Monday, September 30, 2019
Little Prince Reaction Paper
The Little Prince â€Å"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential Is invisible to the eye. †This line struck me the most in this book because it is definitely real. It is Important to see things not only through the eyes but through the heart as well. Seeing through the heart is like looking at life with love. Life has many problems and by seeing things differently, it would make everything feel better. Looking at things in a different perspective creates a big difference.People usually tend to take for ranted those people who love them. They usually look for others whom they do not really love. But whom they want. I learned a lot of things from this book because it is all about the adventure of a little prince who went to different planets to forget about his rose and the people he met in his journey. Including the narrator. He learns the secret of the importance of life on planet Earth. The book also emphasizes the difference between the minds of the children and adult.The adult tend to see things in a different way that coincides tit the point of view of the children. In the case of the narrator, his childhood was lonely because he dreamed of becoming a painter but he failed because the adults saw his drawings in a different perspective. He was disheartened by this and so he gave up his dream. The little prince had a different problem. He left the love of his life, the rose, In his planet. When he went to Earth, he saw a garden full of roses. He felt betrayed by his love because the rose told him that it was unique and one and only rose.He was disheartened but when he met a fox who made him realize that the rose was his rose because he loves it and so it was unique from all the rest. Another important lesson that I learned from the book Is that people should learn how to value friendship. Some people tend to forget some people who made an important mark in their lives. Having a true friend is rare and we all know that mone y cannot buy love and friendship. One of the lines in the book supports this idea. â€Å"men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops.But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore†¦ †These close ties would make us happy because we need people who care for us and also we need to care for someone. Just like the little prince and the fox he met on earth, when the former tamed the latter, he felt responsible for the fox. When the little prince had to go already, the fox was sad because he was already attached to the prince. The little prince was unhappy because the fox wanted to cry and that he thought he only wasted the fox's time.The tofu eel important. I learned that caring for people is essential because it would make both parties happy. The feeling that someone loves you and someone wants to be with you is a very happy feeling that no one wants to live without. As a whole, thi s book gave me many ideas and realizations that I would treasure in my whole life. I realized that is should not take for granted the people who loves me dearly. I learned the value of friendship and preserving them. And lastly, I learned to see things in a different perspective by looking things from my heart.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Organic vs. non organic Essay
Organic vs. non organic There is a vast majority of food in our world today, when we consume this food we must stop to think about what exactly it is made of. In today’s society we are always looking for the best healthy foods that are available to us. We want good, nutritious, healthy foods so that we can live a long and healthy life. We live in a world where we have fast, cheap and processed foods all around us. Have you ever considered going a different route? Organic is a different way to eat, a way that could change the way you live your life. While all types of foods are beneficial to the body, organic and non organic foods differ in the way that they are farmed, grown, and packaged. This information can hopefully give you an insight to a better way of life. America is slowly becoming a nation of a population of obese sick people. What we are eating everyday affects our health. Foods are full of preservatives and unhealthy that people eat more junk than food. Did you know that foods are packed with preservatives, sugars and fats that make people addicted to the foods? We are always seeking the quickest cheapest foods even though they are not healthy for us just to save some time. People become overweight do so because of poor eating habits not knowing that there are consequences in doing so. There are diseases that come along with making these poor eating choices. Some of the diseases related to overweight are heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes; breathing problems and trouble sleeping. Some people seem that we are stuck eating foods that make us overweight and obese. There are however ways to eat healthier. There are foods that are all natural, they are called organic foods. Organic foods are farmed in natural ways than non organic foods. Non organic food has to be grown very quickly to meet the consumer demand and there for is grown with chemicals that make it grow faster. Non organic farmers are allowed by the FDA to use steroids, pesticides and fertilizers in their food products. Even the soil gets contaminated with these harmful products. Non organic farmers contaminate the soil with the over use of fertilizers and pesticides and have polluted our waterways. On the other had organic farmers can use a farming method that does not harm the environment. Organic famers use the natural way in their farming systems. Organic farmers use the land that has not had any pesticides or fertilizers in the soil in the past three years. Crops are rotated from field to field instead of growing the same crop over again. There are alternative ways to eat food. There are foods that are grown all natural, they are called organic foods. When you think of organic, do you think it has to be held to a certain standard? Certain requirements have to be met for a food product to be certified organic. When a farmer grown their crop their crop differs from the way non organic foods are grown. Organic food tends to have more insect damage that non organic food because since no pesticides are being used on their crop it is harder to keep the insects from damaging the crop. Non organic food can grow at a much faster rate and have less damage done to the food because it is grown with pesticides. One of the standards to be certified organic is to be cage free. Cage free is when the animal is not confined to a cage; it is allowed to roam freely. Non organic animals are mostly in cages so they can be able to produce more food faster. Many people do not like the fact that animals are caged up and are sometimes treated badly in order to produce the food they need. When you go to the grocery store and buy a food product you should stop to see what the packaging material is made of. Most producers use recycled products to package their food products. Organic foods and non organic foods differ in the way that they do their packaging. One bad thing that comes to mind about organic food is that it can travel hundreds of miles to get to the grocery store. Non organic food can have the convenience of coming from local farmers that may not grow organic but are grown locally. Non organic food on the other hand may travel to get to the store because there are really not that many locally organic farmers. When we think about our planet we try to think of ways to be less wasteful. Organic foods try to use less wasteful materials concerning packaging their foods. Organic producers try to use recycle material and try to use eco friendly material. Non organic producers can sometimes use recycle materials but are not considerate of the waste they produce in the making of the packaging material. As where organic producers they consider every last detail to make sure they do not affect the environment as little as they can. This is a good thing because we want to make sure we do not affect our planet with all our trash we accumulate in our life time. We must eliminate the trash we leave behind in order to leave our planet clean for our children and their children. If we do not do something about the wasteful material we leave behind we might leave a big mess for our children and grand children to clean up long after we are gone. There has been much controversy about whether organic food is better than non organic food. Honestly one has to make their own personal decisions about what they choose to eat. No one can make that decision for you. Organic is less harmful to the environment and non organic has to produce such large amounts that it can be hard to do that without having some effects on the environment. Remember what we put in our body is important because we want to do whatever it takes to be as healthy as we can be in order to live longer. So if organic food is the right choice for you then you should do it in order to live a long and healthy life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Where Do I See Myself in 10 years?
Started from being a little girl who didn’t know what was right or wrong, a girl who just looked at everyone thinking they were weird looking or funny, a girl who loved her family just as much has she loved her binky. To being a woman today with big hopes and dreams, a woman who one day will pursue her goal to being an athletic trainer, and to one day have a family of four. Ten years from now I desire to finish college with a masters in athletic training and work with a professional sports team. I want to save lives in the future and in order for that to happen, I must complete my goals.The beginning of sixth grade was when I first was involved with sports. I loved basketball, but it also was the only sport I did for a year. The next year was when I really got involved with all sports. I participated in volleyball. I never really thought that I, not the smallest or bravest girl, would enjoy volleyball but I did. It was so fun and I was actually good at it! I was so surprised b y the end of the season. I was able to block, reach over the net, hit, pass, and I wasn't afraid to fall to the ground.Now, being a senior in high school and over half way to graduating I absolutely love volleyball. My dream ever since freshman year when we went to a WSU volleyball game was to be college student playing volleyball on a college court in front of a big crowd shouting of my name because I have played great. Since then I have come to realize that I am too short to play college volleyball. I feel really tall next to my friends and family members but when I stand next to the college volleyball players I am a shrimp.I want to do something with my life that involves sports. I feel like sports make up my personality. Even if I am weak at some sports, it helped build up my leadership, my confidence to achieve something that I need to work on, and my ability to stay competitive against others. The closest career that dealt with sports and made a decent amount of money was athl etic training. Taping injuries, teaching the players’ different exercises, and much more sounds so fun and a career that I can spend the rest of my life to doing.I someday hope to be working at a college that I graduated from hoping to be either Boise State University or University of Montana. My goal is to have started a family business to help my family out with money and also to help people that are in need of sports injuries. I want my business to be a gym where members can workout. When they get an injury or have a question about an injury, I will have employees by their side in no time to answer their questions.If the member wants they can have a personal trainer to help him or her out. This business will have a gym and such others there they can play basketball, tennis, racquetball, weight room, and etc. I hope to make the business fun but yet a serious place where people with such injuries can get the help that they need to make their lives better. My future ahead of me looks bright and exciting. I want to achieve my goals in order my future to end up what I have wrote above.
Friday, September 27, 2019
FASB Codification research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FASB Codification research paper - Essay Example 03-14 â€Å"Participants’ Accounting for Emission Allowances under a â€Å"Cap and Trade†Program†(Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). According to the results of that discussion, U.S. accounting practices for emissions allowances can be found in the â€Å"Uniform System of Accounts†, published by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in 1993 (Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.; FASB, n.p.). According to FERC, emissions allowances should be classified as inventory assets, and be reported at historical cost; in case of purchased allowances, these should be â€Å"recordered at their exchange price while those received from the EPA at no charge have a zero basis†(Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). FERC requires to apply the weighted-average cost method and to perform calculations monthly based either on reasonable estimates or actual data (Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). At its November 19, 2010 meeting, FASB jointly with IASB provided two measurement models for measuring the purchased allowances (FASB 2010, 2). Tentative decision of the Boards was the following â€Å"purchased allowances should be initially and subsequently measured at fair value†(FASB 2010, 2). ... full recognition on sale to third party (absent a SFAS 71 requirement to defer gains as a regulatory liability); classification of cash flow statement inflows and outflows as operating; based on inventory exchange guidance in EITF 04-13 and SFAS 153, carryover basis is on vintage year swaps; lower of cost or market approach to impairment (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 5). IFRS In December 2004, the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) issued its final version of the project â€Å"Emission Rights†(Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). According to IAS 38, emissions allowances are accounted as intangible assets to which can be applied a revaluation method or the historical cost model (Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). Purchased allowances should be recordered at cost; the difference between the price paid and fair value of allowances is initially reported as deferred income/liability and in case of sale is systematically recognized as revenue over the compliance period (Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). However, in June 2005 IFRIC 3 was withdrawn as it â€Å"created unsatisfactory measurement and reporting mismatches†. In 2007, the results of the study carried out by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and PricewaterhouseCoopers has shown that â€Å"58 % classified purchased allowances as intangible assets; the rest 42% classified them as inventory, current assets or other items on the balance sheet, or simply depreciated or amortized their allowances (Fornaro and Winkelman et al, n.p.). The FASB staff indicated that profits from sales of emissions allowances should not be deferred even if the sales results in anticipated short positions in the future. Considerations should be given under SFAS 71, Accounting for the Effects of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Summarizing the article with your opinion what AtlantiCare was working Essay
Summarizing the article with your opinion what AtlantiCare was working toward and if it would be successful - Essay Example AtlantiCare intends to become a successful ACO through coordination of healthcare and clinical outcomes of the patients it serves (HFMA, 2011). Secondly, the organization will work closely with its partners as well as the providers in order to establish defined clinical standards that will be appropriate and of high quality. Lastly, the organization intends to create new partnerships with some of the skilled nursing facilities and other providers as well as rehabilitation centers in order to create networks of high value. According to the vice president Schieder, AtlantiCare will move towards the accountable care by putting the patient experience at the lead of its goals. She is also of the idea that an organization cannot succeed if the people it serves are not at the centre of its framework. AtlantiCare has three key strategies to achieve its goals. One of the strategies adopted by AtlantiCare is launching a new lab for learning (HFMA, 2011). It will start a medical home from scratch citing that it is easier than transforming the existing ones. The reason is that the delivery, as well as the payment systems, will be redesigned simultaneously. The new model has the name â€Å"advanced primary care†, and according to the vice president, it has proven to be a better care. Another thing with the model is that it is linked to a few ED (emergency department) visits and hospital admissions. The second strategy involves identifying the patients’ needs. AtlantiCare recognizes the fact that patient experience is indeed important when it comes to growth and market share. The organization hopes to use surveys and focus groups to seek the patient inputs to help it create its ACO. It, however, identifies some challenges in monitoring its effectiveness in meeting all its needs. The last strategy is about using the satisfaction data in other new ways (HFMA, 2011). It involves directives to the physicians to standardize the
Fallacy arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fallacy arguments - Essay Example This was also the time when Lindsey decided to go to university. The fallacy that the speaker commits here is the oversimplified cause fallacy. First, the speaker believes that since the relationship went downhill at the same time that Lindsey went to university, then the university thing must have been the reason behind the failure of the relationship. However, these may have only been a coincidence, and that nobody could really actually say that two events happening together in close succession would be both a cause and an effect. Second, the speaker falsely labels Lindsey’s decision to go to university as something that violates the traditional female role. Perhaps, the speaker equates female tradition with submission to the male gender or prioritizing one’s boyfriend instead of going to school. Either way, the meaning of â€Å"traditional female role†is vague. The fallacy is therefore committed as the speaker labels this decision of Lindsey’s to go to university as something that violates the traditional female role, and somehow hastily ascribing to this abandonment of the traditional female role as the cause of the failure of a relationship. 2. Mayor Ford: Reporters from the Toronto Star, and Globe and Mail newspapers have claimed that I use crack cocaine, and that my brother dealt drugs in the 80’s. But those reporters are just a bunch of maggots. So, nobody should listen to those little sleaze bags. Premise 1) The reporters of certain newspapers claim that Mayor Ford uses cocaine and implicates his brother in this. 2) These reporters are a â€Å"bunch of maggots†and â€Å"little sleaze bags.†Conclusion: Nobody should listen to them, or what they are saying is not true. Fallacy: Ad hominem According to the mayor himself, the reporters of the various newspapers whom he named were accusing him of using drugs and even implicate his brother in this. However, instead of stating whether these accusations are t rue or not, or instead of giving his statement on the matter, the mayor decided to resort to committing the fallacy of ad hominem by calling these reporters a â€Å"bunch of maggots†and â€Å"little sleaze bags†– which are extremely derogatory terms. These bad names were used by the mayor in order to discredit these reporters and to somehow make the reader feel that these reporters do not deserve to be heard at all. Thus, the tendency of those who will believe the mayor’s statement will be to refuse to believe the reporters. The mayor is perhaps committing this fallacy deliberately in order to evade the true issue, or perhaps the possible truth that he really was a crackpot. 3. Keesha: I’ve just started using Weight Watcher’s weight loss program. You should really try it. Martin: Why Weight Watchers? Aren’t there lots of different weight loss programs out there? Keesha: Well maybe, but I know Weight Watchers is the best because the sales associate at Weight Watchers told me that their program is the only way to lose weight safely and effectively. Premise 1) The sales associate at Weight Watchers told Keesha that their program is the only way to lose weight safely and effectively. 2) Weight Watchers is the best. Conclusion: Keesha has started using Weight Watcher’s weight loss program. Fallacy: Inappropriate Appeal to Authority According to Keesha, the Weight Watchers weight loss prog
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt Essay
Jocelyn Moorhouses How to Make an American Quilt - Essay Example However, when she asks Marianna who the latter would marry, Marianna shows her vulnerable side by saying â€Å"I would marry my soul mate†(American Quilt, 1995). Thereby she reveals the incident she has kept with her from her youth: she met a man by chance, and ended up spending the evening with him, only to find out later, after discovering her inner connection with him, that he was married. Marianna has always been brave; she has chosen whichever path her instincts have told her to follow. Perhaps this is why her character is the most colorful out of all the rest, and why she seems to be the most brilliant amongst the members of the quilting bee. Since she has chosen the â€Å"right colors†in the words of Anna (American Quilt, 1995), her life was much enhanced by it. In life, whatever choices we make have a consequence on our personality. A wrong choice does, like Anna says, â€Å"dull the colors and hide the original beauty†(American Quilt, 1995). This message, I would say, resonates in my life. I have always gone by instinct; that is to say, I have always trusted my instincts, without knowing why, and have made choices based on it. One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. I have always been, and still am, my own person. Sometimes this entails going against the grain, however, in the long run, I have noticed, that it always pays to be true to oneself. One has to be brave to stand up to the opposition of one’s peers or your parents, but if one remains true to oneself, I feel one’s life is all the more enriched for that very reason. Just like Marianna in the movie, I can easily say that I have had no regrets in life, because I have always stayed true to myself.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Microsoft and Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Microsoft and Monopoly - Essay Example Monopoly as such is stated to have negative connotations, as it tends to do away with healthy competition, resulting in costly products and services to the customer. But, in the software industry things are quite different. In the software and services industry, there are a number of key players offering their products and services. The products and services being offered by the companies like Cisco, Microsoft, Firefox, Linux, Mac, Oracle, Sun etc. are different from each other in many features. These products might be useful for similar computer applications, but some of the features are quite distinct from each other. In such a scenario, when most of the companies produce 'similar yet not perfectly substitutable products' is termed as monopolistic market (Investopedia, 2009). Microsoft is an international company, in the software industry, with stakes in almost every nook and corner of the world. As the industry needs to cater to almost all other industries, the global software and services industry has become worth $2,239 billion, registering a growth of 10.5 percent in the year 2008, i.e. even during the period hit by recessionary trends (Datamonitor, 2009). This goes on to prove that the industry is indeed quite attractive. Microsoft is a well known brand the world over. Anybody having anything to do with the field of IT, computers or technology finds the italicized brand name easily distinguishable and identifiable. Microsoft, with a brand value of $76,249 million was firmly placed at second position after Google in the ranking of brands prepared by MillwardBrown for the year 20091. In order to protect the industries and give room for healthy competition countries and regulatory authorities come out with anti-trust laws. Such antitrust policies and regulations are meant to safeguard the interests of companies carrying out their business operations in fair manner. Such laws encourage healthy competition; discourage monopolistic trade practices, while coming down heavily on unfair trade practices. For the overall economic development of the country, what is more important is to see the economic welfare of the country and its populace while guarding the business interests of the corporate world. For example, 'United States antitrust law' is a set of 'such laws' which discourages anti-competitive behavior and unfair business practices from the corporate world. The stated objective of the antitrust policy of US government2 is to promote and protect the competitive and the American economy, by using a host of antitrust laws. Microsoft, has been at number one in position in system software as well as application software. Despite their best efforts, no other company is able to match the power of its operating system software. Windows is the first name that comes to our mind when we talk about operating system. In fact Windows itself became a brand identity for operating software. Now with valuable upgrades like Vista, the OS range is quite wide. While trying to propagate its cause, the company has been accused many a times of adopting unfair trade practices. Having corporate rivalries or business disputes is not uncommon amongst leading companies. Such disputes arise on account
Monday, September 23, 2019
Future of Project Management Team Performance Essay
Future of Project Management Team Performance - Essay Example Presently the HP organization is engaged in streamlining process. With the increase in collaborative activities around the world, the works of companies are outsourced to various service providers in a bid to lower the cost (Mullaney, Stubbings and Clarke, 2013). Until now, most of the HP team members had to work in one place and route their communication through landlines and direct meetings with colleagues. With advanced research and development of technology in the Internet and others, it is easy to contact any person and share the requisite information. The requirement of the technology is limited to the smart phone or any wired device for connection with the Internet. As HP is a largest technology company around the world and requires a constant inflow of knowledge workers, who are experts in current technologies employed at the company and have the capability of assimilation of the continuous innovation. With the continuous research and development in communication technology, employees of HP are able to work and communicate to their colleagues and office people with various electronic devices. So, it is possible for them to work from home or any other premises. This facility has facilitated the engagement of talented workforce that is not locally available. With technological improvement, HP has started implementation of flexibility in work in various offices. With continuous development and improvement in knowledge, it is imperative that, the project management team should be trained in contemporary styles regularly. This is also true about various types of certifications that are needed to keep the edge in the changing market. HP continues to implement the policy regarding the training to their employees with contemporary knowledge and certifications (Stanleigh, 2015). It is a fact that with time, everything changes including trends in the workplace. With ongoing research in the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hopeless Free
Hopeless Free Will Essay The question of what it means to be human has been asked by not only famous philosophers of old, but by anyone who struggles to define what it means. Ishiguro conveys this very same question in his novel Never Let Me Go. Ishiguro demonstrates that in spite of the shared physical qualities of humans, the students undeniably have lives unprotected of human virtues like free will and a hope for change. Regardless of their forfeited human virtues and the questions of morality surrounding their existence, the students are designed for a specific purpose, to be organ donors. To be human, most would suggest one must possess a mind, heart and will. The mind of humans allow for rational thoughts, not instincts like animals. The heart allows a human to feel the consciousness of the human experience, unlike a robot or other forms of artificial intelligence. The will endows a human to make decisions or choices that have either constructive or adverse consequences. In this capacity for action, one can select â€Å"this†over â€Å"that†and â€Å"those†instead of â€Å"these†. Unfortunately, the students have no free will to choose â€Å"this†over â€Å"that†and â€Å"those†over â€Å"these†in regards to their lives and how to live it, despite possessing the human characteristics of a mind, heart and will. Their destinies were chosen for them long before air filled their human lungs. It is a life well-ordered with a specific purpose independent of their will or wishes. The inherent freedom of choice most humans have was never fully given to the students, except to choose a sex partner. Their willingness to accept, without question, the rules surrounding their lives starts at Hailsham and continues throughout the novel. For example, while at Hailsham they are told by the guardians not to leave school grounds and to stay healthy, they do not know why and never questions anyone as to why. Leona Toker and Daniel Chertoff write, â€Å"Indeed, they appear to be incapable of thinking outside of the system in general; they do not ask the basic eschatological questions typical of adolescents†(166). Ishiguro clearly demonstrates how fate is the dominant force in the lives of the students, and a life void of free will is their destiny when Miss Emily states, â€Å"your life must now run the course that’s been set for it†(Ishiguro 266). To be human means one is capable to hope and dream, to adjust and change, to love and learn. Hope promotes the belief in a good outcome related to events and circumstances in ones life. The students have the abilities to do these things but without any benefit or reward. Their sense of hope comes from falsehoods and misbeliefs. This misguided hope encourages Ruth to seek out information about Madame in hopes that Kathy and Tommy would receive a deferral. The illusive hope of the make-believe deferral program is what drives Tommy to begin drawing again, and motivates Kathy and Tommy to visit Madame. In spite of the unrewarding efforts of the students, their ability to hope is a fundamental response genetically programmed in humans. Tail Sharot writes, â€Å"A growing body of scientific evidence points to the conclusion that optimism (hope) may be hardwired by evolution into the human brain†(1). The students like all humans hope for change in their lives. Regrettably, their hopes would never get an opportunity to become reality, because the overseers of their lives never consider them human. Miss Emily emphasizes this point with the declaration, â€Å"So for a long time you were kept in the shadows, and people did their best not to think about you. And if they did, they tried to convince themselves you weren’t really like us. That you were less than human†(Ishiguro 263). Beyond the dystopian story of Never Let Me Go, a fundamental theme is apparent: free will and the certainties of hopes are absent in lives of the students. As humans our decisions are independent of nature and nurture than any animals; we are aware of our ability to think, to choose and to hope and dream. The students possesses all attributes that makes one humans except for the confidence of having a choice or hope for a future free of being considered â€Å"poor creatures†. Works Cited Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go. New York: Vintage Books, 2005. Print. Leona Toker, Daniel Chertoff. Reader Respone and the Recycling of Topoi in Kazua Ishiguros Never Let Me Go. Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 6. 1 (2008): 163-180. Sharot, Tali. The Optimisim Bias. Time 28 May 2011: 28. Print.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Supply Chains and Store Operations of Oil Companies
Supply Chains and Store Operations of Oil Companies Introduction Recently, the Iraq War and the War on Terror have caused some surges for the energy industry; oil prices have been heavily fluctuated. Ironically, the solid performance in overall oil industry suggests that oil companies are heading with decent momentum. ‘The surge in oil prices, from $10 a barrel in 1998 to above $50 in early 2005, has prompted talk of a new era of sustained higher prices. Even so, an unusually loud chorus is now joining Messrs OReilly and Chavez, pointing to intriguing evidence of a new price floor of $30 or perhaps even $40. To see which camp is right, two questions need answering: why did the oil price soar? And what could keep it high?’[1] The energy industry has experienced the tumultuous era domestically and internationally. This paper will apply STEEP and Porter’s five forces to determine competitive strategies in order to respond to two questions: why did the oil price soar, and what could keep it high? Porter’s Five Forces 1. Bargaining power of suppliers The oil companies have exposed to price fluctuation risk. Additionally, currency exchange risks have increased the cost of capital and worsen the debt ratio in the oil industry. As a result, oil companies might enter into long-term sales contracts for the oil and gas suppliers and establish long-term hedging agreements to protect against currency volatility.[2] However, the question is whether the industry has succeeded in finding its way to organize alliances between oil suppliers and oil producers. Although bringing down the costs of developments through common practices has already been established, the achievement breaks down some barriers which have existed between oil companies and their contractors for such a long time. Additionally, the profits from oil reservoirs have caused political turmoil in Venezuela and the Middle East region. OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum of Exporting Countries) is confident to defend its stated high price policy at any costs. Furthermore, high-sky oil prices have been helped by the strong demand from China. Coupling with these events is the sharp downturn of the U.S. dollars. Thus, the global downstream market has undergone pressure; the oil industry has high power of suppliers. 2. Threat of Substitute Products High gasoline prices drive efforts to increase ethanol consumption and ethanol related products. Additionally, propane, methanol, natural gas and especially ethanol are most widely uses gasoline-alternatives. Besides, electricity, hydrogen and palm oil become among substitute fuels which car producers and chemical companies are developing. Europeans cut their dependence on oil suppliers by switching to substitutes, such as coal, nuclear power, and natural gas. Nevertheless, the Euro currency now appreciates against U.S. Dollars. Since Europeans usually purchase oil in U.S. currency, their profit margins become narrowed. The fuel prices are so high that it would take a quick drop to make ethanol unprofitable and stunt the growth of its use. On the other hand, gasoline prices at high record can help biotech companies achieve a breakthrough in reducing cost of ethanol. It might take a few years before reasonable prices for ethanol could be commercially available, and cheaper ethanol might not take much of a dent in gas price. Thus at this time the threat of substitutes is low for the industry. 3. Bargaining power of buyers As mentioned, gasoline at this time does not have many alternatives although many nations have tried to reduce dependences on oil suppliers. However, these substitutes also require suitably designed devices, which might cause higher cost of finished goods. As a result, in the mean time, the cost incentives will discourage the purchasing power. The oil industry is defined as a basic commodity. The outlook for the energy industry is given high commodity prices, high growing demand, and lack of alternatives to oil as the primary transportation fuels. The oil industry has efficiently squeezed from operating assets, such as untapped resources and refineries. The growth of oil price will lead to increase transportation and energy in price, driven by market forces inflamed by infrastructure shortage. Despites of many impacts, oil industry has low bargaining power of buyers due to a few substitutes. 4. Threat of New Entrants The oil industry requires more financial investment for reservoir allocation. Many major oil companies have fended off the advances of these unbranded foes. However, the â€Å"upstarts†have inroads with marketing strategies. One of the criteria is to focus on brining down drilling costs to keep the pace of activity. A combination of high oil price and uncertainty of oil price might bring about several government reviews of energy sector. Thus, this will have a marked impact on exploration operation in oil industry. They have applied different strategies from those of the past, enjoyed superior returns and captured value from the integrated giants. Thirty years ago oil companies were primary operators of service stations, enjoying exclusivity in the gasoline market. Now, many factors have combined to put pressure on margins. The consumers’ ties to the stations, operated by major oil companies, have been weakened. The convenience stores have begun selling gasoline and provided new services. But, major oil companies have not yet considered these retailers as a major threat. They still view these unbranded offering as inferior in terms of quality and consumer appeal. However, since the petroleum industry merged, consumer attitudes and the impacts on the brand choice have been changed. Unfortunately, those factors now stay largely inside the stores, not with the major oil companies. The drivers of brand choice have evolved, especially when the new consumers define brand value; these â€Å"upstart†marketers have already developed the systems and processed to stay abreast of these major oil companies. The upward trend in convenience store sales will lead to higher profit margins. In short, the threats of new entrants are increasing in oil industry. 5. Intensity of competitive rivalry Oil crisis during the end of the 1990’s help oil investors and executives understand what conditions are driving this wave of mergers. Foremost is the chronic glut of oil that has driven crude prices to near-historic lows. Some of the oversupply are derived from flattening demand in mature markets and economic difficulties in many emerging markets. ‘In recent deals such as British Petroleum (BP) and Amoco, Total and Petrofina, Exxon and Mobil, and currently BP/Amoco and ARCO, the stated goal has had a familiar refrain: to increase profits by dramatically cutting costs, reducing inefficiencies, and expanding geographically.’[3] During early the 1990’s, major companies have to fight back and watch their market shares for gasoline reduce at the hands of the upstarts. â€Å"In addition to the majors, in 1997 alone, an increasing number of c-store acquisitions by Amerada Hess, MAPCO Express, and FINA, to name a few, were announced. In Atlanta, Amoco, BP, and Texaco have begun to battle aggressively to maintain market share and repulse QuikTrip and RaceTrac.†[4] As a result, these competitors are aggressively selecting choice properties and investing in facilities. They are also pursuing and pushing programs to increase profit margins for their branded dealers. If a backdrop of growing global economy becomes uncertainty, investors in oil industry get jittery. As of July 26, 2005, ‘in a report published last week, Merrill Lynch Co. said the aggregate net income of the 70 largest companies in the sector is expected to rise 26% this year to $230 billion, on sales of $2.57 trillion, up nearly 10%. The reasons: high oil prices and fat refining margins, plus a pickup in oil-field services, particularly in rates for drilling rigs.’[5] The increased competitiveness of major oil companies can be observed in their willingness to see joint ventures or any other alliances to reduce their operating, refining and marketing costs. Furthermore, under aggressive competition, major oil companies continue to decoupling their value chains, breaking explorations and production. Merge and acquisition as well as marketing into separating different business units help reinforce efficiency and compete as standalone entities. The intensity of competitive rivalry is high in oil industry. STEEP (Societal, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Political) 1. Societal It seems that the Iraq war has resulted extra expenses for multinational corporations, especially oil companies. ‘Yesterday, high-profile companies, such as BP, Shell, HSBC, Barclays and British Airways, either raised or maintained their security levels, and all remained on high alert.’[6] Together with calling for strengthening co-operation on combating terrorism, the oil giant is on the alarm mode to fight against terrorism, enhancing regional and international co-operation. There has been a board-level group devoted to health, safety and the environment at oil companies since the early 1990’s. Potential environmental hazards could do long-term damage to oil companies’ image. This includes tracking issues ranging from headline grabbing ones, such as oil spills, to local but insidious problems, such as leakage from tanks on the forecourts of petrol stations. 2. Technological Efficient operations depend on the integration of technology throughout the operating activities. For years, technology has become a required tool for effectively managing the customer interface. ‘According to National Petroleum News Market Facts, in 1992 the first wave of pay-at-the-pump technology was a key driver in increasing gallons of gasoline sales by 20%.’[7] Companies invest in technology to improve change in concession terms, reduce costs and increase efficiency. ‘Before-We estimate average reservoir thickness of 90 ft. Because we do not have an explicit measurement of the uncertainty in this estimate, we tend to ignore its uncertainty and implicitly assume that 90 ft is simply right†. After-We estimate average reservoir thickness of 100 ft. In addition, the technology tells us that we are 80% certain that thickness is 80-110 ft.’[8] Furthermore, technology helps improve supply chain and integrate screen applications for in-store and island reading equipments. The automated replenishment system can ensure its own invoices from which its can pay vendors, and also ensure fewer out of stocks situations and accounting defaults. Additionally, the chain uses remote monitoring to make more informed decisions about fuel replenishment. Technology can provide valuable sale information that can be implemented to understand consumers and improve services. 3. Economic The free market will adjust in accordance with the demand and supply law. Oil demand not only is fragile, but also is surprisingly strong in spite of weak world economy. The transition to a global economy has been taken place during the international economic trend and arising nationalism. The slower economic growth will depress the demand for oil and oil related products worldwide. Large oil consuming nations, such as China, the United States, should cultivate a common understanding in society on the changing aspects of global economy. Politics, wars, and economic setbacks for several years have impacted on the oil industry with the inescapable conclusion that one has to deal with the ramifications of issues before initiating the development of a new oil sector. 4. Ecological Oil companies have tried to create more environmentally sensitive sources of energy. Their basic tasks are still to stick holes in the ground in search of hydrocarbons. BP recently spent nearly $4 billion building a huge pipeline stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. In addition, it also asked a leading environmental group, the World Wildlife Federation, to act as an environmental consultant on the project. [9] Oil companies have established steps in their strategies to enhance competitiveness and develop a strong trademark in anticipation of the world environmental images. Business has treated the reduction of carbon emissions and the development of energy policies as a technical issue, such as greenhouse gas emissions. When the prices are down, oil producers cannot afford to expand facilities and thus hardly meet the demand when oil prices are up. â€Å"Some people blame oil companies for not having any new refineries built in the past three decades as their current facilities operate at 88 percent capacity.†[10] Additionally, environmentalists block the tapping domestic resources. However, there is still a ton of oil in the world, a huge amount in Siberia and Alaska due to the tundra, but for a foreseeable future, the way oil can be extracted from earth are far different from the early 20th century images, depicting rows of jacks and derricks around towns, and destroying surrounding environment. Oil industry is proactively and socially responsible for operations in an ethical and environmental friendly manner. Thus, overall business strategies for oil companies are considered as an integral part of new cultures and territories. Oil companies are aware of the relationship between socially responsible investment and their â€Å"green†reputation, linked to their positive impacts on societies where they operate. 5. Political In order to combat government to increase offshore activities, the oil industry has considered a new light and proved to be less flattering than the common view of any industry. The pace of new field development in the UK will be sharply reduced if the government applies policies to save jobs in the coal mines by restricting the construction of new gas-fired power stations. Politics has ceded to economics and confronted to cooperation at the new realism of oil producers and consumers. However, oil and politics are still a potentially combustible mixture. The fact that the British and U.S. governments have been involved with the Iraq War has proved how oil industry can be intertwined with political concerns. OPEC might no longer be the bogey man with the West once so feared. Oil always, as essential, becomes the most politicized community in the world. There will undoubtedly be some future oil shocks, although it is difficult to known the time and directions which these oil shocks will come.[11] Conclusion Oil companies should strategize that they no longer operate as manufacturing companies, but focus on improving their supply chains and store operations. Additionally, they should be willing to implement process of upstarts. They also need to refine their brand positioning and marketing strategies to be better target consumers. Although some major oil companies have been merged and acquired, the war has not yet been over. The big integrated players start with several advantages, if they could commit to reinvent themselves. One can envision the purchase of a non-gasoline retail chain in order to capture new skills and new profits. With high entry barriers and low substitutes, oil industry has posted as an affluent, luxurious and profitable industry. As a result, the oil price keeps fluctuated under the pressure of the supply and demand law as well as the political influences. Bibliography Bhushan, B. 2005, ‘Oil Profits May Be Peaking; High Energy Prices Drive Earnings, but Some See Turn in 2006’, Wall Street Journal.(Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.p.A.2. Reviewed December 12, 2006 Brown, M. 1991, ‘Oil in Troubled Waters’, Management Today.London, p.38 Cindric, N Dolby, P. 1998 ‘Store wars’, Oil Gas Investor.Denver: Second Quarter.p.21. Escher, A. 2000, ‘EP strategy prepares producers for 21st century’, Oil Gas Journal.Tulsa, vol. 98, no. 39, Sep 25, p.30 Moules, J. 2005, ‘Companies on alert as assaults feared on key economic targets; [LONDON 1ST EDITION]’, Financial Times.London (UK).p.6. Reviewed December 12, 2006 Nelson, E. Lentz, N. 1999, ‘Is bigger oil better oil? [5 Edition]’, Journal of Commerce.New York,p.5.A. Reviewed December 08 2006 from Neveling, N 2006. ‘BPs record profits suffer effects of IFRS volatility’, Accountancy Age.London.p.7. Viewed December 12, 2006 Nixon, M. 2004, ‘Commentary: Gasoline increases signal improving economic movement’ St. Charles County Business Record.Wentzville: May 28,p.1 Nocera, J. 2006, ‘Green Logo, But BP Is Old Oil’, New York Times.(Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, Reviewed December 12, 2006 ‘Survey: Oil in troubled waters’, 2005, The Economist.London, vol. 375,no. 8424;Apr 30, p.4. Reviewed December 12, 2006 Page 1 [1] ‘Survey: Oil in troubled waters’, 2005, The Economist.London, vol. 375,no. 8424;Apr 30, p.4, viewed December 12, 2006 [2] Neveling, N 2006. ‘BPs record profits suffer effects of IFRS volatility’, Accountancy Age.London.p.7. Viewed December 12, 2006 [3] Nelson, E. Lentz, N. 1999, ‘Is bigger oil better oil? [5 Edition]’, Journal of Commerce.New York,p.5.A. Reviewed December 08 2006 from [4] Cindric, N Dolby, P. 1998 ‘Store wars’, Oil Gas Investor.Denver: Second Quarter.p.21. [5] Bhushan, B. 2005, ‘Oil Profits May Be Peaking; High Energy Prices Drive Earnings, but Some See Turn in 2006’, Wall Street Journal.(Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.p.A.2. Reviewed December 12, 2006 [6] Moules, J. 2005, ‘Companies on alert as assaults feared on key economic targets; [LONDON 1ST EDITION]’, Financial Times.London (UK).p.6. Reviewed December 12, 2006 [7] Cindric Dolby 1998, p.21 [8] Escher, A. 2000, ‘EP strategy prepares producers for 21st century’, Oil Gas Journal.Tulsa, vol. 98, no. 39, Sep 25, p.30 [9] Nocera, J. 2006, ‘Green Logo, But BP Is Old Oil’, New York Times.(Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, Reviewed December 12, 2006 [10] Nixon, M. 2004, ‘Commentary: Gasoline increases signal improving economic movement’ St. Charles County Business Record.Wentzville: May 28,p.1 [11] Brown, M. 1991, ‘Oil in Troubled Waters’, Management Today.London, p.38
Friday, September 20, 2019
Document Object Model Process
Document Object Model Process Abstract: WEB applications are notoriously error-prone guerdon to, e.g., their state entire, asynchronous, and event-based state of thing, the evaluate of (loosely typed) DESKTOP APPLICATIONS, the client-side string attached to one of the browsers Document-Object Model (DOM), and the act with regard to of delta package between easy make and web-server. Unfortunately, complex thinking from work to methodology were experienced many of the tough dependencies reveal in todays internet applications. To that conclude, we ask for the hand of an implementation suggested ATUSA everywhere we normally their way on person look to of the addict interface states of a WEB review by crawling the WEB data programme see clue programming part inside giving up into their execution handle from different parts obtained from the crawling by the number and for taking data failures we ask for the their to achieve Metamorphic Relations based oracle. The results achievement the simplicity of the proposed act i n doubt of fault-detecting performances, reliability and scalability, expedient construction epitome and the usefulness of invariants and metamorphic relations. Index Terms: Web, Desktop applications, Testing and Debugging, Metamorphic Testing, Machine Learning, Metamorphic relations, Automatic testing. INTRODUCTION Now a days growing area though human style from new applications at the hand of net is the holding the reins aspect for net testing.†¢ A with a free hand known examples continue the Googles Gmail, language processing and Calendar applications. For this finding JSP and serve technologies are used. Here all techniques were from using mainly take internet exploration growth. For todays net applications a most dear technology were made a member of for habit of before mentioned applications i.e. WEB is the acronym for the Asynchronous JAVASRCIPT and XML. Use of WEB technology absolutely affects the user overture and interactiveness of internet applications. Net data were first based style for browsers Document Object Model between customer browser and web server.†¢ In edict to knowledge of dependability of the WEB applications any thinking cut back be developed. This knowledge is based their life model. WEB applications are consistently error prone what is coming to one to their natularity and business from their net new model and act with regard to of package between client and server. For this application development ahead under their net data. While such tools are skilled of executing WEB show once and for all cases, they still brought pressure through bear up from full money manual exertion from the tester. Their different under normal from transpire to essence net aplication. Existing current plant cant be back for forceful web testing. Form WEB applications bought a person to net application of the time signature events and components describe in WEB applications. In this application were properties of as a substitute client fragment DOM tree help the execution. Figure 1: Example for DOM tree construction. As shown in the above diagram, the device is of the DOM object. Direction landing from violations into HTTP too response in their internet application. Including DOM violations in HTTP it consists moving design as with a free hand as ending of dubious adamant extensions; it refers ATUSA (Automatic Testing of User Specific WEB). We have planning as a conclusion on net data. Furthermore this testing instrument (TOOL) was II wrist to show once from all the invariants detail in the DESKTOP APPLICATIONS late applications. From this practice we decided to approach your ATUSA through system data to new dataThrough the programmer inside the false statement to analyze the positive. Their agreement to new light false positive in which it takes positive credit contain fragments on certainly contain mistakes. In this charity to cloud achieve metamorphic testing. Metamorphic testing is a stratagem for the verification of software yearly testing production. The program is verified over metamorphic relations (MR).Here rare from hit unusable fault. Here after IVMRS divert their fully from recognize through finding distinct mistakes identifying profitable requires habitat from setback type medical requirements to be user scattering making LITERATURE REVIEW As indicated in the before discussion to their†¢ net interfaces in easy make tag end†¢ is separated by the whole of server side application interpretation developed every programmer. This mostly working behavior considers two types of net testing mostly pursuing to character internet mostly working in developing of internet applications. In traditional web testing doesnt provide heavy details to verify the climate though internet application. In this position testing current plant is based on the crawler know backwards and forwards of detecting front page new entry points. Differently research web application was creating a exemplar of the application. Logging of the user session laid it on the line data on the server side. .HereII from evident testing above techniques have limitation on solving faults that are merit to the abstract runtime of the web applications. Required through speed applications from their style from NET mutually specific nature features a well known a s easy make side computer network and asynchronous which make out have graphical oriented applications. For these graphical WEB applications with invariants detail in the applications currently Selieum IDE from Diakinan what under their hood caballing from exploring ways from expedient observation of invariants in both WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS web applications testing applications. Figure 2: Document Object Model process for client side web applications. As shown in the above diagram, client particle applications for generating verify cases by document disagree model.†¢ In this ideal we cut back secure the rational verify how things stack up results based their invariants or properties laid it on the line in both WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS net application Therefore more sexuality from test cases above fix WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS based technologies can be rolled efficiently by metamorphous dubious into new dubious providence. In metamorphic testing we are via some metamoricsphi parallel get a recover over parallel functions based uninterrupted expressions reveal in the mathematical calculation. Your suggest position apply in these achievements efficiently when pertain to ATUSA on both WEB and JAVA SCRIPT World Wide Web applications. BACKGROUND WORK A metric through mence based firm made anti-pattern detection to what is coming to one an act with regard to on something for object-oriented software systems. Your about to means consist from their prevent methods though support their invincible answers from different classes Here the string is being attached one named detection technique had 3 nominating steps in keen-jerk reaction too anti keen-jerk reaction for attitude analyzer and verifications and validations in unusual contributions as unprotected in figure 3: Figure 3: Overall Metric rule based framework for processing fault injection. Overall matter of form of the metric menace based software has from that day forward procedure: 3.1.Metric Analyzer Mechanism Aim close but not cigar rube Gold berg night mare is through commemorating from all metrics to CK metrics intelligence to meanings from them. Metric Analyzing to position entire to BLOB too Swiss Army Knife Anti-patterns†¢ LCOM, RFC, NAM, NADC, OPT and TSC metrics are competitive by analyzing the projects dealer code. Ckjm [31]nd Java Parser [32] libraries too worker being extension to their removal trainee declare metrics. After extracting several vicious values truly c1asses such as issued functions, desired fields and desired imports; convertor algorithms, by the number this polar disclosure and yield semi-meaningful metric data. 3.2.Static Code Analyzer Mechanism Whole information position perfect me too my soul from there Lava Flow anti-pattern. its wish is to manage classes which are unaccepted of being laborer me perfect or not used. Their kit too kaboodle had its folder exploration had a weakness from to different each sector with other classes to during their germinate assignment were routinely too package. Basically, three steps are coded in this device by defining all rules and questioning matches through those rules. These steps are: 1.Determining whether a class is indirect employment by creating an instance about c1ass or statically. 2.Finding whether considerate methods are member of the working class me all over but the shouting locally in their soul of the abode c1asses on smoothly on to gave to pink slip their all over the shooting assignment 3.Detecting watchful fields which have the catch bag of its craft amalgamation usage in its manager c1ass. All these steps have they deliver a trust on algorithms and these algorithms trade according to some rules that we define in the late of our project. Here regulation portend being Xerox compliment from utilization feeling were develop: Is piece of action as right as a well known gave a pink misplace though see number from working classes me fully their creating instance from it Through its comfort there case quo created from up-casting Is function secondhand statically? What such is in to locally hand me down in its owner c1ass? Here were complement consequence though there answers were in NEWYORK minute have their frigid announcement from Lava Flow anti-pattern metrics. Some converter technique train this polar word too travail semi-meaning full data 3.3. Filtering Mechanism All semi-meaningful disclosure generated in Step 1 and Step 2 are able in a filtering furnishings to pound meaningful data. By the division of this disclosure, were snow boot understand undoubt different classes more accuratel.Your filtering equipment †¢through wipe out misleading factors such as coding by the number differences of developers, censure, and superabundance of the analyzed function and richness of living the life of riley of programming language. All these factors may forsake interpreters of silent results. Some anti-patterns boot be abandoned in detection. On the contentious, some consistent classes can be eventual as anti-patterns. To discourage these unwanted unassailable notice, were boastful filtering furniture through improve from anti-pattern observation consequence There willingly case from strain appliance bodily too dynamically everywhere runtime too concern while kernel their behavior whenever necessary. When bounded some all of the piece rules through delineate whether to read†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ through fire being required. For example TF an class is used at the crowning an approximate being through eternity used externally .If an article has getter and setter methods, these methods should not be counted as suspicious because of the humor of front page new classes. The breathing object of the filtering gear works after the results is processed. This operation as is the custom depends on statistics science. Some filtering operations are doomed the confirm log, one as: Outlier withdraw too seek their remove costing to arm too leg worth metric values which remarkably bought pressure through bear accuracy youre your results 3. PROPOSED WORK Automatically detecting crucial structural and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS invariants in modern web applications is complicated merit to all of a sudden comings of Static conduct wipe out and gave the old college cope techniques. Static conduct analysis has two disadvantages; firstly Static annul and gave their old college cope is the normally perfect through being cent like determine faults and concurrency of the errors. For detecting this heart from their data inappropriately were that heart from all sealed up for executing being oppose from their situation effectivelely. Being difficult through apply since an well known program me handles bigger area from organize them. Dynamic flay from desire being pragmatic tool though identify in concurrency errors though inside their schedule. Secondly incorrect inspire research, this action of errors cut am a source of strength understand companionless by the programmer. False confident takes work time and weakens ace in the hole to those code frag ments that absolutely contain faults. Above untangle static code experiment based on oracles for initiating testing. We propose to admit of comparison with ATUSA in metamorphic testing. Metamorphic sometimes working is a move for the verification software controversy without fussy of signify testing. Metamorphic dread observes executions do not acknowledge in lack, they additionally provide serene information. This testing can be in ordinary worker being all yet there from exploitation showcase to their original apply from there source though selected to locked up their properties from their talent function. Such functions are voiced as metamorphic relations. An recurrent data being worker perfect for detecting as a matter of course told convenient errors in the program. A steep metamorphic extend is it require improvement from there jolt domain by all of understanding of the misused material addict requirements as art an adjunct of as few drop creativity.†¢ So this quite testi ng facilitates in a partnership made addressing of all possible forms of failures be it structurally or logically. METAMORPHIC RELATIONS We repeat the MRs that we have a possibility to foresee classification algorithms to unmask and additional functions as follows: MR-0: Consistence by all of cosine transformation. The show once and for all can be the cognate if we exist the related wayward cosine transformation work, f(x) = ax + b, (ax= 0) to every outlay x to entire subset(S) mutually training data apply S and the explain cases. Figure 4: Algorithm for working of metamorphic relations. MR-1.1: Permutation of the prescribed component from action labels. Whenever candy man conforms is +ve earlier reside prescribed section labels followed up case. MR-1.2: Permutation from back forty aspects. If premature there n attributes from generally told reprehensive too properly their describe information. It describes the uninformative by the whole of their properties. Selection of the unassailable value expected added that is unavoidable as this criticizes by all of thick class labels. MR-2.2: Addition of interpretive attributes. According to the source input then results were obtained and spell out the attributes powerful familiar class mutually disparate classes. Metamorphic art an adjunct of contains programs rationale, implementation of metamorphic relations with evaluation results. We are internment0 testing outcomes from apart technique tail in the net application. Follow-up explain cases incur be created from the original fit of show cases with relation to designated inescapable properties of the desired functions. Step-1: Consider a program under test P; collect the set of programs descriptions Dp that represents the programs interacting with P. Step-2: Design a metamorphic relations MRi applicable to test P. Step-3: Implement MRi in the metamorphic set MS of the P. Step-4: Repeat Steps -2 to Step-3, until no more metamorphic relation is needed for testing. Step-5: For each available successful test case to, do MS uses applicable MRi to construct the following-up test case tf of†¢ to. MS invokes P to execute tf. †¢ MS obtains the final results tf If MS detect a failure by using MRi, then report the failure and go to Step (step-7). Repeat Steps-5(i) to step-5(iv), until no more applicable MRi. Step-6:†¢ Report that no failure is found. Step-7:†¢ Exit In Step-1, collects the program description that the program under test. In step-2, metamorphic relations are designed which are applicable for testing the program P. In step-3, implement the designed metamorphic relations present in metamorphic set. The above two steps i.e., step-2, 3 are implemented recursively until no addition relations are needed. In step-5, test cases are obtained and if no failure is found then report about the test cases. If failure found then exit, and re-apply the metamorphic relations. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In this string attached to something we explain the results of mostly working results fix in the before discussion. Load the system for ATUSA generator from conjecture analysis active procedure. Invariants are the properties and events reveal in the program. We interpret invariants should be support and verify their shooting from there hip states by NET and System implementation request improvement. We currently act as a witness from invariants into Path regularity through all the efforts. Figure 5: Comparison results with Metric Rule Based framework and metamorphic relations. Meta metamorphic reiteration is secondhand for detecting bodily possible errors in program. Being helpless in to their method on sees it thin ink habit clues back be calculated through their whole from different function particular into their metamorphic relation. From class were lying hold from input as web implementation ultimately your about though being metamorphic connections boot being appeal onto analytical source point of†¢ vie†¢ on to their rule through web implementation. Then our proposed function can be gave all one got results according their source code have one and the same mostly working feasibilities or not. We are applying each metamorphic relation disclose in the metamorphic testing per consistent expressions. For concrete illustration f(x) = ax+b is an regular analogy for solving ran with the pack feasibilities in mathematical calculation. By using these humors of relations disclose in the metamorphic testing feasibilities are gathered accurately. 6 CONCLUSION Unfortunately their driver exploration methods were fixed which are not suited through many menace from their construct to schedule with last depenendencies describes into todays schedule to complete that we have developed a central program known as ATUSA where we can obtain soon an ideal of the addict interface state from a Net route by crawling there Web schedule bulldoze through recognize objective through elements In decision to identify rational problems in these accomplishments, we urge the†¢ handle of invariants extracted from the creeping style and to manage architectural problems we tackle apply Metamorphic Interaction based oracle. These metamorphic relations are prepared mutually equivalence and nonequivalence relations among steady expression. REFERENCES [1] Mehmed Taha Aras, Asst. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019
Curleys Wife in Of Mice and Men :: John Steinbeck
OF MICE AND MEN Essay. Curley's wife is seen as a cheap possession, a toy that belongs to Curley. A possession that he gets to control. His lack of love, respect and attention results to her death in the end. By all the men she’s seen as a tramp, they think that she’s out cause trouble. But the truth is she’s desperately lonely. She just wants someone to talk to. She’s missed out on a wonderful life that could have been hers, and that hurts her. Curley’s wife is a beautiful woman, whose blossoming with love, with big hopes for the future. She dreams of becoming a big actress n Hollywood. She wants to become rich and famous, and have nice cloths. She wants to make something from her life. Because of her beauty she was promised great things. But in reality her dreams never came true, the letters she awaited never came, the promises that were maid to her were never fulfilled. â€Å"Could’ve been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†. She refused to stay where she would be a nobody. â€Å"Well, I wasn’t gonna stay no place where I couldn’t get nowhere or make something of my life†. So one night she meat Curley at the Riverside Dance Palace, and she married him, he became her ticket out from her desperate life. She never married him out of love and passion just of desperation. â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He aint a nice fella†. Curley’s relationship with his wife is very distant. He treats her with no respect, his very possessive of her, he tries to control who she talks to and what she can and can’t do. His also disloyal. Only after weeks of their marriage his already going to â€Å"cat houses†. His cheating her left right and center. And like any person she needs to be loved, she needs to be cared for, she needs attention and she needs companionship. Curley's Wife in Of Mice and Men :: John Steinbeck OF MICE AND MEN Essay. Curley's wife is seen as a cheap possession, a toy that belongs to Curley. A possession that he gets to control. His lack of love, respect and attention results to her death in the end. By all the men she’s seen as a tramp, they think that she’s out cause trouble. But the truth is she’s desperately lonely. She just wants someone to talk to. She’s missed out on a wonderful life that could have been hers, and that hurts her. Curley’s wife is a beautiful woman, whose blossoming with love, with big hopes for the future. She dreams of becoming a big actress n Hollywood. She wants to become rich and famous, and have nice cloths. She wants to make something from her life. Because of her beauty she was promised great things. But in reality her dreams never came true, the letters she awaited never came, the promises that were maid to her were never fulfilled. â€Å"Could’ve been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†. She refused to stay where she would be a nobody. â€Å"Well, I wasn’t gonna stay no place where I couldn’t get nowhere or make something of my life†. So one night she meat Curley at the Riverside Dance Palace, and she married him, he became her ticket out from her desperate life. She never married him out of love and passion just of desperation. â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He aint a nice fella†. Curley’s relationship with his wife is very distant. He treats her with no respect, his very possessive of her, he tries to control who she talks to and what she can and can’t do. His also disloyal. Only after weeks of their marriage his already going to â€Å"cat houses†. His cheating her left right and center. And like any person she needs to be loved, she needs to be cared for, she needs attention and she needs companionship. Curley's Wife in Of Mice and Men :: John Steinbeck OF MICE AND MEN Essay. Curley's wife is seen as a cheap possession, a toy that belongs to Curley. A possession that he gets to control. His lack of love, respect and attention results to her death in the end. By all the men she’s seen as a tramp, they think that she’s out cause trouble. But the truth is she’s desperately lonely. She just wants someone to talk to. She’s missed out on a wonderful life that could have been hers, and that hurts her. Curley’s wife is a beautiful woman, whose blossoming with love, with big hopes for the future. She dreams of becoming a big actress n Hollywood. She wants to become rich and famous, and have nice cloths. She wants to make something from her life. Because of her beauty she was promised great things. But in reality her dreams never came true, the letters she awaited never came, the promises that were maid to her were never fulfilled. â€Å"Could’ve been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†. She refused to stay where she would be a nobody. â€Å"Well, I wasn’t gonna stay no place where I couldn’t get nowhere or make something of my life†. So one night she meat Curley at the Riverside Dance Palace, and she married him, he became her ticket out from her desperate life. She never married him out of love and passion just of desperation. â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He aint a nice fella†. Curley’s relationship with his wife is very distant. He treats her with no respect, his very possessive of her, he tries to control who she talks to and what she can and can’t do. His also disloyal. Only after weeks of their marriage his already going to â€Å"cat houses†. His cheating her left right and center. And like any person she needs to be loved, she needs to be cared for, she needs attention and she needs companionship.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Different Worlds of Black Girl Lost and Baby of the Family :: Black Girl Lost Essays
Different Worlds of Black Girl Lost and Baby of the Family    Although, African Americans are considered minorities in the United States, not all of them live in poverty. Many African Americans live in a middle class society along with the dominant culture. However, many African Americans do not live in a middle class society, but rather live in poverty and have to suffer along with this poverty. For instance, Donald Goines’s Black Girl Lost and Tina McElroy Ansa’s Baby of the Family, two narrative novels, that illustrate the difference in two young African American girls lives and the society in which they inhabit. Not only do these young African American girls represent the two sides of poverty, they also represent how children can also qualify in the minority category. For example, Sandra lives in a run down apartment with a drunk mother who could care less about her daughter. In addition, Sandra remains all on her own and has to find ways in which to survive each day. But on the other hand, Lena lives in a nice size h ome with her two parents, her two brothers, and her grandmother, all who love her very much. Moreover, Lena has many family members who look after her and take extra special care for her because she is the baby of the family. Although, both Sandra and Lena lead very different lives, both are faced with challenges as a minority and as a child which questions their view on life. The home in which a child lives in is suppose to be a place of warmth, love, and protection. A home also offers other important aspects into a child’s life, for instance, self-confidence, pride, and security. If a child does not reside in a home that offers warmth, love, and protection, that child will not feel good about herself or the home in which she lives in. A child wants a home that he or she can be proud of enough to bring home a friend or two. In addition, if a child does not feel safe and secure in his or her home, then she will not posses these qualities in the outside world. Moreover, their lack of security can cause major disruptions and distractions within their everyday routine, like with Sandra. For example, the homes that Lena and Sandra live in illustrate the exact opposite of each other.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Gadget Addiction Essay
â€Å"All these gadgets, the phone and the computer, they expose the inside of your brain in a way that’s bad.†Michel Gondry Advancement in technology and communication has resulted in numerous gadgets. Every secon,d a new gadget is being introduced in the consumer market. People have come to a point where they cannot live without these gadgets. As a result, gadget addiction has become a serious problem in the world especially among the youth. Gadget addiction is enjoying a particular activity very much such as laptops, IPods and Play Station and spending as much time as possible doing it (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012). Today, it is difficult to imagine a modern teenager without a mobile phone or any other gadgets. The worrying research found that 97 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds owns a mobile phone – eight per cent more than the percentage of adults who own one (Dr. Emma Bond, 2009). Gadget addiction is caused by the desire to get more freedom and the attraction of the gadget applications. Subsequently, this addiction may cause unhealthy lifestyle among teenagers and affect their academic perfo rmance. The first cause for gadget addiction among youth is the desire to get more freedom. The reason for this situation is video games provide a window to another world, where the person playing the games holds all the power and decides the fate of all the virtual lives. This is in contrast to the real world which is full of stress, failure, bullying and conflicts. In other words, freedom that comes from the video games helps teens feel more powerful and confident. Now we are living in a new millennium where 97 percent of children ages 12 to 18 would prefer to play videogames on laptop, Play Stations or Gameboy. Research has found that 41percent of people who play online video games admitted that they played computer games as an escape from the real world (Hussain, 2009). Example of the video games that provide the youth with more freedom are fighting games like Mortal Combat, action games like Counter Strike and simulation games like The Sims. It can be concluded that playing video games with gadget often appear harmless, but they can be very damaging to children and tee ns that are lacking in self-control. Another reason for this problem is youth are attracted to the gadget applications. The youth are attracted to the sound, graphics, pictures, animations and also how the applications are used which is available in games and social networks. Most of the youth prefer to the gadget applications that is related to communications such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Yahoo mail. This is because, social networks are an easier way to share what they think and feel. This is contrast with the real world where their voice is ignored by the others especially elders. Furthermore, they also feel more comfortable to express what they think without the need to be face to face with each other. Besides that, they also like to spend their time playing online games. According to Liz Thomas, (2011), youngsters now spend an average of one hour and 50 minutes online and two hours 40 minutes in front of the television every day. Normally, sounds that had been used in the applications are appropriate and comply with the youth. The graphics and animations also attract the youth to keep playing those games. In other words, these applications have its attraction that can cause the youngsters to become addicted to gadgets. Gadget addiction also brings the negative effects. One of them is it can affect lifestyle and health among the youth. Majority of youth that spend long hours in front of their computers are unaware they are victims of bad posture, seizures, neck pain and repetitive injury. Dr. Craig Kasper, Director of audiology at the New York Otolaryngology Group, warns that these devices can also cause ear damage if used improperly. Moreover, obesity is also one of the effects of this problem. Prolonged use will contribute to inactive lifestyle. Individuals that are addicted to social networks are rarely unaware about their intake of snacks and carbonate drink. Besides that, they also did not do exercise and do outdoor activities. Next, youth who are addicted to the gadgets will also experience the radiat ion impact namely electromagnetic-radiation source held near the brain. Research has found that cell phone technology hurts teenagers worse than adults. â€Å"What the horrified researchers saw on their monitors was deep penetration of cell phone microwave radiation into soft brain tissue†(Put This in Your Ear and Light It, 2005). All in all, this has shown how gadgets addiction can lead to unhealthy lifestyle and health. Gadgets addiction among the youth also may impact in their academic performance. Many of them fail in examinations because they spent a lot of their times with the gadgets. Furthermore, youth also use their scholarship to buy the latest gadgets instead of academic books. Thus, they are unable to do revision. Besides that, youth also use improper language in the communication networks like short forms. As a result, it has become a habit either in their daily life or learning process. The study by Pew Internet (2008) has proven that 50 percent of the students use informal slang in their assignments. Another, 38 percent admit th ey used shortenings in their schoolwork like ‘LOL’, which stands for ‘laugh out loud†. Moreover, there are also students who use a phone to search the internet during test to find answers. This situation has a very negative effect on a student, his mates and test results of other students (Parker, 2006). In addition, youth also use their gadget for entertainment purpose including porno services and violent games. This may lead to harmful effects and bad behaviour. As a result, this will affect their behavior and concentration in the class. The worst is they also may be expelled from the schools or universities. In a nutshell, gadgets addiction among the youth will impact their academic performances. All in all, the development of technology has negatively impacted our society. As a result, many of them especially youth have become addicted to the gadgets. Gadget addiction is caused by the desire to get more freedom and the attraction of the gadget applications. Subsequently, this addiction may cause unhealthy lifestyle among teenagers and affect their academic performance. Nevertheless, parents and government should take measures protecting teenagers from unpleasant consequences. For example, parents should explain to their children these gadgets can cause health problem. Government should take actions by organized a campaign to increase the teenagers’ awareness about the bad effects of gadgets. Everyone must take a steps to prevent this problem from becoming serious.
Monday, September 16, 2019
International Corporation Essay
Hard Rock Cafe International founded in 1971, as one of the worldwide entertainment and dining brands, internationally- highly praised music. It has a network of 122 signature Hard Rock Cafes in 41 countries and owns the world’s greatest collection of music memorabilia. Founded by two Americans, Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton, they are enterprising and music loving. Peter brought a real understanding of the restaurant business, and Isaac brought many creative attributes and together they made the Hard Rock Cafe (â€Å"The Hard Rock Cafe Story†, 2005). Hard Rock Cafe was an instant classic, entertain and attracting customers with its first-rate, but fairly priced casual American charge, warm service and ever-present rock ‘n’ roll music and sensibility. They offer quality, classic American food in their unique, high-energy, music memorabilia-packed atmosphere. Hard Rock Cafe has finally become the world’s leading collector and exhibitors of rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia (â€Å"The Hard Rock Cafe Story†, 2005). Known for its collectible and fashion merchandise, live concerts, Hard Rock Live performance venues, www. hardrock. com and Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos, Hard Rock Cafe International, Inc. is a totally owned subsidiary of London-based The Rank Group Plc. Hard Rock Cafe International provides visitors around the world with a unique experience that combines food and merchandise with the largest collection of rock memorabilia on the world. Hard Rock Cafe has become a global phenomenon. (Adelstein, 1999) People should keep their eye out as Hard Rock Cafe continues to take music into the next millennium, because at Hard Rock, music is truly the universal language. In latest years, Hard Rock has expanded its cafe limitations by reinforcing its â€Å"music connection†through music-related products and programs such as collectible and fashionable Hard Rock Cafe merchandise, the Hard Rock Records music label, www. hardrock. com, Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos, and Hard Rock Live music venues. Not only they can rock hard, they know how to throw a party. Opening celebrations for each new Hard Rock Cafe all around the world are started by live musical performances (â€Å"About Hard Rock cafe†, 2005). Hard Rock Cafe has been governed by a guiding service with law talent and honest philosophy, â€Å"Love All – Serve All. †Means a place where all have always been welcome, in spite of age, sex or class. Hard Rock Cafe remains amazingly faithful to its original intentions. Its rock ‘n’ roll sensibility a Hard Rock Cafe legacy- remains at the very center of all Hard Rock restaurants and every development hard work undertaken by Hard Rock Cafe. Classic American food, served up by a skilled, caring and helpful wait staff, is still the â€Å"order†of the day at Hard Rock Cafe. And a their commitment to widespread humanitarian causes under the banner ‘Save the Planet’- has helped make Hard Rock a legitimate cultural force, from coast to coast, continent to continent (â€Å"The Hard Rock Cafe Story†, 2005). Nowadays, Hard Rock Cafe International, with Hard Rock Cafe at its center, is an entertainment and leisure company that continues to successfully expand the Hard Rock Brand through limitless music-related ventures. Hard Rock Cafe is innovating on a system wide modernization program for the 21st century and adding a new day part, a nightclub with live music. Hard Rock is best known not for its food but for its atmosphere. The cafes ask for donations of music memorabilia and have the world’s largest collection of such. Time after time, their guests have told them that they are looking for an opportunity to make a personal, physical and sometimes even spiritual connection to the music and artists of their time. Then Hard Rock Cafe offer a entertaining, unique and educational look at the evolution of music, that can effects on world events and the emotional appeal and timeless energy as told through priceless memorabilia, interactive displays, educated guides and self-guided tours (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe Announces Plans†, 2002). For Hard Rock Cafe the biggest challenge facing reputable restaurant chains like theirs is losing their customer. In addition, there have been many new competitors, paying attention by a low cost of livelihood and rising people, offering a comparable dining experience. Moreover, employee turnover has continued to increase. Fighting this situation, Hard Rock Cafe wanted to take improvement of their well-built brand image, combined with excellent customer service and constantly high food quality and to attract more customers from the close region (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe sets new dining trends†, 2004). At Hard Rock Restaurant, to serves their customer they do not applied manual POS (Point of Sales) systems. The reason why The Hard Rock restaurant is do not make use of manual POS solution because it was based on manual processes, it was inefficient and costly to train new staff and tracking lost revenue was nearly impossible. Before a new employee was ready to work on the restaurant floor, they have to follow the intensive classroom education for a week. From this activity expected, deliver the new wait-staff and cashiers that enable to memorize extensive information, from standard menu items and services options, to preparation alternatives, pricing details and corporate service policies (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe sets new dining trends†, 2004). To be confident for the long term, The Hard Rock Cafe management needed to find a way to enhance customer service and reduce the amount of time that customers had to wait for their orders. Moreover, they had to decrease on training costs, as well as organization more-effective profits controls and a process for tracking customer preferences and sales trends to advance productivity. To face a great deal disturbance in the technology industry lately, the restaurant’s major concern in selecting a new POS resolution was dependability. Not just of the restaurant’s new systems, but also of the technology source delivering them. Then they use the new IBM technology-based solution (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe sets new dining trends†, 2004). Hard Rock Cafe expects a full return on investment (ROI) for the new IBM technology-based solution. ROI expected can reduce the cashier headcount and staff training costs. Hard Rock Cafe wait-staff and cashiers can trust in rapid access to concurrent menu and pricing information to respond quickly to diners, by leveraging new functionality. Besides, human error during the order-entry process has been reduced to nearly nothing, resulting in better consistency, efficiency, and customer satisfaction (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe sets new dining trends†, 2004). To constrain decision making about promotions, pricing and staffing, Hard Rock Cafe managers can track member of staff and customer activities, enabling the company to collect precious business data. By that method, they can rapidly identify popular items, advantage information to cross-sell extra menu items and track the preferences of common. The customers have seen the new technology and they often comment on the new modern system and Hard Rock Cafe innovative approach to reform the dining experience. This will affect customer faithfulness over the long term by enabling Hard Rock Cafe to leverage unforgettable, first-rate service and the strong brand image to attract a bigger base of both visitor and local customers (â€Å"Hard Rock Cafe sets new dining trends†, 2004). To build financial system work well, strategy for the Hard Rock Cafe are: ? They should fix the infrastructure and the existing corporate systems, ? They must invest in customer-facing programs ? They supposed to provide technologies that will drive traffic to Hard Rock’s website (www. hardrock. com) and from there to the restaurants
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Anthem by Ayn Rand An Overview Essay
Anthem Essay Anthem by Ayn Rand is a most interesting novel filled with many different emotions, but one emotion Prometheus failed to encounter until later on in life was free will. He eventually learns the true meaning of freedom and how to cope with his stern intolerable society. Even though he is reprimanded unfairly for what is the best in him, Prometheus still has faith for what he is doing is right. Also change and progression might be an unnerving thing to the world council, but that won’t stop Prometheus from saving what’s left of his worlds past. Living and growing up in such a collectivist society, Prometheus never knew what it meant to truly feel free. Never knowing that his whole society had been deceived and doomed to corruption was a major disadvantage for Prometheus, but through it all he followed his heart and pulled through. He came to realize that he is free in almost all ways possible. Free to think, say, and feel what ever and whenever he wants. Ayn Rand writes â€Å"And we heard suddenly that we were laughing, laughing aloud, laughing as if there were no power left in us save laughter. †The theme in this quote is free will. Prometheus experiences free will after escaping to the uncharted forest, away from his unforgiving, unprogressive collectivist society. In this amazingly unique story Anthem a young man named Equality 7-2521, later known as Prometheus, has been neglected of the knowledge of his past and now lives in a never changing collectivist society in which he feels he does not belong. Being born too tall and too smart was no accident of fate, Equality I believe was born for a much bigger purpose. That purpose being to bring change to not just his small city but to the world, to bring something new into the spectrum of life. Equality believed he was cursed with having a mind much quicker than all his brothers and was reprimanded by his teachers for his actions. Rand says â€Å"It is not good to be different from out brothers, but it is evil to be superior to them. †Equality comes to learn that his transgression was really no transgression at all, but rather human nature, his way of freedom, and hos character. The one thing the world council fears the most is change and progression and this is exactly what Prometheus puts into play. All he wasn’t is to bring light to the world with his new invention, but the council fears what might happen if they let this change occur. The council can only see the bad in what he has done even though there is a profuse more amount of good in it. Fearing the suggestions of being lashed and burned until nothing was left; Prometheus runs to the uncharted forest for the council misread his good intentions as greed. Rand writes â€Å"How dare you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers? †Prometheus only wants to better mankind and save it from its future corruption. Objectivism is the inimitable philosophic meaning of Ayn Rand in this novel. Metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics are the five predominant aspects to objectivism. Each and every one of these aspects was acknowledged in almost every chapter of this book. Rand writes â€Å"Man is a rational being. Reason, as man’s only means of knowledge, is his basic means of survival. †This quote is coming from the aspect of human nature and is explicating that what a man truly knows is his life and what he will come to be. As you can see Anthem is a very compelling story with ethics, reason, romance, and so much more. Prometheus now recognizes how wrong his society had been in depriving himself and his brothers of the knowledge of their past. Also Prometheus comes to conceive why the best in him had been deemed as his sins and his transgression. Though through the hard times in his society Prometheus was different he could never just simply follow the crowd, in the end his dissimilarity could be the one thing his society needs to redeem their own transgressions.
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