Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Helping Individuals Write Research Papers
Helping Individuals Write Research PapersThe number of individuals who specialize in helping individuals write research papers has increased in the past years. In this article, we will examine the skills of helping people in their capacity as a writer and analyst. Most individuals who are more familiar with the skills and discipline of writing and research tend to have the appropriate points of view to write good research papers. At the same time, most individuals know that it is important to get the needed expertise when writing and researching.The topics that are covered in this process usually get developed and practiced during early teens and very young adults. They usually express their ideas and suggestions to their teachers.Objectivity is important for everyone. The knowledge of truth is all that is needed for a person to make rational decisions. At the same time, a person who does not have the necessary knowledge will most likely make decisions that have a greater negative im pact on the world and people.The usefulness of knowing how to write research papers is related to the realization that one has all the helpful things they need. Many people feel that they are lacking the skill to express the ideas in the most useful manner possible. This is the time when they should rely on the help of others.Some people are able to find the right people to assist them in writing research papers. It is important to note that one should not depend on the help of others for the desired results. One's own interest and qualifications should guide the other person's research papers. There are some people who are able to help the individuals who are most qualified and have the skills to provide the required expertise.Another important consideration is being able to provide the right advice and suggestions to help people write their papers. The writers should be able to relate the objectives to the current situations.Understanding is a very important quality to know in thi s process. This is the case when one thinks to get valuable information for their research papers. They should understand the different ways that the language of the world is said and written. There are certain instances when it is necessary to say and do certain things differently.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Gish Jen’s novel Typical American Essay - 1278 Words
Gish Jen’s novel Typical American A mother drives her three kids to soccer practice in a Ford minivan while her husband stays at the office, rushing to finish a report. Meanwhile, a young woman prays her son makes his way home from the local grocery without getting held up at knife point by the local gang. Nearby, an immigrant finishes another 14-hour shift at the auto parts factory, trying to provide for his wife and child, struggling to make way in a new land. Later, a city girl hails a cab to meet her girlfriends at their favorite club to celebrate her new promotion over cosmopolitans. These people – the suburban soccer mom, the tired immigrant, the worried mother from the hood, and the successful city girl – each represent the†¦show more content†¦For Ralph and many young Americans, this fantasy quickly proves false as they grow up and experience life. In the novel, Ralph’s perception of New York City and America changes almost as quickly as it was originally formed. He is immediately confronted with a language barrier, leaving him lost and disconnected from his new world. Soon enough, Ralph was beginning to know what was what. He was lonely still†¦New York lost its gleam. He drifted through its streets as if through an exhausted, dusty land, no detail of which has changed in a thousand years (Jen 13–14). Ralph’s hardships clearly show that coming and surviving in America as an immigrant is not what most perceives it to be. Instead, the everyday realities of life in America quickly lose that idealistic gleam which has been polished and revered over so many years, held in the minds of Americans across the country. Ralph sees the truth of these things and turns to a new path on the road to the American dream. After the disillusionment of Ralphs initial foray into American culture, he decides the next best thing is for him to marry and begin a new life – a new reality. Again, Ralph is d elighted with his new wife, Helen, and the life they wereShow MoreRelatedAmerican Prose Project1624 Words  | 7 Pages332-02 14 April 2013 Gish Jen: â€Å"In the American Society†American Prose Project â€Å"In the American Society†is a short story wrote by Gish Jen. It was first published in 1986 in The Southern Review (Hunter,†MELUS Interview†6). The short story â€Å"In the American Society†was the spring board for her novel Typical American. The author Gish Jen was born Lillian Jen in 1955 in New York. Her pen name Gish was her nickname in high school. Gish is a second generation Chinese American. She is one of five
Friday, May 15, 2020
Gay Sex - 794 Words
Stephanie Fairyington wrote the article â€Å"The Gay Option†, describing her experience of coming out to her mother about her sexuality. In this article she talks about how being gay influenced her life in all aspects. Fairyington explains her own personal life so that the audience can better understand the meaning of her article. She came out to her mother in a letter at the age of twenty-eight and explained that it was something she didn’t choose. â€Å"If there was a straight pill,†I lamented, â€Å"I’d swallow it faster than you can say the word gay.†(Fairyington 50). She says this because deep down she wanted some sympathy from her own mother. Confessing something like this to your close ones is hard no matter how accepting you feel they may be.†¦show more content†¦Being able to express to people your sexual preference was something that was just starting. Judgement and discrimination were expected from homosexuals, because people are plain cruel and unaccepting. Stephanie makes several references to things that happen in history that average people should know to explain how homosexuals are still humans with rights and feelings. â€Å"Acting on our same-sex attractions is just as valid as pursuing a passion for the Christian faith or Judaism or any other spiritual, intellectual, emotional, or physical craving that does not infringe on the rights of others.†(page 51) Stephanie’s main objective in the article is that being homosexual is something that you are born with. Her mother clearly thinks no one would chose such a detestable and challenging state of being. (Fairyington 50) The warrant of this writing would be that Fairyington is a twenty - eight year old, healthy female who doesn’t have any medical or mental health issues. Evidence to support the claims are that she did not wake up one day and decide that she was going to be interested in other females. She also did not just arbitrate that she would not want to be interested in men. Her mother compared her daughter’s sexual preference to a child that was born with Down syndrome or had some type of genetic defect. (Fairyington 50). She also tries to blame her own parenting skills so that she can cope with the factShow MoreRelatedGay Sex Scandals Involving Politicians853 Words  | 4 PagesThere have also been several gay sex scandals involving politicians with consist ently homophobic voting records. One former California State Representative, Roy Ashburn, was arrested for DUI with another man who accompanied him after leaving a gay bar. Ashburn had actively opposed various homosexual rights issues and even organized a rally against same sex marriage. Obviously, he was confronted about his lengthy anti-gay voting record afterward and he deflected that criticism by noting that thoseRead MoreGay And Same Sex Marriage963 Words  | 4 PagesThe topic of gay (or same-sex) marriage has been a controversial topic throughout the nation for many years. Like most issues, different people have opposite views on the idea of the subject. Some states governments support the idea while others are totally against it. Also, within each individual state there are people that have their own opinion of the issue. Both supporters and opponents within the states have tried to pass different amendments to established laws, in which reflect their viewsRead MoreGay Ma rriage And Same Sex Marriage1412 Words  | 6 PagesThe Shifting American Viewpoints towards Same-Sex Marriage in the Twenty-first Century prompting an opening of the debate with a stacking feeling of enthusiasm. In this task, I would like to be fit for refining the paramount purposes of argue between both for and against same-sex marriage and additionally the legitimate issues that are included in this subject. There are sure essential indicates that this is important, consider in the civil argument furthermore the equality for all Americans. FurthermoreRead MoreGay Marriage And Same Sex Marriage Essay1531 Words  | 7 PagesSame Sex Marriage Introduction What is marriage? According to Dictionary.com marriage is â€Å"any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities†(Dictionary.com). Everyone knows that gays haven’t been treated like others not saying â€Å"normal†people because, no one is normal. Going back into history gays weren’tRead MoreGay Marriage : Same Sex Marriage1611 Words  | 7 PagesRunning Head: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE NATIONALLY Same-Sex Marriage Nationally Makenzie L. Griffin Albia Community School District Authors Note This paper was prepared for government, period 2, taught by Mrs. Peterson. Abstract Same-sex marriage nationally has become more and more common now than it used to be in the nineteen-eighty’s. There are many organization groups that help spread the word about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues and why it is wrong to discriminate againstRead MoreGay Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1415 Words  | 6 Pagesdemolished. Gay sex marriage is the most conflicting issue in the contemporary social world. Marriage is an association of persons through which we perceive the reflection of a particular culture. It is basically a private matter and a fundamental human right. People should have the right to decide with whom they marry, not the state. If two persons are closed to each other regardless of their gender, they should be allowed to marry with each other (Eric). Legalizing gay marriage is granting same-sex couplesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Gay Rights2277 Words  | 10 Pageschanges over the past two decades in laws defining whether marria ge is limited to relationships between a man and a woman or is extended to same sex couples. Gay marriage and gay rights are a major controversy in the world today. It is a constant debate on whether or not traditional marriage is out-of-date and that a new way is better. Although many believe in gay rights, it is difficult to support something that is against the foundation of America, and something that is harmful to the people of AmericaRead MoreGay Marriage And The Right Of Same Sex Marriage1387 Words  | 6 Pagescommunal controversy regarding the right of same-sex marriage. I decided to explore the views of two different authors who contrast each other. British Author, Andrew Sullivan writes the essay, â€Å"For Gay Marriage†about equal rights on marriages for same-sex couples. William J. Bennett composes the essay, â€Å"Against Gay Marriage†giving his views on why couples of the same sex should not be allowed to engage in marital relations. Sullivan supp orts the idea of gay marriages while Bennett opposes the idea. ReferringRead MoreAre Same-Sex Marriages Cool or ‘Gay?’ An Argument for Same-Sex Marriage1733 Words  | 7 Pagesdaily basis. Same-sex marriage should be nationally legalized in the United States with a law or an amendment because it is a step closer to equality for everyone. There are many obstacles in the way of the national legalization of same-sex marriage. The most prevalent of these are the government’s current laws on the subject. Some of the laws that the government has ‘protecting marriage’ are nothing short of barbaric. Another obstacle to the national legalization of same-sex marriage is the currentRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized Same Sex Marriage931 Words  | 4 Pagesright to marriage for same-sex couples in the state†(Jost, Gay Marriage Showdowns). However, there were people who opposed same-sex couples being allowed to marry and Proposition 8 was soon after introduced. Proposition 8 would be presented on ballots later that year and would amend the state constitution legalizing same-sex marriage and allow only for a man and a woman to be married (Jost, Gay Marriage Showdowns). However, California was not the first state to allow same-sex marriage. In 2003, Massachusetts’
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Development And Growth Of Hyundai Motors - 1634 Words
History Development and Growth of Hyundai Motors Hyundai Motor Company is an international automobile design and manufacturing firm which is based in Korea. The company has several subsidiaries with operations in other countries such as America, China, Russia and other smaller sales outlets all over the world. The major focus of the company is in the design, development as well as manufacture of automobiles and also the crucial parts of motor vehicles. It has a close focus in the heavy duty automobiles and also in the passengers’ vehicles. In this paper I wish to carry out a case study of the company’s operations, focusing on the SWOT analysis and the management strategies that are employed to ensure continuity as the market leaders. The method that will be used is the research from the previous works and scrutinizing the company’s decisions and the impacts of such decisions. Hyundai Motors commands a global presence through the above mentioned subsidiaries. In order to maintain its position as a leading car producer in the world, the company engages in a continuous research and development strategy and has a centre in North America, Europe and Japan. The products are sold under the brand name Hyundai and KIA. The company was founded in the year 1967; it released the first model Cortina in collaboration with the British Ford motors. The company focused on research and development and in the year 1075, Korea released its first model car, Pony. In the year 1998, HyundaiShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Hyundai Motor Company Swot3090 Words  | 13 PagesAssessment Task One Background Case Study 1. SWOT analysis Hyundai Strengths Weaknesses Serving Worldwide Research and development Shortage of spare parts Product recalls Opportunities Threats Develop fuel efficient cars Provide training to dealers Exchange rates Competition (Hyundai Motor Company, 2015) GM Strengths Weaknesses Strong brand portfolio Strong presence in China High cost structure Brand dilution Opportunities Threats Positive attitude towards â€Å"green†vehicles Changing customerRead More1997 Asian Financial Crisis and Hyundai Motor Corp7119 Words  | 29 PagesHyundai Motor Company-Beijing Automotive Joint Venture Case Study [pic] Topics in Emerging Markets Prof. Mei April 9, 2003 Michael Cheng- mpc238@stern.nyu.edu Richard Lee- rl392@stern.nyu.edu Kevin Park- kgp203@stern.nyu.edu Table of Contents: Executive Summary: 3 Case Study: Introduction: Read More1997 Asian Financial Crisis and Hyundai Motor Corp7129 Words  | 29 PagesHyundai Motor Company-Beijing Automotive Joint Venture Case Study [pic] Topics in Emerging Markets Prof. Mei April 9, 2003 Michael Cheng- mpc238@stern.nyu.edu Richard Lee- rl392@stern.nyu.edu Kevin Park- kgp203@stern.nyu.edu Table of Contents: Executive Summary: 3 Case Study: Introduction: Read MoreAutomobile Industry - Bailouts, Going Green and Hyundai3290 Words  | 14 Pagestheory states that when a person or business is insured against the consequences of a particular event, this increases incentive for the insured to behave in a way that will cause the event (Glassman, 2009). The current government bailout of General Motors and Chrysler provides a vivid demonstration of moral hazard. In order to prevent bankruptcy, the Canadian government bought stakes in both companies totalling 14 billion dollars (Watson, 2009). Chrysler is now owned by Fiat while GM has appointedRead MoreThe Road to the Self-Reliance New Product Development of Hyundai Motor Company11169 Words  | 45 PagesTHE ROAD TO THE SELF-RELIANCE NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY June 1995 Young-suk Hyun Ph.D Professor, Business Administration Han Nam University Taejon KOREA 133 Ojung-dong Taejon 300-791, KOREA Tel : 82-42-629-7588 Fax : 82-42-672-7183 1 THE ROAD TO THE SELF-RELIANCE NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY 1. Introduction 2. Hyundai s Philosophy in New Product Development (NPD): The Road to the Technological Self-reliance 3 Key Role PersonsRead MoreInternational Marketing Strategies of Hyundai in India23604 Words  | 95 Pagesstrategies of Hyundai in India†[pic] Sindhu Sharma Bharti MA DISSERTATION 2008 2 | P a g e ABSTRACT The automotive industry has been an industry of rapid growth. It has been successful in providing the best styles, comfort, and powerful engines in the motor vehicles therebyRead MoreHr Policies in Automobile Sector4783 Words  | 20 Pages HR POLICIES IN AUTOMOBILE SECTOR Submitted By : Vir Bhasin (13121) AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY The automobile industry is a term that covers a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacture, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds. It is one of the worlds most important economic sectors by revenue. Indian Automobile industry is the ninth largest in the world and Asia’s fourth largest exporter. ManyRead MoreSwot Analysis of Hyundai Motor China12360 Words  | 50 PagesCase: IB-91 Date: 09/24/08 HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY IN CHINA At the turn of the twenty-first century, Korea‟s Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) announced ambitious plans to become a global leader in the automotive industry, and established plants in various parts of the world, including Europe, India, and North America. In 2002, HMC turned its attention to China, one of the world‟s largest and fastest-growing economies. China‟s burgeoning demand for automobiles was forecast to become the world‟s third-largest―evenRead MoreEssay on Marketing Plan - Toyota Motors Corporation India2844 Words  | 12 Pages1. Executive Summary Toyota Motor Corporation entered India in 1997 in a joint venture with the Kirloskar Group. Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan, for the manufacture and sales of Toyota cars in India. The company Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited (TKMPL) according to its mission statement aims to play a major role in the development of the automotive industry and theRead MoreSouth Korean Automotive Industry3084 Words  | 13 Pagesto $230 Billion in 1989. Most of South Korea’s early economic development is attributed towards emphasizing most of their labor-intensive work in the industrial sectors. Here, many large conglomerate known as â€Å"chaebols†started and made their impression on the world. Factories in Seoul and the Gyeonggi Province contributed to nearly half of the country’s employment, with 2.1 million factory workers back during the economic development times (Green, 1992). Throughout the 1960’s – 1980’s, South Korea’s
Analysis Of Fences By August Wilson - 947 Words
Fences by August Wilson tells the story of a black family in the 1950’s and the dramatic events they have had to overcome as a result of racism. The theme of racism shapes each character in the play, aiding each of the characters in becoming who they are. The main character, Troy, is portrayed as a stereotypical black man during that time. The way he behaves is a reaction of the harsh racism of the era, racism that has negatively impacted the people he cares the most about. He was in his early 50s at the beginning of the play and had already gone through a lifetime suffering which gave him an unpleasant demeanor. He had the attitude of a bitter black man, who believed he could control every aspect of his life, including his family. Troy is made out to be a villain, but, for the most part, only had his family’s best interests at heart. He wanted the best for his son Corey and his wife Rose, but his harsh personality caused him to only be able to show it through tough lo ve. Troy and his son had a complex relationship. They did not outwardly show the affection the held for each other; instead they carried it internally. An approach that was dependent on the history of racism. They needed to come off as strong and any emotions they allowed into play could make them come off as weak. Corey had been playing football and proved to have exceptional abilities in the game. Troy, however, did not want him to pursue this talent. He instead wanted him to get a steady job, a job thatShow MoreRelatedFences Analysis On Fences By August Wilson1283 Words  | 6 Pages Fences Analysis In the play â€Å"Fences†by August Wilson the play’s attitude toward women is biased, and if the play was written by a female I think it would have a stronger feminine influence. Issues such as racism and discrimination against blacks may be raised in the play that the author did not bring up, and the women in the story somewhat do generally typify women in the 1950s. To support my interpretation, the women in the play were homebodies, just worrying about the household because theyRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1179 Words  | 5 PagesFences, August Wilson The close reading process for this play occurs in three stages: 1. First Read (Days 2 and Day 3): Students are not to cold read the play during this period. It is essential for their understanding that this first read comes from a fluent adult reader or (less ideally) from a recording of the play. Teachers should pre-select moments of tension or surprise when students should stop and jot their thoughts, ideas and questions about the text. The suggested cues for the openRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1340 Words  | 6 Pagescharacter who, for the most part, is a benevolent person, but suffers from his or her hamartia and hubris, which ultimately leads to their downfall and recognition of their poor choices, as well as the reversal of their situation. The play Fences written by August Wilson describes the struggles and hardships of an African-American family endeavoring to live the American Dream in the 1950s. Although some may argue that the main character, Troy, is not a tragic hero, evidence in the play fortifies that heRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1251 Words  | 6 PagesFences by August Wilson is a play about African American life during the 1950’s era, it reflects a transitional time where African Americans begin to stand up and fight against racism. The father son relationship is a centering conflict within the play Fences. Throughout the play we are immersed into this complex connection of Troy and his two sons, Cory and Lyon. Troy struggles to create an identity separate from what is forced on him through an oppressive society. His battle with identity streamsRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1612 Words  | 7 Pages In August Wilson s play Fences, he uses his piece to explain that someone unable to control their actions caused by selfish, hatred, or angry emotions will cause issues in one s personal life, general decisions, and in family life. Wilson hopes to target people who can t control their emotions and wishes to prevent the negative effects of uncontrolled actions caused by negative emotion. The inability to control one s emotions can harm their friends, decision making, and family. Wilson mainRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson Essay1837 Words  | 8 PagesFences written by August Wilson, the setting reveals the man that Troy Maxson really is. The set of the play represents Troy Maxson’s character within the play where him and his family reside in a fenced in yard of Troy’s front porch, brick house. He is proud to provide a home for his family. However, Troy has not accomplished this achievement on his own. Which takes a toll on Troy when he realizes he has nothing to show for his life which leads Troy to feel ashamed of himself. The protagonist, TroyRead MoreAnalysis Of August Wilsons Fences 1800 Words  | 8 PagesAugust Wilsons â€Å"Fences†takes us on a journey that transforms the 20th century impression of a Negro Family with Insatiability, Tenderness, and Sacrifice. The famous play is an autobiography of an American Negro man who loses his dreams for the people he loves. Fences demonstrates us what sacrifice looks li ke and how egocentricity still exist today. Fences takes place with a family in Pittsburgh from 1957 to 1965. The characters are Troy, Bono, Rose, Lyons, Gabriel, Cory, and Raynell. Fï ¥Ã¯ ®Ã¯ £Ã¯ ¥Ã¯ ³Ã¯â‚¬ ï ©s importantRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Fences `` By August Wilson867 Words  | 4 Pagesa family. August Wilson’s â€Å"Fences†portrays extremely well what happens when a member of the family decides to forget his or her duties. The use of metaphors and symbols throughout the play such as baseball and fences, illustrate exactly why Troy Maxson as a family man was destined for disappointment. Rose, Troy’s wife in the play was the obvious voice of reason between the two; all she wanted was an interrupted happy family life. The fences that she put up were not physical fences but ratherRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1656 Words  | 7 Pagesand typically a positive thing. There are times, however, when the people that children emulate are not the best examples society has to offer. In the play Fences Cory looks up to his dad when it comes to sports. However, by the end of the play the reader starts to notice that Troy is not the man to look up to. The plot in Fences by August Wilson is centered around an African American family that looks at the world a little differently by that I mean when Troy was young people believed blacks shouldn’tRead MoreAnalysis Of Fences By August Wilson1240 Words  | 5 Pagescontinued to pursue this goal despite the likeliness of failure? Would it still be worth it? Fences by August Wilson tells the story of an i mpoverished African-American family in the 1950s and the father Troy’s failed American Dream. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald illustrates the upper class in the Roaring Twenties and a man named Gatsby who also fails to attain his long-awaited dream. Both Wilson, in Fences, and Fitzgerald, in The Great Gatsby don’t believe solely in the dreamer or solely in the
Genetically Modified Foods free essay sample
Are Genetically Modified Food Safe to Eat? In the United States 75% of the grocery stores shelves are full of food products containing one or more genetically modified ingredients. Genetic modification is the technology that allows genetic food to be created. This technology allows specific genes to insert or change in living organisms. The specific organism in which being tested can be also named genetically modified, transgenic, or genetically engineered. With these tests being done dally for new research or new ideas, these techniques were developed in between the 1960s and 1970s and allowed scientists to actually insert certain genes into the plants genome. So now knowing a little back ground of the genetics is this considered to be safe for human consumption? According to Henry I. Miller and Gregory Conko The most significant proof to Americans that in the short-term genetically modified foods are safe should be the fact that Americans have been eating them for the last the years without any evident of ill effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Genetically Modified Foods or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Easton, 2012). I believe that these genetically modified foods are not harmful to humans in short-term but possibly in a long-term, this is a possibility of getting cancer from the alterations of the organisms. These foods being processed help them last longer in the consumers fridge or counter. This also speeds up the process of food of being produced for consumers and also may keep cost reduced for the manufacturer. Also another statement from Miller and Conko Six percent to eight percent of children and 1 to 2 percent of adults are allergic to one or another food allergens. So with this genetically alter in organisms can bypass some of these cases. (Easton, 2012). So by having such a modification in food i think it will be safe for human to consume genetically modified food, and give the government to further go into investigation with the research. Bibliography Easton, T. A. (2012). Taking Sides: Clashing views in science, technology, and society. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Information Service Management Of ITIL †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Information Service Management Of ITIL. Answer: Introduction Information technology Infrastructure Library or ITIL is a process of Information Service management that aims at aligning Information Technology Services with the needs of the business. ITIL explains the processes, procedures and tasks that an organization can apply for establishing the integration with the organizations strategy and maintaining different levels of competency. It further helps in establishing a baseline for organizations for planning, implementing and measuring certain tasks. Different organizations are implementing Information technology Infrastructure library in order to deliver better services and support to its customers (Ahmad and Shamsudin 2013). Implementation of ITIL requires certain criteria and preparation, which includes adoption of ITIL principal on a long-term basis. Furthermore, a clear service structure is needed to be developed before the implementation of ITIL. Apart from these, proper definition of interface and establishing a proper process contro l is necessary for successful implementation of ITIL in an organization. The report elaborates ten critical success factors of ITIL implementation. It further discusses the details of the organization that have successfully implemented ITIL and their critical success factor. Critical success factor is a process or specifically a management term for the elements necessarily considered by an organization or a project to achieve its target or mission. The critical success factors defines the key areas that are needed to be performed properly in order to achieve the objective of Information Technology Infrastructure (Ahmad et al. 2013). The ten critical success factor for successful implementation ITIL in organizations are listed below- 1) Project Management- One of the significant critical success factor of ITIL implementation is proper project management. This is essential because success of any project largely depends on the proper execution of the project. Therefore, a dedicated ITIL project manager is needed to be appointed who will be responsible for achieving the project objective and should be given full authority to take project take project related decisions. However, the person who would be appointed as the project manager should possess strong project management skills. The project manager appointed would directly report to the IT director of the organization and would have a complete authority to facilitate communication process with the top management (Kerzner 2013). 2) Business case: A reasonable business case is needed to be constructed and the financial impact of the ITIL implementation is needed to be identified. Moreover the risks associated with the system is to be identified in order to reduce the total cost of ownership by a considerable percentage. 3) Staged Approach: The project manager is responsible for project planning and dividing the whole project into different phases. A staged approach would define a steady project progress rather than risk interruption of business processes. This ensures a smooth project progress. The capacity management of the ITIL to be implemented can be considered as a primary phase of this project implementation. Furthermore, the staged approach can help in demonstrating the improving performance of the system and improving the existing system. 4) Roles and responsibilities- Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the different team member in execution of ITIL is another critical success factor of this project. This provides a wider benefit as everyone knows their specific duties they are needed to perform and the expected output. This is important for eliminating a tremendous amount of duplication in time, cost and money, as well as it minimizes the dropped handoffs. Therefore, defining and allocating a clear role and responsibility of every member is one of the significant critical success factors of ITIL implementation (Iden and Eikebrokk 2013). 5) Exception Handling: Effective exception handling is necessary. This is because it is not possible to cover all the eventualities in the planning and initiation stage. In is possible to have missed processes or workflows, which are infrequently used and therefore, exception handling is necessary to quickly address and minimize the impact of scope change in the business. 6) Performance Reviews: Performance review and or feedback are necessary and an important criterion for project success. The performance reviews unhide the loopholes present in the system and the improvement the project requires. This criterion ensures that all the team members have a common goal and understands the importance of ITIL project in the organization. 7) Consensus Building: A consensus on reasons of implementing ITIL is necessary to gain broad agreement on the expected business. Consensus building mainly deals with improving the service, reducing the cost and improving the communication between IT and the present business. Therefore, consensus building is also considered as an important success criteria for implementation of ITIL. 8) Be patient: patience is a key to success and therefore, reasonable expectation of project progress must be set. The project should not be implemented in a tight schedule as it may result in adverse effects. This is particularly because implementation of ITIL is complex, comprehensive and work intensive and thus requires a larger amount of time. Therefore, the project it is to be understood that the implementation process would be taking a long time and patience is of the critical factor of project success. 9) Selective Change: The processes that cannot be used in the project or which are broken are only changed. This is essential to identify and determine the processes that are working well. With the help of this data, the poorly functioning processes that need primary attention is prioritized. This is essential to ensure that the project is successfully completed and ITIL is implemented according to the plan. 10) Training: last but certainly not the least criterion for successful implementation of the ITIL is imparting proper training to the members. Members are trained according to the process they contribute to. The training applies to the business as well as the IT staffs. Certain organization provides additional benefits to the employees who attend the training programs. Training is essential for everyone to become familiar with the work and the workflows of ITIL (Eikebrokk and Iden 2012). The above described are the ten critical success factors that would most probably affect the successful implementation of ITIL in an organization. These factors are needed to be considered while implementing ITIL. Out of many organizations that have Implemented ITIL in past years, the two chosen organization for this topic is JPMorgan Chase and Victorian State revenue office in Australia. JPMorgan Chase The three critical success factor that have helped in successful implementation of Information Technology Implementation Library are listed below (Anthes 2013)- 1) Proper project Planning: The ITIL implementation of JPMorgan Chase was properly planned and the processes that were laid out in ITIL were properly aligned with the plans of improving the incident priority management at JPMorgan chase. The global vice president of the organization, Robert Barnes wanted to pull his teams together to respond to the three levels of incident severity and manage the customers queries. These specifications were incorporated in the project plan, which in turn helped in a successful adoption and implementation of a process driven ITIL. 2) Documenting the needs and proper change management- The objective of the ITIL implementation were clearly defined and the proper change management was employed on basis of the global customer base of the organization. The best processes were laid for the successful implementation of ITIL. These laid out processes ensured the reduction in number of tools in used in the project. This was therefore one of the major success criteria of successful implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan chase. 3) Training programs: A proper training program was imparted to the user before the launching of the system. This reduced the human error for operating the ITIL and therefore it considerably helped in successful implementation of the project. Training was imparted according to the role of each member and it defined the responsibility of every member towards the project. The above described critical success factor have majorly contributed to the successful implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan Chase. The result of implementation of ITIL was that, it helped the organization in streamlining the processes, building in house consistent and managing the global service desk (Hsu 2011). Moreover, it helped in achieving the companys goal and reduction of complexity along with a better customer satisfaction. This improved the service desk operations and eliminating more than 5000000service desk calls. Therefore, JPMorgan Chase is a successful example of implementation of ITIL in organization (Ravasan et al. 2014). Victorian State revenue office in Australia The three critical success factor for implementation of ITIL in State revenue office of Australia are listed below- 1) Project Management: The whole process of project implementation was done with proper project management. This included appointed of a project head that defined and set the project goal. This was essential for correct implementation of the project. The goals includes re using of the existing AS9001 in ITIL. Moreover, the project management was focused on the schedule and deadline of the project, which were correctly defined. The IT staffs appointed of the project were committed in achieving the ITIL certification (Meziani and Saleh 2010). 2) Proper Maintenance: Proper maintenance of in-sourced environment was necessary for reducing the ongoing cost and savings along with reduction of the risks associated with the system. 3) Training: Proper training was imparted to the staffs and members of the organization. This was one of the major critical success factors of ITIL implementation. Moreover, the ITIL certification has helped a lot in attracting the staffs in attending the training and increasing their skills. The above-mentioned critical success factor played a significant role in successful implementation of ITIL in Victoria n state revenue office. The ITIL implemented helped the SRO (State revenue office) in delivering a number of processes such as, service level management, financial management, capacity management, release management and so on. The CSFs that affected the implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan Chase and Victorian state revenue office includes a descriptive planning of the project, an effective project management, proper maintenance and documentation of the objectives and goals of the project. The common factors that affected the implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan Chase and Victorian State revenue office are listed below- 1) Systemic approach to the implementation of the project and proper management support greatly helped in implementation of the ITIL in the said organizations. This was essential for maintaining a standard process in implementation of ITIL. Moreover, the implementation of ITIL in both the organization was customer oriented which helped in providing a proactive IT processes that were to be implemented in the ITIL (Cater-Steel, Toleman and Tan 2006). 2) Proper monitoring of the project was ensured that helped in successful implementation of ITIL. Monitoring the project progress is essential to determine whether the project is fulfilling the set goals and the objectives. Moreover, it is essential identifying the areas of improvement in a project. 3) Both the organizations ensured proper training programs are arranged in order to reduce the possibilities of employee resistance. Moreover, a proper training program increases the co-operation of the employees and adoption of the new process. Therefore, this factor also helped in successful implementation of ITIL. The non-common factors that affected the implementation of ITIL in the mentioned organization are listed below- 1) A proper project management was undertaken by the Victorian state revenue office whereas JPMorgan Chase undertook a proper project planning for successful implementation of ITIL. 2) Both the organization followed a different implementation strategy in designing and implementing the ITIL. 3) JPMorgan Chase ensured proper communication co-operation among the different levels and members of the project management team. The above-mentioned points include the common and non-common critical success factors involved in successful implementation of ITIL in two organizations, JPMorgan Chase and Victorian State Revenue Office. The implementation of ITIL has some defined critical success factors. The implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan Chase and Victorian state revenue office also considered certain critical success factors. Both the organizations had some common critical success factor with the CSFs listed at the beginning of this report. The common CSFs includes a proper project planning and management, proper monitoring of the project, setting a pre defined goal of the project, proper scheduling of the project and imparting proper training programs to the staffs and employees of the organization (Gray 2006). This are the common critical success factors associated with every projects and specifically deals with the implementation of ITIL in an organization. Proper project management is essential for proper planning, initiation and the implementation of the project. A proper project initiation requires setting up of a clear goal and objective of a project and is considered as an important critical factor of the project. Documenting the goals and objective is also essential for setting up a clear expectation from the project an in maintaining a strategic approach in project management. After evaluating the critical success factor for implementation of ITIL in JPMorgan Chase and the Victorian state revenue office, it can be said that, they are definitely in line with the critical success factor of ITIL implementation in the beginning of the project. The most important one among them is the alignment of the project with the specific goals and objective of Information technology Infrastructure library. The Critical Success factors identified from the IT governance literature discusses the success factors of the ITIL implementation for different types and areas of ITIL implementation (Pedersen et al. 2010). However, the CSFs identified in the discussed case study are aligned with the specific goal of the organizations. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, successful implementation of Information Technology Infrastructure Library is important in todays business for streamlining the processes in an organization. It helps in building a stronger alignment between the IT and the corresponding business. ITIL further helps in improving the delivery of service and satisfaction of the customers. Furthermore, it helps in reducing the cost of business processes by improving the utilization of the resources present in an organization. ITIL helps in greater visibility of the IT costs and assets present in an organization. A successful implementation of ITIL helps in reducing and managing the business risk in a proper and effective manner. ITIL is essential for defining a more stable service environment, which further helps in supporting the constant change in business. The ITIL framework consists of five stages consisting of 26 process areas that are already defined. The report discus ses the critical factors that are needed to be considered for successful Implementation of ITIL in an organization. The report further discusses the critical success factors of ITIL implementation in two different organizations JPMorgan Chase and Victorian State revenue office. The report further elaborates the common and non-common critical factors of the two organizations discussed in this report. Critical success factor is essential to be analyzed and evaluated in considering the overall success of the project. 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