It wasnt until October 19th, when Dr. Thomas R.Nicely had revealed the misfunction of the (FPU) trying to do certain calculations. Dr. Nicely was a mathematics teacher at Lynchburg College in Virginia. later running several test on the 486 and Pentium he had decline pointed the error to the Pentium chip. Dr. Nicely cont wagered Intel and they had confirmed the error, but said they had no reports till then. Intel handled the situation genuinely(prenominal) poorly they would not return cont figure out to Dr. Nicely, forcing him to write a letter on the internet about the flaw.Even then Intel continued to consider the problem as minor. The internet was getting loads of articles on the flaw and raft were making a joke out of Intel. By not letting the industry sleep together about the Pentium glitch, Intel showed their selves to be untrustworthy to the costumer. There are so many different ways Intel could have handled their mistake. They chose to rather send a measly telecommunicate of apology from the President of Intel with the wrong address. This infuriated costumers saying it was a fake.In the Pentium problem (Janeba, 1995) wrote Intels policy, when it first publicly admitted the problem around November 28 of 1994, was to replace Pentium chips only for those who could relieve their need of high accuracy in complex calculations. Intel seek to fix the problem still as a minor error and kept delaying the good fix. By Intel postponing the fix on the (FPU) cost them even to a greater extent money than what it would have, if theyd answer back right away with an honorable fix. This goes to show you collar from your mistakes.Eventu entirelyy in late December Intel declared they would replace all flawed chips upon request. Now Intel has employees who keep up on newsgroups on the internet to see what throng are saying about Intel and they now conduct a better follow up with unsatisfied costumers. I believe Intel did handle this publicity very incorrectly. For being a well-known corporation they didnt act like it. When they first got word of Dr. Nicely and his discovery on the flaw, Intel shouldve immediately contacted the professor with any apology and offered to replace the bad one.If this procedure would have been through with(p) the professor would have been happy, and never have written what he did. Then customers possibly wouldnt have known of the flaw. In my opinion of the question, what would happen straight off if this same problem occurred? I dont think Intel would take the same highroad they did back then. In tel is a well-established corporation and I believe they would act faithfully with great hast, to solve the problem. I think they have a greater gustatory sensation of their customers now, since this whole Pentium Flaw hit the fan.The Pentium FlawBack in June, 1994 the Pentium Flaw was noticed by Intel testers, who had discovered a division error on the Pentium chip. Intel managers didnt see this as a major problem so they kept this from anyone outside their corporation. The nature of this issue was a mathematical problem in their Floating Point Unit (FPU), or the math coprocessor. The Pentium chip was having glitches in calculating large divisions. It wasnt until October 19th, when Dr. Thomas R.Nicely had revealed the malfunction of the (FPU) trying to do certain calculations. Dr. Nicely was a mathematics teacher at Lynchburg College in Virginia. After running several test on the 486 and Pentium he had pin pointed the error to the Pentium chip. Dr. Nicely contacted Intel and they had confirmed the error, but said they had no reports till then. Intel handled the situation very poorly they would not return contact to Dr. Nicely, forcing him to write a letter on the internet about the flaw.Even then Intel continued to consider the problem as minor. The internet was getting loads of articles on the flaw and people were making a joke out of Intel. By not letting the industry know about the Pentium glitch, Intel showed their selves to be untrustworthy to the costumer. There are so many different ways Intel could have handled their mistake. They chose to rather send a measly email of apology from the President of Intel with the wrong address. This infuriated costumers saying it was a fake.In the Pentium problem (Janeba, 1995) wrote Intels policy, when it first publicly admitted the problem around November 28 of 1994, was to replace Pentium chips only for those who could explain their need of high accuracy in complex calculations. Intel tried to fix the problem stil l as a minor error and kept delaying the proper fix. By Intel postponing the fix on the (FPU) cost them even more money than what it would have, if theyd answer back right away with an honorable fix. This goes to show you learn from your mistakes.Eventually in late December Intel declared they would replace all flawed chips upon request. Now Intel has employees who keep up on newsgroups on the internet to see what people are saying about Intel and they now conduct a better follow up with unsatisfied costumers. I believe Intel did handle this publicity very incorrectly. For being a well-known corporation they didnt act like it. When they first got word of Dr. Nicely and his discovery on the flaw, Intel shouldve immediately contacted the professor with any apology and offered to replace the bad one.If this procedure would have been done the professor would have been happy, and never have written what he did. Then customers possibly wouldnt have known of the flaw. In my opinion of the question, what would happen today if this same problem occurred? I dont think Intel would take the same route they did back then. Intel is a well-established corporation and I believe they would act faithfully with great hast, to solve the problem. I think they have a greater appreciation of their customers now, since this whole Pentium Flaw hit the fan.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Remembering Event

I remember that day real clearly. It was Halloween October 31, 2003. It was a school day, a long school day as I recall. It was a long day because the next day was important for me I had the SAT test and my very last home volleyball game. It was my senior night. I was in frenzy all day. I remember English class and my t each(prenominal)er returned my About You essay. I read over it one last time to date stamp how I scored, and was glad to receive an A on the paper. I read the part about my best friend, Ginny Blackburn. I remember writing about somewhat of our childhood memories and games.I read the paper with a smile on my face. I thought about Ginny for a moment because we had eternally spent Halloween trick-or-treating together. manage last year, we werent overtaking to this year either. I thought about how far apart we had grown in the past few years. I always had that on my mind. I remember as I was on my way to class, I saw Ginny walking down the hall in my direction. When we came close to each other, I smiled at her. She didnt seem to notice. I didnt even say hi. I will always regret not saying hello to her that day. That night I watched a movie with a couple of girl friends.I ended up red home early because I was a little worn out and knew tomorrow was a big day. I crawled into bed as soon as I got home. I remember that I didnt sleep well that night my mind was racing. Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because the phone call at exactly 200 in the morning startled me. My mom ran down stairs to get it. I heard that tone in her voice that you hear when something is very wrong. I thought first of my grandma. I could tell by her voice something bad had happened. I felt a knot in my stomach and my eyes started to burn.She came up the stairs past my room, merely I asked her what had happened. She told me that the phone call was from Tammy, Ginnys mom. She called to ask for prayers because there has been a terrible accident. Ginny and her boyfrien d, David, were in it. My mom told me that David didnt make it. I didnt bop David very well. She told me Ginny was seriously injured and had to be flown to a hospital in Kalispell. She told me to stay in bed. I didnt say anything. I wouldnt believe it and I couldnt comprehend it. The accident was a few miles away from our house and Tammy had been the one to find it.My mom went to help. I remember hearing the helicopter drive over my house and back again as I prayed to God over and over again. I cried in my bed feeling lost and helpless. The next day was tormenting. In fact, the whole next week was the worst of my life. The doctors gave Ginny a twenty percent chance of living. Those chances in effect(p) werent good enough for me. It was a difficult time for me, but I tried hard not to show it in school. I let my pain go only when I was alone. Tammy called us often to let us know if it was a good day or a bad day for Ginny.In the car accident, Ginny had hit her head and most of the d amage was in her brain. I didnt get to see her until the next weekend. It is close to as if I didnt realize what had happened until I saw her. She was under an induced coma. She looked very different. Her face was puffy and bruised. There were a lot of tubes going in every direction. It felt strange to see her in that bed. I got to hold her hand and talk to her, but couldnt stay for very long. I went back to Kalispell to see Ginny every weekend. She was in a coma for a whole month and didnt give much response.It was great news when she gave signs of reaction. Eventually, she started to blossom her eyes, but we couldnt really tell if she saw us. I got to read to her and talk to her more often. Every week there were huge signs of recovery. She was clearly get better and better every day. I know that God was there for Ginny in that hospital. She had many prayers for her and her family. She was moved to intensive care and later, from intensive care to rehab. In the hospital, Ginny wa s known as the miracle child. She beat the odds and did it in style.Ginny was expected to have a metal plate put in her head and to have her sinuses rebuilt, but it all healed perfectly on its own. I remember when she could finally smile. It was uplifting to everybody. When the doctors thought Ginny was ready to communicate they told her to give a thumbs up for yes and a thumbs down for no. She surprised them when they asked her if she understood by shaking her head yes. Ginny is definitely a miracle child. During those difficult months for her in the hospital, she relearned how to do everything. The day she came home was very likely one of the happiest days of her life.She was so excited to come home and we were all excited to have her come home. That week when I did not know whether my best friend, the friend who I grew up with, would make it, was very hard for me. I know that having Ginny in the hospital was one of the most difficult quantify I will ever have to face. I am there for Ginny now. We spend time doing things together. Life throws curves and you have to go with them. I am going to be by her side through her recovery and after. Though Ginny is the one who has gone through such an extreme difficulty, I would like to think that I was there and will be there to help her overcome it.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Automobile and Current Mercedes Benz

Mercedes-Benz (German pronunciation mtseds bnts) is a German manufacturer of automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is currently a division of its parent company, Daimler AG (formerly DaimlerChrysler AG, formerly Daimler-Benz). Mercedes-Benz has its origins in Karl Benzs creation of the first petrol-powered car, the Benz Patent Motorwagen, patented in January 1886,1 and by Gottlieb Daimler and railway locomotiveer Wilhelm Maybachs conversion of a stagecoach by the addition of a petrol engine later that year.The Mercedes automobile was first merchandiseed in 1901 by Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft. The first Mercedes-Benz speck name vehicles were produced in 1926, following the merger of Karl Benzs and Gottlieb Daimlers companies into the Daimler-Benz company.1 Mercedes-Benz has introduced many technological and safety innovations that fix become common in other vehicles several years later.2 Mercedes-Benz is one of the most well-known and established automotive brands in the world, and is also the worlds oldest automotive brand still in existence today.Mercedes Benz understands that its customers are not simply buying a car to get from point A to point B, so in advance they actually sell a car they must first sell an idea well-nigh that car. Mercedes Benz sells their ideas through promotion and advertising. Mercedes Benz wants to change the perception of their brand at the personal level and reposition their brand so that they are more appealing to young nonrecreational men of all ethnicities.Secondly, Mercedes Benz is communicating to its stooge market the idea that they are a more approachable, personal, fun, and sprightly brand. This new message was evident in the Janus Joplin advertisement, in the sponsoring of the Elton John concert in New York, and the sponsoring of professional tennis. In the summer of 2003 Mercedes Benz launched an marketing event in 16 cities across the unify States to promote the new C- Class to younger buyers. Th e campaign gave potential buyers a chance to test drive the C-Class product line on courses that simulated real life driving conditions and gain information from current Mercedes Benz owners in attendance.Mercedes BenzMercedes has clear-cut to stress safety over luxury in its new marketing campaign. As the tables have turned in the economic downturn, so haveconsumer priorities. It is adequate more popular to brag about how little you just spent on a new car as opposed to telling your friends how ridiculously expensive your new car was.Steve Cannon, VP of marketing for the U.S., believes that the new safety technology Mercedes has to offer should play a bigger role in its vehicle sales. In an interview with Automotive News, Cannon said, You have to give people the justification that says, Yes, a Mercedes-Benz is relevant to me it can save my life. At a time when hybrids and little expensive cars are hugely popular, Mercedes has to give America a reason to shop for a Benz.Merced es has just launched its all new E-class, equipped with several features previously only open in the top of the range S-class. Blind spot detection, lane-keeping assist, night view, and attention assist, which monitors the drivers road awareness, are a few safety features available on the 2010 E-class. These features set Mercedes ahead of the pack in terms of safety, and the company is banking on its innovation to help it sell some cars.Cannon quickly touched on competing brands and their marketing tactics. He said that Mercedes would not lower its game and that the company would take place to focus on innovation and safety.Mercedes Benz marketing strategy in the United States was once centered on the safety, luxury, and precision engineering of its cars, but due to increase competition in the luxury car industry and changing consumer attitudes about the Mercedes Benz brand that strategy has changed. Now their marketing strategy is more life style oriented and is focused more on presenting the more fun loving, approachable, and energetic side of Mercedes Benz.The evolution of Mercedes Benzs marketing strategy can be directly connected to the expansion of its target market, which now includes persons twenty five to thirty five years old as well as its initial targets the baby boomers. In order to provide superior customer value to its target market Mercedes Benz has found it necessary to expand its product line up, provide more competitive prices, increase communications with its target market,maintain accessibility to consumers, and continue its excellent customer service.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Alcoholism as the Plot Builder of Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned Essay

To echo Fitzgeralds postulation of Antony Patchs messed up career, As overwinter approached it seemed that a sort of madness seized upon Anthony. He awoke in the morning so nervous that Gloria could feel him trembling in the bed before he could rally enough vitality to stumble into the pantry for a drink. He was intolerable now except under the influence of liquor, and as he seemed to decay and change under her eyes, Glorias soul and body shrank away from himCITATION Fit02 p 111 l 1033 (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 111) This is a depiction of a desperate mans bread and butter that has turned to alcohol subsequently experiencing multiple frustrations in life all through his adulthood and a wife who is drawn away from him for this reason. How Antony Patchs character is molded and developed in the novel is just but a reflection of the messed lives of many uber-rich adults who were lucky enough to be born in rich families but ended up blowing up lifetime opportunities in wasteful es majusc uleades of lavish spending during the excessive drinking and partying Jazz Era of the 1920s.Ideally, The picturesque and beatified is about Anthony Patch who is married Gloria Gilbert and they are hypnotized with the party life. They lead an extravagant life where they enjoy throwing and attending parties which eventually develops to a habit of drinking o a daily basis. Such was the life of Anthony Patch who had mastered the art of laziness leading a valueless life only eager for his grandfather to pass on so as to inherit his multimillion fortunes .Patchs drinking habits were picked while at school in Princeton where his sign life was tied around books but due to peer influence channeled through his schoolmates who thought of him as being dull and a hopeless romantic, he besought to drinking just like the rest of his peers and vowed to explore the world and party using his family fortune. At some point in life, Anthony Patch is enrolled into Camp trollop during the war years b ut he proves to be mentally disoriented as he spends his days in the camp getting drunk and to cap it all picked up a mistress. Though the move of enrolled into Camp Hooker is considered as a patriotic 1, his friends at the camp are another execrable lot who gratify and support his drinking tendencies by indulging in the same with him. His drinking trysts make him a favorite among his camp buddies for he is treat respect for the incessant parties he throws while at camp thus putting to light contemptibility and stupidity of his friends CITATION Mau22 l 1033 (Maunsell, 1922).Patch indeed meets Gloria Gilbert who beauty is impeccable and he is quickly swept off is feet as he vows to pursue his romantic desires to his lifes death with Gloria. Gloria herself is a replica of Antony for her dogma is satisfaction of worldly pleasures as she selflessly puts it herself, If I wanted anything, Id take it I cant be bothered resisting things I want (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 235) It is with the s ame creed that she detests her husbands inability to continuously sustain her lavish and innumerable cocktails. Just like everyone else, this tally turns to alcoholism to camouflage t successor life frustrations to the extent that Anthony cannot do without a taste of the bottle described in Glorias own words, Oh no, he doesnt verbalise it anymore unless he can hardly stand up, andhe talks alright till he gets excited. He talks muchbetter than he does when hes sober. But hes been sitting here all day drinking-except for the time it took him to walk the corner for a newspaper (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 398) This initiation at towards the end of the novel shows how despicable and dependable Antony patchs life has been on alcohol after missing out on his grandfathers fortune and the same being directed towards a servant.Perhaps, Patchs party and drinking habits were fueled by the fact that he was heir to a rich empire built by his rather strict disciplinarian grandfather who gave no room to unvalued morals. An event where he walks into one of Gloria and Antonys raucous wild party at their apartment is a representation of his disgust and vilification for irresponsible behavior. His body language and events that transpire after this speaks volumes about his disciplinary antics at the party, he stares at a white-faced Antony with disgust and in disbelief and utters five denouncing words to the young man in strawman of him, Well go back to Suttleworth..(Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 235) The mood in the mood is all somber, both Gloria and Patch are frightened by Cross Patchs presence but he silently walks out of the room after his works. Repercussions that follow are that gets disinherited of his grandfathers fortune and it is directed towards a servant. They contest the decision after his grandfathers passing but it only makes them more miserable as they entrenched deeper into alcoholism to drown their sorrows. The blamed and beautiful closes as tragic story of an individual w ho had it all but wasted the opportunity through lavish parties and alcoholism to end up in a wheel chair by age thirty three.ReferencesFitzgerald, F. S. (2002). The Beautiful and The Damned . New York Simon & Schuster .Maunsell, F. L. (1922, March 5). Latest Works of Fiction The Beautiful and The Damned . Retrieved October 11, 2014, from The New York Times http//www.nytimes.com/books/00/12/24/specials/fitzgerald-damned.htmlSource document

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Financial Statement Review

Financial Statement Review University of Phoenix ACC/561 Financial Statement Review Introduction Financial averments play a significant role in each and every type of business. The financial statements provide a wealth of information to auditors, creditors, investors, suppliers and other important venues that need access to this type of information. This paper leave discuss four different types of financial statements and how they are utilized by vendors, creditors and others. The four financial statements that will be reviewed are the income statement, balance sheet, hard cash in persist statements and statement of retained earnings.Income Statement Beginning with the income statement, the information provided includes the amount of revenue that the lodge earns over a certain period of time. The period of time is usually a year or some a portion of a year. An income statement reveals the net worth or loss of a company coverage on the costs and expenses associated with the r evenue earnings. Balance Sheet The balance sheet is a snapshot which examines the business. This statement records assets, liabilities and the equity of a company at a particular point in time.The equation used for the balance sheet is assets = liabilities + shareholdersequity. Assets are those things that the company actually owns or controls. The liabilities are represented by the debt or financing that was taken out to acquire those assets. Equity is that money that has been provided by people or stockholders to keep the business afloat. Statement of Cash Flows The statement of cash flows statements reports over a period of time and covers cash inflows and outflows. Generally the statement of cash flows refers to the day to day operations or operating cash flows, cash from investing and cash from financing.It is difficult for a company to manipulate the cash flow and therefore is a very important financial statement. Statement of carry Earnings The statement of retained earnings reports on changes in retained earnings for a specific period. The statement of retained earnings reconciles the beginning and finale retained earnings for that period and will include net income from other statements. It is an inclusion to either the balance sheet or the income statement and not a stand-alone financial statement. Importance of Financial Statements Financial statements have a significant impact on the successfulness of a company.Depending on whether youre an investor, creditor or motorbus, the information that is most crucial will depend on who you are. An investor is concerned with the bottom line and the overall value and growth of a company. A companys earnings and revenue can be compared to the stock price. As an investor the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows is important. Investors will review the information and dress if the company overcame any obstacles and if there is still room for growth. They will also review the net income / loss and the history over previous years to understand any growth or potential for growth.As a creditor, information that is important is the current amount of debt and the amount of cash that is available to pay back that debt. The statement that would be most beneficial would be the balance sheet. The balance sheet contains all of the assets to include cash and cash equivalents and current liabilities as well. It is important to pick out the current ratio for a creditor to determine the worthiness of the company and the ability to pay both short term and long term debts. A manager is going to be concerned with all statements.When questions are asked by investors and creditors it usually falls back on the manager. It is important for a manager to know the financial position of an organization as it relates to them. Conclusion It is clear that all financial statements play an important role within an organization. The information needed is dependent on who is reviewing the infor mation. The information needs to be reported accurately and efficiently and will cover a specific point in time or a certain period. References Kimmel, Paul D. (2009) Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making (3rd ed). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Problems Of The Ie Policy Formulation Education Essay

The hypothesis of this survey is stressing the jobs of the IE form _or_ formation of government preparation and deed. It advise be seen as a major root cause of pitiable educational accomplishment among the PWDs is reasonably supported harmonizing to the search findings. However, the look for worker discovered that there ar much critical issues than the IE policy that affect the educational success of the handicapped kids in Myanmar. This chapter summarizes the inquiry findings from the field work by measuring the hypothesis and aims of the research which determine whether the IE policy has been adept implemented. It besides admits a decision of of several issues that hinder the educational chances for the PWDs and their degree of dispute in the policy preparation.In order to sit the interviewee with some respondents from DPOs, the ch aloneenges of accessing IE serve the deficiency of satisfactory instructors, the deficiency of committedness, and the deficiency of ho pe by agencies of commission, poorness. Besides, human rights misdemeanors, the deficiency of public services, hapless execution of argument policy, and the deficiency of relevant signifier of studies, and the deficiency of prepare liberty be major factors that influence the focal point suppuration of CWDs. The first portion of this chapter summarizes the cardinal findings of the fieldwork on how the IE policy meets the challenges of remediate educational chances for the PWDs in Myanmar and what factors undermine the counseling development chance for the PWDs in primary and lower auxiliary degrees. The 2nd portion of the chapter covers a decision and recommendations related to to the IE policy.DecisionBased on the research findings, it can be concluded that a demand for crack educational root in Myanmar should be addressed every bit desperately as accomplishable in order to birth development chance for the PWDs. The r individually of IE means welcoming all CWDs wit hout favoritism in musket ball schools. Indeed, the focal fleck are on capacities, developmental demands, and potencies of all kids including the CWDs. IE s efforts to suit the CWDs into the normal scenes can besides be a really ascendant factor over the public presentation ability and the rational accomplishments of the pupils with disablements. This research proved that the auxiliary supports for their disablements are needed for advancing the CWDs overall development in an optimum scene. These supports include a consideration of overall organisation, course of study and schoolroom pattern, support for larning and staff development. The survey calls for attend of difference and diverseness of single features and demands.Sing school related environmental issue, socio-cultural and poverty issue and early(a) policy related factors, self-respect, equality and disablement rights are really of import because they provide a opportunity for the PWDs to relocate their involvement in larning. Sum uping the findings of this survey, current IE policy execution procedures might non be the most serious issue that direly undermines the learning ability of CWDs, scarce it does impact the attitudinal metamorphoseations and the guaranting educational chances for CWDs to acquire the social interaction in the society.However, it would be well hard to do work a genuinely inclusive educational environment for some handicapped kids depending on their disablements. This does non intend that the CWDs should be segregated in concomitant schools and single out from all life in that environment. Even though Myanmar authorities signed Education for All, the practical execution is far from desired. Therefore, the research worker strongly argues that there should be an appropriate environment for PWDs that it would non be good to anyone if including it in the same puting every bit as other non-disabled people in two instruction and societal sectors. In fact, this is besides t he rights of PWDs clearly determined by the inter national norms such as solvent of Human Rights in which Myanmar already ratified and Bali Declaration on Inclusive Development for People with Disabilities and fall in Nation Convention on Right for People with Disabilities which were signed in 2011.In add-on, this survey has highlighted the challenges of the PWDs to key out the end of EFA through IE policy in Myanmar. The existent challenge of the inclusive instruction is to give way into the token demands of all CWDs unless now the authorities s execution program has been hindered by both the nature of the policy itself and the insufficient support support. To work out these challenges, the authorities needs to get the better of all types of barriers mainly instruction policy reforming procedure, the altering procedure of social-cultural beliefs, poorness issues, and school related patterns and courtesy of acquisition of the CWDs.Further more, budget restriction is another o f import factor impacting the execution of the IE policy. This survey fix that the authorities s budget allotment for instruction for the PWDs is less than wellness and rehabilitation services. Therefore, educational substructure is extremely required to be provided for the CWDs in order to accomplish their societal and educational development. In add-on, schools and sufficient instructors in all countries should be provided by the authorities and acquisition should be free for all non but in theory but a stronger execution must be in topographic intend to assure an equal acquisition chance. Limited apprehensions of the construct of disablement, negative attitudes toward the CWDs and a hard-boiled opposition to alter are the major barriers hindering inclusive instruction. Of peculiar concern is the fact that the attitudes of parents and instructors are seen as the determining(prenominal) factors for successful inclusion.Since the research findings showed that IE instruction with out proper version to the local context is still spineless for the CWDs in prosecuting quality instruction, schools should hold specially trained instructors in disablement intervention, enabling them to give supports in learning in order to advance the pupil s competence and larning ability in instruction. With devotion to this, bing theories of inclusive instruction have been proven to be successful in other states. However, Myanmar IE policy alteration is non the lone issue to be addressed in advancing the educational criterion of the PWDs, but the perceptual experience of the parents in the public toward their kids sustainable development should besides be taken into consideration. In fact, based on the findings, the research worker strongly argues that there is besides a demand for reasoned protection of human rights misdemeanors against the CWDs since the research clearly identified that the equality and the just undermine acquisition chances for the CWDs which subsequentl y greatly affect on their single development.In add-on, the research worker strongly believes that there should be a better execution in instruction and larning procedure in which the CWDs are extremely incite to larn through particular instruction. The current instruction and larning procedure does non turn to the single acquisition demands and the course of study lack the needed flexibleness to provide to the demands of the CWDs. There is small range for kids s engagement in originative activities or critical thought and instructors lack preparation and experience in instruction and managing the CWDs. Furthermore, the high cost of disablement related stuffs was another discouraging factor of the CWDs to entree inclusive instruction services.With the strong committedness to the long term basic instruction development program and EFA-NAP, MOE tries at its scoop out to raise the quality of basic instruction for all school-aged kids in both formal and non-formal instruction. The sta te s educational resources for the PWDs should be strengthened and brought in line with the CRPD. In add-on, a house foundation for in store(predicate) growing of IE for all CWDs across the state should be put in topographic point now. In-depth research on IE for CWDs is a cardinal constituent to develop internal expertness and add on quality recommendations to the authorities and go forth press the authorities to go through the revised Universal primary quill Education which provides the legal foundation for IE for CWDs.To sum up, the of import consequences of these findings are that inclusive instruction contrive recognizes the demand for seting the larning plan to alter conditions in the society. The instruction system caters for all kids non yet in formal schools who because of the necessity of schooling in-migration for the particular schools and community acquisition centres. Thereby wholly neglected those in the rural countries where a great step of resources for develo pment resides. Most underdeveloped states are in make bolding demand to develop national consciousness among the citizens. This has been one of the major obstructions to national development and integrating. Therefore, the research worker strongly argues that the major impact on educational accomplishment of the CWDs is the happier larning environment for them but it would besides make with a sense of regard, and self-respect among the community.RecommendationFrom the policy analyzing, single interviews, and concentrate group treatment, the following are recommendations that are proposed by the research worker in order to inform all stakeholders who work in the inclusive instruction, irrespective of formal and particular instruction. At the same clip, this research is hoped that the information on disablement related issues will be of involvement and utile to me/LNGOs, DPOs, and other establishments to develop the disablement and instruction plans and community development plans.Dat as on disablementAccurate informations is of import demands for advancing the handiness of the wider understanding some the current state of affairs and for fashioning an analysis on the impacts of the current instruction policy toward the development of the PWDs. The current informations on disablement merely is based upon the First Myanmar National Disability Survey, so the research worker would extremely urge that further study or research be done in order to propose a possible reform in instruction in the hereafter.School related factorsThe major recommendation is an constitution of a particular instruction plan in all authorities schools that would offer particular instruction categories in each mainstream school. All categories incorporating CWDs should hold a sensible ratio of instructors and pupils, and the instructors should be particularly trained to hold a disablement consciousness, particularly those instructors who taught kids with ocular damages, hearing damages and rational disablements. There needs to be a useable infinite for the varied demands of direction in the schools. The age of entry into and go forthing from the particular categories should be flexible. Besides, the schools should be equipped with appropriate instruction stuffs.Originating extra-curricular activities in and out of schoolParticular attempts should be made to affect the CWDs in particular athleticss and games. These activities help them bask school more and review their head, and construct their organic structures. In add-on, these extra-curricular activities for all CWDs are really indispensable. From the survey of best patterns, it is clear that the induction of inclusive patterns has been a consequence of cooperative community consciousness. This is an of import parametric quantity non merely for advancing inclusion outside the schoolroom among kids, but besides for blossoming diverse potencies and endowments of both kids with and without disablements.Socio -cultura l factorsThe engagement of parents, instructors and health professionals is really indispensable. Earlier surveies showed that for desirable coalition to predominate among instructors, parents and health professionals, a common sharing of cognition, accomplishments, experiences and decision-making is required ( Semakula, 1999 ) . Long-run and short-run developments of the educational plans are based non merely on the CWDs involvements and abilities, but besides their households supports and precedences. Obviously, the positive parental attitude toward schooling will supply a sound foundation for bettering the kids s acquisition. Therefore, uninterrupted awareness-raising activities should non merely be for parents or health professionals, but besides for other community members.Policy factorsThe authorities should set in topographic point ordinance law that makes all CWDs as the donee of mandatory instruction so that there should besides be statute law to guarantee uninterrupted proviso of disablement friendly learning stuffs and the physical school substructures. Furthermore, the authorities should develop more adept instructors of particular demands instruction, and give them some particular motive about community mobilisation. The ultimate educational end for CWDs should be focused on either mainstreaming or particular schools and community based resource centres for a go oning long term shooting. Last, the authorities should supply more fiscal support and political protection to guarantee that the particular tools and equipment necessary for the acquisition of CWDs become cheaper and more accessible.At the execution degree, it can be seen that the kid centre attack can make rich the spread to the failure of the formal instruction system in linkage between instructors and the CWDs. The attack can be applied in many extents such as course of study reforms, active instruction manners, and significantly a infinite to use what they want to larn from their existent life patterns. At the national degree, along with the arguments, treatment, and the authorities s strong will to take reform, reforming the whole dismantled instruction system will take the certain figure of old ages, using the lessons learned from current inclusive instruction plans. Apart from this, it should be really of import to make a policy and infinite where the cooperation among IE fly undertakings, I/LNGOs, DPOs and the authorities.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ethics of eating meat Essay

Have you ever so wondered wherefore masses start out vegetarians? People who argon vegetarians acquire to sprain so for a wide variety of reasons. Being a vegetarian has become a popular and fashionable during the past few decades. However, according to Alan Beardsworth and Alan Bryman authors of nucleus Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People An 11-year longitudinal Study, flock eat started to eat much pump rather than avoid it.Whether vegetarianism is on the rise or non, it is arouse to discover what drives a person to choose a vegetarian lifestyle. John Lawrence hammock, professor of law at St. Thomas University, School of Law, and author of The Case for Vegetarianism, holds that or so nine million Ameri skunks argon vegetarians, which is about cardinal both(prenominal) percent of the entire population of the joined States.Reasons for why people of this group become vegetarians involve health, non liking the taste of center, compassion for animals, an d religious reasons. According to K atomic number 18n Iacobbo, professor at Johnson and Wales University, and Michael Iacobbo, a journalist for the Associated tweet and the Providence Pheonix, who are both the authors of Vegetarians and Vegans in America To sidereal day, people even become vegetarians in array to end world hunger. When people conciliate to become vegetarians, they are usu in all(a)y motivated by a single reason. Iacobbo goes on to say that the person who decided to become a vegetarian usually adds other reasons why they became whizz (Iacobbo).Read Also Exploratory Essay Topics for College StudentsI think this is true, because one thing top executive finally convince someone to become a vegetarian, but as they learn more about vegetarianism and meet other vegetarians, their reason for becoming a vegetarian will become many reasons. In their book, Karen and Michael Iacobbo include a survey taken by the Vegetarian Times in 1992 that assembled that the majority o f people become vegetarians for health reasons, followed by ethical, religious, environmental, and other reasons (74). Conversely, cumulation points out that 67 percent of people who become vegetarians did so because of animal woeful concerns, followed by 38 percent who were concerned with health. Either way, health and animal suffering are the two largest concerns for people who decide to become vegetarians.Only four percent of the entire United States is vegetarian? This really is non much of the population at all. If vegetarianism was so much better for you than being an omnivore, shouldnt the number be much greater? If it is so easy to become a vegetarian, wouldnt at that place be more people converting? The answer should be yes, but why is this non the case?Those against the imagination of becoming vegetarians leave the answers. They claim that vegetarianism is non as healthy as it claims to be. People choose not to become vegetarians so that they finish get all the vi tamins that are essential for healthy life, because they are pregnant, or so that they can keep a healthy bone density. All these reasons are to promote health. It is interesting to learn that most people become vegetarians for health reasons, while most people say they apprehension omnivores for health reasons too. Additionally, people are marrow squash-eaters because it is awkward to be a vegetarian.It can be very operose for people who are accustomed to eating meat their whole life to make the switch to vegetarianism. other reason people do not neediness to be vegetarians is so they do not have to deal with affectionate situations that may arise because they are vegetarians. In this exploratory research paper I aim to learn the reasons why people choose or choose not to be vegetarians and to apologize both sides of the vegetarian/anti-vegetarian argument.Health reasons are a major factor that makes people want to become vegetarians. Iacobbo claims that studies march that a vegetarian provender can help prevent or reverse arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Prevention or reversal of diseases and cancer are great, reasonable, and productive reasons to become a vegetarian. Suzanne Havala Hobbs, D.Ph., RD, clinical assistant professor at the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, tells us sticking to a vegetarian fast can be challenging particularly if your motivation for going vegetarian is health (qtd. in Iacobbo 74). proper a vegetarian is difficult enough, and if someone doesnt feel like they are making a variation or feel like they have a strong enough motivation, he or she is in all likelihood to fail.An interesting quote that I found in my research is the fat you eat is the fat you wear, as stated by John McDougall, MD, (qtd. in Iacobbo 75). In other words, eating meat is apparently an creaky diet and makes you fat. So, in order to not get fat, people become vegetarians because that diet is lower in fat. According to Iacobbos book, Neal Bernard and his Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have enduree studies that demonstrate that a vegan diet can result in a reversal of disease. His study is very significant because a diet without meat that can reverse disease is remarkable. More people should want to become vegetarians just because of studies like this.Some people choose to be vegetarians because they disapproval the taste of meat. According to Hill, twelve percent of vegetarians are so because they do not like the taste of meat. This argument for becoming a vegetarian is quite easy because if a person does not like meat, they will not eat it. Meat-eaters cannot argue with the dislike of meat because it is just personal preference. I do not really understand why people dislike meat though. Possibly they have never had meat cooked correctly so that it tastes delicious. Maybe they have magnanimous up most of their life without eating meat, and after the y taste it, its just different from what they are used to. In any situation, you cant really change someones judgment to not be a vegetarian if they just dont like the taste of meat.Although some dont like the taste of eating meat, some are completely against it for the animals sakes. Animal cruelty and pulverisation farming are two of the most popular reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Factory farming is a system of large-scale industrialized and intensive agriculture that is focused on profit with animals kept in spite of appearance and restricted in mobility (Dictionary.com). Hill claims that factory farms do not portion out about the animals living conditions all factory farms care about is the profit they make off the animals they sell. Because there are places like factory farms, choosing meat can pose a problem for everyday omnivores. An interesting quote I came upon during my explorations was a quote about choosing to eat meat if you eat meat today, your typical choice is between animals increasewith either more (chicken, turkey, fish, and pork) or less (beef) cruelty (Foer 243).I thought this quote was valuable because it explicitly states that there is no good way to choose meat. Any type of meat you could choose is poisonous because the animals were treated terribly. Foer as well mentions that contributing to the suffering of billions of animals that live miserable lives and (quite often) die in horrific shipway is a great influence to potential vegetarians (243). Foer puts it quite plainly that the meat we eat every day comes from animals who were treated in cruel ways. People sometimes choose not to eat meat because they care about the way animals are treated before and at the time of death.People dont just become vegetarians for feeling sorry for animals. Some people have to be vegetarians because of their religion. Iacobbo states that for thousands of years, vegetarianism has been skillful for much(prenominal) religions as Judaism, Ch ristianity, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, Mormonism, and Paganism. According to Hill, vegetarianism is also customary in Hinayana Buddhism. Hill goes on to state that Hinduism is known for its strict adherence to vegetarianism (32). So, vegetarian is extraordinarily popular throughout many religions all over the world. Although some people like to be vegetarians for various other reasons, these religious people are required or suggested to be because of their religions. It is perfectly understandable for people to believe that they should be vegetarians because their religion requires them to be.Surprisingly to some, people sometimes choose to become vegetarians in order to help end world hunger. This reason for becoming vegetarian was affect to me because I had never heard of this reason before engaging in my research. Hill states that the problem is that a third of the worlds grain harvest is used to feed livestock, but about a billion people in the world are malnourished.H e then proposes that the solution to this problem is to make over the system to better use the resources to help eradicate world hunger. An unnamed writer in Hills book calls this misuse of the resources unfair distribution and states that if everyone became a vegetarian, it would be possible to give four tons of edible grain to every starving person (qtd. in Hill 128). So, the less meat people eat, the more grains there are for the rest of the world to eat. If the cows, pigs, and chickens dont eat those grains, it gives more to the people who really need it. Essentially, if the world were comprised of vegetarians, people would not suffer from starvation.Meat eating has been practiced for thousands and thousands of years. This alone for some is reason enough for being omnivorous. There are also other reasons to be a meat-eater though. Some of them are being pregnant, being a baby or toddler, getting all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy life, inconvenience of being a vegetarian, and to avoid social situations and dealing with ones vegetarianism.A large portion of todays vegetarians is women. Women who are vegetarians or women who might want to become vegetarians might decide to not be vegetarians for their pregnancy. According to Nina Planck, author of Real Food What to have and Why, a woman who was expecting stated that before she became pregnant, she concluded that a vegan pregnancy was irresponsible. You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants. Planck goes on to state that vegetarians who have babies that they would like to be vegetarians sometimes allow the babies to eat a non-vegan diet.She also argues that breast draw is the best nourishment for babies. She adds that sometimes vegans sample to use soymilk as a replacement for breast milk, but that soymilk stunts growth and also decreases the absorption of protein and minerals. I agree that breast milk is the best source of nutrients for babies. Women were designed to make the milk for the babies to drink, so it should be the ideal nourishment for the babies.In addition, Planks claims that a vegan diet is equally dangerous for ablactate babies and toddlers, who need plenty of protein and calcium. From her arguments we can deduce that for babies to have a vegetarian diet is unhealthy because they will not get enough protein, and will end up unhealthy. In summation, babies need to be omnivorous or at least be able to eat dairy products in order to have the healthiest lifestyle.Babies are not the only ones that need all their nutrients. Many people choose to be omnivores in order to get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. According to the article To Meat or Not to Eat, cutting out meat does not necessarily mean being healthy. Kids also could be cutting out key nutrients, particularly if they go vegan. A vegetarian diet could be detrimental by itself, and I certainly agree that it could be even worse for young adults to be vegan. Winston J. Craig of the Department of Nutrition and Wellness at Andrews University declares that diets without eggs, fish, or seaweed do not have n-3 fatty acids that help with the cardiovascular system. Vegans do not eat eggs or fish, so they are likely to have more problems with their heart since these foods are not in their diet.Craig states that vegetarians and especially vegans have lower blood concentrations of n-3 fatty acids compared to meat eaters. Craigs article includes an EPIC-Oxford study, in which it was observed that vegans have a quarter of the amount of vitamin D that non-vegetarians have. Penney explains that Vitamin D enables our bodies to use calcium. Without sufficient vitamin D, people will not be able to absorb and use the calcium they may or may not intake. Penney later adds that calcium is pregnant for people to absorb for bone mass. Craig claims vegans tend to have lower concentrations of vitamin B-12, therefore creating vitamin B-12 deficiencies. So veg ans will tend to have more vitamin B-12 deficiencies than non-vegans or non-vegetarians.Craig also argues that vegetarians have low intakes of calcium because of their diets. As Craig explains, a vitamin B-12 deficiency creates neurological and psychiatric complications. He adds that vegetarians consume less zinc than non-vegetarians, but grounds for this being a problem is lacking. However, some people are likely to not become vegetarians anyway so that if a lower intake of zinc turns out to be a problem, they will not have to worry. So, people are likely not to choose a vegetarian diet in order to gain all the n-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and zinc their bodies require.According to Hill, the inconvenience of being a vegetarian is the most important reason, as a practical matter, that many people do not become vegetarians (154). Hill states that twenty-seven percent of vegetarians found not eating meat very hard to do. Hill understands why vegetarianism can be difficu lt to adopt, stating that eating meat is easier, more enjoyable, and more convenient than eating a vegetarian diet. He calls starting a vegetarian diet downright burdensome. So even according to a vegetarian, starting vegetarianism can be a difficult task to undertake.Non-vegetarians may decide to stay vegetarians for social reasons. A familiar belief among meat-eaters is, according to Hill, if they become a vegetarian, they will become a hermit, a recluse, or social outcast (155). Facing situations where people have to make to being a vegetarian can stop people from becoming vegetarians altogether. Hill adds that it is especially a popular decision to stay omnivorous if the person has to go to many outings at restaurants with clients or business partners. They may feel ashamed or shy to admit that they are vegetarians, so they will just stay meat eaters instead.An interesting bit of information that I found during my research was a list of notable people who were vegetarians. Hil l lists them they are people such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Edison, George Bernard Shaw, Albert Schweitzer, and Mahatma Gandhi (xiv). Also mentioned by Hill as vegetarians were ancient philosophers and writers such as Socrates, the father of ancient rationalism and humanism Plato and Ovid (xiv). When I take these names, it made me feel like I should become a vegetarian too because these people are such amazing people in history, and becoming a vegetarian would make me feel like I am more notable like them. If some of the biggest names in history were vegetarians, shouldnt we take tubercle and become vegetarians as well? Possibly. But I dont think that I could ever give up my meat for good.Being a vegetarian means to give up all meat, and to not eat it consistently. Vegetarians may choose to be so because of health reasons or for concerns for the treatment of animals. They may dec ide to take up vegetarianism to help end world hunger or for their religion. More simply, some people become vegetarians because they just dont like the taste of meat. However, non-vegetarians decide against vegetarianism for health reasons as well. It may be safer and healthier for pregnant mothers to be omnivores and for their babies or toddlers to be omnivores as well.Many people choose to stay omnivores because they would like to obtain all the vitamins a diet with meat brings. Others may be meat-eaters because it is inconvenient to be a vegetarian or to avoid social situations they dont wish to face. After my research, I have concerns if vegetarians take vitamin supplements to supply all the vitamins they would get if they ate meat, if they are as effective as the meat. I also wonder if vegetarianism became more successful, how would a widespread participation in vegetarianism affect the delivery of the United States? And finally, how do vegetarians feel about the genetic mani pulation of crops?Works CitedAnti-Vegetarian T-Shirt 156790. N.d. JPEG. Eshirts.com. 7 Oct. 2011. Web. Beardsworth, Alan, and Alan Bryman. Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People An 11-year Longitudinal Study. British Food Journal 106.4 (2004). 14 Oct. 2011. Web. Criag, Winston J. Health Effects of Vegan Diets. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89.5 (May 2009). 14 Oct. 2011. Web. Factory Farming.Dictionary.coms twenty-first Century Lexicon. Dictionary.com, LLC. 09 Nov. 2011. Web. Foer, Jonathan Safran. Eating Animals. New York Little, Brown, and Company, 2009. Print. Hill, John Lawrence. The Case for Vegetarianism. Maryland Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1996. Print. Iacobbo Karen, and Michael Iacobbo. Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today. Connecticut Praeger, 2006. Print. Penney, Debra S. nutritionary Counseling for Vegetarians During Pregnancy and Lactation. SciVerse Science Direct 53.1 (Jan. Feb. 2008) 31 Oct. 2011. Web. Planck, Nina. Death by Veganism. New York Times 21 May 2007. 31 October 2011. Web. Protein? N.d. JPEG. Vegetarian Fighters. 7 Oct. 2011. Web.To Meat or Not to Meat. Current Events 108.16 (2009) 7. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. 14 Oct. 2011. Web.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Healthcare management capstone by nikita brown Essay

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and previous(a) submissions will be assigned a late punishment in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE All submission posting times are base on midnight Central Time. Administrators must continuously seek opportunities to increase the favourableness of their practice or facility. passim this course, you will develop a plan to integrate a current and emerging trend in health care in your organization.Your Executive Summary to integrate a current or emerging solution into your organization will include the following Week 1 Topic Research/ alternative and Literature Review Week 2 Organizational Assessment Week 3 Project aim Week 4 Implementation Plan Week 5 Evaluation Plan Week 1 Topic Research/ survival of the fittest and Literature Review Part 1 Topic Research and Selection Begin this process by researching what health care organizations are doing or attempting to do t o increase profitability. Remember, profitability can be improved from many different angles.A nonexclusive list of potential ways would be adding additional services, decreasing costs, increasing the amount of services that are provided, or implementing a quality melioration program that qualifies for incentive monies. Check trade journals or professional discussion boards, or reach knocked out(p) to existing health care managers. Part 2 Literature Review Perform a literary works review of the solution that you have decided to apply to your organization. The review will encompass several articles, and at least 1 of the articles must be peer-reviewed.Look at current material (within the last 2 years). Remember, a literature review includes a summary of the information that you found that is relevant to your topic as well as an APA reference for each resource that you reviewed. Identifying what topic to perform research on should be accomplished quickly because you will need suffi cient time to perform your literature review. Review a minimum of 10 documents. The review should be between 1015 pages, including the bibliography. Use APA format.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Freewill vs Predistnation in Dr Faustus Essay

Dr Faustus is a german pupil who shuts himself off from human normal life to achieve his aspirations, he is not only willing to to dish out his soul to the devil but also to be the devil himself to be a spirit in form and in substance,Dr Faustus is born to an ordinary family in germany in a small tgetspeople called Rhode , he was educated at wittenberg a famous German university and obtained a degree in theology.Faustus is a shakeasperian fiber he isnt rich or a king but he is a man of hight social rank,he has a flaw in his character,the hero (dr Faustus) has a problem in his character which leads to his downfall. Faustus is a great scientist who has a great knowledge,he has an extreme pride and arrogance, he is not happy with the aim of knowledge and science that he reaches, he wants to reach a level that fit with his think,he wants to control the creation , to gaine agent and full control,to transcend human life Oh what a world of profit and delightOf power,of honour,of omin opotance By comparing himself with a studious artizan, Faustus hopes to gain all worldly pleasures and goods as the fruits of scholarly work. He does not understand,everything must be under his command All of these things have left him unsatisfied, so now he turns to magic to black magic Faustus realizes that by practicing the dark arts, he will have extreme power in the world.This is the turning point in his transition from scholar to magician. Faustus conjured a demon, Mephistophilis, ordering him to go to equal with the offer of Faustuss soul in return for twenty-four years of power and of pleasure with Mephistopheles as servant to him, Before the time comes to sign the contract, Faustus has doupts, but he puts them aside and signs away his soul, writing with his own blood. Faustus begins his years filled with sinful nature. He feeds greedly on the art of awakening the dead,he realizes his mistake in believe power will bring him happiness,at the end of his 24 years Faustus is fi lled with fears and he becomes regretful for his past tense action,yet this comes too late when his fellow scholars find his body torns in pieces and his soul carried to hell.There is a stroke of Christianity at the end of the drama because Faustus fails o repent. He cries out but no one is spry to listen . The ultimate lesson is that if we try to change our label from Human being into God, ultimate right will be a punishment and that is terrible damnation,The end of the Faustus is really horrible,Faustus doubts in gods existence is the worst thing. Eternal damnation is a result of suspicion in God. Indeed, Faustus is a sad common man.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Emotional Quotient And Spiritual Intelligence In The Workplace Essay

As the world progresses and advances towards globalization, the global frugality is demanding for the existence of well-managed companies and governings. Responding to this demand, organizations are trying to find more effective formula that will enhance or improve their outputs. Two of the latest discoveries that attract companies and organizations are the concepts of frantic and spiritual development of their human resources. more(prenominal) and more companies are integrating the said formula in their programs and action plans as they recognize the neediness of these concepts that were long been neglected.In this paper, we will analyze the arguments of two chosen articles which focus on mad countersign (Must Have EQ by Anthony Landale) and Spiritual lore (The Practical Application of Spiritual Intelligence in the Workplace by Mike George). Anthony Landale, in his article entitled Must Have EQ, argued that Emotional Intelligence or EQ (Emotional Quotient) the key for an or ganization to meet the challenge of getting people organise together more effectively (Landale, Andrew Feb/March 2007, page 24).In line with this, the root presented his stand in four egest points. First, he argued that EQ is live in keeping the organization or group members intact. Second, he argued that each team member must be satisfactory to learn how to manage our emotions by constantly checking our own individual demeanours. Landale made it clear that behaviors are innate in humans and that every person has his own set of good and bad behaviors. Relative to this, a person who has high steamy wisdom is able to manage even the undesirable behaviors by expressing them in the right place, time and manner.Third, Landale argued that EQ development requires empathy, which is putting mavinself in the place of others. This means that unitary is required to constantly deal with others at fashion, learn to adjust as needed and be able to adapt with the situation. Lastly, th e author emphasise that communication is vital in the development of emotional intelligence and of keeping the organization healthy. To be able to do this, every member must maintain an open and honest communication. It was also stressed that a two-part communication line is required which means that feedback to and from management must be kept operative.Emotional intelligence is therefore measured according to the persons skill of managing his or her emotions and behaviors because EQ is actually Self-Management. In partnership with EQ, a company must also train its human resources to develop Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). The author centered his arguments on the practical applications of SQ especially in the workplace because SQ development focuses on the trio deepest motivations of humans creativity, meaning and purpose (George, Mike 2006, page 3).The author argued that since Spiritual Intelligence directly work with these three human motivations, SQ development will definitel y make a company a vivacious workplace. If a persons SQ is well-developed, he will be able to fall in a clear sense of his identity and a definite purpose. Spiritual intelligence enables a person to live with integrity by setting a good example. Because SQ gives the individual the actor the flexibility to adapt to the environment, a person with high SQ is able to be cool and focused even in a stressful situation.By underdeveloped ones self-awareness, a person with high SQ also will have the power to find the cause of his emotions, its meanings and be able to manage them. This in turn will develop ones empathy. Spiritual intelligence focuses on the development on a persons capacity to fight the ego in order for him to adapt to changes. Finally, development of spiritual intelligence enables a person to recognize the non-material reality of his being that is humans have non-material needs which when recognized alleviates lifes insecurity.If cognitive intelligence is to the highes t degree thinking and emotional intelligence is about feeling, then spiritual intelligence is about being (McMullen, Brian 2003). In line with the arguments of Landale and George, this statement is parallel with their point of view that EQ has something to do with self-management bandage SQ deals with self-awareness of the non-material reality of the being. In the modern world, people are inclined to boosting their cognitive intelligence (IQ) as this whitethorn seem the measuring device for ones success in life.But the real working world does non acknowledge the importance of IQ alone, rather the development of all four fundamental intelligences that define the successful individual. IQ appears to be related to minimum standards to enter a given a profession (Wiggleswoth, Cindy ). In line with Landales claim that EQ is of managing emotions, a study of store managers in retail chain proved that efficient management of emotions especially with stress is important for success (Chern iss, Cary 2000). all the same Cherniss stressed that this is just one aspect of the complex scope of emotional intelligence.He said that emotional intelligence has as much to do with knowing when and how to express emotion as it do with coercive it. This statement corroborates Landales idea that EQ is of acknowledging and identifying the emotions and learning how to express them in a proper behavior (Landale, Andrew 2007, page 24). The importance of this aspect of EQ was be worthwhile in modern organizations as with the try done in the US navy wherein researchers found that the most effective leaders in the US Navy were warmer, more outgoing, emotionally expressive, dramatic, and sociable (Barsade, S. t. al 1998).Another aspect of emotional intelligence is empathy which is proven by researchers that it contributes to occupational success (Cherniss, Cary 2000). This is the aspect that overlaps with the concept of spiritual development which also acknowledges the importance of em pathy in recognizing the cause of the emotions and be able to utilize them in adapting to changes. EQ is the development of the capacity for self-control and the top executive to respond with sensitivity and empathy (Oxford Leadership Academy).This is also important if a manager or someone in the organization would like to positively influence the work behaviors of other members. A practical application of this as cited in one article is that ones effectiveness can influence others depending on ones ability to connect with them particularly of get winding the feelings of others (Goleman, Daniel 1999). To effectively influence others we also need to be able to manage our own emotions.Connected to EQ development is the spiritual intelligence which centers on developing the skills of the person in managing the inner self or the non-material reality of ones being as claimed by George. One author defined spiritual intelligence as the ability to behave with mercy and Wisdom while maint aining inner and outer peace (equanimity) regardless of the circumstances (Wigglesworth, Cindy).Since compassion encompasses the ability to understand the feelings of others, as what empathy suggests, the concepts of EQ and SQ therefore work together towards the complete success of a person and the organization where he belongs. The practical point of this is that when someone is emotionally and spiritually intelligent, he will be able to make the most out of his skills, emotions, behaviors and traits in managing himself and in turn will give him the power to positively connect with others.That optimism is brought about by the fact that the person, with empathy and compassion, understands the emotions of others which give him the ability to stay calm and focused no matter what the situation brings. Relative to Georges argument that spiritual intelligence in necessary for a person to live a life with integrity and in line with the clear purpose, one author has the same perspective. A ccording to 1Wigglesworth, spiritual intelligence development encompasses self and universal awareness including the ego and affable mastery.In the management world, spiritually intelligent manager is a wise and effective change ingredient who makes compassionate and wise decisions. Wigglesworth further said that SQ enables managers to have the calming and healing presence in the center of stressful workplace. In contrast with George who did not acknowledge the importance of communication in the development of SQ, Landale stressed that EQ development requires a manager to prioritize the giving and receiving of feedbacks (Landale, Anthony 2007).Connecting with other members of the organization builds and cultivates relationships and that can totally be possible when open communication is active in the organization. Putting the essentials of emotional and spiritual intelligence, we all the way draw out the idea that the development of these basic intelligences focus on relationsh ips which is especially important in building an effective, efficient working environment. The human resources of the organization are its most valuable assets so it is vital that that training and development should include the wholeness of their being.Companies of the modern economy is already recognizing the fact the business is not all about making money, rather it encompasses the building of organization members with multiple intelligence. An organization with personnel, especially leaders, who have well developed cognitive, emotional and spiritual intelligence, is a happy and enthusiastic working environment. Developing the emotional and spiritual intelligence is the answer to the intangible needs of the organization healthy working relationships.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What You learned in this class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What You learned in this chassis - assignment ExampleThe grammar and referencing skills learnt in class remain fundamental in transforming my writing skills.The class was significant in enhancing my knowledge in MLA referencing and formatting style. MLA style gives the general guidelines for formatting academic papers and using position language in writing. MLA style enable writers to learn a system for referencing sources through thorough inverted comma in their papers and inclusion of work cited pages. It was encouraging to learn the effective MLA formatting skills including the need for a cover page and inclusion of page numbers. In addition, formatting MLA papers entails good referencing of all learning sources used. The use of MLA protects writers from accusation of plagiarism and demonstrates their liability to the source of material. Graduate students should use MLA style to reference their assignments. misgiving basic grammar mistakes, identification, and correcting them is essential in writing a good academic paper. A good academic paper remains void of grammar errors including spelling, punctuation, and use of tense. In addition, correct and good grammar is imperative in avoiding third estate mistakes and presenting understandable information. Fluency of an academic paper is indispensable in effective presentation of information to the reader. Besides, good punctuation with appropriate use of commas and full stops is essential in excellent academic writing. acquire the aforementioned techniques of avoiding mistakes and writing appealing academic paper devoid of grammar mistakes was an imperious milestone in my career. Essentially, the class greatly perfected my writing skills.Business letter is a portrait of a company, thus it has to tint distinctive and present the high-quality nature of the business. Business letters have a standard format and template. The closely commonly used format is the block style with text in single space and two- baser space between paragraphs. In

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Criminology....Ethnographic Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminology....Ethnographic Paper - Essay ExampleOn the other hand how invariably, media theories such as imperialism suggest that such imposition of the paramount society the incline may not be welcome among the minority populations and there may be an emerging and ever urgent need among the less dominant population to cling to their cultural determine in an sudor to avoid a complete displacement of their cultural roots, norms and practices. For young British Asiatics, the struggle to shape and coach identity within a dominant white society is a challenging one. For young punt generation Asians, the struggle to reconcile the cultural values and beliefs of their parents with the values of the society they live in and act with is a Herculean task. This study examines whether the media in particular plays its role in shaping British Asian identity and whether the content of TV programs aid these young ethnic group to assimilate better into British society. The research questi on Does the media influence the development of identity among young British Asians?Waters views globalization as a social process in which the limitations imposed by geography are receding (Waters, 1995 3). harmonize to the world theory of globalization, the world is a system that is comprised of multiple cultural systems (Wallerstein 1974 390). According to Waters, these social exchanges of symbols, tastes and values are such that material exchanges localize political exchanges internationalize and symbolic exchanges globalize. (Waters 1995 9). Therefore Waters sees a social transformation taking place. Critics of globalization argue that it leads to a homogenization or hybridization of cultures, so that the rich diversity of local culture and traditions may be irretrievably lost. (Nederveen Pieterse 1995 Robertson 1995). The imposition of one dominant culture upon another as a part of the globalization process is the cultural imperialism theory that emerged in the 1960s - in