Thursday, November 28, 2019
The climax of this story Essay Example For Students
The climax of this story Essay Examine closely Katherines speech in Act 5 Scene 2 lines 136-179. What is your view of this speech as the climax of this story? How have Kates opinions and language changed since the early acts of the play? Why do you think that she has changed so much? What is your view of this speech as the climax of this story? In The Taming of the Shrew, Katherina gives a final speech in Act 5, Scene 2, which many people consider sexist, in terms of the content and the language used. As George Bernard Shaw said, the play is Altogether disgusting to modern sensibility. It can be maintained that Petruchio is a rather challenging type, who sees their relationship as a game. We will write a custom essay on The climax of this story specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Consequently, he knows he will win, thus winning a beautiful bride as well as the dowry. The final speech is proof that he has changed Katherina from an independent male to the woman that she is. He only plays the game to obtain the ideal marriage. Eventually they learn to love each other. In a play that is open for interpretation, the audience maintains many different points of view. One supposition is that Katherina has not been tamed yet, and is only playing along with Petruchios game to stop his abusive treatment. Another way of explaining it is that because for the first time in her life Katherina has realized that somebody actually cares about her enough to refine her, she gives up her discourteous past and sets off on a promising and happy future. I think that ultimately, Katherina changed from the Shrew into the acceptable wife because she has come to terms with her role as a woman, and realized that she has found love by becoming submissive to anything she disagrees with. How have Kates opinions and language changed since the early acts of the play? The first sentence Katherina has uttered in the play is I pray you, sir, is it your will to make a stale of me amongst these mates?. In Shakespearean times, for a young woman to use language such as stale and mate, would have been considered rude and controversial. This is language of a typical male in those days, just as Katherina seems to be. This view supports how her language and opinions have changed from the beginning to the end of the play. The first impression of Katherina tends to be that she is as rude as a spoilt child and in the same way that the child needs to be taught manners, Katherina needs to be tamed. The irony in this case is that Bianca is infact the spoilt child especially when Baptista showers her with compliments. This puts negative influence on Katherina, as her hatred towards Bianca grows with every passing day. A pretty peat! It is best put finger in the eye and she knew why. Towards the end of the play, when she gives her speech, it is easily noticeable that her language and views have changed. It makes Katherina appear to be calm and gentle. The first signs of change in Katherina appear in Act 3, Scene 2 after their wedding, when Tranio and Gremio moth ask Petruchio to stay till after dinner. Thinking that is would make a difference; Katherina sweetly tells Petruchio Let me entreat you. Obviously you see that she is only playing along, trying to get her way as Bianca does with Baptista. As her refuses, it makes you realize that Petruchio is not easily manipulated and will only treat Katherina as an equal when she treats others in the same way. .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .postImageUrl , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:hover , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:visited , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:active { border:0!important; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:active , .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486 .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub0364f4206b878967af3720e4f301486:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The play an inspector calls is heavily built on the atmosphere of the acts and how each character fits in to the scene EssayLater on in the same conversation, she says I see a woman may be made a fool If she had not a spirit to resist. This is vital, in witnessing the change from this scene, to her final speech because in the end, she indeed has no resistance and gives her total and utter submission. Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, Thy sovereign; one that cares for thee We witness a big change in Act 4, Scene 5, when Katherina and Petruchio are on their journey back to Padua, and they stop for a rest. This is a a key moment in the play when the reader begins to understand how not only, has Katherina become gentle and kind, but also a slave to her husbands will. Petruchio then tests Katherina to ensure that she has indeed changed for good. Petruchio: I say it is the moon. Katherina I know it is the moon. Petruchio: Nay then you lie, it is the blessed sun Katherina: Then God be blessed, it is the blessed sun Why has Katherina Changed. Katherinas opinion of men has changed from Mate a jade and stale to thy lord, thy king, thy governor by the end of the play, in the final speech. This is in no doubt, the climax of the story. It highlights the change in Katherinas personality as it does to the content and language of the play. She talks of men as superior whilst degrading Bianca and the widow for the disrespect they have towards their men. In this speech Katherina says A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, Ill-seaming, thick, bereft of beauty, and while it is so, none so dry or thirsty, Will deign to sip, or touch one drop of it. This quote is the perfect example of everything Katherina was at the beginning of the play. It is a physical image, putting emphasis on the point that a man wont touch an upset woman because it is like drinking corrupt water. It is a brilliant admission of what she once was. Petruchio has tamed Katherina, into a beautiful, clear fountain. This indeed is ironic, because Bianca the white, is yet to be cleared. Katherina once had abused males in the ways in which she was abused by Petruchio , and by learning from her mistakes, she tried to teach the others. In Act 2, Scene 1, when Petruchio first meets Katherina, he greets her as Kate, to which she defensively replies well have you heard, but something hard of hearing, They call me Katherina that do talk of me. Having led a life full of aggression and male attitude, Katherina uses a defense mechanism to defend herself with. Initially, she treats males as subordinates. I feel that in order to escape from her insecurities, she affronts others to make herself feel superior. One can empathize with Katherina because she had no female role model to venerate. Another reason I sympathize her is because for the majority of her life, she is deemed to have been treated worse than her younger sister Bianca. This is obvious in the way Baptista speaks to Bianca For I will love thee neer the less,my girl. Katherina not only uses her defense mechanisms towards Petruchio, but she sarcastically tells Baptista how good of a father he is when he tries to wed her to Petruchio. I presume that another reason behind her defensive behavior is how Baptista considers Bianca as his jewel, in contrast to the way he feels about Katherina.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Management Essays by
Management Essays by What Is a Management Essay? The notion of management essay can be easily derived from the separate notions of management (i.e. the art of administrating all business activities that allows an organization/individual to achieve set goals within a specified time frame and with limited resources) and essay (a short piece of writing that is elucidates a point or question and may or may not include authors personal viewpoint). So, summing up a management essay can be understood as a piece of writing dedicated to one of the key management elements: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling an organization. Management essays may be of two types: 1. Objective (particularly, when a scholarly investigation is required). 2. Subjective (providing students solution or explaining their understanding of a key issue required). Looking for an essay on management? Here is a good management essay example: Difference between Leadership and Management Management Paper Structure A management essay takes a structure that is generally prescribed to 5 paragraph essays: it must begin with an introductory sentence where a problem is introduced to the reader; then two or three body paragraphs should follow elaborating on the original question. The essay should be closed with a conclusion that echoes the introduction and sums up the body paragraphs. More information on essay structure: How to Write a Well-Structured Essay has a long history of completing essays on management for our customers. From day one has started receiving management related orders from its customers. This has led us to hire more management writers from various backgrounds and levels of expertise. Order your management essay from our professional writers.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Real World Examples of Canadian Public and Private Law and Assignment
Real World Examples of Canadian Public and Private Law and International Law - Assignment Example It is founded on the notion of what a reasonable man would do to protect others from injuries and/or property damage as a result of their activities. Canadian liability insurance policies protect policy holders whether individuals or firms from the consequences of unintended torts, usually negligence. They do not insure intended torts such as assault because they are completely within the power of the perpetrator to prevent and therefore uninsurable because they are not accidental. Because of Canada’s winter climate, a very common example of tort is negligence for failure to tale reasonable steps to keep business and residential parking lots and sidewalks free from the hazards of ice and snow. In theory this does not mean, for example, that a store is automatically responsible for injuries suffered by a person falling on an icy sidewalk. They would not be liable if the accident happened in the midst of a storm, but if the business failed to salt and sand after the storm passed they would be judged responsible by a court. Unfortunately, in practical terms insurers usually have to pay claimants something, for example out of pocket expenses regardless of their degree of negligence if any. However, their exposure can be reduced if businesses keep a log showing when they salted and sanded to demonstrate their efforts to keep the premises as safe as possible. In other words, while such tort negligence claims usually require some insurer payout, the amount can be reduced significantly if the business shows it did all it reasonably could under the circumstances. 2). Contract Law Artifact Canadian contract law refers to that branch of civil law which pertains to the conditions required for a valid enforceable contract or agreement between parties.( Canadian Contract Law) Unlike tort law it is not based on judicial precedent but on the specific terms of the particular contract. They are usually written but can be verbal. They may be based on negotiated terms betwe en the parties or on standard wordings as many insurance contracts are. Analysis Binding contracts are freely entered into agreements between individuals, groups and/or businesses to perform a specified service or provide a designated product to the other contracted party/parties in exchange for consideration, that is, money, benefit, right or interest, or some forbearance, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other. ( Making and Breaking Contracts). It also must be a clear, unequivocal, direct offer to another party to contract which is accepted on the same basis by this party to become a binding contract. In Canada there are certain situations where a court will not enforce a contract, for example, if it involves the commission of a crime, it is entered into by people deemed mentally incompetent, and therefore unable to understand it’s terms, and in some cases involving minors unless the court declares it provides a clear and necessary benefit to the minor, or can be revoked by the young person without penalty. Otherwise, to ensure enforceability it is very important that the terms be clear, consistent precise and address all foreseeable eventualities. Especially in Canada in the case of standard wordings written exclusively by insurers, any ambiguities will be interpreted in favor of the policyholder. 3). Criminal Law Artifact The Canadian Criminal Code may be regarded as a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Assignment about leadership as a business strategy
Business about leadership as a business strategy - Assignment Example Center of discussion in this paper is leadership as one of the best strategies that can assist the companies on the pathway towards growth and success. There are different types of leadership styles that can be practiced by the organizational leaders. A leader can be defined as the person who is capable of influencing and monitoring a cluster of people towards the attainment of common goals. A leader can also be examined as such person who has numerous followers. Furthermore, a leader requires performing his duties well and capable of showing proper path to his group members so that the goals can be achieved. He must be able to convince the followers to follow his path as well as reward them for doing so. Leaders who are focused upon their principles and values tend to be successful at larger scale. There are majorly seven principles that need to be followed by the leaders to be successful. They are accepting accountability, continuation of learning through practice, sincerity, antic ipation of the results, admiration for individuals and families, leading with integrity and establishment of the goals. There are theories presupposing that as the group tends to mature, the leaders are capable of varying his or her leadership style. However, there are leaders who may not change and therefore have a preferred leadership style. There are situations when the leaders may require adapting their leadership style so that they can fit any given situation. Therefore, it is significant for the leaders to be self-aware.... During the times of tough competition and other challenges, the company was engaged in preparing a model that demonstrates the way automakers as well as the CEOs of the company needs to handle the harsh conditions and do the needful. It had been noticed that Mulally was trying to integrate constancy of purposes along with lucidity and teamwork in managing culture at Ford Motors (Yale School of Management, 2010). It was Alan Mulally who had accelerated the company’s restructuring plan. Under his leadership, the huge losses incurred by the company along with the falling market have been reversed, thereby ensuring that the company had a strong balance sheet. It can be noted that it was under his leadership that Ford Motors was successful at selling off Aston Martin, Land Rover as well as Volvo (Yale School of Management, 2010). The esteemed Taurus brand had been revived and the company was capable of expanding the Lincoln brand under the leadership of Alan Mulally. Furthermore, t he stakes held by the company in Mazda was withdrawn. Ford Motors was capable of delivering high quality products which were fuel efficient, elegantly designed and safe. The strategies were so developed by Alan Mulally that the company was successful in meeting the needs and demands of the customers by making complete utilization of the resources. This led to full year profit as noted in 2009 and in the first quarter of 2010. The sales of the company surmounted for all types of products and the best thing to notice is related to the fact that the sales of the company was capable of earning triple to the overall growth of the industry (Yale School of Management, 2010). It had been
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conflict - Essay Example Strikes are overt demonstration of employee unrest in the sense that they are a clearly visible form of the demonstration of employee through a collective medium. Covert demonstration of employee unrest on the other hand is not easily discernible as it is an individualistic action that takes different forms like absenteeism and increase in labour turnover. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for loss of working days due to overt demonstration of industrial dispute in the form of strikes show a steady fall in number of strikes and the number of working days lost from 2004 to 2007. This indicates a slow down in employees resorting to the collective demonstration of industrial disputes through strikes. Absenteeism is a temporary withdrawal of work by an employee as an escape valve for the frustrations experienced at the workplace, which is proving costly to industrial productivity on an increasing basis. This can be seen from the estimates in 1998 that put the loss on productivity by absenteeism as $2.6 billion to the Australian industry, while in 2006 the loss increased to almost $7 billion. Industrial employee turnover as a result of employees’ lack of satisfaction at the workplace is also on the rise. Employees change jobs as a covert behaviour in their expression of conflict with their employers.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS)
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) may be defined as a series of processes which provide a framework, for managing occupational health and safety (OHS) responsibilities so that they become more efficient and more integrated into overall business operations, around which good performance can be established and maintained and which will support the development of a safety culture. (International Labour Organisation (ILO)-British Standards Institution (BSI) Joint-Definition) The main aim of the OHSM is to design measures to control and eliminate the likelihood of hazards in the workplace and promote a safe work environment. 1. Management commitment An effective management addresses all work-related hazards and employees welfare facilities and not only those stipulated by laws. There is a need for management to make the health and safety of workers a priority. It is essential that there be strong management commitment and strong worker participation in the effort to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace. In each workplace, the lines of responsibility from top to bottom need to be clear, and workers should know who is responsible for different health and safety issues. Management is responsible that the organisation has the appropriate policies, programmes in place to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. Management commitment and employee involvement Charles reese (accident) Management commitment and employee are complementary. Management commitment provides the motivating force and the resources for organizing and controlling activities within an organization. Employee involvement provides the means through which workers develop and/or express their own commitment to safety and health protection, for themselves and for their fellow workers. Safety and health goals and objectives are also included to assist you in establishing workplace goals and objectives that demonstrate your companys commitment to safety. 2. Health and Safety policy It is the responsibility of management to cater for the health and safety of its workforce. Clearly developed and concise policies set the direction for the organisation by communicating managements goals and objectives. A good health and safety policy need to be: 1. Specific to the organisation and appropriate to its size and nature of works; 2. Clearly written so as to educate workers, clients, suppliers and general public about the health and safety policy of the organisation; 3. Specific about the responsibility and accountability of managers and supervisors at all levels; 4. Effectively communicated to all employees; and 5. Reviewed on a regular basis to ensure continuing sustainability. The best health and safety policies align health and safety with human resources management as employees are the key resource of an organization.(HSE Successful Health and Safety Management HS(G) HMSO 1997) The OSH policy should include, as a minimum, the following key principles and objectives to which the organization is committed: 1. protecting the safety and health of all members of the organization by preventing work-related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents; 2. complying with relevant OSH national laws and regulations, voluntary programmes, collective agreements on OSH and other requirements to which the organization subscribes; 3. ensuring that workers and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in all elements of the OSH management system; and 4. continually improving the performance of the OSH management system. (ILO Guidelines on the Occupational Health and Safety Management System 2001) Health promotion in the workplace This complements occupational health and safety measures to improve the well being of workers at the workplace. Workplace wellbeing According to ILO, it relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organisation. Workers well being is directly related to the productivity of the organisation. The higher the workers well being, the higher will be the productivity of the organistion. Safety tasks and responsibilities Health and Safety audit and Performance review Health and Safety audit and performance review are the final steps in the health and safety management. Health and Safety culture In order to develop good health and safety practices, a good health and safety culture is needed at work. Employers need to incorporate health and safety practices in their day to day running of the business. Successful occupational health and safety practices necessitates the collaboration and participation of both employers/owners or management and employees in health and safety programmes, and it involves the consideration of issues relating to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc. Both workers and employers have a legal responsibility to look after health and safety at work together. Workers who contribute to health and safety at work, are safer and healthier than those who do not. Building and maintain a health and safety culture involve the use of all available means to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of the concepts of hazards and risks and how they may be prevented or controlled. The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organisations health and safety management. Successful Health and Safety Management by HSE (2nd edition), pg 22 Training for health and safety Training means educating people on what should be done and not, how it should be done and when it should be done. Based on a survey carried out by ILO, workers often experience work-related health problems but do not realize that the problems are related to their work, particularly when an occupational disease, for example, is in the early stages. Hence, there is a need to train workers on safe way to do the job, hazards associated with the work and how to eliminate or control them. It is also important to train workers how to react in case of emergencies, like a fire outbreak. Training on first aid is also important. Training can be conducted at different levels: During induction course for new employees where they can be educated on how to work safely and also about the hazards and risks associated with the jobs, how to eliminate or control them. Training can be organized for management and Supervisors so that they know what are the hazards present in the workplace and this enable them to develop policies to combat these hazards Regular training to existing employees, to update them on new equipment and technologies being used. Health surveillance Health surveillance at work is very important. It is performed to look for early signs of ill health caused by substances and other hazards at work. It includes keeping health records for individuals and may include medical examinations and testing of blood or urine samples, so that corrective action can be taken. Health and Safety Committee Health and safety programs For all of the reasons given above, it is crucial that employers, workers and unions are committed to health and safety and that: workplace hazards are controlled at the source whenever possible; records of any exposure are maintained for many years; both workers and employers are informed about health and safety risks in the workplace; there is an active and effective health and safety committee that includes both workers and management; worker health and safety efforts are ongoing. Charles D. Reese (2001) Accident/Incident Prevention Techniques In order to effectively manage safety and health, a company must pay attention to some critical factors: policy of management regarding health and safety of workers health and safety goals of the company who is responsible for occupational safety and health how are supervisors and employees held accountable for job safety and health? what are the consequences of not following the safety rules are there set procedures for addressing safety and health at the workplace? A written safety and health program is of primary importance in addressing these items.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Reality TV Essay -- essays research papers
Reality TV: The Rise of a New Show â€Å"The Contender†     One of the newest shows to hit the vast majority of reality TV shows that already exist is The Contender. The Contender is a show that focuses on all the hardships, training, pain, and dilemmas that a boxer, who is preparing to fight, must endure. The Contender will be a very successful show, because it has the attributes of raw emotion that can’t be found when a director is yelling ‘action,’ and ‘cut.’ By raw emotion I mean that the viewer has reason to watch the television show due to an emotional attachment, besides the mere entertainment value, or for the love of the sport of boxing. Viewers fall in love, but instead of characters, they are able to fall in love with actual people. Reality television is something that has become a major part of the television industry. The motivation and success of these shows is based on the fact that none of the shows are ever scripted. Many critics labeled the reality television show as a fad, or as something that would not last. However, reality TV has shown to be quite the opposite. Reality TV will not go away, but instead continues to evolve and over take time slots of other scripted shows. Viewers can relate to the people who are apart of these shows because the viewers know that the people that they are beginning to enjoy, and in essence, love, are real. I do not mean that actors are essentially machines, but the characters they love are the same cha...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Case Analysis: Profitability of Wendy’s Chilli Essay
Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s restaurant, opened his first restaurant on November 15, 1969 in Columbus, Ohio. Dave was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey on July 2, 1932. He was adopted at six weeks old by Rex and Auleva Thomas. Dave moved from state to state with his father when his mother passed at the age of 5. At the age of 12, Dave obtained his first job at a restaurant in Knoxville. Thus, he began his love for the restaurant business. At the age of 15, Dave dropped out of high school to work full time in the restaurant business. While working full-time at the Hobby House restaurant, Dave met Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC). In 1962, Dave was offered the opportunity to turn around four failing Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants in Columbus, Ohio. Utilizing his past experience, Dave turned the restaurants around, sold them back to KFC, and immediately became a millionaire all at the age of 35. He then co-founded Arthur Treacher’ s Fish and Chips. Dave again capitalized on his experiences in restaurant management when he decided to establish his own restaurant. Since hamburgers were his favorite food, Dave decided to start a restaurant that would serve a quality hamburger without a 30 minute waiting period. Named for his eight year old daughter, Dave started Wendy’s. In order to focus on quality and remain competitive, the menu was limited to four basic products excluding beverages. The product line included hamburgers, chili, french fries, and Wendy’s Frosty Dairy Dessert. Wendy’s hamburgers patties consisted of  ¼ pound of 100 percent pure domestic beef, served as a square shaped patty rather than a round shaped patty, and served â€Å"hot ‘n juicy†in accordance with individual customer orders. The french fries were sliced slightly longer and thicker from high quality potatoes and cooked in specially-designed fryers to allow the inside to be cooked without burning the outside. Wendy’s Frosty Dairy Dessert is a thick blend of vanilla and chocolate flavors and must be served with a spoon as a dessert rather than a straw. Wendy’s chili is the fourth basic menu item. Whenever the cook overestimated customer demand, beef patties stayed on the grill beyond the recommended time. This caused the beef patties to be well done. To avoid customer dissatisfaction, Wendy’s used the â€Å"well done†beef patties that had been refrigerated from the previous day and could not be served to customers. Each eight ounce serving contained about a quarter pound of ground beef. Wendy’s chili is prepared by the assistant manager or an experienced crew member using an original recipe. The labor cost for the assistant manager and crew member is listed in Table 1. The cost to prepare the chili is listed in Table 2 below. Table 3, illustrates the direct cost associated with the production of chili. Table 1. Labor costs for assistant manager or a crew member to prepare chili in 1978 Table 2. Ingredients and costs in 1978. Table 3. Direct cost for 1978 In the event of a shortage of overcooked patties, beef patties were cooked for the sole purpose of inclusion in the chili. In order to prepare a pot of chili, it took 10 to 20 minutes of preparation time. This process required chopping the meat into small pieces, adding the other ingredients and stirring the batch six times. Sixty percent of the total annual sales for chili occurred during the months from October to March. The chili product has the lowest gross profit margin. The 1978 labor and additional direct costs are listed in Table 4 below. Table 4. Cost of Chili Preparation, Overall Cost of Chili and Profit of Chili. In November 1979, Wendy’s became the first national restaurant chain to introduce a Salad Bar on the menu. Initial test marketing of the salad bar concept had been successful. This innovative idea also posed a dilemma. If Wendy’s was to follow their limited menu concept, the salad bar would potentially replace chili since it had the lowest profit margin on a full cost basis. Then, management would be faced with containing the cost of the overcooked patties that resulted from overestimating customer demand and cooking too many hamburgers. While hamburgers comprised 55 percent of total sales, chili sales comprised of five percent of total sales. The chili was most popular between the months of October through March. During these months, 60 percent of the total annual chili sales occurred. Management was faced with deciding which product would be best to sustain long-term profitability. Wendy’s revenues were derived from the sales made from company-owned restaurants, from royalties paid to the company by owners of franchised restaurants, from fees paid by the owners of franchised restaurants for technical assistance and from interest earned on investments. By 1978, Wendy’s operated 1,407of restaurants. Of this number, 1,119 stores were owned by franchisees. Franchised stores were built to a uniformed specification and were not located within the same market areas as company-owned stores. Most restaurants were located in urban or densely populated suburban areas; a large volume of customers was a primary factor for Wendy’s success. Each franchisee paid a $15,000 fee for technical assistance prior to the opening of a restaurant for services such as site selection, construction plans, initial training for owners and staff members, advertising materials, national purchasing agreements and operations manuals. For 1978, company-owned stores generated 84.13% of revenue, royalties generated 12.65% of revenue, technical assistance fees generated 1.87% of revenue, and interest from investments generated 1.35% of revenue. The income statement from Moody’s is listed in Table 5 below (Moody’s, 1980, p. 1565). Table 5. By focusing on a product differentiation marketing strategy, quality food, quick service and reasonable prices, Wendy’s was able to achieve its financial success and to grow rapidly at a time when the fast-food industry appeared to be saturated. The adoption of the limited menu concept also contributed to this success. Having a limited menu concept allowed Wendy’s to concentrate on the quality of a few menu items and allowed Wendy’s to quickly prepare a meal to the customer specifications. The limited menu concept does not allow for changes in consumer preferences nor does it allow Wendy’s to compete with other fast food restaurants serving items such as chicken. In 1970, Wendy’s broke new grounds by opening a second restaurant with a unique feature. This restaurant featured a drive-thru window with a special grill within the pick-up window. Wendy’s was able to achieve success in their drive-thru window concept, because their product was served fresh from the special grill within a short span of time. While other restaurants offered a standard product through their dive-thru window, Wendy’s differentiated their concept by offering a product that was prepared fresh to the customer’s specifications. Therefore, the product delivery time did not increase when preparing the order as requested by the customer, whether in the dining room or through the pick-up window. Wendy’s used a product differentiation approach for their hamburgers. By marketing the hamburgers as a square patty rather than a round patty, Wendy’s was successful in advertising their hamburgers as â€Å"old-fashioned.†Wendy’s also cooked each hamburger in a manner that provided a customized hamburger for each customer quickly and at a reasonable price. Innovations have been the key to Wendy’s growth. Their innovative style of management has made Wendy’s a leader in the fast-food industry. By catering to young adults and adults, Wendy’s has attempted to create brand loyalty among their target customers. Wendy’s recognized the dynamic needs of their customers and consequently offered a dining experience that emphasized quality food, fast and friendly service within a setting that is common throughout all their restaurants. Wendy’s has made growth a priority in their strategic plan in order to achieve high employee retention and satisfaction rates. According to Doorley and Donovan, â€Å"employee satisfaction rises when a company grows, probably because people experience new challenges and are excited about being on a winning team (Swanson, 2001).†The introduction of a salad bar will contribute to a diversification strategy that will also augment their innovative approach. Chart 1. Sales comparison of Wendy’s and competitors. Quality was a foundational component in the first Wendy’s restaurant. This was due largely to uncompromising passion for quality by the founder, Dave Thomas. Quality still remains the top priority in the food, people and service industry. The mission statement of Wendy’s is: â€Å"To deliver superior quality products and services for our customers and communities through leadership, innovation and partnerships (Wendy’s, 2004).†The vision statement of Wendy’s is: â€Å"to be the quality leader in everything we do (Swanson, 2001).†This core value has guided the organization and helps to define the corporate culture and distinguished Wendy’s from the competitors. Business Creations recommends Wendy’s pursue adding salads to their limited menu concept; however, this should be done as a menu item rather than as a Salad Bar concept. Since Wendy’s has placed a high emphasis on quality, a Salad Bar concept introduces various risk factors which may cause dissatisfaction among the customers. Risk factors such as foreign objects falling into items on the Salad Bar and the food area remaining sanitized are just two of the risk factors. Also, the Salad Bar concept would require additional labor to replenish the stock. To maintain a consistent standard, Wendy’s should prepare the salad and sell the item as a pre-packaged menu item. We also recommend Wendy’s further evaluate removing chili from the menu in the 128 restaurants in the southern states during the summer months since sales decrease to 40 percent during this time frame. Excess beef patties can then be used as a topping for a salad, such as a Taco Salad. References: Hoover’s fact sheet. (2003). Retrieved from:’s/–ID__11621–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml,–ID__13112–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml,–ID__15659–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml,–ID__54531–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml,’s/–ID__10974–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml on May 2, 2004. Moody’s OTC Industrial Manual. (1980). New York, NY: Moody’s Investors Service, 1565. Swanson, B. (2001). â€Å"New strategic plan combines the best of Wendy’s and Tim Hortons.†Wendy’s Magazine. 13. â€Å"Wendy’s strategic plan†. Retrieved from www.wendy’ on May 2, 2004.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Marijuana Legalization
With the rise in controversy over marijuana, and its use both medically and recreationally, a need for resolve of marijuana legislation has become evermore important. Modern day society carries a wide spectrum of views on this age-old drug and its use. Some compare its prohibition in the 1920s. Others argue marijuana is less harmful to society than alchol. Fifteen percent of the United States population falling under regular users and our prisons over crowded with people who have commited a victimless crime., clear and decisive legislation should be made on its use(NewScientist). The long-time argument of the benefits of medical marijuana is often the battle cry of the marijuana legalization movement. Granted, a number of supporters have no medical use for the drug, but the claim of its medicinal value is a practical one. The public support for medical marijuana is obvious, with six states having passed protests allowing medical use within their borders. More importantly the scientific support exists. Study after study shows the benefits of marijuana far outweigh its less desirable effects. For the legalization movement the most notable of these studies would be the government's most recent conducted by the food and drug administration(Wikman). This study was commissioned by General Barry McCaffrey, the drug czar of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Arguing that marijuana is a "gateway" drug and that if it was used for medicinal purposes it would lead to greater illicit usage. In the end the study showed that marijuana's medical treatments include pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation. Conceding that while â€Å"some of its effects are modest, and some other drugs may be better for some treatments,†everyone is not responsive to the other treatments and for individuals infected with AIDS or going though chemotherapy marijuana will provide a beneficial multi-symptom relief(360). On top of this... Free Essays on Marijuana Legalization Free Essays on Marijuana Legalization With the rise in controversy over marijuana, and its use both medically and recreationally, a need for resolve of marijuana legislation has become evermore important. Modern day society carries a wide spectrum of views on this age-old drug and its use. Some compare its prohibition in the 1920s. Others argue marijuana is less harmful to society than alchol. Fifteen percent of the United States population falling under regular users and our prisons over crowded with people who have commited a victimless crime., clear and decisive legislation should be made on its use(NewScientist). The long-time argument of the benefits of medical marijuana is often the battle cry of the marijuana legalization movement. Granted, a number of supporters have no medical use for the drug, but the claim of its medicinal value is a practical one. The public support for medical marijuana is obvious, with six states having passed protests allowing medical use within their borders. More importantly the scientific support exists. Study after study shows the benefits of marijuana far outweigh its less desirable effects. For the legalization movement the most notable of these studies would be the government's most recent conducted by the food and drug administration(Wikman). This study was commissioned by General Barry McCaffrey, the drug czar of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Arguing that marijuana is a "gateway" drug and that if it was used for medicinal purposes it would lead to greater illicit usage. In the end the study showed that marijuana's medical treatments include pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation. Conceding that while â€Å"some of its effects are modest, and some other drugs may be better for some treatments,†everyone is not responsive to the other treatments and for individuals infected with AIDS or going though chemotherapy marijuana will provide a beneficial multi-symptom relief(360). On top of this... Free Essays on Marijuana Legalization Most Americans do not want to spend scarce public funds incarcerating nonviolent marijuana offenders, at a cost of $23,000 per year. Politicians must reconsider our country's priorities and attach more importance to combating violent crime than targeting marijuana smokers. Marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers at least $7.5 billion annually. This is an enormous waste of scarce federal dollars that should be used to target violent crime. Marijuana prohibition makes no exception for the medical use of marijuana. The tens of thousands of seriously ill Americans who presently use marijuana as a therapeutic agent to alleviate symptoms of cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, or multiple sclerosis risk arrest and jail to obtain and use their medication. Between 1978 and 1996, 34 states passed laws recognizing marijuana's therapeutic value. Most recently, voters in two states Arizona and California passed laws allowing for the medical use of marijuana under a physician's supervision. Yet, states are severely limited in their ability to implement their medical use laws because of the federal prohibition of marijuana. America tried alcohol prohibition between 1919 and 1931, but discovered that the crime and violence associated with prohibition was more damaging than the evil sought to be prohibited. With tobacco, America has learned over the last decade that education is the most effective way to discourage use. Yet, America fails to apply these lessons to marijuana policy. By stubbornly defining all marijuana smoking as criminal, including that which involves adults smoking in the privacy of their own homes, we are wasting police and prosecutorial resources, clogging courts, filling costly and scarce jail and prison space, and needlessly wrecking the lives and careers of genuinely good citizens. Marijuana legalization offers an important advantage over dec... Free Essays on Marijuana Legalization In the year 1937, the United States government made the drug marijuana illegal. This ban had little effect on people until the mid 60’s and 70’s. This was a time where many mind altering drugs where experimented with and widely used. During this time was also when marijuana research took place. Early researches was vague and bias, but in the years after many legitimate studies have been conducted, and both sides of the issues have been revealed. While looking at these studies with an open mind, one can conclude that marijuana should be legalized. Even though there are some health risks associated with marijuana, it is no different than legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco. Marijuana does have negative health aspects. The main hazard linked with marijuana is the smoke inhaled by the user. This is an interesting point because most marijuana users are not exposed to as much smoke as a tobacco user, and only smoke as much marijuana as necessary to reach their desired effects. Also recent studies show that the marijuana produced today is much more potent than it was thirty years ago. This only makes the hazards less because it will be safer to the user since less volume of smoke will be required to reach the same desired high. Marijuana smoke is very similar to tobacco smoke, and tobacco smoke has been found to cause lung diseases like cancer and emphysema, but marijuana users typically do not smoke anywhere near the volume of marijuana as tobacco smokers smoke tobacco. The other major effect marijuana is said to have is psychological harms. There was a time that marijuana research made it appear as if there was a structural change in the brain of heavy marijuana users, but modern research has disproved those studies (Co and Goodwin 1229). While a person is intoxicated they tend to perform poorly in auditory functions, and this is due to reduction of blood flow to the temporal lobe of the brain (O’ Leary and Andr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Tracking a Quotation
Tracking a Quotation Tracking a Quotation Tracking a Quotation By Maeve Maddox When a reader asked about the use of brackets in a recent email, I started to refer him to my post When and How to Use Brackets and leave it at that. Curiosity overcame me, however, and I tried to track down the complete original. Heres the quotation that prompted the readers question: [Well] probably never quite know who was the greatest of all time in tennis, Federer told reporters. ABC News (Australia) Heres the readers question: Is it the case that the journalist is inputting the word Well in order to make the quote from Federer more understandable as he left the word out in his verbal quote or rather that the word well is referring to an unknown group of people and the reader is to assume who the people are? What appears to be the original quotation appears at Yahoo Sports. The story is credited to AP tennis writer Howard Fendrich: Ask Federer to rank who the best players in history are and he won’t take the bait, saying something like what he said in Australia this week: â€Å"Probably never quite know who was the greatest of all-time in tennis, and I think that’s quite intriguing as well.†Writer Fendrich avoids the problem of correcting the conversational original by placing it after a colon. The reader can assume that all the words within the quotation marks are exactly what Federer said. In the ABC story, a writer or an editor preferred to use the he said construction so the bracketed [Well] was inserted. Thats ok. The brackets announce that the contraction did not appear in Federers original comment. However, if one reader found this Well confusing, chances are that others did too. A third site using the Federer quotation uses the Well and drops the brackets: Well probably never quite know who was the greatest of all time in tennis, and I think thats quite intriguing as well, he said. TVNZ Different genres have different requirements. The writer of narrative non-fiction has the leeway to improve quotations. The writer of straight news has an obligation to quote exactly. The transformation of the Federer quotation is interesting, not because it resulted in any major misrepresentation of what he said, but because it shows how quotations can mutate in the media. Direct quotations enliven writing, but sometimes an indirect quotation that embeds a few words of the original may be a more accurate, less confusing way to go. For example: Federer declined to rank the greatest all-time tennis players. He said that because of generational differences, we can never quite know who was the greatest. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"What is Dative Case?Uses of the Past Participle
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Women Involved in Social Reform in the 19th Century Essay - 1
Women Involved in Social Reform in the 19th Century - Essay Example However, this role is not enough, as they are also required to be career oriented and ambitious. The ‘Cult of True Womanhood’ that entitled women as deities of the household enabled women to regard their self-importance, as the whole theory attached with the concept of womanhood was self-destructive. There was a strategy to make women acknowledge their role associated with their families and homes only. However, according to the concept, women were regarded morally and virtually superior to men. The concept accommodated men as creatures prone to do wrong and entitled women as the guardians of the household who not only tried to safeguard men from flawed lives, but also kept graceful nature to bear the uncertainties of their husbands. This paper discusses American women’s involvement in social reform in the 19th century and women formed a good total of American population. The ‘cult of true womanhood’ encouraged women in the 19th century to become invo lved in social reform by standing with men in terms of running their households and they witnessed promotion of their gender ideologies through education. The ‘cult of true womanhood’ arrested women in their houses and assigned them the role of managing their households domestically only. â€Å"When depicted within households, women were romanticized as â€Å"Republican mothers†and cultivated companions†(Boydston, 1996). The women were required to tend to the needs of the men of their homes, their children and their families. In fulfilling their standardized roles defined as per the concept deprived of their right to work outside. However, due to economic pressure on the society, they continue to work outside for their household management. This approach of the women and their financial requirements brought men against them and they regarded working women as morally deprived and inferior to other women. Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Portfolio Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Portfolio Report - Research Paper Example The average return of M&S is 2.53% which is greater than Next which only has 1.61%, this means that there is greater return on investment on M&S than Next. The correlation of returns of 53.08% indicated that there is positive relationship between the two shares. Portfolio A's variance are very low, with 0.68% to Next and 0.95% to M&S, which means that there are lesser failure in achieving greater returns from these shares. The scatter diagram and the line graph clearly depicted the close relationship between the two shares. Given that they came from the same sector, the risk and the return for investment are somewhat the same. Table 2 present the important indicators of Thomas Cook and Alliance Trust. Indicators include Average return, variance of returns, standard deviation of returns, covariance of returns and correlation returns. The average return of Thomas Cook is 50.45% which is greater than Alliance Trust which only has 22.16%, this means that there is greater return on investment on M&S than Next. The correlation of returns of -3.10%, which indicates that there is negatively low relationship between the two shares. Portfolio B's variance are very high, with 927.32 % to Thomas Cook and 160.42% to Alliance Trust, which means that there are greater risk of failure in achieving greater returns from these shares. The scatter diagram and the line graph clearly depicted tha... The correlation of returns of -3.10%, which indicates that there is negatively low relationship between the two shares. Portfolio B's variance are very high, with 927.32 % to Thomas Cook and 160.42% to Alliance Trust, which means that there are greater risk of failure in achieving greater returns from these shares. The scatter diagram and the line graph clearly depicted that there is no relationship between the two shares. Given that they came from different sector, the risk and the return for investment are not the same. III. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The concept of diversification in investing was done in this paper, with the aim of selecting a collection of investment assets that has collectively lower risk than any individual asset. This is possible, in theory, because different types of assets often change in value in opposite ways. For example, when the prices in the stock market fall, the prices in the bond market often increase, and vice versa. A collection of both types of assets can therefore have lower overall risk than either individually. The results indicated that the investor should invest in Portfolio A, since it yielded a positive correlation of return and less variance. Portfolio A has maximized the return and minimized risk, which made it the best
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