Saturday, December 28, 2019
On How the Environment Influences Interpresonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is exchange of information between two or more people. It is withal an area of study. Related skills are learned and can be ameliorated. During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving. This can be conducted utilizing both direct and indirect methods. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders and the message receivers understand the message. According to Saundra Hybels, the environment influences interpersonal communication. How we react to this environment is tenacious by our culture, sociological roles, and psychological make-up. Every culture has rules that its members are expected to follow. They are subsidiary guides in our day-to-day casual relationships. Sociological roles impose inhibitions on interpersonal communication because we often cannot elude our consciousness of the role. For instance, even when we verbalize with an edifier as a friend, there is always the vigilance that he or she will eventually have to give us a grade. This vigilance is liable to make our communication less free and open. Psychological rules are internal and are predicated on the postures, values, and credence’s that we have acquired throughout our lives. In some cases, our psychological rules may be in conflict with our cultural or sociological rules. If both spouses emanate from a homogeneous cultural or sociological background they will probably have a close psychological relationship. The most
Friday, December 20, 2019
Summary. This Research Task Sheds Some Light Into How A
Summary This research task sheds some light into how a large brand such as Nando’s does not just operate for profit, but as well as to help in society. Nando’s has been involved in a number of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects which have changed the lives of the people in the areas where they helped. But also it has changed if not improved the face of the company. When a company is involved in a project of this length it not only helps the organisation but it also helps the community. Nando’s is involved in many CSR projects such as the PINK campaign; the Peretti foundation; Goodbye Malaria Project and the one that will be further discussed, the Broken Monsters Charity Art Exhibition or also known as the Art Project. A SWOT†¦show more content†¦The issue of unemployment stretches far and wide into the other issues of the country such as, lack of education; crime; poor health and safety services; and the most commonly linked, poverty. Most of the iss ues in South Africa are rooted for unemployment. NANDO’S CSR STRATEGY Nando’s is involved in many CSR projects such as the Goodbye Malaria Project, this project is focused on the long fight against the disease malaria. Nando’s saw this as an opportunity to get involved in a project that provides the world with the knowledge and awareness of the fatal but manageable if treated correctly. Another project Nando’s is fully committed to the Broken Monster Charity Art Exhibition which uses specifically South African art in order to raise money for a greater cause which is the BookDash foundation for children’s storybooks.The Pink Campaign is a foundation started by Nando’s this is their way of showing that they do care and support the fight against Cancer. The company is supporting the Qatar Cancer Society fight against the illness and support those who are fighting against as well as those who have lived to tell their stories. They are also trying to support and join the initiative of the preservation of the Earth. A company called Conver2Green (C2G), takes oil from Nando’s and then turns it into a bio-fuel which fuels a micro generater.Show MoreRelatedMy Own Framework Of Play1249 Words  | 5 Pageshas such a great impact on a child’s development and can be seen through their play. This philosophy directly relates to my personal framework of play. Framework of Play My own framework of play takes a great deal from Vygotsky, but takes pieces from both Bronfenbrenner and Piaget and might be seen as having social constructivism tendencies. 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The researcher initiated the data reduction proceedingsRead MoreLanguage and the Brain1634 Words  | 7 Pagesnot in the hand, just as spoken language is not based in the lips or tongue. There are many examples of aphasics who lose both the ability to write as well as to express themselves using sign-language, yet they never lose manual dexterity in other tasks, such as sipping with a straw or tying their shoes.    Language is brain stuff--not tongue, lip, ear, or hand stuff. The language organ is the mind. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Effects of African American Family Structure on Sc Essay Example For Students
Effects of African American Family Structure on Sc Essay hool Attitudes andPerformanceIn todays world, there is such a big emphasis on education and itsimportance. And there should be an emphasis. Unfortunately, not everyonehas the same attitude about receiving a good education. This articleattempts to discuss the attitudes of African Americans towards educationwhen a stable family structure is absent. Given, not all homes are the Cleaver family, but if a personreally wants an education, they should try to concentrate on justthat-their education. Parents have a huge responsibility in that if theyhave children in a single-parent home, the parents attitude must beencouraging for the child. If the parents have a bad attitude or lettheir children stay home from school, that is when the children start tothink that they dont have to worry about school, and thats not right. The article says that socio-economic factors may play a part insingle-family homes. For example, single-mothers often have lowerincomes, forcing them to move into poorer neighborhoods with inferiorschools. When the mother has nothing to provide for the children, theseconditions are thought to stifle ambition, lower educational aspirationsand set up barriers to doing well and remaining in school. Stress is alsomentioned as another possible factor; suggesting that the trauma ofparental confl!ict and divorce can have lasting, adverse psychological consequences forchildren that reduce their ability to succeed. A study was done comparing family structure between whites andblacks to determine how important of a role family structure plays ineducation. Not to my surprise, most of the percentages were higher amongwhites, but not by very much in any category. More single mothers whowere black were more involved in school planning than white mothers. Moreblack mothers told their children what was educationally expected fromthem; more talked with their kids daily, and checked their schoolwork. There was a higher percentage for single black mothers fortask-orientation; their children always had books, pencils, and homeworkcomplete. So family structure may have an effect on students education,but it is only a small percent. We know that parental involvement is important for children, but Idont think a childs attitude has anything to do with their race. Thereare plenty of poor white children who probably have the same attitude assome blacks. The article states that while some of the effects for theseuncaring attitudes may be socio-economic, they would like to link it tothe effectiveness of discipline in the home. Of course a two-parent homewould be more stable for children, however, not all cases allow that. Therefore, we must stay active in our childrens lives and keep a positiveattitude. Let them know its okay to be the best, and allow them to livetheir dreams. Word Count: 471Source: Social Problems Journal Volume 43: No.3; August 1996.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Implementation of Robotics in Artificial Intelligence †Samples
Question: Discuss about the Implementation of Robotics in Artificial Intelligence. Answer: Introduction Many technology organizations have been developed with the view of inventing robots that fit in different sectors of the manufacturing industry (Bock Linner, 2015). This report is based on Automobile Association () organization which is a small Artificial Intelligence company located in Brisbane in Australia. This company is upcoming and has shown interest in designing robots that are fit for domestic use, in the mining industry, transport and manufacturing industry across Australia and Globally in future. The main objectives of this report are to design robots such as dry cleaners that are suitable for domestic use, excavators for mining and other machinery for manufacturing industry. Through its vision, artificial intelligence aims at developing computerized systems that can perform tasks that require human ability like visual recognition, speech recognition, language translation and decision-making. This decision was reached after research that showed that many companies in Australia are still using outdated technology in their production hence experience low productivity. The company has made several assumptions such as; The robots to be designed will perform tasks as expected without malfunctioning. Automobile Association Company has a ready market for robots they will embark on developing. The Company has had a competitive advantage over its rivals through manufacturing minor things like computing gadgets, and so it will be the case on the proposed project. The robots designed will have minimum risks possible. A robot is a device programmed mechanically to perform tasks that human perform and interact with its environment without being the help of human interaction (Bock, 2015). Robotic technology- is a technology that deals with the design, development, operation and use of robots as well as using computer systems to control the robots, achieve sensory feedback and facilitate information processing (Pruthi, 2012). This technology is used to design machines that can take the human position in the industry. Robotics is a branch of engineering that entails the invention, design, production and operation of robots. It is a field which imbricates with electronics, artificial intelligence, computer science, nanotechnology, bioengineering, and mechatronics (Shneier Bostelman, 2015). Current use of Robots Currently, robots have been employed almost in every sector of the industry. Their increased used led to artificial intelligence company develop an attraction in the designing of robots that would be used in mining, transport, manufacturing industries and domestic use. Some current use of robots developed by other manufacturer are; Space exploration- robots that can be controlled from a far distant have been designing and employed in the space by scientists to conduct their explorations (Jno, et al. 2012). These are commanded to go to space and gather specific data that the scientists use in their research about the space. Some of these types of robots are the Mars exploration rovers and Hubble space telescope. Military robots- these are independent robots that are controlled by the use of a remote. They are specifically designed for military purposes (Merlet, 2012). Military robots have been in use since the World War II and also in the Soviet teletanks. The USA has an advanced form of military robots that are now being designed to operate individually and not as an army. Military robots help in keeping a country secure both locally and externally. Medical robots- these are machines that are used in medical fields to perform different tasks. These robots perform or help doctors in complicated and sensitive field surgery. Other medical robots can carry out tests and analysis of drugs at a higher speed than human beings. Consumer robots are used to entertain and interact with the owner of businesses and their clients. These robots are either controlled from a common desktop with an organization or from a mobile phone. Types of robots used in various industries The main objective of Artificial Intelligence Company is to invent, design and develop robots that will be of help in the field of mining, transport, domestic use, and manufacturing industries (Nilsson, 2014). Some types of robots that are being used in this sectors are discussed below. Mine inspection robot- this robot was designed to inspect the areas that could be dangerous to undertake to mine before sending humans into place. It is controlled from a distant by the use of a remote. It has an HD video system with a PTZ camera, 10" taller tires, and wireless tablet interface. Tethered fiber- optic robot- this robot is designed in such a way that it can be sent hundreds of feet down in a mine shaft (Brady, Gerhardt Davidson, 2012). Due to the long distance that it travels, it is fiber optic cable to ensure that the signal remains high. Litter- robot this robot is built with a sensor that knows when your cat has visited, and after that, the unit rotates like that of a cement mixer to sift and empty clumps into a waste tray (Geraci, 2012). This robot helps keep the house tidy. Its main downsides are that it is expensive to afford and its huge size makes it difficult to be fit for people with small apartments. Robotic lawn mowers- these are robots that are built to cut the grass within a given area without the need of a driver. This can cut lawn up to three-quarters of an acre. Vacuum cleaners and floor- washing robots- they clean floors with sweeping them wet and mopping functions. Vacuum cleaners wash clothes and dry-sweep them immediately. Transport Robots Travel mate robotics built an autonomous robot suitcase that could move in both vertical and horizontal directions (Cohen Feigenbaum, 2014). These robots are used in different industries to transport materials either through lifting them up or by pushing them along the horizontal direction. Vehicles, airplanes, and ships are also types of robots. They help in transportation of goods and services over long distances within a short period (Kanal Kumar, 2012). Military soldiers use planes to transport their army member who sustains injuries during times of war for treatment. Industrial robots are robots used within an industries manufacturing environment. They have mainly articulated arms that are developed for applications such as welding, painting, material handling and many others. Arc welding robots- they use an electric arc between a metal base and an electrode using consumable or non-consumable electrodes. A robot is used in this process to apply excessive heating to metal at the joint making it to melt down and intermix. Robotic arc welders are consistent in their production, and they produce impeccable repeatability ensuring high-quality welds. Painting robots- painting robots are built to perform painting tasks. Most painting robots in the industry are developed by KUKA, ABB, and other manufacturing companies. The need for these robots has been activated by the high demand in the painting industry in today world. Painting robots perform the task faster and with high uniformity and accuracy as compared to humans. How to incorporate robotic in artificial intelligence company future As the use of robots is widely embraced by many organizations, artificial intelligence company conducted research about robots and is now inclined to adopting this technology in its operations. The company is now focusing on designing robots that will be used in household chores, mining, and transport and manufacturing industry. This leads to being a challenge to the company since it is small and upcoming. However, the company has laid down a strategy that will see it use robots in its future production. To incorporate robotic in the company, the company has hired experts who will help in designing robots that will help the company to establish itself in Brisbane and Australia at large through supplying robots that perform quality tasks. After gathering ample experience in the field of robotics, the company can now start employing more improved robots that will aid it in carrying out its production process. Artificial Intelligence Company will also replace its security people by adopting the use of surveillance robots. This will aid the company in reducing the operating costs as there will be no continuous payment made to the robots after settling the IT specialists who develop the robots. The company will also use robots to perform tasks that were performed by human labor. This will assist the company to increase its productivity as robots are faster and more accurate compared to humans. Short term and Long term options to implement the robotic strategy The short options that the company will take to implement the robotic strategy will be commercializing the invention, designing, and manufacture of upgraded robots than those of their rivals in the fields of domestic, mining, and transport and manufacturing industries. This will aid the company to be established in the Australia market for producing robots that are more efficient in doing their tasks. Artificial Intelligence Company will realize enough capital for expanding and upgrading its manufacturing processes through producing quality advanced robots that lure more customers to shift from the company's opponents (Ginsberg, 2012). The company will look forward to producing robots that will operate without the aid of human interaction by incorporating sensory devices. The long-term option for the company will be to incorporate robots in its operation. This option will be seen through after the company has been established as one of the most competent robot manufacturers in Brisbane and entire Australia. This will bring the need for incorporating robots in the company's' manufacturing process so as to increase the productivity as there will be an expansion in the market. After initializing robots in the company's operation successfully, the organization will look forward to going global with its robotic products. Decreased production costs: robots ensure increased speed in production and accuracy leading to an increase in the overall production. This helps a faster return on the invested capital. Improved quality: robots produce high-quality products due to their high accuracy level. They ensure that the goods and services are up to standards, therefore, reducing the cost that a quality control officer would have caused an organization. Longer working hours: robots have more energy compared to humans and works without getting exhausted. Increased profitability through increased productivity and operation costs Capital cost: implementing robots require a high capital cost. This makes the ROI from a robot project to take longer that the expected normal time. Limitations: robots have some limitations in performing their tasks. Also, robots are designed in a way that they can't perform all tasks. Expertise: to minimize reliance on automation companies, one will need to train engineers on how to program robots which are too costly. Solutions to overcome risks and disadvantages The above problems are challenging to overcome. However, there is a way to curb them to a certain degree. can specialize to manufacture robots that are less expensive and programmed to perform all tasks that a human does. The risk of humans being hurt by robots is also witnessed amid robots presence. This can be resolved if the company invents robots that human-friendly. Unemployment: robots replaces human in the company on their automation. A single robot performs a task that hundreds of employees could have been allocated to perform (Sharkey Sharkey, 2012). These people become unemployed once robots are deployed in the company. This can be addressed by creating awareness for the people to observe market niches and employ themselves. Security: Robots are faced with the task of maintaining security (Inabnet III, 2012). A person can steal his way in an organization and give the robots instructions that it may end up performing. This is addressed by designing a robot that requires a password before receiving commands. Conclusion In conclusion, the objectives of this report were to invent, design and manufacture robots that will be of great help in domestic use, mining, transport, and manufacturing industries. This report shows that from the research conducted by artificial intelligence Company, there are numerous modifications that can be done on the existing robots to make them more productive and reliable. These findings of the research are of great importance to the company as they aid the company to lay down a strategy on how to design and implement robots that will help in the above-mentioned sectors. However, there are limitations as the robots require a lot of modification to perform as many tasks as possible. Also, the limitation of security makes robots vulnerable to access of a company's information for unauthorized parties. This report has achieved the company's objectives of implementing robotics by highlighting on how the company will undergo a gradual change in adopting and using robots in its operations. The report prospects the company by outlining its short-term options and long-term options that will be achieved by this organization within the first five years of adoption of robotics. I would recommend to the CEO of Artificial Intelligence Company that the company to begin with designing robots that are not quite involving like those for domestic use such as vacuum cleaners. The CEO and the executive management should commission sessions in the company that will train engineers on how to develop and control robots through a hired robotic expert. The organization should ensure continued research and investment in the field of robotics. This will aid in the view of transforming the means that the company does its activities through human labor to robots in future to enable the company witness huge returns. References Bock, T. (2015). The future of construction automation: Technological disruption and theupcoming ubiquity of robotics.Automation in Construction,59, 113-121. 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