Friday, May 15, 2020
Gay Sex - 794 Words
Stephanie Fairyington wrote the article â€Å"The Gay Option†, describing her experience of coming out to her mother about her sexuality. In this article she talks about how being gay influenced her life in all aspects. Fairyington explains her own personal life so that the audience can better understand the meaning of her article. She came out to her mother in a letter at the age of twenty-eight and explained that it was something she didn’t choose. â€Å"If there was a straight pill,†I lamented, â€Å"I’d swallow it faster than you can say the word gay.†(Fairyington 50). She says this because deep down she wanted some sympathy from her own mother. Confessing something like this to your close ones is hard no matter how accepting you feel they may be.†¦show more content†¦Being able to express to people your sexual preference was something that was just starting. Judgement and discrimination were expected from homosexuals, because people are plain cruel and unaccepting. Stephanie makes several references to things that happen in history that average people should know to explain how homosexuals are still humans with rights and feelings. â€Å"Acting on our same-sex attractions is just as valid as pursuing a passion for the Christian faith or Judaism or any other spiritual, intellectual, emotional, or physical craving that does not infringe on the rights of others.†(page 51) Stephanie’s main objective in the article is that being homosexual is something that you are born with. Her mother clearly thinks no one would chose such a detestable and challenging state of being. (Fairyington 50) The warrant of this writing would be that Fairyington is a twenty - eight year old, healthy female who doesn’t have any medical or mental health issues. Evidence to support the claims are that she did not wake up one day and decide that she was going to be interested in other females. She also did not just arbitrate that she would not want to be interested in men. Her mother compared her daughter’s sexual preference to a child that was born with Down syndrome or had some type of genetic defect. (Fairyington 50). She also tries to blame her own parenting skills so that she can cope with the factShow MoreRelatedGay Sex Scandals Involving Politicians853 Words  | 4 PagesThere have also been several gay sex scandals involving politicians with consist ently homophobic voting records. One former California State Representative, Roy Ashburn, was arrested for DUI with another man who accompanied him after leaving a gay bar. Ashburn had actively opposed various homosexual rights issues and even organized a rally against same sex marriage. Obviously, he was confronted about his lengthy anti-gay voting record afterward and he deflected that criticism by noting that thoseRead MoreGay And Same Sex Marriage963 Words  | 4 PagesThe topic of gay (or same-sex) marriage has been a controversial topic throughout the nation for many years. 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